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🧵 Starting out in blender

Anonymous No. 928343

Due to an injury I found myself with more free time so I thought that I would try some "3d modeling." It's been on my backburner for quite a while so I decided to boot up Blender and getting to work. ended up making this in 3 hours, 2 of which were spent watching tutorials to do something specific I wanted to do and figuring out this abomination of an UI.
the question is, How do I just make some somewhat similar models to my sprites so that the shadows don't look like square due to "import image as a flat plane" method. tried to turn the sprites into VSG files but that just messed up the sprites. also I want to do more simplistic 3d geometry so that I can slap in my textures since I know slapping flat plains everywhere ain't gonna cut it for what I want to do, so I gotta learn how to put textures into objects as well, it's gonna be hard to make those models look pixelated so any tips for both the sprites import and 3d models would be greatly appreciated.

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 928319

Are there any beginner Blender tutorials that just point out all the important features you need to know to get started and give a short explanation on what each one of them does? The "walkthrough/explanation of making a specific object" thing most do doesn't really click with me.
Usually I learn software by just fiddling with it and seeing what buttons do, but Blender is way too unintuitive and arcane for me to even know where to start, so I basically just want a video where someone fiddles with it for me and says what all the buttons do and points out which ones I'd need to press to get anything other than a cube on my screen

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 928304

Can you tell the difference between an entry level job offer that is legitimate and one that is just predatory and scammy? I've gotten a message from some company called 'Avataris' recently, has anyone else? They seem to have some extremely low glassdoor reviews.

On the cusp of entering the 3D industry, were you approached by companies offering 500 dollars a month? is it worth it to get the 'industry experience'?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 928303

I want to be a 3D artist but I've absolutely no idea where to start
And not sure if I've the right equipment like what am I supposed to need other than a PC ? Is a drawing pad a must ?
I'm not sure if I can even draw
All tips are welcome thanks frens

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 928300

And just like that. Easily out of a job in 10 years. What is your next career after 3D modeling and sculpting?

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🧵 I want to start in the world of 3D rendering

Anonymous No. 928255

Before asking my main question, I want to clarify that I have never animated in 3D and I don't know anything about 3D animation and 3D modeling either, but I know how to draw very well. I have been drawing all my life and I have done a lot of very fluid and realistic 2D animations and I guess this will be a great advantage for me in 3D animation

Well, coming to my main point: In independent 3D animations (3D animations made by a single person) I have always noticed the lack of realism and consistency in fluids such as water or thick fluids such as melted cheese or honey and this seems to me something totally uncomfortable and unpleasant to see due to the simple fact of the lack of realism in the viscosity and density of the fluids

My questions are:
Is the realism of the fluids in 3D animation determined by the program in which it is created or does it depend on the modeling that the animator gives it?

What is the best 3D program or software to create 3D animations with the most realistic liquids/fluids possible?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 928222

Should I bother pirating Photoshop or is using Krita good enough for 3D work?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 928217

Retard NEET here, was wondering how easily I could pick up 3DCG as a smalltime job or mini-income. I can't currently work on anything nor do I really have the motivation to, but CG seems to be something I'd like to get into when I'm in a better mindset. I see alot of people earning money by making VRChat avatars and stuff like that, is this just a meme or does it actually work? My end-goal is to get a bit broad with CG so I don't mind seeing a bit ahead and it's not like I plan on going much bigger than that, just looking for smalljobs.

TL;DR how make money on 3dcg

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🧵 Rip Clara website

Anonymous No. 928196

The only service that didn't lag when looking at 3D models. You'll be missed and now people are going to steal art in sketchfab because it's the last place to look at 3D models.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 928177

>just learn from Arrimus 3D bro

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 928164

Have they even done the donut tutorial?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 928155

>go on /3/
>everyone hates Blender
>They are supposedly elitist snobs who are supposedly in Industry level
>figure out why they hate it so much
>they don't like the UI
>none of them ever post their artwork either
>blenderfags are the only ones who ever post artwork on here

Explain this

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 928141

Since AI is bleeding into our space and Arrimus has deleted all his videos and the backups are incomplete, I'm thinking of getting a job in fast food that's the only industry with a too high of a cost that AI and robotics can't enter it without it getting super cheap to replace human labor.

What are my options to replace a 100k+ 3D modeling job?

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🗑️ 🧵 Kids hhhhelp

Anonymous No. 928085
A Fair Chance for Every Child

One of the adverse effects of poverty is that it forces children to grow up too quickly. By adding sudden responsibility and unfair stresses of life on young children, a tough life can rob kids of their innocence. Protecting children from the harsh impact of poverty is a noble cause.
Save The Children is an organization that fights for this cause with as much efficiency as possible. 86 cents of every dollar donated to the organization reaches the children, while less than fifteen percent goes towards the operating expenses.

The organization maximizes its impact by providing poultry and farm animals to those living in poverty in agricultural regions. One can donate anything from a chick to a goat or a cow to children who would benefit froooom raising the animals.

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🧵 Welcome to Hell

Anonymous No. 928056

>Even Windows 11 Pro won't let you install the OS anymore without linking a Microsoft account. you'll have to use cmd to manipulate the OOBE to bypass it. Also all the telemetry and spying has become unreal, disabling all that stuff takes ages (the parts you are able to disable anyway) and will be enabled with the next update anyway. Not making your OS use MS Bing when you lookup files locally on your computer requires to change some obscure GPO. Tiktok and all kinds of bloat is pre-installed now? wtf
Yeah I think those of us that aren't nigger cattle will be forced to use Blender when staying frozen at the current setup isn't feasible any longer. The Maxon acquisition was really the last straw 3d-wise. You're a shabbos goy if you don't pirate at this point.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 928054 you riggers seriously expect me to set up complicated stretchy ik / counteranimation-prevention shit when making a rig? I read notes from siggraph from the mid 2000s and they are going nuts, hundreds of pages of how to set up the arms, legs, spine, neck, etc to combat counter-animation with squash and stretch and then having to have correct rotation orders for euler mode to boot. Is this what it takes, riggers?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 928029

New toss

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🧵 When is release their fucking beta

Anonymous No. 927984

I need the n-word n-word r-word to release their fucking beta so I can finally use a gamedev AI to make assets.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 927931

Zbrush last version no malware ?

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🧵 Did anyone save Arrimus Zbrush videos?

Anonymous No. 927888

Did anyone save Arrimus Zbrush videos?

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🧵 /ueg/ - Unreal Engine General

Anonymous No. 927882

Unreal Engine 5.1 now available:

What projects have you been working on lately?

Unreal Engine 5.1 new features video:

Building Unreal Engine from source:

Learn Unreal Engine:


>Why Unreal Engine over Unity?
While Unity has it's place with some great cross-platform support and an easy user interface, Unreal Engine is much more powerful and pushing the boundaries of real time graphics further. Unreal Engine also has a better license for independent developers; it's 100% free to use until your project generates more than $1 million in revenue, whereas with Unity you must pay to remove the splash screen in your game.

>Blueprints or C++?
Both. When creating a new object, consider creating a C++ class, then a blueprint that derives from it to get the best of both worlds.
C++ is much better for performance and memory management. Certain types of code can be much easier to create and manage compared to blueprints. The downside of C++ is that it can be verbose and difficult to understand, particularly with Unreal Engine's archaic macros.
Blueprints are easier to learn initially and compile much quicker, but as they grow bigger, they can get very messy and difficult to manage. Operations involving real time loops, structs and casts in blueprints can cause performance issues.

For more information:

Previous: >>902644

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🧵 This is the industry standard

Anonymous No. 927877

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🗑️ 🧵 text to video

Anonymous No. 927831

anti AI bros???

AI can make now videos???

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 927818

Imagine a site where you can "slice" a model of a human body to get anatomical references for gore, that are accurate
So you get a very helpful reference without having to look for irl gore or working under Naughty Dog
Maybe there's already a Blender addon where you can "dissect" human models for anatomy references