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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 912397

>artist can't get a job anywhere
>decides to start their own company instead
What's the correct ruling on this? Would they have officially "made it" as a professional, or is starting their own studio for no reason other than not being hired by anyone technically freelancing? I can't help but notice a lot of popular people on art sites/forums have their own company, or are a high-level executive at a company one of their peers started. I see this more with Blender users than with other DCCs.



๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Popular threads

Anonymous No. 912385

A locked sticky by mods is the best thread on this pathetic board

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๐Ÿงต It's over.

Anonymous No. 912367

>my views to likes ratio on ArtStation is 10 to 1 on average.

Is this bad? It seems average but some people get double of that. I don't get it, I get good feedback from 3d communities when I post wips, I manage to get to trending when I post on artstation, but ultimately I fall down really fast and the ratio is starting to get worse and worse. God forbid if I choose a day when someone team will do an art drop, I immediately disappear from first 5 rows while others hold their ground for much longer.

I know I'm getting better at this and am being noticed by more and more people in the industry, I do this professionally, but social media posts don't reflect it and it is making me doubt myself more than it should, but I can't help it. I'm even happy with where I am at this stage, but those stupid little internet points are killing me and immediately make me doubt my skills. Every time I post now is making my day ruined because the views and likes are getting lower despite getting more followers.



๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 912359

What is his endgame?



๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 912338

>no place to spend time but 4chan
>is there a goodwebchat to study 3d
Whats the book/summary on running 3d/graphic biz ness so to always make sales and uh... confidently sail in the market.
Like what makes this stuff 2k in views
Like What are the variables and how do you add them to sort of guess how your "niche" will fare then?

Guess i just wanna hear more than just "it's good"... or however your provide market and running your cg biz, confidently

Go go

Make wild guesses
Dont forget to add citations so i dont call it BS

Hope this my last thread but uh
Who kno- who cares!

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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 912309

What's the best rendering engine for semi-stylized works/general animation?
I want good looking results without much shit.

(excluding cycles and luxcore)

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๐Ÿงต New Pokemon game

Anonymous No. 912303

So you're telling me the world's best artists working on this game couldn't be bothered to properly texture those arches? it looks to me like they straightened UVs, drew two lines through it and called it day

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walking teapot.jpg

๐Ÿงต "This Teapot's Made for Walking"

Anonymous No. 912298

Anyone here have one of Pixar's walking teapots? They give them out at trade shows but I've never been able to go to one. Also, general 3DCG-related collectible/consoomer shit thread, I guess.



๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Good design

Im not hoffa but you can paint my house No. 912189

How to come up with good designs for/in your portofolio or to present all its aspects well

This seems both web design and cg i guess.

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๐Ÿงต How do I pick myself back up?

Anonymous No. 912165

So, a couple of weeks back, I made my first likeness, and was really excited into getting to learn more about 3d. As for today, my studio has started training for highly realistic characters.
However, I seem to have lost my motivation which was really high about a week back.
From the past week or so, I've jerked off almost once everyday, which has definitely fucked up my focus and motivation.
I've been delaying assignments to the last possible minute. My assignments are coming out pretty good, but they could be 10 times better.
I haven't been able to get motivated even after seeing art station, not as high as I used to be before.

Someone who has been here, how did you manage to break this loop?



๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Feeding your only imaginations

Im not hoffa but you can paint my house No. 912159

Yea i owe abit of apology but 6 digit is figurative of paying your wage and electricity bill and not sucking ellipses instead so
Yeah, any big bible for me to pray and practice everyday so to know if my color, anatomy, rhythm, compositions yadayada, systematically, enough to a certain value in the market so to keep selling enough every goddamn days against the market's demand? Just to be very much more precise than the usual "trace google doodle"
Just to be more sure, more legal, more securely correct. Like the usual whatever biz math where profit is something minus cost.. or idk
Selling some copy paste bouncing balls like you do

Link me some books thats not "how to rob people in broad daylight" or "how to duplicate your bouncing ball 1000 times"

>Or maybe modelling the bloody walking mechanism without tracing muybridge while considering whateveeemotional variables the scene needs
>Na actually i ll just trace muybridge for this one since none of you are doing the numbers or if there is itll be just some IK
>na actually it s too complicated and i need someone to actually go over it for me
>or find another one that focuses on the other ones.


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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 912136

>yea i am not 2 eager either and /3/ dont have even 3 digits on them so
Just gonna doublecheck last time but i guess without 3d software you cant even manually write out a trajectory system based on variables like gravity and speed so to model out a scientifically correct system? Like, i guess your high school certs and all dont really matter huh? Since there is no way getting over the luck and connection of getting one of the rarest job with hardwork or science or whatever they told you to read but instead just be athletically healthy and make some really good guesses.

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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 912083

Name me reasons why Blender will never be industry standard.

Yes, that's why movies like Next Gen on netflix was made in Blender.

Why learn autodesk?

Blender is becoming!



๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 912074

Other than the usual "do fan art, practice" how do you make sure or improve your cg art towards your wanted 6 digit material? Like noticably how some artists dont tags nor have like hundred friends to begin with and consistently gain big numbers, is the true epitome of "quality over quantity", so what am i to assume of quality, on creating that fine, gooey, crisp brushy toon finish like picrel example here, to entertain whatever the crowd wants without forcinf them to comment or spam them with surveys abt what they want? How do you, or succesful portofolio usually measure up the data and translate them into the necessary, polish and render?



๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 912057

Not exactly 3d but also,
Any tips for good concept artist portofolio also 3d stuff like animation, fx, renders

Like how do you show good edge flow, topo, good animations? Stuff like that?
Like how do you display, layout your portofolio?

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๐Ÿงต Deleting part of a model

Anonymous No. 912036

I downloaded this model and the arcade machine and girl are attached. How do I delete only one or the other?
I am completely new to blender and 3d modeling as a whole.

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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 911995

How did they achieve this look?

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๐Ÿงต zoom in mask

Anonymous No. 911957

what an epic effect at 0:28, how do i do it on my sony vegas 18 or AE cc version

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๐Ÿงต Eceleb female voice actors for animation

Anonymous No. 911943

I want voice lines to practice lipsync on my female rigs, but every time i find some active eceleb voice actor doing a female voice it's always a troon. Any twitter, youtube or other ones that are actually female or at least those that don't go further into it than just putting on a voice for memes?
>inb4 why should you care or obsessed
I just don't like them and don't want to use what i don't support, simple as.

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๐Ÿงต Can't scale UVs in Maya

Anonymous No. 911902

Hey, I'm new to Maya (I have to learn it for school), and I'm struggling a lot with UVs :c
I'm trying to make everything fit between 0 and 1.
I don't understand why I can't scale them freely in the UV editor. When I use the scale tool, it only scales very slowly.
The only other option I found is using the scale tool from the UV Toolkit but it's not very practical :/

Anyone have an idea why it's doing that?



๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 911890

Why does this board attract so many schizos?



๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 911886

Not exactly 3d i guess but what s a good 5$ sell in the market? Modelling, animation whatever... where do i go for reference



๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Matureenoughtonotcarry

Moneysneednolove No. 911839

Whats the big summary of "do it like pixar" that i can take and assure me of employment.

I imagine i d be following it closely than using my own instinct to spot any microscopic motions,follow thru, squash stretching like picrel or whatever floaty,limp, jitters that irks me and just do things by the book and still might just still get rejected.

Or maybe just a systematic summary to just mechanically reproduce desired realism as closely as possible to the final products and then polishes after

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๐Ÿงต IK wrist can't rotate on one axis

Anonymous No. 911837

I have rigged an arm with an IK target bone which works perfectly except for trying to twist the wrist on its y axis. I can parent the internal wrist bone to the IK target for rotating on the Y axis, but this causes deforming when rotating (see picrel). What should I do so I can rotate the wrist smoothly?