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industry standard.jpg

🧵 Industry "standards"

Anonymous No. 929287

So why are people here pretending the industry is doing something great?
I see a lot of shitting on Blender because it doesn't live up to industry "standards" and then you go and look what the industry puts out and it's shit even uglier than the worst uglies in real life.
The idea that the people responsible for pic related are doing anything even remotely desirable and that their opinions should be taken seriously is laughable to me.

Anonymous No. 929288

go back to /pvol/ and play your videogames, child

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horizon forbidden.png

Anonymous No. 929289

t. average industry modeler

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industry standard 3.jpg

Anonymous No. 929313

Have another one

Anonymous No. 929317

That's your problem.

Anonymous No. 929320

you are conflating art-style with technical skill level. on a purely technical level, the assets you have shown are hard to produce.

also if the industry switched its toolset by adopting blender, its globohomo agenda (purposely turning everything ugly) would still be the same. your thread doesn't really make any sense.

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Anonymous No. 929330

>hard to produce
It must have been emotionally hard to do this.

Anonymous No. 929343

America only produces low-tier trash, because its inhabited by low-tier trash people. Find better inspiration - ie, anything outside Shartland.

Anonymous No. 929415

This meme of conflating sexiness with model quality is so utterly retarded.

Anonymous No. 929425

indians unironically have no souls/consciousness (hylics), so wrong again.

Anonymous No. 929432

>I can't make aesthetic models
>B-but the underlying sculpt is technically correct
Yeah no one gives a shit. That's like saying artist's poop in a can is good because it's well-sealed.

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Anonymous No. 929442

Whats the fucking deal with most modern western character artists being so fucking afraid of beauty? I'm not talking about something like "sexy/hot/erotic" but just something beautiful, aesthetically pleasing, easy on the eyes.
It feels like only easteners, indie devs or people focused on stylization can make aesthetically pleasing female and male characters, even when AAA devs spend hundreds if not thousand of man hours on haircards, facial deformation rigs, micro-normals and tons of tech, the faces are still fucking ugly, even if the hair,details and techniques are state of the art it makes the uncanny faces even worse

Most if not all of the left images were made by single people/small teams, and all on the right are from industry "pros" or featured in AAA games

Anonymous No. 929449

All of those are soulless

Anonymous No. 929457

show me your soul

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Anonymous No. 929458


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Anonymous No. 929460


Anonymous No. 929461

good example

Anonymous No. 929463

Also soulless

Anonymous No. 929466

>Have another one
no thanks

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Anonymous No. 929469

Ben pls leave

Anonymous No. 929491

Absolutely awful. What an embarrassing example of western ineptitude.

Moose No. 929505

The subtlety really rams you from behind in this one

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Anonymous No. 929515

Have another. While others grind through Sakaki's videos, be they without audio or auto translate, to see the original workflows for anime character creation from Japan itself, mutts just freestyle ugliness. No understanding of character design whatsoever.

Anonymous No. 929548


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Anonymous No. 929559

I agree OP. They have access to tech that could produce amazing visuals beyond anyone's imagination in the 70s/80s/90s and yet for SciFi movies these days it seems bland brutalism is the order of the day.

Anonymous No. 929595

Looks like if Dreamworks made the next DBZ movie.

Anonymous No. 929596

to be fair this does not look half bad from this angle, but i assume that in any other view this will be shit

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Anonymous No. 929608

Why do they always insist on giving their characters big ugly noses with big ugly nostrils?

Anonymous No. 929610

Beats having a nose like that

Anonymous No. 929612

that "nose" looks like a zit

Anonymous No. 929613

not him, but thats how you should do noses on anime characters in 3d. You dont want any nostril holes at all.

Anonymous No. 929614

The issue here is that porn has rotten your brain, your entire perception of the world is decided by what turns you on
games like horizon zero dawn and the last of us are graphical masterpieces, but you can't see past your coomer brain limits, all you see is politics and immediately assume something is bad because it's not a hypersexualized bimbo or loli
and while the japanese market exploits horny virgins loneliness by selling coomer shit, the western market is trying to do something more meaningful

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Anonymous No. 929615


Anonymous No. 929616

At this point are you just begging for (you)s lmao

Anonymous No. 929634

Neither do art generator AIs, but they still put out pretty decent stuff.

Anonymous No. 929635

The only porn-addled fetishists here are you people who think 0/10s are in any way normal.

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Anonymous No. 929639

>the western market is trying to do something more meaningful

Anonymous No. 929644

Look down. Does DreamWorks makes shirts like that for non-background characters?

Anonymous No. 929648

Blender is shit with heavy scene, rigging, etc. I want to like it but its not useable because of this, also my freelance jobs are based on studios with pipelines in houdini, maya, etc.

The software isn't responsible for the art and shit taste though.

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Anonymous No. 929668

You can have them but you have to be subtle.

Anonymous No. 929885

Oh yeah, I remember the fuckwad who made this say how ashamed he was of sexualizing women in the past.

Underage trannies must be a-ok by this standards I suppose.

Anonymous No. 929928

some people are ugly. We're going to need them in our games in order to make the beautiful characters look more attractive. A model isn't "bad" because it faithfully executes an ugly design.

Anonymous No. 929930

attractive women make women mad. So if there's a woman in your design team meeting and they see an attractive character design she'll get mad and rationalize some excuse why the design needs to be changed. If you resist you'll get fired for misogyny.

Anonymous No. 929932

I mean, I get that, but why make all the black women ugly as sin and with loathsome personalities? To make every other race on Earth seem pretty and likeable?

Anonymous No. 929951

left one below the first two pics is basedjak material

Anonymous No. 930021

We never did before and the characters looked a million times better.
And hardly anyone is that ugly in real life.

Anonymous No. 930030

i am aware of that and that is exactly why indians are the preferred goyim of this century

Anonymous No. 930031

eastern women do not have this problem

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Anonymous No. 930054

Now that I think about it, a lot of amazing character designers are asian women, even going back to the 80s. You made me realize something.

Anonymous No. 930066

No he doesn't.
This is well executed, but just an ugly face.
This is some uncanny valley MakeHuman tier garbage that an Indian of Fiverr would be embarrassed to send out.

Anonymous No. 930067

The Control chick's nasolabial area has been liquified and that's actually a pretty spot-on rendition of Debra Wilson's likeness.

Anonymous No. 930068

Soul is still missing a decent ass on that dude on the bottom. Why are 3D artists afraid of a man with some junk in his trunk?

Anonymous No. 930069

attractive men make men mad. So if there's a man in your design team meeting and they see an attractive character design he'll get mad and rationalize some excuse why the design needs to be changed. If you resist you'll get fired for misogyny.

Anonymous No. 930070

can you imagine being this asshurt over a 4chan post? I can't

Anonymous No. 930071


Anonymous No. 930095

bro I think that was a joke

Anonymous No. 932095




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Anonymous No. 932127

Triple A games are sadly inflected by the woke mind virus.
Only Indië game companies make good games or non Western companies

Anonymous No. 932129

thank you so much for bumping a spam thread (OP is the hardcore autist that terrorizes this board by being responsible for a significant portion of the threads) that had been dead for 3 weeks.
your opinion is extremely important. you are an amazing human being and everyone wants to be around you.

Anonymous No. 932221

Which long house inhabitant are you?

Anonymous No. 932242

all of them.

Anonymous No. 932329

>significant amount of posts
>2 threads total

Anonymous No. 932401

On the right looks like actor Will Poulter.
They're wanting everyone not to look good, women like men, men like women, everything upside down from what's real and good.