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🧵 STL file design

Sacred G No. 995619

I got a design for a razor that could change shit...

I need a modeler
I use SOLIDWORKS 64 and know software that was in 2013...

But yeah all the free shit I downloaded just isn't solid works 64

Extrude/revolve/cut/fillet/chamfer... Etc

We could potentially make money I have a discord

Basedrapist we can work on something if u want or u could just steal it like everyone else does... Ppl are niggers on all boards here this place gets two darkies

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🧵 /3/'s /Co/mpany

Anonymous No. 995608

Post cartoon clarikters you've made in your preferred 3d program

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 995596

hi /3/ this a rendition of my cat, Rupert.

What do you think of my work? I used blender
I'll post a picture of him for a follow up to compare

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 995563

Megascans will go behind a paywall at the end of 2024.
Or something like that. Epic just sent out a vaguely worded email:
- Megascans will be available through Fab starting in October
- Megascans will be 'free' till the ***end of 2024***
- New pricing model will be introduced
- Some Megascans will remain free
- Megascans content you got for free will still be in your account (probably?)
- Bridge will be discontinued (?)

1. Add every megascans item to your account now and pray epic lets you keep them
2. Buy a new harddrive and download everything now
3. Hope that everything free now will remain free as legacy content

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🧵 Unity Dark Winter is over

Anonymous No. 995557
unity has apparently caved and completely abandoned the run time fee. they will keep the seat based subscription model. if you use unity6 you maybturn off the "made with unity" logo too.

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🧵 This can't be it for 3-dimensional control

Anonymous No. 995527

These are horribly over-engineered, can't we use motion controllers, bit like those that come with VR goggles??? Why isn't it a thing?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 995479

>This blows the mind of the zoomer

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🧵 Starfield quality

Anonymous No. 995465

so this is what passes for AAA these days? they don't even bother making high poly for assets anymore. the whole thing feels like it was outsourced to some third world asset-mill for $200
the hell is happening to this industry

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 995463

Got a nasty message from autodesk on my computer accusing me of using a priated version of maya. like, i opened maya and another program opened uo a new window with spooky red text and threats. a corporation has altered data on my computer to threaten me.
is there info on this? how real is this thing?

pic related is who is why autodesk has suddenly decided its necessary and ok to do this.

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leg raise.png

🧵 How do you make soft joints not suck?

Anonymous No. 995434

Realistically the leg changes shape when it moves because the muscles are attached to different (literal) bones. I'm skeptical you can just weight-paint really good; surely professionals use a different method. Can you do something like create a second model with the leg raised and anatomy corrected and morph between the two?
I've done modeling in Blender before and focused on 2D art since, and I'm interested in getting back into 3D but the impression I'm getting it modeling machines with hard joints is a better use of 3D.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 995364

So I wanna arrange my scenes in blender for a comic/manga. I figure it'll look unique at the very least, maybe I can do something with the lighting/geometry? Any suggestions?

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🧵 /beg/ - Beginner's General

Anonymous No. 995292

I see /ic/ has a /beg/ thread often and figured this might be a good place to have one as well.

If you're already proficient in 3D, use this thread as a way to help new people grow with either tutorials you know of or general advice. I'll grab any that are good and try to stick them at the top of each new thread if this takes off

If your a /beg/ use this thread to ask questions or to post some of your works you've done.

Also, try to avoid the donut tutorial. We get enough of that on this board as is.

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Anonymous No. 995264

As I lurked Reddit I found a post where guy posted a link to his Dark-Souls themed archive of 3d models for printing (there were also discord links but they expired a long time ago). There were some pretty cool models but THE ONE I was searching for was absent!!! Instead there was just a picture of a render, as if to tease me. Does anyone know where I could find this model? Or any good gwyndolin 3d models actually. Any models I found online were either unprintable or NSFW, lol

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 995236

I have this kind of 2d/3d crossover geometry with flower stems being planes and flower heads being 3d shapes, so at some point I have plane edges joining 5 gons and this seems to break smooth shading, because 3d stuff can have blue normals on all faces, but 2d plane will always have a blue (front normal) and red (back normal) parts and flipping it will just change which one is blue and which one is red. And the thing is when red face is neighbouring blue face it creates a shading artifact. Is there a way to make smooth shading work with this geometry?

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🧵 AI graphics to surpass metal doom solid

Anonymous No. 995202


Video generator rigged to a game.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 995170

Is it fine to do lowpoly as you do highpoly just without subdivision? Do you need to care about good topology in lowpoly? Even if you don't need to care about topology since you don't subdivide, can you deliberately choose to care about topology and make lowpoly models subdivision friendly (this could be handy for additional static renders right)? Is there anything that actually requires you to produce subdivision-UNfriendly topology? Is it just a matter of saving like 5-15% of poly budget?

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🧵 PS2-Era Graphics

Anonymous No. 995160

Im working on developing some games in my spare time and I’d really like to target the fidelity of ps2-ps3 style games, mostly for stylistic purposes (but also because I’m solo and don’t have the time and resources to make too many high poly things)

Specifically, I’m really interested in how characters like pic related were modeled and textured to look semi-realistic and expressive (especially textures because I’m still terrible with them)

Feel free to post low-poly or just your favorite models/textures from the games of the good old era of games

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🧵 Airbrush effect with /3/

Anonymous No. 994974

Is it possible to achieve this effect with 3d modelling? I could previously do it in photoshop but the process isnt enjoyable with endless masking and touching up. Ive also cancelled adobe because they're shit.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 994958

Why is everyone now on my low poly tags using blockbench?

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🧵 New golden age of indie animation

Anonymous No. 994832

Why aren't you creating your own 3D animated webseries? Glitch is selling endless amounts of merch and making shitloads in ad revenue. You could potentially create the next Amazing Digital Circus.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 994758

This channel has been bothering me for a while now. The production quality is some of the highest I've ever seen, and the creative team is using a huge variety design tools to make these videos. Despite their popularity, this channel has very little information regarding team size, members, talent or development process. There doesn't seem to be any outside work posted on online portfolio websites like ArtStation or Behance. Where did they come from and how the hell are they so good? How did they nail this rendering style so effectively? What tools are they even using to make this content? Their CAD models are incredibly detailed, the materials, environment and textures are on point (especially water sim) and their lighting setup is almost perfect. I'd really like to apply these techniques to my work if there was some way to find out what the hell they're even doing.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 994681

Hey /3/ help a retard out, what is Valve using to create these effects in Deadlock?

It doesn't look like polygons but don't look like simple bumpmap/normals either because when you clip into these geometries it's not just a texture on a flat plane.

Also at the end of the webm you can see that the effect breaks at extreme angles.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 994610

What is the best controller for modeling/sculpting in VR?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 994607

>Putting textures on simple geometry isn't real ar-ACK!