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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16555705

Why does fluid intelligence not correlate with critical thinking and thinking outside the box? There are a lot of chinkoids and even white people who have a high fluid intelligence are very hardworking but they're complete bots. Why is this the case and what is the reason for why IQ isn't correlated to critical thinking and thinking for yourself?

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🧵 Discussion: What field of Mathematics would you choose to master?

Anonymous No. 16555703

As well all know math is extremely broad, nevertheless as the saying goes "Jack of all trades, master of none" what fields would you choose to become very advanced in, and why?
As a side question what would you say are the fields that are there just to bait midwits into a fruitless rabbit hole?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16555678

>Have the mental capacity to store any system
>choose to store a silly board game and its many permutations

why are these fucktards so revered? playing chess has about as much use as playing mario.

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🧵 Is lambda-CDM dead?

Anonymous No. 16555675

It seems like the universe's expansion is not accelerating but an illusion caused by cosmic voids. Cold dark matter is incredibly elusive, maybe axioms, primitive black holes, or entropic, but it seems like it is an artifact of our models. How can we develop a new cosmos theory based on evidence when the evidence is so elusive to us?

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🧵 becoming full

fisher No. 16555629

Please read if at least one person applies some of this things can change (in qr)

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16555571

BH singularity
>A mathematical artifact that to interpret physically would constitute an over-fitting of a necessarily limited model

Vacuum energy
>Noooo like literally the distribution suggests a nonzero probability of a particle being there! So its, like, basically there!!!

Why are QMfags like this?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16555556

If white surfaces reflect all light they receive, why aren't all white surfaces mirrors?

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🧵 Weird shit in the Universe

Anonymous No. 16555526

the unexplained, the un-understood, this thread is about how little we know.
what you got /sci/

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16555525

Is statistics of any use for investing in the stock market?
or is it "analysis cope"? I mean
>Maybe if I just juggle around data from the past 5-10 years I will get an edge and make money

for people replying
>Go to /biz/
went there, got no replies, also I expect people here will give better answers than trying to sell me their alt shitcoin.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16555472

Do this count as a scientific game or is it just pure hogwash pretending to understand how evolution work?

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🧵 No global warming detected over past 70 years

Anonymous No. 16555469

First sentence in the paper:
"The Antarctic continent has not warmed in the last seven decades"

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🧵 Censorship in the scineces

Anonymous No. 16555449

Why is science so heavily censored?
What are they trying to hide?

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🧵 studymaxxing/learnmaxxing

Anonymous No. 16555378

knowledge hungry wizards, i humbly knock upon your grand tower libraries to be enlightened in the ways of learning. what techniques do you employ to assimilate knowledge quickly and efficiently? how does one start the process of learning, and keep momentum? any and all advice is greatly appreciated, o' most powerful wise ones!

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16555336

How did a literal retard become the richest man in the world?

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🧵 The Big Bang theory is a huge WIN for all those who believe in Divine creation

Anonymous No. 16555315

The current scientific consensus is that the Universe had a beginning and it will have an end
most philosophers and early scientists (aristotle, avicenna, giordano bruno) believed that the universe is eternal. That it had no beginning and no end. That belief gave a mystical, esoteric quality to the universe, above the material decay and such. They also believed that the universe is sorta spherical or something, they believed in aether, and all kinds of mystical things passing of as secular. The Catholic church even went so far as to outlaw that belief 800 years ago.

Then Lamaitre (a priest and an astronomer) Proposed the Big Bang theory, squarely putting a birth date on the universe. Henceforth the scientific consensus switched to the Universe having a beginning, stripped of any mysticism or supranatural quality to it. It almost kinda degraded and humiliated the universe in way, putting it inside the category of material things, things that begin, decay and die

And as it stands, not only the universe has a beginning, it also will have an end. The current scientific consensus is heat death. The universe will go on for some trillion of years and then all the energy will equalize (entropy only increases)

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16555301

Grad students and ex grad students
>who was the best grad student you knew
>What did you wish you knew or did before becoming one
>How to be a great grad student

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🧵 Large Cardinals

Anonymous No. 16555299

What is the motivation for Large Cardinals in Set Theory?

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🧵 How do we counteract Science worship?

Anonymous No. 16555259

A lot of people think deboonking flat eathers and creationsits (the rhetorical equivalent of playing basketball against mentally handicapped kindergarteners) magically makes them qualified enough to speak on behalf of The Science™ itself. Claiming anyone critical of the scientific community is in themselves "science deniers". How do we stop their slimy spread and make the discipline slightly less faggoty?

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🧵 S-Risks: Fates Worse Than Extinction

Anonymous No. 16555240

Invent a possible S-risk scenario that may happen in the future just to try to avoid it.

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🧵 Ozempic

Anonymous No. 16555182

My wife has turned into a belligerent retard since taking this shit, what is the story with ozempic fellas? I had a real bad feeling about it from the start

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16555162

Was it ever worth becoming a doctor in the US?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16555158

>if a positron and an electron touch, they annihilate each other
>particles are not 0 dimensional points, they exist as a way function that permeates a big chunk of space. therefore, two particles can't touch each other because they are extended objects and we don't know where they are
>an electron and a positron can not annihilate for a while and form a bound state together called positronium where they orbit each other, even though they are as close as they can be according to quantum mechanics
>when two particles are too far away, their langrangian is the free particle lagrangian, and the interaction term magically appears when they are close to each other
I don't understand QFT

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🧵 Maths

Anonymous No. 16555156

Hello everyone, I am new here.
I came to this channel looking for some help. I've been barely passing maths for three years, or sometimes I can't. I've been doing well in maths for three years now. It's a subject that I really like, but I'm bad at it. Last year I had to choose a course of study I didn't want because I was afraid of maths, as you read, afraid.
If anyone reading this has any videos, tips, tricks for learning maths, anything, it would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you very much everyone reading this, have a nice day.

Translated with DeepL

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16555139

What do you think the average IQ of this group is, huh?