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Anonymous No. 16298520

Is tap water safe to drink?

The government the small amount of microplastics and hormones won't harm us.

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Anonymous !niqjediPCA No. 16298503

Hey, /sci/. recently I've been thinking about the logistics of lunar refineries and manufacturing for the production of large scale parts for lunar orbit construction (Think making a Stanford torus with lunar material for the purpose of saving launch costs of heavy structural members)

I've come to three conclusions for low cost lifting from the moon....

1. Mass driver/railgun/gauss-gun/etc powered by solar thermal power.

Can be great for shit that can be compacted into the launch barrel, not what im discussing.

2. Aluminium-Oxide solid rockets.

Considering this can be created from lunar regolith, solar thermal power, and maybe some re-usable chemicals, seems to be the best possible launch mechanism for huge/strangely-shaped parts.

3. Aluminium-oxide (powder/gas) RCS systems.

For obvious reasons, a solid rocket booster isn't going to cut it for precise orbital maneuvering; GREAT for the initial boost to lunar orbit, but for precise maneuvering is going to be really difficult.

So, without actually reducing the amount of limited water on the moon, I figured the only way to do RCS and small orbital adjustments with ISRU, would be a combination rocket that uses powdered aluminium, and some form of oxygen feed system to make a hybrid powder/gas rocket.

What I'm having trouble with is the feed system for the precise measurement of the powder to oxygen ratio.

I've thought of a arcemedies screw, drawing from a cylinder filled with the powdered aluminium, that has a piston at the top to push the powder down towards the screw.

OR, a solid aluminum plug, that oxygen blasts through and ejects into multiple tubes (RCS ports) with valves and shit like that to control where the thrust goes to.

Anyway, does anyone have any ideas for a zero-g feeding system for a powdered propellant?

(BTW, Elon, Bezos, do not steal this idea because I will know about it.)

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🧵 Weird site

Anonymous No. 16298498

What do you make of this site?

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🧵 /sfg/ - Spaceflight General

Anonymous No. 16298460

return to flight - edition
previous >>16295707

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16298438

I made a synthesis of DL-Phe from 1-napthol.

I have no reason to believe this is useful in any way. I also am unsure if it would actually work. It's based on a combination of simulator outputs and journal articles, all of which work generically, but I don't have the formal education to know if there are side reactions or if some of the groups are deactivating in this instance, or if the usual workups are inapplicable.

It is entirely the product of a deranged mind with too much time available.

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🧵 Freeze desalination (seawater)

Anonymous No. 16298389

Disclaimer: I'm no engineer. I only have very basic knowledge of HS physics and dropped out of college very early...
I read about freeze desalination a while ago and I don't get why this isn't done at scale by transporting seawater to reservoirs in the mountains, storing it until winter and then freezing it at ambient temperature. Plus they could use excess solar energy during summer to transport it and then recover it during winter as hydroelectric power. And sell the salt, magnesium, lithium, ... byproducts.
Is this idea too retarded? How complex would something like this be?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16298351

Thoughts on biology? I think its very interesting and brutal

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16298349

What's so bad about climate change anyway? Turning the world into a greenhouse means making it a greener place. The CO2 we release will both give plants more air to breathe and a better temperature to live in.
It is proven that our current geological period (the Quaternary) is an Ice Age. If anything, warming the planet would turn it back to normal, when the planet had huge forests and animals like in the Mesozoic.
Also, on a geological time frame, we should give ALL the carbon back to the biosphere before it is forever absorbed into the surrounding rocks or subducted to the mantle, or else the planet could eventually run out of biological materials for life. We will probably achieve fusion before the lack of oil becomes a problem anyway.
Either way, the greenhouse effect will not be very dramatic, because most of the CO2 will be quickly absorbed by the biomass in the planet. Proof of that is that originally the atmosphere had only volcanic gases and zero oxygen, and today it has 20% O2 and 0.04% CO2. Almost all of the carbon was absorbed by photosynthesizing organisms. The same thing is happening RIGHT NOW due to human emissions, but the scientists are trying to paint it as a bad thing ( Thoughts?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16298290

Is there any scientific literature which shows methods of falling asleep in 15 minutes or less without the usage of drugs or supplements? I read that for the average person it takes them 5 to 15 minutes to fall asleep. For me its on average double that or even more. The only time I fall asleep within 15 minutes or less is when I'm really tired and have slept the previous night less than 6 hours. Also often times I can go to bed at midnight and wake up at 11am and still feel tired when I wake up. I rarely ever go to bed and just wake up 8 hours later without periodically waking up during the early morning. How are people just able to fall alseep whenever they want and wake up 8 hours later and feel fully rested for the full day? I have tried all sorts of methods to fall asleep faster and to have better sleep but nothing works, that includes eye mask, ear plugs, melantonin, and all sorts of fall asleep methods. How has science not been able to fix such a problem for me?

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🧵 Quantitative analysis of evolution

Anonymous No. 16298263

I've read that if you examine the rate of mutations in any genome and run the numbers that it's impossible to achieve homo sapiens within the given timeframe of the evolution of life on earth.

Any truth to this? Anyone else hear this argument?

Pic unrel

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🧵 Why am I so dumb?

Anonymous No. 16298226

I've spent a lot of times trying to learn thing in my life, still, it's clear to me that I'm below average in intelligence and that I'm not smart. I used to think that I was a genius, I genuinely used to believe this, then I realized that I was actually dunning-kruger, I'm just shocked at how smart and educated most people are. I'm going to use a midwit example to illustrate my point, it's like in calculus when you approach the limit of a given value, and you get infinitesimally closer and closer, but you never actually reach. Why is learning so difficult, why is understanding things so hard, why am I so dumb?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16298166

I'm on a calorie restricted diet, I wear sunscreen on my face every day and moisturise and apply retinol to my face every night.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16298145

if you told a sicilian and a lombard they'd be part of the same country one day, they'd kill you and then each other.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16298101

Bocchi the Computer Scientist
Kita the Mathematician
Nijika the Engineer
Ryo the Computational Scientist

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🧵 AI makes me stunned

Anonymous No. 16298069

I'm using the AI a lot, I ask it for obscenely complicated and boring jobs.
Sometimes when I ask him to do things I almost feel the immense effort it would take to complete them.
And she, obviously, does everything (almost) perfectly without batting an eye.
This inability to experience fatigue is shocking.
Needless to say, even these stupid and primordial AIs are already changing my way of working completely.
It's not just hype, I'm realizing it firsthand by using them.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16298061

Does English have Universal Computation?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16298060

why are jewish intellectuals obsessed with sex and pedophilia? is there a reason for this?

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🧵 Still no crook went to jail for the "Pyramid of Foods".

Anonymous No. 16298007

That thing was murderous; they STILL didn't take responsibility; they just quietly replaced it with the "plate" which is still bad.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16297992

I'm excited for the future.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

retard No. 16297991

I regret getting a degree in math when I want to do research in a lab.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16297990

How come modern scientists' claims about global warming always turn out to be lies?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16297986

So how can you prove that who you are is random and not "what was meant to be"?
I am asking because that statement is often used in religious debates, for example, and I don't think it is fully understood.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16297842

Why haven't we tried this yet?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16297802

How did buffalo evoluve!