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🧵 it's theft! plin and simple!

Anonymous No. 929732

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Anonymous No. 929737

it's not real art!

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the chair nerd (banned) No. 929742

Stop stopping

Anonymous No. 929809


..only jews fear AI!

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Anonymous No. 929822


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Anonymous No. 929828

>Not following the ancient tradition of not giving a shit about what other people think art should be

Checkmate, atheists.

Anonymous No. 929851


Anonymous No. 929854

looks like shit desu

Anonymous No. 929855

My biggest problem with it it's not even the usage of unauthorized material. I fear what corpos will use it for in the future, how they'll manage to spin it against the people.

Anonymous No. 929875


I pointed this out before. No studio will ever use AI-generated art because of copyright issues. When someone develops an AI software which can reverse-engineer AI-art and identify the original artworks which the software mushed together they will make bank.

There is such a thing as "transformative art" being permitted though it's derivative and dependent over other copyrighted works. However a studio like Disney will fight tooth and nail over not classifying AI-art as "transformative art" even if from a practical standpoint it's the same. Why? Because it means that AI-generated art will become a "copyright removal tool" meaning I can just run every frame from any movie through an AI algo, stitch them together, then release the entire feature film as my own "transformative art".

AI is just a gimmick. It's a very useful gimmick for someone like me who has no patience for creating scenery/environments but when I do use it I'll make sure to shut up about it and try to hide it as much as possible. It will go the same way as pirated software, people might use it for their personal projects but the moment they make serious money they will go legit.

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Anonymous No. 929915

...nevermind I like it.

Anonymous No. 929922

Make one for no tracing

Anonymous No. 929926

>white men
asians probably

Anonymous No. 929927

Been saying this for years.

Anonymous No. 930002

These twitter snowflakes will ruin it for all of us. I don’t want to leave artstation. I don’t want to rebuild my following again, it’s hard to do when I’m not active on social media and I earned all of it purely because of my work, I never shilled myself anywhere. I don’t care about AI artists, they don’t threaten my existence.

Anonymous No. 930018

why not combine all three?

Anonymous No. 930019

No thats Elon musk, he is refusing to pay anything on twitter, it's only a matter of time until the server center that twitter pays, shuts it down.

Anonymous No. 930020

So how many more days until it's shut down?
I think it was originally supposed to collapse back in the beginning of December.

Anonymous No. 930047


That`s actually a good point. Furthermore AI can easily be banned from art competitions by just making rules that enforce providing progress material. Art station already does this. My guess is AI`s will be used to pitch general ideas or as part of the brainstorming process.

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Anonymous No. 930080

It's a shame to see this happening to Artstation. I'm not sure how exactly they fix it either. Even if they did ban AI art and scraping the content, bots would still find a way over time. Users may may also just submit work without mentioning that it's AI generated. What should Artstation do?
Also, looking at the profiles, a portion of the spam is coming from accounts solely posting No AI. I guess they could start by removing that.

Anonymous No. 930084

If a kid with stable diffusion, outclasses an artist, then the artist is simply worthless.

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Anonymous No. 930093

lmao these retards are just reverse wignats that blame White men for everything instead of blaming Jews.

Anonymous No. 930094

I can't believe artists actually organised for once. Can't wait for the articles saying this is racist somehow, and that AI can be the gateway for black people to join the art community.

Anonymous No. 930104

The thing is it’s not the kid making the art, but an AI who analyzed pro artworks and is replicating them. That’s a bit harder to compete with.

Anonymous No. 930152

photography is banned on artstation.

Anonymous No. 930153

Photogrammetry isn't

Anonymous No. 930154

I do know who Shudo is, it's not AI, it's Daz3D lmao.

Anonymous No. 930155

And the computer made your 3d models by following code, you just told it to push some points around.

Anonymous No. 930194

Woah, it's about fucking time artists started growing nuts. I'm just hoping it wont die out quick like 90% of other protests. What was the catalyst for all of this?

Anonymous No. 930229

>train AI with art from artstation
>artstation get flooded with AI "art"
>train a generation later art from art station
>artstation get flooded with AI "art"
>train a second generation later from artstation
>artstation get flooded with AI "art"

... i think, they are right to keep it away from it! i like AI as a tool, but, when you exclude humans in the equation, AI "art" will degenerate into void ... plus, the people who are active on artstation made the AI so powerfull with there work!
why should they accept to get replaced by NPC's/normies who just type generic bullshit into a prompt, add the names whos work was used to train the AI and call it "art"?

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Anonymous No. 930258

Artroons will keep seething their brains out but everyone knows that in the end, AI is here to stay no matter what the blue-haired furry "artist" will say, when it gets perfected, companies will welcome AI art with open arms and artroons will get thrown out like the obnoxious faggots they are. Just accept your fate and learn an actual profession rather than doing shitty fetish porn commissions.

Anonymous No. 930264

> learn an actual profession
So what is your job exactly?

Anonymous No. 930279

Pretty sure anon schizoposts all over 4chan all day every day.
He's the quintessential internet argument anon, for who being right is so important he doesn't actually hold any concrete position at all. He just picks fights, plays both sides, argues in circles, always the same reaction images and strawmen, starts samefagging if his shit doesn't start a flamewar, "no that's not my position therefore I win the argument"

Anonymous No. 930326

Does it matter? I'm just saying pure facts, it happened before and will happen again, simple as.
>4chan is one person
Take your meds retard.

Anonymous No. 930655

Not even close, hope you’re not serious.

Anonymous No. 930658

I just find it interesting that some of these 3d artists who are spamming my social media feeds with “no AI” posts, earned their massive following by directly copying existing popular concept arts and some of them are even selling those scenes on the marketplace. 0 creativity, earning $ by taking the ideas from other people and just giving them a mention in the description, and then acting better than people who like using these AI programs just as another tool in their creative work.

Anonymous No. 930696


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Anonymous No. 930765

It'll probably fizzle out over time. Remember last year when there were channels entirely devoted to running DAIN AI over animations to bring them to 60 FPS? It looked good on first inspection, but if you actually took in the details it looked like shit, and those channels ran out of steam once the normies realized that. Some mediums like picrel are naturally conducive to good AI art in the same way IRL footage is great for AI interpolation, but a vast majority isn't.
Also giving >>929875 a (you) for bringing up legitimate points about its derivative nature.

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REF eaerial view ....jpg

Anonymous No. 930776

>When someone develops an AI software which can reverse-engineer AI-art and identify the original artworks
That's not entirely accurate. Diffusion models don't just mush together original artworks, they hallucinate noise and progressively shape that noise in a way that satisfies the input. Secondly, while you could in theory train an AI to decode the prompt for a given output it would only work for one single model, so if someone were to refine that model then the "decoder" AI would become less and less accurate. Or another fun thing to do would be to train a GAN to transform the images in a way that fools the decoder AI all the time. Look up adversarial neural networks for an example of this.
>AI-generated art will become a "copyright removal tool" meaning I can just run every frame from any movie through an AI algo, stitch them together, then release the entire feature film as my own "transformative art".
Should Disney also go against Adobe because some people might put every image of one of their movie through Photoshop, apply a filter and release it as their own? The law should apply to the output and intent of the user, not AI as a whole. Of course it's a bit more complicated than that since copyrighted material might be used in training. I personally think that if a company uses copyrighted stuff for training then they should be required to share their models in the public domain, to benefit everyone.

I don't think that 100% AI art has a place on artstation (or should be used commercially). But I do think that AI an be used ethically to generate references or assets which aren't the main focus of an artwork. And maybe the names of currently living artists should be removed from the training data unless they opt-in, but good luck enforcing that. Anyway, it's cool tech and it's a bit sad to see how so many artists are vehemently against it. It's also ironic how some would decide to side with big corps to ban it when they themselves only produce fanart.

Anonymous No. 931060

Get a real job faggot

Anonymous No. 931752

>it's theft! plin and simple!

See >>931750
see >>931751

Anonymous No. 931753

LOL is there any proof that this was AI generated ?
You know how easy this is to fake by paying $$$ to some human artist and then saying it is AI generated ?

AI will be a bigger scam then crypto the guy and his magic AI that he is not giving to the public will sell his company for $$$$$$$ and then say that the guys are not using the AI the right way if it turns out to be trash.

>Remember last year when there were channels entirely devoted to running DAIN AI over animations to bring them to 60 FPS?
Post links !

Anonymous No. 931755

>Diffusion models don't just mush together original artworks,
They literally do.
>b-b-b- my nonsense buzzwords
The AI is trained and saves basically 99% of the picture it is given.
You not understanding how exactly it is saved in the neural network does not mean it is not doing that.

We know this is fact because the AI spits out the exact pictures it has stolen if given the correct prompt.

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Anonymous No. 931756

> it's a bit sad to see how so many artists are vehemently against it.
how stupid are you idiots ?
The point is that if you embrace AI art then you literally are damaging humanity.
>Oh boy I can not wait the day no human can create art and we only ask our magic AI text box to make us pictures.

Do you not see a problem here ?

Anonymous No. 931762

How does a 7.7GB model contain terabytes of pictures exactly? Does AI break information theory?

>Oh boy I can not wait for the day I don't have to do tedious shit anymore so that I can focus on creating instead of losing my time on technical things that don't contribute to the final result
>Oh boy I can not wait for the day I can work on my passion projects without having to find specialists willing to work on it with me
>Oh boy I can not wait for the day when I can iterate on an idea extremely quickly allowing me to produce better art
Do you not see the immense potential here?

Anonymous No. 931764

>How does a 7.7GB model contain terabytes of pictures exactly
What are you talking about ?

> 7.7GB
Lets see:
1 Picture is 1MB so this model can have 7000 pictures in it.
Going for a more aggressive compression you can make that 2x or even x4 the number of pictures.

You are pathetic.
> Does AI break information theory?
You are beyond delusional. And you also have no idea how much 1 picture takes up space.

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Anonymous No. 931766

>Do you not see the immense potential here?
>>Oh boy I can not wait for the day I don't have to do tedious shit anymore
So what will you do ?
Shove fast food into your mouth all day ?

>>Oh boy I can not wait for the day I don't have to do tedious shit anymore
note the retard says that creating things and painting is tedious shit. You know no one protests that machines move cargo and drill holes however you somehow want humanity to not have any ability to paint or draw only ask the AI chat box to make something for them.

Anonymous No. 931769

Reminder that true artists only use their own memory, charcoal and cave walls to produce art. Using tools such as rulers, computers, perspective guides or references is cheating and makes you a lazy fat fuck.

Anonymous No. 932138

i'm glad AI automated creative pursuits so i can dedicate more time to wage caging free from distraction. i'm glad this is how things turned out instead of those old predictions about menial labor being automated so people would be free to pursue creative pursuits.

Anonymous No. 932152

AI models like stable diffusion are exceptionally small (a few GB) compared to the size of their training data (TBs upon TBs of tiny compressed image-prompt pairs)

It *is* true that there are overfitting issues that can cause some artworks to be reproduced with higher fidelity to the original than others, but this is usually due to the prompt having a very sharp probability peak (for example, "horse" is a very broad concept with many potential solutions to converge to but "mona lisa" has a very specific graphical representation)

I think the other anon has a better grasp of how the technology works than you do, if I'm to be honest.