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šŸ§µ Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16168270

Who is your favorite scientist?

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šŸ§µ Distributin medicines with no permission basically

Anonymous No. 16168234

So you get a blimp see
You load the blimp with RC planes see
The planes have little semi guided paper planes see
They got bottles of aids and bc and vitamins etc see
Birthrate among world's poor goes to 3 see
Life expectancy goes up 10+ years see

Like pic but those sinusoids follow a blimp for a day or so and spot shot everything the camera on the RC planes thinks has a human sleeping there


costs like idk couple billion a year world wide

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šŸ—‘ļø šŸ§µ Sunspot Rivals the One Linked to Colossal Solar Storm in 1859

Anonymous No. 16168231

We're over due for a Carington Event sized solar storm.
There's currently a sunspot bigger than the one that caused the last storm.
Supposedly it's so large you can see it with the naked eye, assuming you saved your eclipse glasses and wear them.

How prepared are we if this happens? Should we be more prepared? What can individuals do?
If we detect a flare heading our way, how much time do we have as notice? If it its the Earth during night, will the entire planet be screwed or just the day side of the planet?

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šŸ§µ Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16168228

What science field can I enter with a Literature degree?

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šŸ§µ Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16168219

How do you deal with pseudoscientific bullshit?
I'm not even one to tip my fedora about religion, but I think i've realized how the rejection of scientific fact is a serious threat to society

>mom may or may not have cancer
>starts watching a bunch of crackpot natural health youtubers
>"Germ theory is wrong, our bodies are designed to heal themselves if we just eat healthy"
>"We're supposed to live 150 years like the bible says, it's just that we eat processed foods that make us sick"
>"they want me to do a few tests, but i think i just need to do a parasite detox and get some more vitamin D (the sun doesn't cause caner BTW)"
>"ya know, you should really get rid of the wifi, that radiation is dangerous"
>"chemo doesn't even work for 90% of cancer patients"

I understand the issues with the food and drug industries, but it's getting to the point where legitimate harm is being done. You're not going to cure cancer by drinking carrot juice.
What is there to do? She was never like this, she used to be a fucking normal person, but 2020 really fucking destroyed an entire generation of boomers. "Q said the vaccine is science, and the vaccine is bad so science is bad! CHRIST IS KING"

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šŸ§µ Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16168215

Think of all the insanely cool bugs that are now extinct that we have no records of and will never get to appreciate. Nothing about living in the 21st century makes me as sad as this. How do I cope?

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šŸ§µ Probabilistic arguments

Anonymous No. 16168176

You guys know the probabilistic argument for simulation theory right? That if there are many simulations the chance to be in base reality is small. You can make som similar arguments for other things which I thought was interesting. Here are some I thought of.

If there are multiple universes and some expand while others don't, an observer is near guaranteed to find themselves in an expanding one since those would make up largest fraction of multiverse volume.

Alien life is likely to have a procreation mechanism because life that increases its total biomass would be more numerous and thus more likely to be encountered.

Alien life is likely intelligent seeing as how intelligence increases a species' biomass relative to other life immensely over time (as evidenced by humans being the species with the most biomass on Earth).

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šŸ§µ /sci/ Books on Race & Human Biodiversity?

Anonymous No. 16168157

Iā€™m interested in academic books that explains group differences, IQ differences, the science behind racial tribalism, etc.

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šŸ§µ Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16168063

If scientists are supposedly so concerned about preventing disease epidemics, why don't they ever say anything about illegal immigration from 3rd world nations?

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šŸ§µ Is China Responsible for the Recent Heatwaves?

Anonymous No. 16168053

Apparently, lower factory emissions is contributing heavily to heatwaves/global warming.

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šŸ§µ /sfg/ - Spaceflight General

Anonymous No. 16168037

Twum edition

previous >>16165415

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šŸ§µ Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16167977

Do paper straws really contain gluten?

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šŸ§µ Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16167975

What exactly is the benefit to the idea that photons exist? Is there something missing if we just purely consider light a wave and never a particle? We don't seem to have any problem considering radio waves purely waves; there's no apparent need to invent a "radion" to call radio signals particles the way we do with photons and light. So what's the reason? Why is light so special that it can't just be a wave?

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šŸ§µ Vaccine incentive program payout booklet

Anonymous No. 16167823

Greed doctors getting paid $400 a throw to poison babies

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šŸ—‘ļø šŸ§µ What could have been...

Anonymous No. 16167809

Why did God not allow this, bros? It's fucking over...

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šŸ§µ The Physiology of Female Ejaculation

Anonymous No. 16167725

Scientifically speaking, how accurate is Aristotle's account of human reproductive and sexual behavior? Is it true that non-whites and femcels are less effective at producing lubrication and squirting??

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šŸ§µ Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16167712

I want to get nuclearenergypilled. What are some good books about nuclear energy? Im mostly interested in the logistics behind it and how feasible it would be to carry out a nuclear trnsition instead of a wind/solar one. Im also fascinated by the prospect of nuclear powered cargo ships and other new developments in nuclear power.

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šŸ—‘ļø šŸ§µ Was the universe created? Discuss

Anonymous No. 16167662

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šŸ§µ Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16167628

This is what happens when you do math with "complex numbers" ...

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šŸ§µ Operations as numbers

Max No. 16167602


-3 = ROOT, -2 = DIV, -1 = SUB, 1 = ADD, 2 = MUL, 3 = POWER
What other ones do you think are appropriate? What is the name of the big Pi symbol? Sigma is sum, right? Where do they fit in?

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šŸ§µ Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16167526

Is budgeting useful?

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šŸ§µ Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16167498


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šŸ§µ Cows are carbon neutral

Anonymous No. 16167426

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šŸ§µ Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16167400

Why has science not fully cured GERD yet?