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🧵 Once a ngmi, forever a ngmi

Anonymous No. 927132

>been on this board for almost a decade
>zero progress on getting a full-time job doing 3dcg
>no freelancing, contract work, or part-time jobs either
Who /eternalprocrastinator/ here?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 927053

Is there a way to delete vertices you can't select in Blender, I looked everywhere on Youtube and can't find anything on the topic. I'll ask /3/ later on. I post the same thread on /v/ because faster, still not getting want I need.

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🧵 Unreal Engine

Anonymous No. 927025

>Not sure how to use 3D
>just trying to get cool screenshots of this location I purchased
>no idea how to turn off the green lines

someone else

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 927018

Is this the /3/ equivalent of SOVL?

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🗑️ 🧵 Crazy new workflow idea.

Anonymous No. 926952

I got a final realization lads.

What happens if I take the eyes from the cinematic style the hair and head of the main character, the clothes and hands and feet of the secondary character and the limbs and and props of the character using the npc style?

Serious question.

I may make later this idea and provide with something, measuring the total cost of development.

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 926934

>Animated movies, the heartbeat of Disney, have started to struggle, with Pixar’s “Lightyear” bombing in June and “Strange World” expected to disappoint at the Thanksgiving box office.

What does this mean for us, /3/? Even lower wages? Zoomers and Generation Next just dont care about our work anymore, do they?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 926933

Can Japan even make good, by western standarts graphics?

Sure, capcom can make good shit.
But I am pretty sure the good capcom artists are somehow from the west.

Or dunno, maybe there's some few japanese clique of great 3D artists.

But all I see outside maybe Capcom, Square Enix.

All the rest of games are like PS2 anime shit or Wii era realistic anime shit.

Not complaining though, just something I've noticed.
Every japanese games outside maybe capcom and Square enix.
Looks like ps2 shit.

Again, not complaining.
Just curious why.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 926908

Should I learn xgen and will it make my renders more realistic than fibermesh?

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🧵 Is there any way to convert a .gmd file to anything blender can open?

Anonymous No. 926884

Im trying to 3d print a model from the game catherine full body. But the model is in the format .gmd there is also one thats .gmod and one thats .gfs

I cant find anyway to convert it to something usable.

Tried a script in 3dsmax specifically designed for that file type. But i think it’s outdated as it only gave me errors

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 926854

Remember that this is your reality. Self-alleged industry tryhard anons need not continue to lie to themselves.

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🧵 How to practice arch viz

Anonymous No. 926835

For those who work in arch viz, how do you start? I want to make portfolio pieces to get an intership, but not quite sure where to start. Trying to make things from imagination just seems unproductive. I was thinking of re-creating good looking buildings in my town. Are there other options? How did you get your foot in the door?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 926800

Do you love me?

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🧵 Unreal Engine 5.1 Released

Anonymous No. 926781

>We’re excited to announce that Unreal Engine 5.1 is now available. With this release, we’ve built upon the groundbreaking feature set introduced in UE5, making it more robust, efficient, and versatile for creators across all industries. As part of this effort, we’ve been stress-testing the engine against different workflows, making it applicable to more sectors.

>We’ve laid the groundwork for the Lumen dynamic global illumination and reflections system, the Nanite virtualized micropolygon geometry system, and Virtual Shadow Maps (VSM) to support games and experiences running at 60 fps on next-gen consoles and capable PCs, enabling fast-paced competitive games and detailed simulations to run without latency. Lumen now supports the Two-Sided Foliage shading model, by gathering lighting from the backface and scattering it through the leaf, attenuated by the material's Subsurface Color.

>Meanwhile, Nanite has also been updated with a Programmable Rasterizer to allow for material-driven animations and deformations via World Position Offset, as well as opacity masks. This exciting development paves the way for artists to use Nanite to program specific objects’ behavior, for example Nanite-based foliage with leaves blowing in the wind.

>In this release, we’ve continued to enhance tools for building massive open worlds with additional functionality and improved workflows. World Partition now supports Large World Coordinates, enabling you to create massive open worlds without loss of precision.

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 926780

>We’re excited to announce that Unreal Engine 5.1 is now available. With this release, we’ve built upon the groundbreaking feature set introduced in UE5, making it more robust, efficient, and versatile for creators across all industries. As part of this effort, we’ve been stress-testing the engine against different workflows, making it applicable to more sectors.

>We’ve laid the groundwork for the Lumen dynamic global illumination and reflections system, the Nanite virtualized micropolygon geometry system, and Virtual Shadow Maps (VSM) to support games and experiences running at 60 fps on next-gen consoles and capable PCs, enabling fast-paced competitive games and detailed simulations to run without latency. Lumen now supports the Two-Sided Foliage shading model, by gathering lighting from the backface and scattering it through the leaf, attenuated by the material's Subsurface Color.

>Meanwhile, Nanite has also been updated with a Programmable Rasterizer to allow for material-driven animations and deformations via World Position Offset, as well as opacity masks. This exciting development paves the way for artists to use Nanite to program specific objects’ behavior, for example Nanite-based foliage with leaves blowing in the wind.

>In this release, we’ve continued to enhance tools for building massive open worlds with additional functionality and improved workflows. World Partition now supports Large World Coordinates, enabling you to create massive open worlds without loss of precision.

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 926767


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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 926745

Midjourney V4 by some random I kneel

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🗑️ 🧵 Does anyone have this Unreal Engine materials pack?

Anonymous No. 926731

once it was free around march 2019, did anyone managed to grab it or have? could you reupload it somewhere? its too expensive
its also in audionews/gfxnews but no ratio

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Captura de pantal....png

🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 926722

Someone is trying to make some Substance Painter using Stable difussion.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 926661

How are game objects like this made? Like what's the process?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 926628

>mfw I realize blender is best than all other software

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The ZBrush Summit....png

🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 926602

>Redshift in zBrush
zChads can't stop winning

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🧵 Trying to find an old CGI animation

Anonymous No. 926585

I remember seeing a really interesting CGI animation which was this horror comedy of degenerates working in a diner at night talking about forming a band. Does any of you have it or know where to find it?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 926577

Is she right? Do blendlets need bananas?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 926569

Is this still a thing in 2022?