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๐Ÿงต /BJJ/ - Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu General

Anonymous No. 226080

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu General: They don't even try to hide it anymore addition

>Daily deals


>Smoothcomp (not sure why we post this)

>Belt Checker (dead)

>Thread question
why even bother?

Previous thread: >>220879

Anonymous No. 226082

I got a bjjgf that goes somewhere else and the teacher says I'm not allowed to bring her to our place because hes "seen dating in the gym go wrong too many times"
and I'm like wtf? it's really none of your business at all, its not like we met in the gym
so people that are already couples aren't allowed to do this hobby together?

Anonymous No. 226083

did that guy ever find out if he has herpes?

Anonymous No. 226087

There's a tremendous amount of butthurt that comes with "cross training" in general, even at other gyms within your "Team"

So I'm not surprised if someone is going to be weird about it.

He only wants single women or women that he has a shot at fucking to join his gym, that's what that tells me.

Anonymous No. 226105

who the hell lets women into their gym

Anonymous No. 226107

Pros of having girls in the gym:
Smell good
Make cute noises when you squish them

Anonymous No. 226204

Our instructor has women on separate days.
Imagine being able to have sex with any of your students.
In way it really makes you focus on techniques more opposed to using strength.
I find it's a lose lose though, if you beat a girl
>You beat a girl
If you let her win or God forbid she wins
>you got beat by a girl
There is no winning.

Anonymous No. 226212

Why is BJJ so expensive in the US? I pay a yearly fee of 200 EURO once a year
t. europoor

Anonymous No. 226220

Every gyms are price gouging together

Anonymous No. 226224

just like how nintendo and sony charge money for online service, they saw microsoft getting away with it and everyone was fine paying it so they said why not us too?

is the gym profitable at 130 per month? yes
if the guy down the street is charging 220 give me one good reason why I shouldn't charge 180 though

also we have free scholastic wrestling, so this is considered "boutique fitness" the same as yoga and spin vs the $10 a month gym membership to lift weights

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bjj no-gi table s....mp4

Anonymous No. 226260

>be at beej competition
>mp4 happens
wut do?

Anonymous No. 226261

pull guard, always works

Anonymous No. 226262

Well he won and didn't get hurt so it's cool

That's the kind of stuff that gets you banned

Anonymous No. 226265

Couples in the gym do too much couple shit that has nothing to do with training. It's a distraction. You'll say you won't do that shit and you'll behave, but you won't.

Anonymous No. 226280

>also we have free scholastic wrestling
It is impossible to suffer in the USA.

Anonymous No. 226282

What a retard lmao

Anonymous No. 226284

what a fucking asshole dude holy shit

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Anonymous No. 226498

How bad does this swelling look, do I need to drain it/will it turn into cauliflower? Other ear has exact same swelling, been icing them all afternoon.

Anonymous No. 226504

Just let it turn dude, that's how you get chicks

Anonymous No. 226508


Anonymous No. 226570

Ugh. I love and hate jiu jitsu.
I walk away some nights thinking I'm shit, I'm weak and I'm stupid.
It decreases my confidence.
Then obviously I have nights where i do good or sub someone and walk out with my head held high.

Anonymous No. 226580

>i experience something completely normal except i fight people

Anonymous No. 226593

I have been using Kesa Gatame for years and it goes well with my top game. There is one submission however that I never managed to land. The one explained at 8:00 in this video:

I feel like a retard since everything else presented in the video works just fine. Anyone using this submission who has some tips?

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Marcelo Garcia ha....mp4

Anonymous No. 226599

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Marcelo Garcia no....mp4

Anonymous No. 226601

Anonymous No. 226606

What is preventing you from landing it?

Anonymous No. 226614

do you have any proof it's real? for example, and documented usage of it happening in the wild?
lots of moves are just boomer cope where they can make their compliant training partner tap when they're allowed to set it up but the truth is good fucking luck actually doing it

might just be fake

Anonymous No. 226615

I think what I get wrong is really sliding down like he shows and deeply sliding my hand behind his elbow.
Thanks for the video. Will try to apply the technique like this.