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Anonymous No. 1009883

>mfw spend years ignoring compositing
>learn some basics
>renders improve 2x
learn comp

Anonymous No. 1009885

this this this this this this this this

if you're not doing basic comp at the very least, you're doing things WRONG

Anonymous No. 1009902

the unfortunate part is that nuke has such a chokehold on 3d comp that most learning resources are devoted to it
and i don't want to give my computer foundry-aids by even installing a NC
fusion's enough for my needs though and chatgpt's been decent at telling me what nodes are equivalent to nuke

Anonymous No. 1009904

> basic comp
Do you mean throwing fog glow on everything?

Anonymous No. 1009910

The less you see, the better

Anonymous No. 1009953

soft glow + depth haze + depth blur = 2x renders in 3 steps

this is the way

Anonymous No. 1009970

>use this same comp chain that 90% of others use via youtube tutorials
no thanks