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๐Ÿงต How do I recreate this shader

Anonymous No. 928459

In the video you can see a little bit of how they did it, but I didn't get the same results when I gave it my best attempt. Video:

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Anonymous No. 928460

Here's what I got

Anonymous No. 928471

By overlaying Procedural directional noise with a bit of blurring controlled by Normal Maps, light angle and ambient occlusion Over basic hand painted/single color materials?
One of the free Unreal shaders has something that is 80% this style, with some tweaks and additions yo coud probably replicate it.

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Anonymous No. 928480

Thanks for the advice. It reminds me a lot Hylics 2 and the creator of that game did say he used a shader in Unity or something like that. Watching the video, it looks like they're generating wave textures and more.

Anonymous No. 928489

Shader to RGB is your friend.
Honestly it's kind of piss easy once you set it up.
Grab a diffuse shader, plug that into Shader to RGB, which turns light info into a mask (shaded areas are black, highlights are white), throw that into a color ramp with a hard cutoff at like 50%. Color the flags how you want the light/shaded parts of the flat colors to look.
That's your base color.
Grab another noodle off your Shader to RGB, hook up another color ramp to it and crunch that down to the same value of 50% (with a slightly smooth falloff, so the flags are both really close at .5), and use that as a mask for where you want your wave texture to go. Play around with the settings for the wave texture as you need(pic looks like Object coordinates), and maybe turn up the distortion a bit. Might do well to plug in a noise texture and blend it with your texture coordinates, and plug the result into your mapping node to grungify things a little bit.
There's your shitty looking hatches.

Do the exact same as above for another layer of hatching, but fuck around with the settings to make them bigger/smaller as you wish.
If you want the hatches that show up at the border of the color areas, just use another color ramp, and put black on both sides, and 2 white flags slightly apart at the center. That'll mask off just the edges, and then do the same little texture thing said before. If you want them to criss-cross, just edit the rotation of one of them.

Ez fuckin pz.
That's as good a guide as you're gonna get. Anything more and you're on your own. What I said should be easy enough to figure out if you have some know-how of where things are. If you don't, you don't need to be doing this right now.
Shader to RGB only works in Eevee by the way. Won't show up in Cycles.

Anonymous No. 928492

Thanks for this. I will admit that this is definitely out of my league since I'm pretty new to blender and all that, but I had to give it a shot when it came to recreating this shader.

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Anonymous No. 928511

Oh god I should've just finished the fuckin donut tutorial

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Anonymous No. 928613

Tried rebuilding it as best as I could and it kinda works. I don't know what to do next because there's a bunch of nodes cut off at the bottom of the video but it was fun to reverse engineer regardless.

Anonymous No. 928667

Turn up your shadow resolution. That's all that seems to be the issue.

Anonymous No. 928668

Well, that and you're plugging in the color ramp and into the vector input of the wave texture.
The Shadow 2 RGB and ramps are mostly to be used as masks.
You're just using it to say "yo, shadows are here, so put shit that goes in shadows here, and here's the highlights".
I don't know what's in the donut tutorial, but if it goes over shader nodes even a little bit, you probably should finish it.

Anonymous No. 928669

Yea I completely scrapped the first one. I'm trying to really touch up the second attempt though because I can see that it's going in the right direction.