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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 1009883

>mfw spend years ignoring compositing
>learn some basics
>renders improve 2x
learn comp

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 1009875

Do you think both WoW and Genshin's rendering can be described as "stylized PBR"?
It seems they both use normal maps, roughness maps, maybe even metallic,
yet they also use handpainted textures, and somehow also painterly looking photorealistic textures sometimes I guess?
Would you consider this the hardest type of stuff to work on?

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🧵 Tablets

Anonymous No. 1009837

I had a Wacom Intuos Pro that was gifted to my sister and I used it for a while. I learned Zbrush with it.
Anyway, she left the cocoon now and I'd like to get back to sculpting. But even more than before. So I was starting to check out tablets and I was horrified by the price of the nicer stuff.
My question is the following, you think old Cintiq still holding up to the current competition? I really want to try one with a screen but only second hand options in my area have Cintique (22,24,16 HD or not) for a price around 400-600€ (sometimes less, sometimes more). So should I try one of these even though they were released a decade ago?

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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 1009833

So I made a secret Discord server that will act as a gateway to another secret Discord server after (You) prove yourself WORTHY (by not acting like a bot or a glowie). This screening process is only a means to make sure the real server will be free from bots and randoms, and 100% private and unavailable to outside internet (no public invite links). There is only one channel for random talk about anything /3/ related. Picrelated isn't mine.
replace xxx in the link above with string below to enter

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 1009810

how do i make exagerated perspectives like this in blender?

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🧵 Fluid 2D facial expressions

Anonymous No. 1009783

What technique did the Ape Escape 2 (2002) CG animators use to make these flat facial expressions?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 1009763

Do you have to make the model from scratch for portfolios? If not can I use kitbashed game assets?

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Houdini tool - Co....webm

🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 1009733

What is the point of doing this? Isn't it better to have two triangles with transparent texture of foliage than having it converted into gazillion triangles with non-transparent texture?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 1009716

What do you think is the most comfy platform to upload and organize your projects? Basically I'd like to:
* Create some kind of entry per project, with title, would be amazing to be able to manually set date from past for when you want to upload an old project
* Under this entry post screenshots/renders/files in form of images and videos and models
* Maybe some extra description field that allows leaving some extra notes and information on the project
* Maybe a comment section if someone wants to ask anything about it
* Maybe some kind of visibility setting that allows certain projects to only be visible to certain categories of people? For example I want to upload everything mostly just for myself to go through my stuff and get reminded of progress I made through time, but many of those projects are something that I probably wouldn't show to just anyone

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🧵 Blender General

Anonymous No. 1009677

Previous: >>1003583

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🧵 greasepencil thread

Anonymous No. 1009668

any one have any recommendations for good greasepencil tutorials/3d artists or just gp advice in general? (artists that use greasepencil on 3d models not just a 2d plane)im struggling with contour lines,it seems obvious where to draw contour lines but it always looks off

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Capture d'éc....png

🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 1009635

Hey i am new to 3d for trying something kinda weird I would rly aprciate your advice.
i am going to try to paint depth maps to sculpt 3d models ( only bas reliefs ) does it make any sence? will it work ? what should i be carefull about

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 1009622

How well do traditional/digital art skills like anatomy, proportions, gesture etc. translate over to 3D modelling, bros? I think my drawing skills are fine and would like to learn modelling.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 1009616

Will paying thousands of dollars to online schools like Animschool actually teach me better than random online tutorials?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 1009602

Is there anyone that can make better 3D anime girls than seismic?

not being trolling, serious curious if there's anyone at this level.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 1009593

Whats the point of making realistic graphics? nobodys gonna zoom in and say "oh my that water has fake caustics!!"
Takes so much time and resources for heck nobody gives 2 shit about, might as well make it stylized with distinctive features

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 1009572

is there any real source for insight on how to implement vertex weight proximity modifiers in blender like this?

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🧵 Why does this hand pose cause extreme butthurt

Anonymous No. 1009558

Why do using this hand pose in A pose cause artists maximum buthurt?

I mean, is not a pose that is not realistic, nor is anatomically wrong.

Neither causes extreme strain on the body and can be sustained as resting pose.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 1009520

Should I learn 3D for a professional career in modeling/animation or should I not?

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 1009487

Is there a way to make some quick money if you can do modeling & texturing with experience in the industry ? there isnt a single job out there
>pic related

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 1009445

How much of AAA models are outsourced? For games like fortnite specifically.

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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 1009432

>coworker rotates tangent space normalmap in photoshop

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🧵 Learning 3D modeling by modding

Anonymous No. 1009430

I usually like to model for games and mod them in, but all the games I've done it in suck now. What are some hip new cool games that are easy to mod?

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cosplay gunprop.png

🧵 3D printing help

Anonymous No. 1009422

Hey everyone, I need any tip to best orientate this cosplay barrel prop for 3d printing. For me, along the Z axis is the best, for clean, no cut and glueing, minimal support. But still will be so much hard to remove support.
Thanks in advance :)