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๐Ÿงต WIP

Anonymous No. 929179

I made this character from scratch in blender and it's still a work in progress. Once i'm finished with the low poly base mesh i will start making different outfits and such. The clothes she wears now are just made to cover up the less blue-friendly bits.
How does she look so far?

Anonymous No. 929180

>How does she look so far?
Like Michael Jackson with green hair.

Anonymous No. 929181

Michael Jackson? I knew he did some surgery, but never knew he had done a boob job.

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Anonymous No. 929185

Here she is with natural blue hair.

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Anonymous No. 929189

I have worked a lot to get the topology right, but i'm quite happy with it now, though i might do some changes to the face/head.

Anonymous No. 929192

>How does she look so far?
Team America tier

Anonymous No. 929966

what kind of people actually find these as appealing?

Anonymous No. 930170

>3D """"""""""""artists"""""""""""

Anonymous No. 930217

Why can't you just post your shit in the WIP thread like everyone else faggot. don't be a k((((ris))))),

Anonymous No. 930222

I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought this

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Anonymous No. 930615

I'm sorry, i didn't realise there was an own thread for WIP before after i posted.

I'm not sure how to interpret the feedback on this, but i realize i need to make the look more appealing. I try to make a character that is neither realistic human or anime, but more like a middle thing between a dreamworks character and realistic human. It must have a fairly low polygon count and i try to make topology optimized for all types of animations.

How is this version? Is it improving?

Anonymous No. 930654

It's dysmorphic and naked. Not a good combination.

Anonymous No. 930716


you need to study anatomy nigga
Grind out some eye/nose/ear studies
then go on to face studies
Same thing for the body
Tackle individual body parts first then you make a full character, you will improve a lot faster instead of shitting out these half baked models

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Anonymous No. 930735


Well, the brain-damaged OP, for one. Probably some other swamp monsters.

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Anonymous No. 931023


Anonymous No. 931055

Good work on the topology, Anon.
You have a Christ Jesus blessed merry Christmas.

Anonymous No. 931068

>Michael Jackson
surely, she couldn-
holy shit, you're right