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๐Ÿงต arrimus 3d

Anonymous No. 928838

you are applying for his new christian videogame, right anon?

Anonymous No. 928840

Why the fuck do you keep opening new arrimus threads you dumb fucking nigger.

Anonymous No. 928844

>I learned so many useful techniques from it.
He learned jack shit lol

Anonymous No. 928866

Basedimus 4D

Anonymous No. 929021

>Latest video is him whining because people who produce the same slop are rich and famous and not him
Genuinely just touch grass

Anonymous No. 929026

Because it's the only life being breathed into this dead board besides that one guy that bump old threads with one word replies every now and then. Touch grass.

Anonymous No. 929027

stfu cris

Anonymous No. 929201

I sent him my resume and he didn't reply back, guess he got the team he wanted already.