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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 923823

Why do Westoids do this? Why does it even get published and score them major points for lazily raping both the character design and style?

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🧵 ITT: Things to avoid

Anonymous No. 923780

Shit to avoid like the plague

pic rel
Pirated the blender course thats $499 and its the worst tutorial ive ever followed. Im kind of mad anyone has paid even $5 for this. Its terrible he does all sorts of shit he doesnt explain, uses nurbs where theres no need, makes you change your blender config to his own personal ( retardedly slower) tastes, cuts the fucking video and things have appeared on the model etc etc

If id have paid for this I would have killed myself.

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🧵 Video AI is going to replace us

Anonymous No. 923736

What's the point of learning any animation or using any tools when soon all you're gonna have to do is tweak AI parameters to generate exactly what you want?

The video even goes into how long it took to iterate this tech from the image generation technology, and I don't know if anyone here is familiar with how short of a time it took for that technology to improve, but it was staggeringly short.

The videos don't have any audio though, so there's that, but AI is already making insane leaps with auditory sound/voices aswell.

It's over.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 923665

This isn't 3DSMax. You will stop this bad youtube teacher inspired habit of polymodeling in Zbrush more than sculpting and now spend the week sculpting all your hard surfaces without the use of zmodeler and booleans. Use of project primitives deformation gets a pass. Take the challenge.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 923641

A reminder that Wendy's has better modeling skills than /3/

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 923591

Donut man became Blender CEO

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 923579

What does /3/ think of Cinema4D? Is there any reason to learn it in the current year over Blender, Maya or 3DS Max?

What are the main things it has going for it?

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🧵 Finally reached the style I wanted for my own III games.

Anonymous No. 923539

I finally, after making that meme asuka you faggots post since 2017.

I reached the final point of that style, after working hard and working hard to reach this point.
Studying and practiceing.

Just to reach this.
And honestly, It looks amazing in their own style.

Now I can finally start deving without feeling it looks like shit.
This is my style and It's mine.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 923516

Post your donut.
rate other donuts

Ill begin

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🧵 M U G E N

Name No. 923429

Cheeky from M U G E N in real life

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 923417

Be me
>gets 3d goth waifu
>new to blender
>looks up a tutorial of this british guy talking about making a donut and doesnt get to the point
>when he talks about moving objects
>trying at 3d goth waifu but without prevail

wtf am i doing wrong lol

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 923416

noob here
where can I pirate 3d warhammer models so that I can print them at home?
:3 thanks

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 923400

>log onto peers
>download finishes, dont seed
>30 minutes later internet stops working for a few hours
>next week
>same exact shit

is peers "pozzed"?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 923392

>Align UVs in UV editor to be perfectly square.
>Squares on model are skewed
>Unfold the UVs into a skewed mess
>Squares on model are perfect


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🧵 3d

Anonymous No. 923385

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🧵 Worth it or scam?

Anonymous No. 923323

I have been getting these ads recently out of the blue. Their website looks a little shitty but some of the courses seem interesting. Are they trying to scam me?

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🧵 My artwork

noanymous No. 923301

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 923256

Can I make this on Blender?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 923252

the first internet meme was made in 3ds max
blendlets BTFO

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 923163

Fun monster designs ?

What are some monsters from movies/games that always make you smile

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 923142

What are some arguments against being a "3D generalist", where you try to develop a much more wide skill set instead of specializing in a select few and really mastering them.

Is it only really advice shared here in relation to getting a job in the industry?
What about people just doing it for fun, in a similar way to people who paint in their free time?
Or the people who want to do their own small multimedia projects?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 923124

Does that guy from like 7 years ago who made the weird red rabbit girl models and refused to take any critique still hang around here?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 923103

Have a Fish

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🧵 How are salaries in the 3D world?

Anonymous No. 923088

I'm pondering whether I like programming or 3D more and was thinking about the salaries. I assumed 3Dfags salaries were close to programmer ones or at least high paying. Talking about remote jobs mostly