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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 928303

I want to be a 3D artist but I've absolutely no idea where to start
And not sure if I've the right equipment like what am I supposed to need other than a PC ? Is a drawing pad a must ?
I'm not sure if I can even draw
All tips are welcome thanks frens

Anonymous No. 928316

get a real profession instead of pushing pixels nobody cares about.

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the chair nerd No. 928323


You should buy this one. It's the bare minimum for blender.

By making anime avatars for twitter handles you can expect to break even in 120 years.

Anonymous No. 928330

>tranime poster
>too retarded to use a search engine
You can’t be a 3D artist without a Silicon Graphics workstation

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Anonymous No. 928334

Bark bark bark bark do you want a bone now ?
You think that would be hard ? Dumbass maybe give him some useful tips or just don't bark fucking pathetic

Anonymous No. 928335

I have this one and sometimes it struggles a little bit

Anonymous No. 928337

You sound butthurt.

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Anonymous No. 928341

>Is a drawing pad a must ?
It is if you want to sculpt.
If you don't know which one to get, the /ic/ thread might be your best bet.

>I've absolutely no idea where to start
1. Download Zbrush and/or Blender
2. Learn the software's basics
3. Watch streamers you look up to
4. ?
5. Profit

OP No. 928344

Thx fren will do

Anonymous No. 928351

Based helpful anon.

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Anonymous No. 928359

I 2nd this

Anonymous No. 928360


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Anonymous No. 928367

Ignore these >>928330
normalfag tourists, OP. Inquiry is a virtue and using SEO neutered search engines will become more frustrating an experience than some forum goy or mod asking for a dxdiag file.

In terms of hardware that will depend on the software you will use in your workflow. What you use in your workflow and to what extent will depend on what you want to do as a 3d artist. Is it 3D printable anime figurines like pic related and/or characters destined for animation? Zbrush is what you will need for sculpting these and its zmodeler will allow to do things like armor and swords. Note that Zbrush is a CPU-dependant software and the better viewport performance you want, the better single threaded cpu with higher frequency and such you desire. There's a trade off between more of that and more cores so mind the sweet spot (there are some graphs that show it I'll have to find again). Though there will be tools like zremesher that make use of multithreaded processes like zremesh. Can learn more here:

If you want to better specialize in hard surface objects, environments, hoisehold items, guns, cars etc.. then 3DS Max or Blender will be part of your workflow with the latter you download add ons box cutter, hard ops, and play around with mesh machine as well. Best 3ds Max education source snapped and took down all his old videos (warning: he is not selling them on udemy those are just downgrade lazy junk videos he whipped up for to sucker redditors). Though there seems to be someone posting torrent link here right now to Arrimus's old videos.

I started with Blender but I hear it still has slow viewport performance, but you don't have to use Windows with it like Zbrush and what not. You don't want to be married to software that will require a digital passport to use your maxxed out spyware and bloatware OS in the near future.

Here follow these instructions for free everything cont...

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Anonymous No. 928368

Follow anons's instructions after downloading all that you want, and will want in the future, (so everything to be safe) from the mega link. Now you have the means to practice with. Also topogun for retopology and substance painter for textures. You will be free of DRM installed on your comp from Adobe as well as its creative cloud cancer.


There's more to say but you'll probably have questions now. Feel free to ask. Will get back to you the following day or so.

Anonymous No. 929959