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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 928155

>go on /3/
>everyone hates Blender
>They are supposedly elitist snobs who are supposedly in Industry level
>figure out why they hate it so much
>they don't like the UI
>none of them ever post their artwork either
>blenderfags are the only ones who ever post artwork on here

Explain this

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Anonymous No. 928157

Just use whatever you want and ignore the pajeet Blender attack/defense force. It's a nice software but struggles in some areas such as performance at higher poly count, additionally texturing/animation is just meh. Rest can usually be solved with addons.

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Anonymous No. 928167

isnt there a conversion mod that just turns blander into maya?

Anonymous No. 928239

>blenderfags are the only ones who ever post artwork on here

You answered your own question.

Anonymous No. 928240

Not true. I use 3dsmax and post here. Been postponing learning blender forever but eventually I'll do it

Anonymous No. 928243

not a lot of old school peeps know blender revamped it ui to be more normie. this should make it more attractive, but it also kinda diminishes what people thought the value of blender was

Anonymous No. 928244

>Been postponing learning blender forever
r u me?

Anonymous No. 928431

I mod Source and Blender's armatures being Y-Up gives me headaches, but otherwise does the job pretty well for modelling.

Anonymous No. 928487

I guess the pros don't want to post the washing machine bolts they modeled in Modo, so that just leaves the blender chads to post their awesome artwork

Anonymous No. 928488

My main reason for hating Blender is because Z is up. Drives me nuts.

Anonymous No. 928561

yeah it's called maya.

Anonymous No. 928565

But UE and Unity do the same?

Anonymous No. 928567

I've never used UE, and last time I checked Y was up in Unity.

Anonymous No. 928627

That's a setting you can change

Anonymous No. 928651

Prove it

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Anonymous No. 928738


Anonymous No. 930602

>>go on /3/
>>everyone hates Blender
90% of /3/ posters are low IQ blendlets, newfag

Anonymous No. 930738

blender has one of the most intuitive UI's, so your completely random theory makes no goddamn sense. literally every single person that can learn 3ds max, maya and zbrush can 100x learn blender. it's like arguing that people that drive real cars don't like kiddie gokarts because they are "too difficult to drive".

Anonymous No. 930766

Blender antis confirmed to be retarded boomers

Anonymous No. 930767

I'm also trans btw

Anonymous No. 930793

>blender has one of the most intuitive UI's
yes after you install the "turn blender into maya" plugin

Anonymous No. 930895


Zbrush - Can handle higher poly counts, cool baking tools & more

Maya - has xgen & rigging is ok

Substance painter/designer - way better texturing tools, makes your life easier

Here's why blender stays outside of my workflow for now as a character artist

Anonymous No. 930901

The goyim fear free and open source software

Anonymous No. 930920

>thinks maya is just "OK" at rigging
Can't do math I see

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Anonymous No. 930924

he (not him) never said it was *just* ok, he said it "was ok".
the first case is a statement that puts at least two subjects into a relative order and judges them based on that order, the latter is just an opinion you can't argue with.

ironically you talked about a lack of mathematical thinking - seems to me you're not exactly a logician.

Anonymous No. 930927

If blender wasn't free, and Autojew hadn't mismanaged development of and charged out the ass for Max and Maya, nobody would care about it. Blender gets away with providing minimum quality with historically nonsensical and convoluted workflows because it only costs your time to learn it, and because Autodesk engages in turbokike business practices.

Anonymous No. 930940

maya is GREAT at rigging regardless of tedious prose

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Anonymous No. 930955

Blender is for oversaturated everymen who dabble. The market is drowned out by mediocrity and people "re discovering" how to do shit people in 2002 already knew how to do.
It's the dumdum entry point that has a hard cap on actual skill ceiling, it's a trash software that tries to do everything and masters nothing.
Spending time learning it is futile. Specialize and learn 1 software and 1 workflow well and become hyper pro at it. The future has no place for everyman jack of all trades who all do A tier work. The world demands S+ teir.
Blender is literally only useful if you a) make cartoon gay shit or b) sci fi gay shit and c) are a loser who won't just pirate better software.

For the record, Maya also sucks dick and always has. 3ds Max still king, still the least destructive modeling, the best workflows for most everything related to videogames period. 3DS Modifier stack > all your bullshit.

>Rockstar North

Kings of game development, and both are 3DS Max. Fromsoftware are so hard on max's cock they force new artists who only know blender to delet it and learn max to make actual content in a reasonable time frame. Elden Ring is the biggest game of all time and was entirely made in 3DS Max, every other gayshit western movie game is made in Maya, because they're just animation playback machines not actual videogames.

Pic related it's my current WIP. Zbrush, Max, Painter.

Anonymous No. 930957

And still software can't fix poor anatomy lol

Anonymous No. 930965

Elden ring is a terrible game

Anonymous No. 930966

what tablet do you use

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 930974

>blender is industry level
nope, it's retarded but people who put money into this want a studios to use paid pro software. This is a pipeline that every industry studio has. Blender being all in one with many versions fucks with flow of work. I think blender is a good software for anybody, but people who tell you it's going to be industry standard are lying through their teeth. If you want a job in the industry then you have know pro software programs like maya, 3dmax, or the other shit in the development pipeline.

Anonymous No. 930987

Z up makes the most sense for navigating 3d space. Up/down is the third thing you consider in the set, I don't understand how (latitude, altitude, longitude) sounds right to anyone. It's a retarded artifact from early 3d graphics where X and Y were still relative to the screen plane and Z was the depth moving forward/backward perpendicular to that plane

Anonymous No. 930991

Yeah it goes alright until you try to get a decent UV map on your model and then switch to some external stuff like rizom or maya because 3ds UV editor is some sort of ancient relic that wasn't even good in 2001

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Anonymous No. 930995

consider a 2d plane: clearly its dimensions are x and y. you all passed 5th grade where you learned about linear functions, no? the third dimension, then, (again: just like in math) gets called z.

i don't understand how you could all solve hundreds of math problems over the course of several years using the "z up"-connotation only to end up calling it wrong / unintuitive.

Anonymous No. 931003

>blender has one of the most intuitive UI's
Even the most hardcore blendniggers shit on its UI

Anonymous No. 931004

you have obviously never tried any other 3d software.

Anonymous No. 931030

what makes the most sense is having the up axis be determinable by the user.

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Anonymous No. 931031

There's no debate. This is the answer and this is the reason for the controversy over z up.
Y axis is up and down on the paper, X axis is left and right on the paper. Blue prints are drafted from a top view perspective and viewed on flat tables. Artistic pieces are made on easels standing up, and similarly mounted onto walls. The Z axis always protrudes out from the paper.

Anonymous No. 931064

you can't change the shit performance and fundamental controls differences with a mod

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Anonymous No. 931071

Both are wrong. There is no paper. The world we live in is 3-D. At least, this is how fully 3-D individuals (Z-uptopians) see it

Anonymous No. 931135

Then to you the Z axis just points away from earth. You cannot escape my self evident correctness.
For technical drawings Z is up. for artistic drawing Y is up. For no reason other than the typical orientation of the paper. Z is always protruding from the work surface.

Anonymous No. 931177

plz respond

Anonymous No. 931190

no. things get ordered and normalized for a reason. different people need to be able to instantly continue working on your assets. just adapt ffs, z is up.

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Anonymous No. 932612

Anon thinks he's real slick posting a random artstation thumbnail image and pretending like he made it. Nice try tho!

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anon0 No. 933294

>blender has one of the most intuitive guis
>blender gui everything is color coded the same

reminds me of how gms2 crippled their ide from gms1 but is constantly defended by gms2 cucks

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anon0 No. 933295

>blender has one of the most intuitive guis
>blender gui everything is color coded the same

reminds me of how gms2 crippled their ide from gms1 but is constantly defended by gms2 cucks

Anon0 No. 933296

>blender has one of the most intuitive guis
>blender gui everything is color coded the same monochromatically

reminds me of how gms2 crippled their ide from gms1 but is constantly defended by gms2 cucks

Anonymous No. 934411

Reichchad gets it

Anonymous No. 934452

Anyone have a retard proof guide for modeling anime type characters? In english, please.

Anonymous No. 934457

this is so hilariously retarded that i think it might actually be an honest confession.
see this is you want to change basically any aspect of blender's UI:>>928738

Anonymous No. 934464

if you want to do weeb shit then start learning japanese because you won't find good info in english, it's an asian-dominated field

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Anonymous No. 935962

Left-handed coordinate systems are gay. That is all.

Anonymous No. 935967

This anon is legit, posted his work on /v/ as a solo game dev before.

Your texturing and modeling is great and I know that blender is beat by zbrush for sculpting and substance painter for baking, but what are the perks of using the others?

I know that max has a very useful non-destructive modeling workflow. Does blender really have a hard skill cap if it has procedural textures and good lighting?

Also, how did you learn you stuff? Did you do it from pirated courses or did you learn from industry chads?

Anonymous No. 935969

>when blendlets post their artwork is always 1 week level amateur dogshit
>why would people in the industry post their easily recognizable work in this shithole and risk their careers you fucking inbred retard?

Kill yourself OP

Anonymous No. 935993

The main problem is that blender has shit performance. Once you cross 100k polys you start to notice it slow down. Try something like weight painting on something with like 50k polys and it'll be noticeable even on cutting edge hardware.

Anonymous No. 935994

>3ds Max still king, still the least destructive modeling, the best workflows for most everything related to videogames period.
>he doesn't model everything in cad, export as mesh, then retopo

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Anonymous No. 936459

You bought all the software and learned all the technical skills, now you need to make her look less like a tranny.