🧵 Video games with best wrestling mechanics?
Anonymous at Thu, 20 Mar 2025 21:57:31 UTC No. 226202
A lot of horror game monsters just try to grab you when they attack. And it's made me wonder whether there's a better way for players to struggle against that sort of thing, aside from button mashing.
So I wanted to get some opinions here. Which games out there have the best wrestling mechanics?
I'm not talking about fake WWE stuff. I'm thinking more of those semi-realistic MMA titles, where players 1 & 2 usually wind up rolling around on the floor.
I don't think many horror games would be improved by a full-on multiplayer-level wrestling system. But it could still be an interesting place to start from. Any research suggestions would be welcome.
🧵 Strength Training vs. Combat Sports??
CaptchaForever at Wed, 19 Mar 2025 01:38:45 UTC No. 226096
Crossposting from /fit/...
I've trained (alternating) combat sports and weightlifting for years now and find myself at an impasse of what to focus on right now.
When I left lifting my PR's (at 5'11", 180lbs) were:
- Squat: 365
- Bench: 195
- OHP: 135
- Deadlift: 415
Been doing combat sports for the last ~3 years and have competed in and placed (bronze lol) in local competitions. Have vastly improved cardio and lost weight (mostly bodyfat eyyy) -- now weigh 160lbs.
Issue is now I feel more agile but more fragile and i hate it feeling so vulnerable (primarily to injury), even if i can beat up guys who weight 200+ lbs.
So, what are /fit/-izen's opinions of weighlifting (starting strength, texas method) vs. combat sports (sambo)? Particularly for health & overall ""performance""* (whatever that means).
For some context, I live a demanding life that asks a lot of me not just physically*, but especially with respect to my time, hence why I can't train both seriously, but can occasionally do quick side workouts (running, calisthenics)
*endurance probably the most important/required quality, but strength & cardio (e.g. running sprinting) close behind
🧵 /BJJ/ - Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu General
Anonymous at Tue, 18 Mar 2025 19:10:31 UTC No. 226080
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu General: They don't even try to hide it anymore addition
>Daily deals
https://smoothcomp.com (not sure why we post this)
>Belt Checker
https://www.beltchecker.com (dead)
>Thread question
why even bother?
Previous thread: >>220879
🧵 optimal fight wear
Anonymous at Sun, 16 Mar 2025 05:11:45 UTC No. 225994
lets say your walking down the street and u bump into a guy. one things leads into another your granted a fair 1v1 no weapons only limbs. (kicks and whatnot allowed) but you cant back out. what kind of clothing would be best? would you regular street wear help you? i usally wear a nike tech fleece very breathable and moveable material and typical sneakers. only thing that might through me off is if im wearing some jeans that day. i think perfect fighting outfit would be a good sports tracksuit like the nike tech suit and some sort of sneaker that u can grip the floor in and kick with but thats not too limiting. on the foot
🧵 Untitled Thread
Anonymous at Sat, 15 Mar 2025 19:53:56 UTC No. 225974
>at a paintball place
>last i played was a decade ago
>there are now foids here playing
When did women start stealing paintball too?
🧵 Untitled Thread
Anonymous at Fri, 14 Mar 2025 03:04:01 UTC No. 225912
>hehe stupid meathead you can't even do a martial a-AAAAAAAAAAAAAACCCCCCCCCKKKKKK!!!
🧵 How do you stay sane while you’re broken?
Anonymous at Wed, 12 Mar 2025 12:11:24 UTC No. 225840
I was recently diagnosed with a scaphoid nonunion and need to have surgery soon to fix it. It’s going to put me in a cast and out of commission for several months.
I’m currently weighing the options of doing the surgery now and ruin my upcoming vacation and part of my summer, or later and ruin my whole summer.
Either way, I won’t be doing much for a very long time. How do you stay sane while you’re healing from injuries?
🧵 FMA: Filipino Martial Arts - Kali/Eskrima/Arnis
Anonymous at Sat, 8 Mar 2025 11:12:23 UTC No. 225609
Let's discuss the Filipino weapon arts.
I've practiced in various styles of Eskrima for over 6 years now, and it's my favorite style of the ones I practice. I do JKD and MMA too.
I've mainly done Inosanto Kali at my JKD schools, but I've also dabbled in Balintawak, Serrada, Lightning Scientific Arnis, Illustrisimo, Modern Arnis, and Pekiti Tirsia with a variety of different instructors. It is my dream to go to the Philippines to train with the masters there, and become an instructor myself one day.
>What styles of FMA have you practiced, if any?
>Which weapons do you favor, for either training or EDC?
>Do you feel that Eskrima has value in a modern context, and/or is valuable for self-defense?
I know the last question there will probably generate some controversy but I think it's necessary to welcome constructive criticism as a practitioner of any martial arts. I think a lot of people see the flow drills and disarming techniques and think it's an unrealistic way to practice, which is kinda fair, although I also think that there's a common misconception there because the cooperative drills are used to develop certain skills in a controlled way before eventually learning to apply them in sparring. Most martial arts include these types of cooperative exercises for building attributes and isolating certain skills, such as holding pads, glove drills, etc. Yes there are issues with Eskrima skills not sparring enough, which is a common problem in many martial arts schools, but there are also many legit Eskrima schools where we wear the armor and actually beat eachother with sticks and training knives. I see both cooperative drilling and sparring as necessary components to becoming a proficient martial artist.
If you think Eskrima is bullshido, I respectfully disagree, but you're allowed to have your view. All I ask is that we keep it civil and try to have a rational, productive conversation about it.
🧵 Untitled Thread
Anonymous at Fri, 7 Mar 2025 01:15:17 UTC No. 225507
Hypothetically if an already athletic person had only about a year to train MMA (with 0 prior martial arts experience) and was training 5-6 hours a day, 5 days a week (which is roughly 2000 hours), how far could they get? Assuming they trained really intelligently with optimal nutrition and rest etc
Pic related
🧵 joined mma/got scared
Anonymous at Thu, 6 Mar 2025 06:08:39 UTC No. 225417
>motivated to join mma
>got punched in the head
>now im coping that mma is bad for brain
give me advice boyos.i dont want to stay pussy. but i also dont want to become retarded
🧵 Untitled Thread
Anonymous at Thu, 6 Mar 2025 05:34:12 UTC No. 225414
Would walking as far as you can with no food, water, or rest until you collapse of exhaustion be considerable as an extreme sport?
🧵 New Sport in 30s
Anonymous at Thu, 6 Mar 2025 00:02:32 UTC No. 225400
>only liked martial arts as a sport growing up
>as an adult have had knee problems (ACL, MCL)
>have tried to continue martial arts but have blown my knees previously and now realise BJJ/MT is just going to result in that again
>need another sport so I can meet people and not be a shut-in
Surely others are in this same situation, i.e. don't like team/ball sports, prefer something like martial arts but can't do it anymore
What sport should I do?
🧵 Mark Phillips from Fight Science
Anonymous at Tue, 4 Mar 2025 04:13:25 UTC No. 225302
Is he based?
🧵 ninjitsu club
Anonymous at Mon, 3 Mar 2025 13:53:16 UTC No. 225257
Should I join a Bujinkan, or Koga-ryu , or Iga-ryu, ninjitsu school\dojo\club? I KNOW it's not historically real\not useful in real fights..i see it as cool larping: samurai armor demons, camping and doing "survival ninja skills", ancient weapons, cool ,Shinto lore, etc
>the other students, Soke, will for sure believe in all this..I'll play along and, keep my mouth shut
Bujinkan is the most popular\ biggest one, but a bit lame unless you're a high-tier Soke? Koga and Iga ryu seem much more obscure and, thus, fascinating.
🧵 Did the Jaxxon podcast fuck up here?
Anonymous at Mon, 3 Mar 2025 08:15:57 UTC No. 225249
Or were they right "not giving him a platform"?
🧵 Skateboarding FTW because no getting CUCKED by Chad.
Anonymous at Mon, 3 Mar 2025 01:32:15 UTC No. 225221
The best thing about us skaters is the pros and everyone in general are all around 5'6-5'10 and 160lbs.
No getting mogged by chad hahahaha!!! No being bullied by 6'2" 230lb chad and having chad cuck all the bros taking all the girls for himself hahahaha.
🧵 /sumo/ - Off-Basho General
Anonymous at Mon, 3 Mar 2025 00:38:51 UTC No. 225214
Dan edition
prev >>223106
>Fight Schedule & Results:
>Some sumo links and how to watch live:
🧵 I made a family tree of all the most popular martial arts
Anonymous at Fri, 28 Feb 2025 05:33:16 UTC No. 225001
All of the martial art family trees online are shit, so I decided to create a half-decent one. How did I do? What did I do wrong? What should I add?
🗑️ 🧵 ywnbaw
Anonymous at Fri, 28 Feb 2025 01:26:29 UTC No. 224986
You will never be a real warrior. You have no confirmed kills, you never seen real combat, you've never been in real danger. You're an insecure racially ambiguous manlet twisted by brain damage and larp fighting into a crude joke of a real threatening man
All your random public threats in commercial gyms make you look like a moron in public. Behind your back sparring partners call you retarded and gay for bragging over belts. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of your short stature and hobbit like appearance, your “friends” laugh at your boxers nose, slurred speech and cauliflower ears.
women are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed women to sniff out ugly compensating wannabe "tough guys" from miles away. Your short and narrow bone structure and puffy trt gut and face is a dead giveaway.
You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake scowl every single morning and tell yourself people are scared of you and think you're a badass, but deep inside you feel all the times you were "humbled" at the gym, crushing you under the unbearable weight of how pathetic being a 40 year old man who "rolls" on mats with teenagers and college kids really is.
🧵 Untitled Thread
Anonymous at Wed, 26 Feb 2025 21:38:42 UTC No. 224822
So, I've been doing boxing by a lot of time, but I still dont know how to make my hook faster, they are really strong but not fast, could you guys give me any tips to make my hooks less sluggish and faster
🧵 /cg/ - Climbing General
Anonymous at Sun, 23 Feb 2025 22:34:25 UTC No. 224473
~~Magnus Midtbø is a Sellout Edition~~
>Where do I start?
People typically start in the gym and branch off outdoors and find their niche, be it bouldering, trad, sport or a mixture of the above. Some never leave the gym at all. Ultimately it doesn't matter - just get started and enjoy yourself.
>How fit do I have to be to start? Do I have to be able to do x amount of pull-ups?
Being light, strong and flexible helps at the higher levels but climbing is open to almost anyone and is fairly intuitive to most. Even if your body is feeble and weak now, you will develop strength over time by virtue of just climbing. Climbing is a holistic sport and success often hinges upon many factors, not just strength and power, but having these qualities definitely helps when you breach into the higher grades.
>What shoes do I buy?
If you're starting out in the gym, don't worry too much: get some snug shoes without dead space that don't cause you lasting pain. Some people (such as the famed shoe designer Heinz Mariacher) recommend wearing soft shoes when you're starting out -- this makes sense since your footwork will probably suck and the increased feedback will pay dividends over time. You really don't need fancy expensive shoes when you're starting out, but certain shoe properties help send harder problems (e.g. stiff shoes for standing on tiny granite edges or soft shoes for sandstone/gritstone smears).
Here are some useful resources for sizing:
>Do I need Magdust/Rugne Gear?
No, most chalk you find will be good. Mammut is older, cheaper, and as reliable as they come.
>Do I need to start hangboarding?
Hangboarding is a tool used to improve climbing, but you likely won't *need* it until you've climbed for 2-3 years. Even that's generous. Just climb.
Old thread:
🧵 Untitled Thread
Anonymous at Fri, 21 Feb 2025 21:04:30 UTC No. 224305
Imagine this if you will
An MMA promotion , but a little different. The fight is set in a stadium and there are no rounds, in fact there is no time limit.
Two fighters enter maybe they fight and finish at the very beginning, but maybe the other runs when he feels at a disadvantage. will the other one be able to catch up? maybe the stronger fighter knows he won't be able to catch the faster fighter and saves his energy, then they both wait. Who will go to sleep first ? will they wake up as the other fighter steps towards them at 4 a.m.?
It could be called extreme real fighting.
It seems to me that for this kind of fighting , the best kind of phenotype would be a 5'7 endurance athlete. a 6'4 240 lb man might be able to function and stay awake for 4 days in a flight or fight situation, but 6 days or a week? enjoy falling asleep and waking up to 170lbs jumping on your face or throat heel first just for him to run away before you can gather your wits, knowing you can't catch him and he;s going to do the same thing when you fall asleep in a few hours again and again.
Looks like you're the one who;s going to get heemed, lanklet.
🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread
King Zhan Ascalim Ra at Fri, 21 Feb 2025 17:44:39 UTC No. 224288
Did I show you PakYows I forget
It's got Taekwondo and Parkour in it and it invents training