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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 929697

>AI can make paintings, generate stories, etc.
>AI can procedurally animate entire humanoids at runtime
>nobody has made an AI to UV unwrap shit, the most tedious part of 3D

Anonymous No. 929708

I always thought the most tedious part of 3d was long sim times

Anonymous No. 929713

Because UV unwrapping is the final boss of 3D

Anonymous No. 929717

I never minded UV unwrapping unless hard surface modeling. The part that sucks ass for me is the retopology. That shit takes for ever compared to UV unwrapping.

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Anonymous No. 929725

>he doesn't know

Anonymous No. 929819

zBrush > UV Master > accept the results and live the rest of your life

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Anonymous No. 929823

>he doesn't know

Anonymous No. 929824

>1 tile

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Anonymous No. 929827

AI can make black people that won't steal your shit.

Anonymous No. 929829

Weren't these projects abandoned?

Anonymous No. 929839

Amazing. What's the O(n) complexity of this algorithm?

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Anonymous No. 929841

Especially annoying since training data is plentiful. Basically every single 3D game ever made can easily have its models and textures ripped for the AI to look at.

Anonymous No. 929846

maybe the AI doesn't want to look at that shit

Anonymous No. 929847

>listen man
>copious amounts of booba, beautiful, masterpiece, 4k? sure.
>vore? shitting dicknipples? weird but alright.
>but don't fucking expect me to do your fucking uv unwrapping. fuck you faggot, I am not doing that shit for you.

Anonymous No. 929849

No, nothing will ever beat Rendering time, you cant do anything during rendering. Dumb people at Autodesk still only make you open one project. So you have to leave your computer running all day while working on another computer.

Anonymous No. 929867

the first one (ministry of flat) was bought by maxon and is now a default feature in Cinema 4D
it remains the only feature I'm jealous of in that shitty program

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Anonymous No. 929902

Tools for that already exist.

Anonymous No. 929903

"please bro just look at one more pajeet UV sheet"

Anonymous No. 929905

jesus what an ego

Anonymous No. 929921

because that would actually be a step forward in AI, the AI can't really tell which uv islands to prioritize over others, requires actual critical thinking going "hey this face at the bottom of my model won't ever be seen so I can make the uv island tiny, thus saving space for more important parts of the model", and all while maintaining a consistent texel density across the mesh.

That being said for quick uvs the new automatic uvs function in substance is pretty good.

Anonymous No. 930005

AI art is made to appeal to the masses.
Some normie sitting on their reddit themed MacBook in a coffee shop doesn't even know what a UV Map is, but they can understand a model of their favorite Marvel superhero that was made by AI, no matter how poorly optimized it is.

Anonymous No. 930157

thats a daz model.

Anonymous No. 930162

IT can't... Everything that have ever been written on the internet was by the hand of another human... AI doesn't make shit, it takes what already exists and adds it together. And UV unwarping not gonna happen, because it doesn't have rules set, each model is different, it has to eat a model and store that information into the system, once something new has been created by a human its not gonna work. Is basically an algorithm manager... not AI.

Anonymous No. 930181

What are you talking about? You can literally open multiple sessions of Maya on a single PC. Not to mention command line rendering, where you can assign a single GPU to handle the rendering, and continue working with your other GPU, if you have a powerful enough machine. That, or just have a separate rendering PC. Rendering time is literally the best stage, since all you need to do is wait, and you know the project is going to be finished after that. Not to mention you can easily do other less intensive stuff, like post processing (if you made a couple single renders for each cut), audio work and so on.

Simulations are the worst part of 3D for me as well. You need to wait, but you can't really just let it be, you'll constantly need to monitor it, and make adjustments to fix the inevitable problems and glitches that keep appearing. Not to mention constant crashing.

Anonymous No. 930196

we delegate humans to UV unwrapping
get to work you goy

Anonymous No. 930197

>he doesn't know what 'AI' means

Anonymous No. 930198


And there isn't even a copyright argument to be made. Literally nobody will object to AI UV mapping in the slightest.

Anonymous No. 930199

>since all you need to do is wait, and you know the project is going to be finished after that.

Anon. You have to composite
Compositing is extremely important. Dont tell me you dont comp

Anonymous No. 930204

>i never used Maya
what the heck is a session, i looked online and only found a blog that says you can do it in maya but like Windows version, it is never recommended. Then many users say even my teacher said it can't be done. Maya is way to resource hag to even open two types in one computer. This will just slow down rendering by 80%, no one wants that.

Anonymous No. 931745

The copium with ai art is endless.
"Ai never creates anything" neither does anyone. Everything around you was inspired, retraced, ripped off, referenced or modeled after something else.
The only way to have something 100% original is to trap a baby in a cave and release him at 20. Tell him to built something.
THAT'S gonna be the most original thing, and it will still be based off his environment, he will make something based off rocks, the sun, the sky. Nothing is ever original.

Anonymous No. 931746

Nobody is arguing that. What people are saying is that if you are a prompter and you prompt a drawing you dont actually know how to draw or paint and thus you didnt do the work, but the ai did it for you who just scraped. For example if you had a prompt saying 'make a move in chess' or 'write a guitar rock song or drum solo' then in these cases you dont actually know chess, guitar, the drums or anything. This is why you cant claim to have copyright or know what you are doing versus the person who actually practices thoses areas and spends the 10000 hours. All this will create is laziness