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What is the best way to modeling a bjd doll in blender. No. 1002372

How do I make the body hollow inside?

Anonymous No. 1002373

Solidify modifier?

Anonymous No. 1002376

do you have to make the body hollow?

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Anonymous No. 1002380

Isn't that to add thickness?
Yes, bjd dolls are joined together through elastic threads.

Anonymous No. 1002382

Duplicate the geometry, push all the vertices inward along their normals, reverse the normals.

Anonymous No. 1002384

You described doing solidify modifier manually.

Anonymous No. 1002385

If you have a regular starter cube, its whole volume considered "full". If you add solidify modifier, it will become an empty crate with a wall of specified width.

Anonymous No. 1002387

to 3d print? that's something that the slicers do, ChiTu Cura Lychee whatever , the solidify is a shitfest.

Anonymous No. 1002391

meet a girl, fall in love, wait
a strange game. the only winning move is not to play

Anonymous No. 1002395

Get it a job

Anonymous No. 1002446

i think if you do this you can get areas where you went too far and the geo is now overlapping each other

Anonymous No. 1002450

>Yes, bjd dolls are joined together through elastic threads.
yes, but if it's for a digital model and the hollow is never seen, then you don't have to make it hollow
I might do it using booleans if you just need to make cylindrical holes

Anonymous No. 1002619

then you fix it