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๐Ÿงต Texturing Using A.I.

Anonymous No. 929567

has anyone used A.I to texture anything? I have done it to varying levels of success.

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Anonymous No. 929568

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Anonymous No. 929570


Anonymous No. 929572

okay how, texturing is my least favorite part

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Anonymous No. 929580

Make a copy of your model and project the uv from view. Then take a picture of your avatar in orthographic view and run it though the A.I Program and overlay the models U.V. onto it and bake onto the original model.

Anonymous No. 929609

What are your specs, anon? I want to use AI for texturing, but I do not think if my 3060 will be able to handle it.

Anonymous No. 929611

o ended up using the novel ai before the hack happened and their code cod leaked

Anonymous No. 929628

I used stable diffusion with my i5 and 1080 for a while, each batch of images took around 7-10 minutes to generate

Anonymous No. 929646

So you used NAI for all of 3 days?

Anonymous No. 929682

yes literally like the day before it happened

Anonymous No. 929726

how do I get results like this?

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Anonymous No. 929783

the prompts i used in novel were Bald, woman, skin tight suit, tactical, straps. and here is the original model picture

Anonymous No. 929784

how do you bake the newly made perspective images as textures though?
I'm not understanding the workflow

Anonymous No. 929787

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Anonymous No. 929870

Its pretty great for making stylized background stuff. Planes for vegetation, far buildings, ground crap. Tried a bunch of different stuff with just AI textures here, though you probably can't see it that great because I do not understand how webm export works.

Anonymous No. 929871

this looks awesome, do you have any more of these? what was your workflow

Anonymous No. 929872

Basically everything in those scenes is an image slapped on a plane, or some real rough modeling with it texture projected on. Couple of trees and grass particles sometimes. Its pretty crazy what you can sell with depth of field and volumetrics.

Anonymous No. 929876

Would this work also with more complex objects like hair and clothing? I suspect not, but just the body textures would be a tremendous help.

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Anonymous No. 929933

Which model are you using, anon? I threw a quick and dirty model to see how it would fare, but got this aberration instead.

Anonymous No. 929949

Honestly you could probably get at least one good angle out of that. Its got kind of a look if you're doing some painterly sort of thing.

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Anonymous No. 929950

Yeah, I tried wih a more complex mesh and it yielded something pretty decent. May get better results if I try with something more detailed.

Anonymous No. 930210

you've got to add a bunch of bevels and extrusions or it doesn't have anything to work with

Anonymous No. 930322

hi mentle

Anonymous No. 930330

imagine living in the time of drag&drop smart materials and going "how can I be even lazier, with shittier, less predictable results?"

Anonymous No. 930421

laziness cause innovation