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Anonymous No. 910062 Maya 2023 worth it over Maya 2022.4? I would download it, but it would take me days to set up. Guide this lad.

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Anonymous No. 910016

Trying to get a working copy of Revit that won't set me back 3000 dollars for a year. Tried torrenting one and got one Mississippi cunt hair away from a ransomware program owning my ass.
I have no idea how to use Revit but I want to learn so I have more job opportunities. Is there something similar I can use to learn?

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these right here.jpg

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Anonymous No. 909992

how are the textures made for straps like these?
are they each baked of the original model
or are the derived from a texture atlas?

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Anonymous No. 909941

This model took me 2 hours, what do?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 909932

>import anything with more than 10 vertices

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🧵 Bones stretch out in pose mode and the mesh model won't bend at the knees or elbows in blender

Anonymous No. 909918

Why blenderbros, WHYY??
All the tutorials on this are convoluted as hell

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2022-07-24 18_07_....png

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Anonymous No. 909868

Im trying to figure this one out,
I want to model angled steel piece, with exact parameters, like in the photo. It have to be 2meters long, 2mm thick and 25x25 lenght of angled side. How can I do it in a way that I will be able to change dimensions later?
for example, if I want to be 3meters long and 35x35mm?
I was thinking about using curves to make lenght line of 2m, then extruding it with "L" profile that I can set dimensions of, then use some kind of thickness modifier that can be changed. And only then in the end convert a copy to poly. Is something like this even possible in blender?

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🧵 No one is hiring for blender

Anonymous No. 909857

I'm leaning blender for fun, but I looked up to see if anyone is hiring for that skill. I've only see places hiring for people who use Maya, why is that?

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Anonymous No. 909837

>Watching some random non-english tutorial on cylinders
>Gets told to do mirror modifiers to save time
>Get's told to do 1/4 mirror with X and Y axis for even more time saving

How useful is this really?! or am I getting my leg pulled?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 909828

>new to 3dcg
>want to learn really badly
>no energy to do so
>force myself to try a little
>make a low poly barrel and get introduced to new modelling tools
>feels good

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 909817

Hey, going into blender for the first time, doing the donut tutorial and i get these white fringes on the icing with Cycles renderer, anyone know what i did wrong?

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Anonymous No. 909771

How could I get this look in low poly?
Shaders don't work on this obviously and I can't and won't even attempt to model high poly.

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🧵 (• - • )

Puppiboo No. 909707

(•-•) vou pegar tua alma
/ \

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🧵 3D printing resolutions

Anonymous No. 909661

So I'm planning on getting an Elegoo Saturn at some point, and also designing my own models for it. Slight problem is I don't know what polygon resolution/face density is best for that. On the one hand I don't want to have a crusty PS2-tier model, on the other hand I know there's know point having extra geometry past a certain point, as it just slows shit down and becomes hard to work with for no benefit at the scale.
To put things in context- I'm working on a Tyranid Hierophant alternative kit, and have the whole body in the low-detail/basic shape stage. I started sculpting on just the head, and got carried away with subdivisions/remeshing to the point I ended up with 6 million polys on just that head. Meanwhile I checked a model someone else had made of the same creature and it had 1 million polys for the entire model.
Obviously a 28mm scaled Hierophant is xbox hueg so it will have more polys than a much smaller mini, but even so, is there a simple method of working out what resolution the model needs to be?
(Using Blender FWIW)

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🧵 Who else feels this vibe?

Anonymous No. 909607

Just trying to get new angles of view of the thing I love. I am really into clouds and the feeling of being there, yet so far.

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Anonymous No. 909589

Hey newfag and young impressionable guy here, just recently finished a couple of associate degree courses and I'm working on a robust portfolio under my name to soon join the rat race, but my question as a newbie is related to porn art niche and the industry, Should it be disclosed during hiring process that you work and even have earnings under pseudonyms, reaching niche communities with it or nah?
How does the industry deal with their professionals that decided to cater to the adult niche whilst also seeking professional career, I know most people hide it under pseudonyms but still eventually retards dedicated enough to find you end up spewing the beans on forums and people find out your legal name, is it acceptable or shunned to have that content in your portfolio, how does a company or HR deal with it?
Or perhaps not shunned at all if you go so far as keeping it vanilla and not doing weird furry/loli/snuff/etc stuff?

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Anonymous No. 909513

can you model a teapot

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🧵 Comparing 2D art to 3D art

Anonymous No. 909502

As a 2D artist, recent developments in machine learning have spooked me a little. I don't want to beat a dead horse when it comes to "AI" but I bring it up because it made me think of the many obstacles that I will/could face as an artist in the future. So, it makes sense to want to diversify my skill sets. The question is, would I find artistic satisfaction in learning 3D skills, or even transitioning towards it?

For context, I do a lot of character drawings. Nothing too high brow. Just stuff that would be considered cartoons/anime/comics that serve an entertainment purpose rather than a technical one. Are these interests something that'll transition into 3D art? From my limited experience, the bulk of it looks "industrial" for lack of a better word. You have modelers who make the models. That's handed off to the animators. Then people that handle stuff like lighting work on it, and etc. I never get this sense that there's an audience for "solo-generated" 3D art in the same way a 2D artist might upload character designs on social media, or fanart of the latest flavour of the month, or just a dumb relatable comic. Well, I suppose there's a lot of 3D porn artists out there, and while I'm not above that, I wouldn't want to be stuck doing nothing but animating models banging each other all day. My creative urges would want to pull me into something more varied.

Again, my interests aren't too high brow, but I like the flexibility of 2D art when it comes to being able to work on longer projects but also being able to whip up something in an hour or so that crosses my mind after watching a movie or a show, and then sharing it to the internet/my friends. Is there an audience for a 3D equivalent of this? I guess 3D animated skits have an audience, but I could also go down 2D animation as well. Then again, I suppose I could do both. Maybe get in 3D commercially, but just draw all the dumb memes I want when the urge strikes.

Sorry for the wall of text.

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🧵 Compositing effect similar to photo attatched

Anonymous No. 909462

Any idea how to get a similar noise effect on an image. Obviously, you can add noise in photoshop, but I mean like those lines and stuff. How would I go about replicating this specific noise it's so crunchy and good.

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Anonymous No. 909450

what are your thoughts on branching to real world products using your 3d knowledge, like cnc carvings from zbrush sculptures?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 909447

How does one import .mesh files to Blender? The SINGLE good rip of a model I'm after is in that accursed format and I have no idea how to import it. Google-fu is failing me. For the record I just want to import it so I can use it as a reference model. All I want is it standing T-posing with the weapons to one side as opposed to awkwardly fused to its hands.



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Anonymous No. 909438

How could i accomplish something like this in blender (with PBR ofc)?



🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 909433

I need a 3D version of the PBUTT logo.
My tg is @slapyourbutt

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 909393

Are drawing tablets a meme for sculpting or modeling? Could it serve a multi-purpose for a 3D-artist? I was just wondering because I wanna try making animations using models that aren't realistic but not full on minecraft either. Any ideas anons?