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๐Ÿงต /BJJ/ - Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu General

Anonymous No. 220879

Wiltse is BACK edition

>Daily deals


>Smoothcomp (not sure why we post this)

>Belt Checker (dead)

>Thread question
stripes are pretty dumb and should be done away with, right?

Previous thread: >>217082 (Cross-thread)

Anonymous No. 220884

Erm, this isn't a picture of an Asian girl

Anonymous No. 220885

>Gay jiu-jitsu general

Anonymous No. 220887

>warming up with a hot shower general

Anonymous No. 220888


Anonymous No. 220889

Every time you post this you seem even more retarded
Do you think warm up and cooldown are just random terms we use? The purpose is to literally increase the body temperature causing muscle tissue to relax and become more pliable
You can do this by moving around or just applying heat to your body, that's why you use heat to alleviate muscle stiffness and why on a cold day your body is more tight

This simple concept everyone understands has completely mind broken you, I genuinely hope you neck yourself

Anonymous No. 220890

>Wiltse is BACK
back in jail?

Anonymous No. 220892

oh and to answer the thread question
>stripes are pretty dumb and should be done away with, right?
when i started our gym handed them out, but by the time i hit blue the affiliation decided to stop giving out stripes

it's motivation candy, fine for kids and even adult white belts i think. i remember thinking it was cool as hell to get a stripe. even then, i remember excitedly telling my dad about my first stripe and struggling to explain the significance of a piece of sports tape being attached to my belt. it doesnt really make any sense.

Anonymous No. 220893

Do you need to do jiu jitsu forever or can you just get to blue belt and quit and remember what you need for self defence

Anonymous No. 220894

Just have a cold shower bro

Anonymous No. 220897

go pay some money and be told to run laps you fucking faggot

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Anonymous No. 220901

you totally owned me there dude.
Absolutely buck broken

Anonymous No. 220903

is wiltse on his meds now?

Anonymous No. 220911

>"You have little technique and you are all strength+weight" type comments
>They voluntarily give me positions where I can easily use my weight and strength, while I give them all the chances for top pressure in the beginning of a round
I don't get it. Someone explain this please.

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marcelo garcia vs....webm

Anonymous No. 220913

Anonymous No. 220915

He's free and medicated so I finally got him to talk about the blue belt test. Makes me feel pretty good to know a world champion also felt it was difficult to do. I did the Vaghi test too.

I'm trying to figure this out right now.


Anonymous No. 220917

>a world champion
I mean...amateur division

Anonymous No. 220919

How do I do BJJ without turning gay?

Anonymous No. 220921

they're coping

ignore it, and actually crush them harder next time if you do anything. And if they make another comment you say "try getting better at jiujitsu if you have a problem with it"

Anonymous No. 220922

>My size gives you an opportunity to work on your technique since you can't compensate for poor form with muscle.

Anonymous No. 220926

Loosen up bro
Did you forget your warm shower today?

Anonymous No. 220927

if you find out, let me know

Anonymous No. 220928

post your hairline

Anonymous No. 220929

I'm reminding you to diligently do you supplementary strength and mobility training
a certified big rig tried to blast through my legs and sent his whole bodyweight sideways into my knee
my daily practices meant my hams and hip adductors had extra runway to stretch and absorb the impact. An average person would've lost their MCL and meniscus, but I was unharmed.

so if you decide not to do these things and get hurt, well I have no sympathy for you. you were warned

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Anonymous No. 220933

This is the guy that trolls the jiujitsu threads btw

Anonymous No. 220935

Makes sense

Anonymous No. 220936

Early 30s and full head of hair
What about you

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 220937


๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 220939


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Anonymous No. 220940

I invented positional sparring.

Anonymous No. 220941

The difference has already been explained to you in detail and you're being deliberately obtuse because your ego won't allow you to accept you've wasted a lot of time learning the wrong way

Anonymous No. 220943

Any hot shower warmup advice?
Optimal temperature and duration?

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Anonymous No. 220945

it needs to be at least
AT LEAST 6,000,000 degrees
it's the only way to really get the latic acid out of your muscles

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 220946


Anonymous No. 220948

what we have here is a salty judo faggot seething that his sport isn't popular and tried to justify static compliant partner repping and doing cart wheels and crab walks for 20 minutes at the beginning of class instead of actually training
he got so unequivocally btfo in multiple threads this past week so he keeps trying to rehash the topics

Anonymous No. 220949

no one mentioned judo

Anonymous No. 220950

the fag trolling the thread is a judo supremacy retard

Anonymous No. 220951

You know I have seen him brag about it in other threads
So seeing this just makes sense

Anonymous No. 220952

Can y'all stop being niggertarded and talk about JJ? No one is interested in your warmups or lack thereof

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Anonymous No. 220953

so what's everybody working on? i've been focusing on entries to the saddle/411 and just looking for leg attacks everywhere

our gym doesn't do a lot of leg locks but i'd like to learn more than just the straight ankle lock

Anonymous No. 220956

I am working on attacking from Turtle, I know it is a amazing position but I have been watching pride.

Anonymous No. 220961

I'm working on trying to come back from injuries. I trained once this month, gonna try to go in tomorrow.

Anonymous No. 220962

you should quit at the earliest possible convenience

Anonymous No. 220965

not getting run over

Anonymous No. 220966

we don't do leglocks in the gi because the friction makes it too dangerous!
In nogi you're allowed to wear gi pants instead of shorts if you want!

Just admit you're avoiding leglocks because you don't know them and need an excuse to get out of it

Anonymous No. 220967

Taking hot showers to warmup is a bjj thing?

Anonymous No. 220968

not in particular, it's something some people do before any kind of workout though
the qrd is
>dumbass retard trying to argue that doing somersaults, burpees, and suicide sprints is the only adequate way to warm up
>gets explained to him you could just not waste your time and warm up by simply doing the activity itself and ramping up the pace over time
>you can even warm up your body just by taking a shower/sauna/steam room before starting your workout
>completely spergs out like it's the most ridiculous thing he's ever heard
>keeps flippantly posting about showers repeatedly in multiple threads ever since then
>just looks like a colossal retarded faggot

Anonymous No. 220974

Wow I guess hundreds of years of sports science and top coaches and athletes have been doing it wrong all this time!

They should have just been having hot showers. Those wrestling style warm ups the top athletes do every day? Waste of time.
Drilling and sparring is a waste of time too. Just meditate and visualise it all bro

Protip, multiple people are laughing at you

Anonymous No. 220975

You're just making things up

Anonymous No. 220976

No one here is going to argue that point

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Anonymous No. 220983

*shits up your youtube feed*
>The MOST Effective Guard System in Jiu Jitsu
>The MOST Important Passing Position in Jiu Jitsu
>This Simple Principle Will INSTANTLY 10x Your Jiu Jitsu
>This NEW Passing System is UNSTOPPABLE
>This Principle CHANGES Everything
>This Detail Will INSTANTLY 10x Your Guard Retention
>Side Control Escape - These Small Details Change Everything

Anonymous No. 220987

That's just Youtube meta these days because of how the algorithm works
Honestly pretty good for the target audience - beginners struggling with guard play

Anonymous No. 220990

just realised that dima is a blatant homosexual. That man's living his best life

Anonymous No. 220991

He does meme guards, it's simply bad grappling

Anonymous No. 220992

What is a "meme guard?"

Anonymous No. 220993

Overly reliant on lapel grip, inversions, and an overall far above average level of flexibility

Anonymous No. 220994

>bad grappling
Why? Because it's "not realistic"?
Who gives a fuck? People who try weird meme techniques don't do it because they think it's practical for self-defense or whatever, they do it because exploring new positions is fun (and maybe to cheese their way through the next comp)

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Anonymous No. 220997

wiltse is back on youtube again, his blue belt test story is pretty amusing

>mile and a half of bear crawls with no stopping
>400 burpees
>body drags and wheelbarrows up and down the mat
>rolling portion where if you get tapped you do 20 push ups

Anonymous No. 220998

didnt realize this was already in the OP, oops

Anonymous No. 220999

Just take a hot shower

Anonymous No. 221000

Nobody gets into jiujitsu because they want to do bjj competitions. People who have been in it for years don't even want to do them

If the goal is to cheese then you're the same scum that tries to win by reeping yourself with the opponents leg do he gets a DQ

Can't expect honor and sportsmanship from gifags

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Anonymous No. 221001


Anonymous No. 221002

Whos that? Does he shower to warm up?

Anonymous No. 221003

Lmao what kind of gross faggot are you that you don't shower before class
Nobody wants your coomer stink on them

Anonymous No. 221006

>pencilneck nerd teaching martial art
Wing chun level of grift.

Anonymous No. 221007

Does he avoid the warmup in class because he warmed up in the shower?

Anonymous No. 221008

If your class does warmups you're in a bad gym and should seek other places to spend your time and money

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Anonymous No. 221010

>challenge someone to a debate
>he agrees
>change the terms and call for backup

Anonymous No. 221011

tom is a clown much like greg, so this circus show should be pretty funny to watch

Anonymous No. 221012

Greg is going to talk circles around both of them with technical jargon alone
But if Tom deblass is the best you can come up with for your side of an argument I expect they're going to have a tough night

Anonymous No. 221023

If your gym doesnt include a hot sauna beforehand as standard are you even training?

Anonymous No. 221025

Not sure if you realize you're just trolling yourself here at this point
Raise your hand if you wish your gym had a sauna

Mine does because it's a proper facility and not subletting a broom closet with pizzle mats like most of you train on because your teacher sucks and can't attract enough peolle to run a real business

Anonymous No. 221065

I hate this shit so fucking much
Ecoschizos believe their way is the only way you can improve and teaching technique is anathema, anti-ecoschizos can't comprehend training methods other than two hours of mindless drilling, both will try to sell you their way as the only true way. Training modalities are a fucking team sport now. Age of unlimited information and this is the quality of discourse we're getting

Anonymous No. 221119

What the heck is an ecological approach? You do BJJ outside?

Anonymous No. 221128

Instead of just showing and drilling a technique, it involves a lot of positional sparring with very specific objectives: Get an underhook, break your opponent's posture, establish dominant grips, things like that. It breaks the positional fight down into many "small battles".
It also incorporates "games". For example, first round you try to open your opponent's guard from your knees, second round you are allowed to stand up, to instill that opening up a guard is much easier from the standing position.
It is a good approach because it emphasizes concepts over techniques, shows the "why" alongside "what" and "how", and it involves a lot of sparring. But there are "eco-purists" who straight up don't believe in teaching any technique whatsoever and think that the student should figure everything out by themselves, which is obviously retarded. Plus they like to act like it's some new and revolutionary thing that will change how BJJ is trained forever, when it's something that many coaches were already doing in some capacity

Anonymous No. 221136

Yeah that doesn't sound that unusual. It's really just a middle ground between a totally rote drill and actual sparring.

If you're not teaching technique then I don't think you could really say you're teaching Jiu Jitsu. That'd be more like trying to get people to invent their own martial art by putting them in a situation and then asking them to figure out how to achieve some particular aim, then correcting mistakes and trying again.

Which could be interesting I guess, the Montessori School of martial arts.

Anonymous No. 221145

>the Montessori School of martial arts
That's kinda what hardline eco is. I think it's kinda stupid because leaving every student to reinvent the wheel by themselves wastes both their time and their instructor's knowledge and experience
I feel like eco might be the best way to teach absolute fundamentals and as the students progress you use less and less eco -because they are already familiar with the underlying concepts- and more specific techniques as solutions to particular problems

Anonymous No. 221165

>straight up don't believe in teaching any technique whatsoever and think that the student should figure everything out by themselves
this is what happens on the eco reddit and discord however hasn't ever been gregs position, he defers to the fact that a lot of positions have already been figured out by other people and that mimicry is a way people learn things. The contention is running a class by saying copy what I do is wasting everyones time since it doesn't actually skill build especially when someone only has 1-2 hours a week to train and half that time is spent being an uke for some other chucklefuck and not even getting any work in yourself
one of the great efficiencies of eco is that both partners are getting reps in at all times, nobody is ever just sitting there doing nothing

Anonymous No. 221211

This is one of the most bitter and seething posts I have seen on this website lmao
Imagine people laughing at you for saying something so stupid and then you double down on your stupidity

Anonymous No. 221277

he's from reddit
you should have seen his responses in other threads
he was saying shit like
>"you're lucky this isnt reddit"
he's taking it hyper seriously and even told someone in another thread if they
>"behaved that way at a bjj gym they'd be on the professors shitlist for life."
it was really cringey. lots of grand standing.

Anonymous No. 221347

You continue to make things up desperately trying to save face

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Anonymous No. 221362


Anonymous No. 221385

I don't know who that is, so stop replying to my posts about it

Anonymous No. 221387

>im only pretending to be retarded
>i didnt mean to make the shower so hot

Anonymous No. 221390

You're sitting up every thread talking about showers, its just spam at this point

Hey here's a good idea, if you don't like what someone said in a thread keep it in that fucking thread you collosal retard

Anonymous No. 221395

you're the one who is throwing a tantrum about it like a bitch.
you could have ignored his post

Anonymous No. 221400

You can fuck off too

Anonymous No. 221401

if being pampered if your focus for martial arts maybe you shouldnt be doing martial arts

Anonymous No. 221403

Practicing in shit conditions doesn't make you better
But it does give you a convenient excuse when you never reach the same heights as other people

Anonymous No. 221404

christ is everyone who does bjj this cringey?

Anonymous No. 221408


thank you hot shower scientist

Anonymous No. 221415

>don't even do jiujitsu
>make the majority of the posts in the jiujitsu thread

Anonymous No. 221424

i want you to point out who you think is samefagging

Anonymous No. 221428

and I want you to stop trolling the thread, but here we are

Anonymous No. 221430

that was my first post the entire thread
i usually read first before posting. you're retarded

Anonymous No. 221432

Then you didn't read enough since this twat has been trolling the board for a week now after he miserably lost an argument and you decided to throw your hat in with him

Anonymous No. 221442

the majority of this thread is you being angry

Anonymous No. 221542


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Anonymous No. 221600

Anonymous No. 221601

based kneedestroy9000

they called me xXxKneeDestroyer666xXx on 360

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Anonymous No. 221663

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Anonymous No. 221666

Genuine question. I recently torn my meniscus, it's not a bucket handle tear but it's still annoying
And that was after an lcl tear in my other knee, I didn't need surgery but it took 3 months to rehab
Is bjj a good choice for me given my shitty knees or is it just part of the sport and I should stop doing DLR guards and x and change my gameplan

Anonymous No. 221667

>bjj a good choice for me given my shitty knees

>I should stop doing DLR guards and x and change my gameplan
But also this
There will always be a risk to the knees doing this but you don't need to go out of the way to make it worse for yourself
It will however give you a conveniently built in excuse like Nicky Ryan where he fails to achieve anything and can blame it on his knees. Thats the reason he won't get them repaired and we all know it

Anonymous No. 221668


also you're gonna have to change your game as you age anyway dude.

Anonymous No. 221716

What is this pass called? I saw this movement in a video for the Anaconda and thought that I could apply it to passing. 1:35 in the video.

Sorry, I am not good at describing the position. When I am in someone's half guard or a similar position where my opponent's legs prevent me from passing, I will try to isolate the head and arm just like in the timestamp.
Once my hands are locked, it is very easy to crunch the head of my opponent and I can untangle my legs. The pass definetly has a name and I want to find out how to better implement it, since the main drawback is actually getting my far away arm over and potentially getting caught in a Kimura.
The pass itself works quite well though.

Anonymous No. 221803

cow catcher aka farm boy

Anonymous No. 221807

Thanks. It's pretty much the one I use except that instead of going for an underhook, I weave my arm the other way to connect both of my hands. Kind of like going for a guillotine but controlling my opponents arm as well.
Will definetly try the regular variant and see how it goes.

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Anonymous No. 221815

The worst gym/dojo you've trained at; what made it bad?

Anonymous No. 221828

went to a BJJ seminar at a big MMA gym
>there were no-gi and MMA classes going on simultaneously in addition to the BJJ class, all within short range of each other, nothing set up in between to block the noise
>friend's white gi pants turn yellow at the knees due to the mats bleeding off colour
>it's summer time, there is no air conditioning, no blinds on any of the windows so the sun is burning straight onto the mats, making them super hot
>three separate classes going on so imagine the humidity
>had to spar a guy who smelled like cigarettes and cat piss, never escaped out of side control faster in my life
aside from the lack of air conditioning it was fine
pretty mild considering some of the stories you get to read online

Anonymous No. 221853

Did it have a sauna at least?

Anonymous No. 221855

yes, it had two if you include the mat space

Anonymous No. 221862

Don't reply to him

Anonymous No. 221886

>the sun is burning straight onto the mats, making them super hot
Oh man you just reminded me.
When I was maybe 11-12, I took Judo classes and we went to a small inter-gym tournament in another city. The gym hosting it probably wanted to market itself a little and so the tournament was held outdoors, right in the middle of the main square. Except it was over 30ยฐC (>86ยฐF) and around noon and the mats got so hot that you could probably fry an egg and it was almost impossible to walk on them without hopping like a retard playing DDR. Somehow it all went without a hitch though

Anonymous No. 221944

he's not me because the shit i would say would be so stupid that you would probably reply to it. I dont really do low effort stuff
Ive only posted ITT like a total of 4 times

Anonymous No. 221975

>erm like, I don't care if there's no science backing up my position, it just feels icky if I don't do static drills ok??

As expected he talked circles around the smoothbrains, but the funniest part is the guy that challenged him to the debate brought in Tom to do all the talking for him

Anonymous No. 221979

The second half especially is a lesson in futility, Dan genuinely seems to have an IQ in the 80s. It's like he's talking to a wall

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Anonymous No. 221986

why can none of these guys invest in a microphone and webcam setup
the audio quality alone is so horrible that i can't stand listening to this just due to that alone
but that aside, it's just so weird to try and turn this into a debate, and to act so combative against someone teaching things in the way they prefer (this goes to both sides of the "argument")

Anonymous No. 221989

He's mad because Greg said instructionals aren't worth the money so he swooped in to defend Danahers honor like a good little cultist
even though Greg never fired any shots at John directly, just the idea that learning that way is ineffective

Anonymous No. 222015

>instructionals aren't worth the money
Besides the point, but I think it really depends
Many just present a loosely collected assortment of techniques, which is pretty worthless. Others delve into the concepts and goals behind a specific position or technique, those are the actually useful one. Danaher in particular likes to go into autistic detail and explain the why behind every little step, which is a kind of instruction that I really like

Anonymous No. 222040

Why is staph so common in bjj but not other grappling arts?
Ive also noticed that a lot of bjj professors have a bad habit of not cleaning the mat as often as they claim.
The school im currently going to the mat is riddled with pubes and body hair and just random items that you cant see due to how small they are or mat coloration

Anonymous No. 222041


They don't even flush their toilet paper, just crumple it and throw it in the waste basket

Anonymous No. 222042

The only reason i can think to do that is if you have an older septic system.
I know when i was a kid at my families ranch we'd have to put it in the trash because the septic system couldnt handle it. But there's no excuses if it just goes into sewage

Anonymous No. 222043

the mats at my gym have never been washed to my knowledge, at most someone will wipe the dust and debris off with a dry rag when it gets too much

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Anonymous No. 222046

jesus fucking christ, how are people not getting sick left and right

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Anonymous No. 222048

we're a pretty small gym, typical class gets 6-8 people on average
i've trained for over three years and never had any skin conditions and i'm very rarely sick, i train 3 times a week consistently
it comes down to the smaller numbers, good personal hygiene on part of individual members, cooler climate and dumb luck, i guess

Anonymous No. 222051

But then they come to a different country and keep doing it for cultural reasons

Anonymous No. 222093

System or deep looks at single moves

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Anonymous No. 222095

>Dont reply to him

Anonymous No. 222125

>replying to *HIM*

Anonymous No. 222127

No kid classes on those mats I assume?

Anonymous No. 222132

he over explains though, 30+ hours of the feet to floor instructional boils down to
>use collar ties and snap downs to create a posture dilemma
>if they go forward control them in a 4 point position and use your front headlock series of choice
>if they stay tall move to the back and achieve a rear body lock using your back chase of choice
>bring them to the ground using your rear takedown of choice
>attack the back using your back attack series of choice

he says a lot without really saying anything

Anonymous No. 222133

so he just explained something that you learn in class?

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Anonymous No. 222135

Does anybody teach BJJ in a semester kind of format? Like you have a schedule of classes for a couple months where you start at the beginning and work through material in a logical first-principles kind of way?

Anonymous No. 222139

No but if you want a beginner to low-mid level class plan look at slime mold grappling Foundations.
It isn't finished yet but you can teach some one the basics with out doing a lot of work on your end.

I not a big fan of eco for learning skills but over all it is good for learn and having fun.

Week 1 is pinning and naked chokes from the back and escaping from those positions.

Anonymous No. 222140

If your instructor teaches any strategy at all it's an outlier case
That's why there is an instructional market at all, most of the people teaching this shit are completely inept retards

Anonymous No. 222143

>most of the people teaching this shit are completely inept retards
Yes 100%

Anonymous No. 222145


Anonymous No. 222153

>watching feet to floor
There's your problem. Danaher's competence rapidly falls off the moment he steps outside the pure jiujitsu realm.

Anonymous No. 222161

My gym does something like that. There is a "recruitment" (closest translation) class that starts from the absolute fundamentals and then after a couple of months the students are shuffled out to regular classes while the recruitment class starts over

Anonymous No. 222183

Eddie bravos rubber guard book has more information for learning effective half guard than John's half guard DVD and the first 30 pages of that book are about smoking weed and raw dogging groupies

When that retard gets to the point faster you got a problem
My opinion if you want to see what new wave is doing just watch film. His dvds aren't worth it

Anonymous No. 222187

No wonder. Kids are just disease vectors. Might not need to clean your mats if nobody under the age of 18 is ever on them.
That sounds interesting. Do they have any attendance issues with the recruitment class and if so how do they deal with those?

Anonymous No. 222199

>Do they have any attendance issues with the recruitment class
Dunno, but I don't think so. Rarely are there classes where there isn't at least 10 people on the mat, regardless of level. Even if a relatively small percentage sticks around, it's a big (by local standards), relatively important city so there's never a shortage of potential customers

Anonymous No. 222224

we have a beginners class which happens before the advanced class
you can go to any class you want but if you go to the advanced class we will not slow anything down to help you, keep up or get out you have a class if you don't understand how jiujitsu works
and if you aren't a blue belt you're going to be pestered constantly to go to the beginners class if you aren't going

Anonymous No. 222234

I have studied both and I got to disagree

Anonymous No. 222290

I have never understood why people liked this guy or hated him.
Buzzsaw passing was pretty okay.
Could someone fill me in?

Anonymous No. 222298

The flo documentary made daisyfresh (the most overhyped team in modern history) seem like an endearing gaggle of goofballs trying their best and he was their best player

But also he's an unironic schizo that's a danger to himself and others when he goes off his meds

As with all mentally ill people you should wish him well and keep your distance

Anonymous No. 222311

Hi everyone I joined a BJJ gym yesterday for the first time

We didn't do any warmups or stretching, instead we all had a hot shower together which lasted around 15 minutes (including drying)

Is this normal ?

Anonymous No. 222366

>you should wish him well and keep your distance
Very sensible, more people should think like this.

Anonymous No. 222368

how do these people get the go ahead to keep training?
Actual question.
Like if i found out someome had some schizoid bpd and was a genuine danger to people i wouldnt let them on the mat.
There's a difference between a spaz who initally wants to hurt people because he's new and wants that adrenaline rush and just a genuine schizoid who became skilled who will just dialated-pupils levels of going crazy

Anonymous No. 222399

daisy fresh in particular are basically just a team of murder hobos that were taught BJJ, think teenage mutant ninja turtles
half of those guys use training as a way to keep themselves in check, or at least that was the impression i got from watching the documentary, i'm not sure how things are now

Anonymous No. 222410

Bipolars are fine when they're medicated. They're only a problem when they're off their meds for whatever reason, then it's a question of how fast they start spiraling into either mania or depression
Also, manic episodes aren't always as severe as what we've seen with Wiltse, his was a more extreme case
I think training is perfectly doable if the coach is informed and knows how to recognize when someone is off their meds, so he can keep them off the mat until they're stable again

Anonymous No. 222412

Bipolar isn't real. Just another made up bullshit for pampered westerners to feel special

Anonymous No. 222428

Tell that to my ex Jess. One minute she's sweet and affectionate, the next minute she threw a plate at my head and was raging.

Anonymous No. 222435

Wouldn't wild emotional swings like that be closer to Borderline?
Bipolar is cycling between states of depression and mania, the former being self-explanatory and the latter basically making the person act like they're tweaked out on meth

Anonymous No. 222438

Manic-depressive usually shows up with cluster b personality disorders, You can have more than one thing wrong with you

I have a family member that's unraveling and it's becoming unsafe, I've had to break up 2 physical altercations this week
It's to the point where we're discussing options of involuntary outside intervention

Anonymous No. 222447

If they're refusing medication or psychiatric intervention, you may be able to have them involuntarily committed to a psychiatric hospital, if your country allows that. But I would use that as a last resort, if there is no other way

Anonymous No. 222453

bpd isnt real
it's just an excuse for women to be shitty

Anonymous No. 222458

Really don't want to do that, but it's likely if there was a knife on the counter when the blow up happened it would've been a bad outcome because you can see nobody is home once that switch flips, and you can see it ramp up more and more like an excited psychosis
No reasoning can happen just physically overpowering until it burns out

Didn't call the police even though it would've been justified but as they say, there's no situation the police can't make worse

We said just go to the Doctor and tell them you are having difficulty regulating your emotions which is causing you to have sudden extreme outbursts
And they can see if it's a hormonal issue or give you something but, If you don't do that we will have to take action ourselves and the consequences will be worse than if you voluntarily do it

Anonymous No. 222489

>basically just a team of murder hobos that were taught BJJ
Wish there was more teams/gyms like this

Anonymous No. 222502

It's a very niche thing because the training environment it creates is *only* suitable for pros that have nothing else going on in life

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4-16-22 bluebelt 5.jpg

Anonymous No. 222523

Jon Thomas is actually good and legit though.

I took the Vaghi blue belt test and it's exactly like he describes it. They haze you for 2 hours. I threw up. You do bear crawls, run across the mat with a partner on your back, squat in place and so on. The only break I got was doing sit ups or wall sits, then they beat your ass for 1 hour with 6 minute rounds, no break, hope that someone rolling with you is an upper belt that likes you and basically just holds you down for the round without hurting you bc you can't defend urself. I did a scissor sweep from closed guard during it and felt really proud of myself. I somehow drove myself home and I don't remember how. They also eat donuts and drink gatorade and mentally fuck with you the entire time basically anyone can show up and yell shit and troll you while you're doing it.

Funniest thing was watching a morbidly obese coach who was running the test get a massage in the middle of the mat from this Mexican girl that the entire gym fucked.

I do recommend to shower before class.

This kind of training can be good but I think you can get some bad habits like hesitation because you opened the guard but didn't immediately go for a pass bc you gamed just opening it over and over

Anonymous No. 222526

I worked with a Russian psychiatrist who believed that BPD was an American only thing. Never heard him say that but other people attributed it to him and I can see it. It probably exists globally but manifests itself in different ways based on the culture. Don't know really anywhere else where it's so socially acceptable for women to cut themselves and have tantrums as it in the the USA.

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Anonymous No. 222534

that whole situation sounds super gay

>Jon Thomas
as for this fag, I'll need to see him roll nogi before I decide if he's good or not because lapel guards aren't good grappling they're just taking advantage of loopholes in the rules
I think I got him pegged the same way as this one faggot in japan when I was a blue belt and he was a purple belt that was a gumby tying me up with the gi and I couldn't do much about it. Then he won asian pans the following weekend and was promoted to brown belt
a week later I rolled with him nogi and it was a completely opposite story, I completely blew his shit out, was passing him at will, then he started getting grimy and cracked me two times with in the head his knee so I popped my elbow into his mouth and he rage quit and stormed off. He had nothing without his crutch to hold me in place for him

Anonymous No. 222552

>I took the Vaghi blue belt test and it's exactly like he describes it
jesus christ man, you're doing pajama wrestling, not joining the marine corps

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Anonymous No. 222560


Anonymous No. 222564

>They haze you for 2 hours. I threw up. You do bear crawls, run across the mat with a partner on your back, squat in place and so on. The only break I got was doing sit ups or wall sits
What does this have to do with skill in BJJ? Any athlete would perform more or less the same for half this test.

Anonymous No. 222607

Andrew Wiltse Archive Oct 24 (free content only no paid instructionals) (222.52GB)


Anonymous No. 222613

she gives you a bj while doing bjj while watching bj penn

Anonymous No. 222619

the reason:
>it make you feel like big brotherhood with your gym and training partners men... you shared da same struggle... everivon had to do eet...
the real reason:
>just an excuse for some brazilian with a superiority complex to lord over you like some cult leader

Anonymous No. 222621

Brasil is da real samurai ooos

This is such a fruity activity
I'm only going for heart health because it's more exciting than jogging

Anonymous No. 222630

Jordan's been with her since middle school for the record, this isn't someone he met from bjj in case anyone is wondering

>just an excuse for some brazilian with a superiority complex to lord over you like some cult leader

None of my instructors are Brazilian, my main instructor isn't, the gym owner isn't and Rodrigo Vaghi himself is (technically) Italian.

The real reason is probably just to make you tough and not quit.

Anonymous No. 222641

>The real reason is probably just to make you tough and not quit.
sounds pretty gay

and additionally an instructor should never set physical standards they themselves could not achieve

Anonymous No. 222642

All the instructors also did the test themselves. I think you like to complain.

Anonymous No. 222644

there's no way that obese man is doing bear crawls

Anonymous No. 222649

>None of my instructors are Brazilian, my main instructor isn't, the gym owner isn't and Rodrigo Vaghi himself is (technically) Italian.

he means the culture you retard

Anonymous No. 222650

>>it make you feel like big brotherhood with your gym and training partners men... you shared da same struggle... everivon had to do eet

i swear to fuck whoever thinks that community and comradery is actually built like this got dropped on their head repeatedly as a child.
if this is how it worked there'd be prison riots left and right when all the gangs realize they're all in prison.

Anonymous No. 222652

As much as BJJ is meant to be anti-bullshido, it sure does a lot of the same things bullshido does.

Anonymous No. 222655

BJJ is currently at popular as karate was in the 80s. Except BJJ doesnt wanna sort itself out.
It's like that angry teenager that doesnf wanna explain to their parents how they feel they just want their parents to understand

Anonymous No. 222659

I think anything that's popular gets ruined because it's popular. Too many people breeds idiocy.

Maybe I'll get back into Aikido...

Anonymous No. 222661

>I think anything that's popular gets ruined because it's popular. Too many people breeds idiocy.
i agree with you on other martial arts but bjj has been like this since it's conception.
The gracies were always sore losers and a lot of schools in the US their lineage hails from the gracies.
Getting taught by them wont make you an idiot or a bitch like them. But their cultural mark is left forever in the sport/martial art.

Anonymous No. 222663

and it's reflection is all the people that try to act like a tough guy just because they train, acting like that gets you killed.

Anonymous No. 222672

I keep telling you people the tides are turning
As long as they keep insisting people wear a gi jiujitsu will die soon

There has always been resistance to the fruitier components and now that other options are popping up all over the place bjjs getting left in the dust

Anonymous No. 222673

Don't most places offer no-gi? I don't know any places in my area that only do gi.

Anonymous No. 222675

to be honest each belt adds 20 lbs

Anonymous No. 222676

Because there's no longer a market for gi only, they have to at a minimum offer both
But you can just do nogi only and your business will be fine, in fact it may flourish even more

All the major promotions are nogi now, the youth sees the gi and belts and thinks it's gay just like karate and they're not wrong

Anonymous No. 222756

honestly, no gi just looks like shitty wrestling

Anonymous No. 222760

>prison riots left and right when all the gangs realize they're all in prison.
I agreed with up too that point, it is a big problem when to much of one gang is put in a block together.
They need to be mixed in equal with other gangs to prevent this.

Anonymous No. 222765

Gi is only a symptom of gay. Still plenty of gayness going on in no-gi only schools.

Anonymous No. 222767

sometimes i forget how brutally retarded the average person on this website is

Anonymous No. 222769

But the wrestler will tap and that makes them gay

Anonymous No. 222789

if slamming was allowed in most gyms he'd have slammed you a billion times before he tapped

Anonymous No. 222797


Anonymous No. 222800

what if he slammed you and you submitted him in a hot shower?

Anonymous No. 222808

Origin belt looks like shit, and worse yet it has leather on it which means it isn't getting washed

Wash your belt you faggots

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Anonymous No. 222848


Anonymous No. 222853

Can i wash it in....a hot shower?

Anonymous No. 222887

So what do you guys think about Gracie Barra gyms?
I'm going to have to join one. Eye watering expensive since I don't have their Gi but oh well.

Anonymous No. 222891

incredibly jewish, they're a clothing company not a jiujitsu company
to put it another way, you get a blue belt and when people ask "where'd you get it from?" and you say gracie barra you'll be met universally with an eye roll

reminder in life, if someone wont give you pricing over the phone don't do business with them. They're afraid you'll walk before they can do their scripted pitch which is an admission the value of what they're selling doesn't speak for itself

Anonymous No. 222892

Different anon, but I'm doing a Gracie Barra place because it's the only one in my area that I can do two times a week instead of once a week. I know nothing, is it so bad I should find somewhere else? Is it good enough for basics before I downgrade for once a week?

My plan was to go 2/3 times a week for a year or so, then step down to 1/2. I can afford this spot but obviously I wouldn't mind spending less for an equivalent/superior instruction.

Anonymous No. 222894

do what you can afford
GB being the walmart of jiujitsu doesn't necessarily mean local options are any better
if you like it and feel like it's worth your time then stay there, or shop around and do trial classes at other places to see what they're like
how much they charging you?

Anonymous No. 222895

It's about a $170 a month, a bit more steep than the other places. The thing is I am not short for places to do BJJ, but this spot just happens to be convenient in ways the rest kinda aren't.

Anonymous No. 222898

that's literally any school with the word gracie in it
Gracie Slampigs bjj
Gracie braphogs bjj
Gracie Powershitters bjj
Anything with gracie should just be avoided

Anonymous No. 222901

I think that's expensive for what you get especially since they make you buy their equipment too
but convenience is part of that value equation

basically this

Anonymous No. 222903

Damn...well I'm at least going to go try some more free classes then.

Anonymous No. 222935

Anything with gracie in it should be avoided because it could be a massive mixed bag.
Gracie places may not even let you train unless your from another gracie place. A lot of them dont even roll with their students they're just gi salesmen.
The instruction is bound to be a mixed bag ranging from literally showing you the move once and expecting you to land it first try to showing you multiple times and correcting and teaching you as you go like proper teaching.
They make bjj seem fun but a lot of problems in modern bjj stem from fucking gracie places.
You're gonna be paying in the hundreds worth of cash and the head instructor can charge you as much a they want for equipment depending if you're on their shitlist snd they'll just pressure you into paying an obescene amount for a gi that can be bought online for like $140 (Renzo Gracie schools do this lol)
no they wont give you patches
no they wint let you train if you're from some place they never heard of

Anonymous No. 222937

every bjj horror story ive read online it somehow ends up being a fucking gracie school
>my professor was a complete and utter dick to me and popped my knee
>oh what school
>"it was imretardGracie school"

Anonymous No. 222939

and most gracie places are fucking packed because the first people new martial artists learn about when they get into bjj is the gracies.
More peoolr means better bjj and variety but worse instruction because the instructor depending on how prepetually concussed they are may focus on their favorites or their compeition students

Anonymous No. 222945

Gracie HQ says no rolling until blue belt
How's a nigga supposed to get a blue belt having never practiced before?
Just memorize their "self defense" moves and do the performance with a compliant faggot
Might as well be taking karate at that point

I think the practice for gracie barra is 3 stripes before you can roll
I know it's 3 stripes before you're allowed to nogi
Why? Because they need to milk you for gi sales for a year first

Anonymous No. 222947

honestly if karate places and tma places stopped pairinv adults with kids they'd be better introductions to martial arts than the horrible mixed bag bjj is

Anonymous No. 222948

if someone isnt willing to put up with bjjs bullcrap they may never wanna do martial arts again and assume that all martial arts are like that
or that every bjj place is like that
>new spaz white belt used strength

Anonymous No. 222951

It's a consequence of there not being a true governing body. On the upside, anyone can run their school however they want, on the downside there are literally zero standards for schools or instructors so the quality ranges wildly

Anonymous No. 222953

Wait until they find out the ibjjf and gracie barra are the same company
You may not be going to a gracie gym but you're subsidizing them if you go to those tournaments

Anonymous No. 222956

and dont be fooled by reviews online.
Many instructors pressure their class into giving them a good review. First place i went to would lecture about giving the school a good review on facebook or google and you'd somehow end up on a shitlist if you didnt

Anonymous No. 222957

Lol everywhere I've worked we give people free things if they give 5 star reviews
Like purple boxing gloves which are in the shop on display but not for sale, with a sign "ask how to get them"
Like it's an exclusive club

Currently in the locker rooms there's a QR code, leave a review get 20% off this month's membership

Anonymous No. 222958

that's so fucking scummy for people that care more about quality teaching

Anonymous No. 222959

Basically any company that's anything less than 100% established does that. They know that many, many people find things through online reviews.

Anonymous No. 222963

The boxing place was a total pump n dump, opening up all over chicken pox, selling memberships at a big discount if you pay in full for a year or class packages, mandatory to buy our gloves and hand wraps, lol good luck if the location stayed open for that full year

Don't worry your membership transfers over to the other locations :^)
What do you mean it's too far away? it's in the contract you signed that your membership remains valid as long as you live within 25 miles of one of our locations
I guess we can let you out of your contract early for a small fee of 3 months membership

The place was a total scam, and I would tell everybody never to go there but I also continued to work there because I needed a job

Then I moved on to an MMA place which was not an outright scam so much it was planet fitness tier for martial arts
Classes were low quality by design, The purpose was to make shallow cuts so people would then pay for private lessons to learn good stuff, plus promotions cost money and it was mandatory to wear our stuff. The reason this was not an outright scam is because there was a full gym so you could just use this place as a gym membership to workout and then there were these jiujitsu classes as well, And for under $100 a month I don't know what you're expecting

Now currently where a work it is not a scam, The owner and the instructors all give a shit and are trying to provide the best value possible to people however, there is some salesy stuff going on
The current and new owner is buying out all the local gyms can, As of now there's 7 total in the network he has equity in and one more coming down the pipe, 2 he owns outright
And the plan is timing it so when the leases expire around the same time 5 years from now he's going to rugpull everything and open up Central mega gym

Anonymous No. 222999

I don't like GB and actively discourage anyone from going there because of how much they are like a McDonalds, they make everyone wear their shit and nothing else, even if your school is "cool" and doesn't do this, they will eventually catch on and make you do it. Any gym that is "white gi only" can fuck off while we're at it.

Anonymous No. 223017

well this is of course because a black gi will fade over time and look broken in and cool, a white gi will get stained and grimy so you need to replace them more frequently

Anonymous No. 223024

>reminder in life, if someone wont give you pricing over the phone don't do business with them.
They were very upfront actually. I did ask a lot of questions to cover all flanks though. I am getting used to the ways of this Hebraic world
It's scary how your trips are quite acurate. A guy there (I went to the trial) told me they used to allow normal Gis but then they switched and they are all uniformed now.

I will have to join anyways. It's the only decent place in my peace of shit country, even though we are glued to Brazil.

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Anonymous No. 223032

well there's your problem, everyone knows the worst thing about jiujitsu is brazilians

the quality of your jiujitsu experience is inversely related to the number of brazilians you're in proximity to

Anonymous No. 223041

Why's that?
As an outsider I do feel BJJ is more American Jiu JItsu currently anyways.

Anonymous No. 223046

Just a bad culture

they're the worst kind of thirdie that's hypernationalist but for some reason left their home country??
All they do is talk about how great Brazil is and all the ways Brazil is better and yet...You're here trying to greencard scam your way to permanent residency

Anonymous No. 223047

>I do feel BJJ is more American Jiu JItsu
There is a split in bjj vs Jiu-Jitsu
A lot of guys at the renzo gyms in new york said brazilians would cheer for brazilians from other gyms instead of there team mate who aren't brazilians.

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Anonymous No. 223049

we call it the jiujitsu mafia, gotta kiss the ring to the brazilians. That bubble is bursting thankfully

there was always this thing where you have grey area moves like aoki locks or what exactly constitutes a reap or a neck crank, and I tell the beginners all the time "that's illegal unless you speak portuguese"

Anonymous No. 223054

I see. But IMO they are not the worst kind of immigrant thirdie overall, but maybe in BJJ they are.
From the sidelines I can only say that AJJ is winning. Brazilians, especially the Gracies are not in the spotlight anymore.

Anonymous No. 223063

>American Jiu-Jitsu
What is it?
Is it Nogi?, Wrestle jitsu?
If I learn wrestling and attack the front headlock am I doing AJJ?
>t. Norwegen

Anonymous No. 223065

No-gi, which will eventually just morph into catch-as-catch-can wrestling again someday.

Anonymous No. 223066

Because the American values are superior
The Brazilians are low trust people, They will be sneaky and do whatever it takes to win rather than face their adversary honourably
The American doesn't just care about winning but it's how you win that matters, That's instilled at a young age

The Brazilian will purposely try to win by getting their opponent disqualified and by cheating, And they will jump up and celebrate believing that is the same as if they won fairly
Because of this mentality they believe in hoarding any knowledge they have and never letting anybody know, they want to keep tricks and new discoveries to themselves and use them as a surprise attack. This is why the Brazilian will not let you go train at other gyms, If they don't want their "secrets" to be stolen

The Americans on the other hand will communicate with each other, they will openly share information with rivals, The American will tell you exactly how he intends to win and then do it anyway
And this is what drives progression, All the information always being shared everybody trying to outdo each other
This mentality is why the Americans are completely leaving the Brazilians behind, Because we see the value in a fair contest against our opponent at their best. An easy win isn't really a win at all

It's a deeper cut than that, It's wrestling as well as leg locks. Those are the 2 defining stylistic features
But to go full AJJ you need to adopt the cultural attitude as well
No imaginary hierarchy, no bowing to pictures of dead guys, no undue respect treating the teacher like you're a servant and below him gargling his balls
You treat other people in the sport as colleagues with the same goal of pushing each other towards improvement, not enemies that need to be destroyed

Anonymous No. 223073

>No-gi, which will eventually just morph into catch-as-catch-can wrestling again someday.
I don't think winning by pin will become popular for some time

>It's a deeper cut than that, It's wrestling as well as leg locks. Those are the 2 defining stylistic features
DDS and Daisy Fresh did make a big slaps with both of those.

> You treat other people in the sport as colleagues with the same goal of pushing each other towards improvement, not enemies that need to be destroyed
Colleagues is a good word for it, and the way you talk about it is close to 1950-1960s American engineering

Anonymous No. 223075

>a big slaps

Anonymous No. 223077

My mind now goes to slapping a boner on the surface of the water in a bath tub

Anonymous No. 223084

>grey area moves like aoki locks
Isn't aoki just a diet inside heel hook?

Anonymous No. 223090

It's a heel hook break but the grip classifies it as a straight ankle lock...sometimes

Anonymous No. 223181

Can a bicep slicer cause intense front shoulder pain? Few hours after training i had a really bad pain that lasted 2/3 days and that's the only thing that happened to that arm.

Anonymous No. 223183


Anonymous No. 223185

Not as far as I know
Did you maybe break fall with that arm or overstress it in other ways? Sometimes that just happens and you need to give it a bit of rest

Anonymous No. 223187

Yeah probably it was just inflammation due to overuse, now it's gone i was just wondering what happened.

Anonymous No. 223189

It's probably nothing, but keep an eye on it just in case. If it becomes a recurring issue, consult a doctor because there might be something wrong

Anonymous No. 223204

Masterbait before class

Anonymous No. 223207

you have to become a master of baiting people in bjj

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Anonymous No. 223277

>get into a shooting match drunk with two strangers
>think about fighting them
>the ground is concrete and there's two of them so a takedown is too risky
>decides to verbally deescalate and just go away
so anyways does bjj suck for self defense? in that situation bjj was worthless. should I just do boxing instead?

Anonymous No. 223278

In that situation boxing would be worthless as well. If they have three brain cells between them, one's always on your back and there's not much you can do there

Anonymous No. 223282

wasn't there someone a few threads back saying they liked to goof off by doing aikido techniques?
seems like fun

Anonymous No. 223288

>get into a shooting match drunk with two strangers
Dude if you've all got guns you don't need to worry about whether you're grappling or striking.

Anonymous No. 223289

That was something that occurred to me early on, I used to do aikido way back in the day. The most common complaint about any/all aikido techniques is
>Nobody's going to just walk up and grab your wrist in a real fight
Yet quite often, the first thing that happens when we start some BJJ sparring standing is that the other guy shuffles up and grabs my wrist.

Anonymous No. 223313

>Nobody's going to just walk up and grab your wrist in a real fight
>when we start some BJJ sparring standing
well yeah, bjj is not a real fight
i think the layman's most common reaction is to go for a collar grip and start punching from there if we're talking about fighting on da streetz

Anonymous No. 223314

Or sucker punch. Many guys who like getting into bar fights have a good sucker punch. They get up in your face, witness check, and then lay you out.

Didn't some BJJ guy get ambushed in the parking lot by a guy with a knife and manage to disarm him fairly recently?

Anonymous No. 223315

the guy didnt have a knife (i think) it was in new zealand
it was some schizo trying to rob someone.
I honestly think it was fake because the guy went out of his way to run into a coffee shop and everything and scream "I AM A 3rd degree BJJ black belt i dont need assistance"

Anonymous No. 223355

>I honestly think it was fake
I agree, and don't forget handing his phone to someone telling them to record it instead of actually calling for assistance from the authorities himself
since he claims he was getting chased for several blocks

Anonymous No. 223358

It's the most real fight I get into though. EAT THIS SANKYO NIGGA HIIIYAAAAA

Anonymous No. 223364

I have it on good authority that guillotines don't actually work and the only reason you're tapping is they hurt and you're being a pussy about it

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Anonymous No. 223366

>this guillotine ain't sh-

Anonymous No. 223376

>and the only reason you're tapping is they hurt
Is this not considered a legitimate reason to tap? I tap when I get ouchies. I don't like ouchies.

Anonymous No. 223423

These are the false positives the gym environment gives you and then you do it against someone who doesn't care and you're left wondering what the deal is

Mason proved it, he said go ahead and put a guillotine on me and lock it up, It doesn't work
And it didn't hurt, he just cooked in there until the arms were tired enough to escape

The move is sold as a choke and it doesn't put people to sleep. It's a bad move

Anonymous No. 223443

Theoretically all joint locks fall into that category too if we're talking about self-defense in non-consensual encounters. What if you put somebody in a joint lock but he doesn't know it's a lock and just keeps fighting? You going to break his arm? Go to court with him in a brace crying about cruelty?

Anonymous No. 223451

I've never worn a rash guard or done no gi. Usually just wear a t shirt under my gi.
Thinking about getting a rash guard.
I'm a medium with clothing. 6'1 and 78kg so I'm slim... would medium do me fine?

Anonymous No. 223452

Always go one size up

Anonymous No. 223455

I don't disagree with you, That's why jiujitsu for self defense is highly overrated
The circumstances in which a submission hold of some kind would even be appropriate are small

That's without yet factoring in causing someone pain increases their rage meter, If you're down there trying to break something realize you're also making the calculated risk to flood their body with more adrenaline and endorphins

So if you twist somebody's arm or their knee and have not completely mechanically destroyed it so it can no longer be used you may have just made the situation worse for yourself
A slight tear or dislocation is not going to cut it in this situation the way it would in a competition

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Anonymous No. 223500


Anonymous No. 223501

It's simple, cancel your credit card and never go back

Anonymous No. 223507

Congratulations on making brown belt

Anonymous No. 223513

this one time over 10 years ago at this point a guy shit himself and it's still talked about fairly regularly to this day, all these people that never even met the guy will eventually hear about him by name and the story of how he shit himself during class

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Anonymous No. 223517


Anonymous No. 223521

Chael says there are probably 2-3 legitimate submissions per year in the UFC
Almost all of the taps you see are because the guy is tired and taking the cowards way out

Anonymous No. 223522

>The move is sold as a choke and it doesn't put people to sleep. It's a bad move
Literally the first clip is someone being put out by a guillotine.
>Chael says there are probably 2-3 legitimate submissions per year in the UFC
Sonnen himself has won and lost by submission (including via guillotine). I'm not sure what your point here is.
>Almost all of the taps you see are because the guy is tired and taking the cowards way out
That's how a submission works: you tap because you're in pain and under the threat of either great physical harm or unconsciousness. Being tired plays into it, sure, but you have to admit that these guys are professional athletes with a lot of money and prestige on the line. They absolutely do not want to give up.

Anonymous No. 223536

americanized bjj is just gonna re-evolve into catch wrestling and it's already doing so with more and more people wanting to do no gi.
it's just japanese catch wrestling at this point since Jiu Jitsu cane from JJJ

Anonymous No. 223538

and the fact that it's just revolving into catch wrestling is stupid considering how often bjj practicioners shit on other arts and boast about how bjj is ultimate

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Anonymous No. 223539

Well, it is probably inevitable that Americans with American cultural legacies would trend back towards the wrestling style we invented for ourselves the first time. There's just something in the blood that makes us trend that direction. But it will be with a permanent mark from BJJ in the future.

Anonymous No. 223543

that shit already looks like a throw/taken down you'd see minus the choke.
Straight up body slamming someone like ushiro goshi or ura nage.
We're literally advancing backwards but with brazillians

Anonymous No. 223552

Chael Sonnen never lost a fight mate.
I'll have to get a second opinion

Anonymous No. 223562

I won't admit anything, it only works if you're a pussy and anyone that did go unconscious did so because they quit first and stopped resisting

Anonymous No. 223566

Go your own size, it's supposed to be tight.

Anonymous No. 223606

Sounds incredibly based, would train there. One of the best gyms I've ever trained at was basically a big garage with no AC, hot Tennessee summers with the windows and door open, 40 shirtless men fighting MMA. The mats would get so covered in sweat it was a giant slip and slide. Amazing times, one of my training partners from that gym is fighting in the UFC right now.
You sound like a big pussy though. You should ditch your stained pussy boy gi and go train that MMA or nogi class and maybe you'll man up and stop worrying about air conditioning and the sun.
Sincerely though, those gritty dingey gyms that have been around for 25 years always produce way better fighters than those clean florescent BJJ mcdojos that have sprung up in every strip mall near you in the last 5 years

Anonymous No. 223649

This noob again,
what do you guys think about John Danaher as a coach and as someone to learn foundational BJJ from?

Anonymous No. 223654

From what I've heard - very good instructor and will answer/help you if you ask him, but won't otherwise pay you much attention unless you're a promising competitor

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Anonymous No. 223655

we got a bionic man over here

Anonymous No. 223656

He talks a lot and slowly, is his information good? Sure
Is it worth the time sink? I don't think so

Search his name in the link in the OP then watch at 2x speed with a note book
You're going into an academic lecture not a tutorial

I don't know what high level movements he needs to do when coaching. All his stuff is really simple and he sits on the wall most of the time anyway

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lmao jake shields.png

Anonymous No. 223657

Danaher is a heckin' neo-nazi going on heckin neo-nazi white nashinolist pee-pee-poo-poo head podcasts bro! ....if you ask Kesting/Reddit.

Anonymous No. 223658

This is the American jiujitsu way, if we see someone acting gay or retarded we call him a gay retarded faggot

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Anonymous No. 223660


Big reason why I train with my instructor.


I went to visit another local gym ran by a Brazilian a few years ago. They were jogging around the mats for the warm up. He overheard someone say "retarded" and told him "we don't say that here" he doesn't have retarded kids so I don't know why he was being such a butthurt little faggot over it because the only people I know of who get butthurt over hearing the word retarded have retarded family members.

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Anonymous No. 223670

John Danaher invented swag.

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Anonymous No. 223671

My favorite Danaher story:
He could be the most talented jiu jitsu instructor and the biggest asshole ever, but I'm still never going to finish one of his instructionals simply because he is so tiring to listen to.
Brian Glick trained under John and I find that he manages to carry through the autistic detail without being as long-winded as John.

Anonymous No. 223681

>americanized bjj is just gonna re-evolve into catch wrestling
No way BJJ-fags hate pinning.

Anonymous No. 223682

It's kinda hard to coach when you struggle with demonstrating a move
Is it possible that one of his students will step away from competing to take over as a coach (if under Danaher's supervision)?

Anonymous No. 223689

I think his lectures about what is one trying to achieve tactically are quite fascinating, honestly.
What did danaher actually say in that podcast anyways? I'm away reddit is throwing a fit but I don't see much value in going there as I thought.

Anonymous No. 223690

>What did danaher actually say in that podcast anyways?
The biggest take away is he was born in the US and only grew up in NZ so there's no denying that the new wave style is authentically American jiujitsu

Anonymous No. 223702

Reddit is big mad because they don't think Jake Shields should have first amendment rights because he's not a left wing nut job.

Anonymous No. 223729

>at judo
>bjj guys come to take some classes because they wanna improve standup
>that's cool, bjj is cool
>we go over a couple throws
>bjj guy: "Yeah but, how is this applicable in a street fight"

why are you guys like this?

Anonymous No. 223743

Pins are coming back they are just different.
I think mount and taking the back is no different than a pin.

Anonymous No. 223744

Consider, most BJJ guys don't want to improve their standup for competitions - most of their opponents will pull guard anyway. So their reason to learn Judo throws is more likely to be specifically for self defense

Anonymous No. 223745

Man I have been practicing my standing up,
The amount of times people will just sit down instead of dealing with a collar tie is shocking.

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Kade Ruotolo vs. ....webm

Anonymous No. 223751

What's more annoying to me is when BJJ guys think you're going to get your back taken and choked out the microsecond you show your back for a turn throw. This is in spite of the fact that turn throws are more popular in competition than ever before.

Anonymous No. 223752

I'm gonna do it, I'm gonna ask the instructor to give me a black belt

I'll say listen, I don't have a job and if you give me a black belt I'll be able to apply to work at a gym somewhere and have the ability to negotiate a better salary
and lets be honest, how much better am I really going to get? whether you give it to me now or in the future I'm not getting any better, I've gone as far as I can go, I'm out of my physical prime, it's all down hill from here

Anonymous No. 223824

The level of confirmation bias brainrot here is astonishing


gets knocked down
Gives a one liner you know he practiced in front of the mirror
Gets his face smashed in
Bounces his head off the ground
Tries to heel hook and it fails
Then apologizes and grovels while his girlfriend comes to rescue him

Everyone is like wow he let him off easy, he was so disciplined
Nigga what fight were you watching? He tried to finish it an couldn't then just bluffed until he got saved
Dude got fucked, didn't even get one hit in

Just take the L on this one guys instead of going "well he could've won if he wanted to, he just didn't want to"

Anonymous No. 223840

>Then apologizes and grovels while his girlfriend comes to rescue him
God I wish that were me.

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Anonymous No. 223844

Serious question for a small handful of you:
Did getting better at grappling help you to be better at sex?

Anonymous No. 223845

>"well he could've won if he wanted to, he just didn't want to"
That is kind of the problem with it though, at a structural level. He had a joint he could ruin that could've ended the encounter quite quickly, but he felt the situation didn't warrant it, and the other guy wasn't necessarily aware that he should give up in that moment, so while it could've in theory been effective, in practice it wasn't. And it ended with him being put in that weird situation where he has to let the other guy go on the promise that he's going to be cool. Which I guess worked out in this case? But still risky.

I think the main takeaway is that you shouldn't train to break joints if you're not willing to break them when the time comes. Personally I think there's worse things you could do in life than ruin the leg or arm of a guy that starts bar fights, but a lot of people do hesitate when the moment comes.

Anonymous No. 223849

He literally tried though, they went through a full spiral and he couldn't finish it, The situation had not changed at all since he'd just tried to do it 2 seconds earlier aside from the realization perhaps that he couldn't finish it
The guy would just spiral again and this time maybe even get his leg free and knock him around some more
It's not like the other guy was backing down at all

This is actually a pretty good data point, Turns out heel hooks aren't the silver bullet people like to pretend they are
Or how they will baselessly claim wearing shoes makes a heel hook even more powerful because you can get a stronger bite on the leg. it seems more like since his foot is able to move around inside of the shoe which is actually the thing you have the bite on, you can't fully trap the toes and the torque bleeds out of the technique

Anonymous No. 223855

Coach says Iโ€™m making breakthroughs

Anonymous No. 223861

i like how you guys post your own youtube channels here

Anonymous No. 223862

that could mean so many things
you could be so close to it
or you could be so fuckin far it's not even funny

Anonymous No. 223863

>This is actually a pretty good data point, Turns out heel hooks aren't the silver bullet people like to pretend they are
most things in martial arts arent silver bullets

Anonymous No. 223874

>This is actually a pretty good data point, Turns out heel hooks aren't the silver bullet people like to pretend they are
Anyone who watched Hall vs Topuria and Le vs Tonon should've figured that out by now.

Anonymous No. 223885

>how is this applicable in a street fight
I have seen judo & wrestling get used WAY more in street fights than BJJ. How is it applicable? Skulls that bounce off concrete typically don't do so well, that's how.
>but muh gi/no gi
With a good enough grip/modified grip you can still almost all of judo.

Anonymous No. 223888

BJJ alone is just going to get you killed in a real fight.
Getting stuck to your opponent is the worst thing you can do.

It's great to know how to escape, so worth pursuing, but if you want to defend yourself it should be considered supplementary.

Anonymous No. 223890

>should be considered supplementary
Trips of truth. Anywhere but combat sports, it is. It's applications are so niche & circumstantial. But because of the popularity it enjoys via sports, it has an endless font of copium spewing simps.
>muh grappling superiority
We are speaking specifically about BJJ. Grappling absolutely is, or could be, considered the lynch pin of any martial arts education. But throws/takedowns are infinitely more useful than any assortment of submissions.
>grappling that makes space & requires little investment
>grappling that sacrifices space & literally requires the most investment out of pretty much all martial arts techniques besides acrobatic shaolin shit
Bad. Also it's boring to watch.

Anonymous No. 223891

Lol you think I have a channel with 600k subs and I'd be on 4chan?

Anonymous No. 223892

>writing like such a little bitch that I'll call you a faggot even though I agree with your point

Anonymous No. 223893

Yes my boyfriend is very happy.

Anonymous No. 223903

yes, but granted i am quite retarded

Anonymous No. 223905

BJJ is more fun as a hobby though since it doesn't require as much skull-rattling as taking strikes/getting thrown and the depth of technique keeps it engaging for a long time. If you're past the age where you'll ever get in a bar fight again it's a top-notch martial art.

But for self-defense; wrestling maybe? Which I guess judo is too.

Anonymous No. 223907

The problem is that guy could have literally done anything else but purposely tried to impress people with a fucking lock that he didnt wanna follow through with matter of fact - if he did follow through with popping his joints the cop wouldng be arresting the guy who punch because all he did was tapp his face a couple of times with weak punches.
Excessive force applies to citizens.
a simple pin would have been enough

Anonymous No. 223911

It's a great sport, and it's useful to know in a fight for sure.
But if you stay attached to your opponent you risk getting double teamed or stabbed.

I'd argue judo combined with something that focuses on striking up close(for better integration) is the best option.

Anonymous No. 223917

I don't think those were weak punches at all, his head bounced off the ground and made a clunk sound

Anonymous No. 223921

I will always say Nogi Jiu-Jitsu and Muay Thai is enough of self defense.
A good teep kick and elbow can shut down a lot of people.
Your standing grappling will be good with sweeps and clinch work from both sports.
If you think it is bad because of guard pulling just don't pull guard.

Anonymous No. 223932

It's happening, after all these years I finally did it
You start to wonder if this day would ever come and now it's here, the years of questioning if it's even worth it

But finally here we are, I've managed to use the power dynamic to get a beginner girl to go out with me

Anonymous No. 223945

>Judo and BJJ so you land on the ground and get back off it with minimal injury
Kickboxing so you can punch, take a hit, and understand/appreciate how retarded kicking is if there's a risk of falling

Anonymous No. 223946

>got uchi mata-ed so hard and fast I somehow dislocated my ankle on impact
>it popped straight back in but has been swollen for 3 days.
well I guess I'll be watchin instructionals for the next 2-4 weeks off the mats.

Anonymous No. 223948

Does anyone know of a good gym in Amsterdam? I'm looking for somewhere that has a heavy focus on no-gi, wrestling, and judo.

Anonymous No. 223955

Get a boot
Wear the boot
You learn new stuff when down a limb

Anonymous No. 223958

They're easiest to tap right after they cum. Try hitting it from the back, you can slip right into the RNC.

Anonymous No. 223980

dont resist the throw when you're in it

Anonymous No. 223991

I think I got Herpes Gladiatorum, when I started Jiu Jitsu I though the most permanent thing that would happen is a broken bone.

I kinda wish that happened or get Herpes, I am going to doc to see if it see.
I hope I am wrong.

Anonymous No. 224027

Report the gym to the local health department.
Purposely spreading herpes is a serious health violation dude. Place is about to be shut down

Anonymous No. 224029

This is why you talk to your students about their past or health related issues to learn if they're even fit to do martial arts.
This is more than just a combat sport literally every other class someone fucking bleeds on me.
My gi has old blood stains all over it

Anonymous No. 224032

So, I went to a Gracie Barra gym to get started in BJJ, the atmosphere is ok, the instructors look very capable and people training there seem to be serious in training. But, guess what, I NEED to have a Gracie Barra GI to train there, they say it's because of "standardzation", but I went to look for it, and it's fuking expensive! Fuck the Gracies and their mafia, needing to buy stuff from them in order to be able to train is the ultimate bullshit there is

Anonymous No. 224033

If it rankles you, you'll just have to find some other non-Gracie place to start.

Anonymous No. 224034

all of the problems in modern bjj stems from gracie schools doesnt matter if it's gracie barra, allegiance, humatia or renzo schools
>standardized gi
>calling instructor professor
>extreme excessive bowing
>cult mentality
>encouragement of street fighting, generally being an asshole and a bully
>spreading of germs
a lot of these schools are very old school and call back to brazillian day. They keep the AC off snd genuinely believe steam build up from body heat snd sweat will help sanitize the room.

Anonymous No. 224035

and the fact tbat nepotism is completely rampant in the sport doesnt help.
There's a chance a favorite student could train while on the recovery end of a cold or with herpes as stated earlier in the thread and risk spreading their sickness.
You can have a messy home and good hygiene by washing your gis and showering multiple times a days, washing your face etc. I remember some dude came to class smelling like complete shit and he was still allowed to train.
here's a good rule of thumb:
>if you have time to shower before class do so
>if you dont use wipies
>if you cant use wipies come to class smelling good
>if you cant come to class smelling good dont go to class

Anonymous No. 224036

This is why I don't participate in the ibjjf or acknowledge the achievements of anybody that does
It's just a way for the gracies to make money by charging annual membership fees for both the academy and the individual athletes + an additional tournament fee

You might not go to a gracie school but you're going to pay them either way

Anonymous No. 224037

It's still the best gym for me to train, but it would be better if there wasn't stuff like this

Anonymous No. 224041

No my wife hates it when I over-under pressure pass her while fucking her.

Anonymous No. 224042

Don't touch your eyes when you have an itch/blisters and take Valtrex every day, should take care of it, I haven't had an episode in years with meds

Anonymous No. 224043

>helicopter passing her while fucking

Anonymous No. 224044

Yeah I got bilked the same way even though I've only attended the no-gi for years now.

Anonymous No. 224047

it's time to start implementing drug tests, no weed smokers allowed
I'm so sick of these faggots spacing out and being a nescience to everyone
last night this one guy heel hooked me during a gi class and went oh shit dude sorry lol, I forgot

Anonymous No. 224048

drug tests and background checks would probably close so many bjj schools down
so many black belts have been to prison

Anonymous No. 224049

It was a few months back I put a pause on my membership since I thought it was just a bad case of athletes foot, but the fact the rash has not went away with 3 cans of Tinactin. So with google I saw a photo showing a similar cluster of blisters.
I understand it is easy to deal with but I already have 4 permanent medical problems a 5th is just mentally horrible.
I would have preferred to just get my arm snapped since that can heal and I can forget about it.

Anonymous No. 224050

jesus fuck dude. If it's herpes out the name of the place. Dirty ass bjj places lets stds train. Literally a health violation in the sporting world to do that.

Anonymous No. 224051

I have pretty persistent athletes foot, as soon as I stop using the spray it comes back
I think it's because I drink too much kombucha

Anonymous No. 224053

I am getting a test at a clinic tomorrow if it is positive I am going to email the coach and permanently stop training there. I may stop Jiu-Jitsu permanently too but I don't want to think about quitting a sport I really enjoy, only a year into training.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 224054

yeah cluster of little blisters is a herpes simplex for sure and it itches like a mosquito bite that never goes away

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Anonymous No. 224055

yeah cluster of little blisters is a herpes simplex for sure and it itches like a mosquito bite that never goes away

pic related is how I know

Anonymous No. 224056

Tell them everything at the clinic man. If you're sexually active etc.
I assume you arent since you're saying you got it from bjj
if you email the professor you may have to tell him everything or who you think you may have contracted it from

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Anonymous No. 224057

*blocks your path and puts you in open guard*

What BJJ moves do you use on her, guys?

Anonymous No. 224058

and if you are im assuming you have sex with someone who doesnt have it or someshit idk
im retarded

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Anonymous No. 224059

Positive test or not, you probably have it, you can have a negative test and still have it, depends on how your viral load is and what stage it is in, I got tested towards the end of my last outbreak, my first and only test after having it for a VERY long time, and it was a "likely positive" not a for sure positive result.

What submission would you use on this succubus that blocks your path to the clinic?

Anonymous No. 224060

Lol i got hpv from a girl from joliet,, what's up with that place?

Anonymous No. 224061

Fuck I really hope your wrong, I just got my first strip and a permanent virus
Your correct when I was training it was the first time I was physical touching other people in two years.

Anonymous No. 224062

>What sub?
None just keep passing her and then letting her reguard for the whole ten minute round.

Anonymous No. 224064

>10 minute edging session with extra steps

Anonymous No. 224065


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Anonymous No. 224066

That's where she lives now but she's from Morris. Nothing to do there I guess?

"Why can't I pass the closed guard?"

looks like she got rid of her instagram but still is on spacehey and tumblr

Anonymous No. 224067

if you take meds for it you should be able to train still.
just gotta keep it in check to make sure you dont spread it

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Kuma No. 224069

Fun idea: Turn BJJ from gay nohomo to actually gay by telling young gay men it's a great place to meet daddies.
Do this enough and the entire sport will be considered gayer than Turkishoilwrestling.
All the non-fag BJJ guys will transition to Judo.

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Anonymous No. 224071


Anonymous No. 224072

Well damn,
Tbh I don't know why I see taking pill every day as such a horrible thing.

Anonymous No. 224073

why is gripping people by the butt hole an actual move in turkish oil wrestling dude

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Anonymous No. 224074

>Tbh I don't know why I see taking pill every day as such a horrible thing.

It's not the pill that's the problem it's that people who spread it go out and fuck or train when they know they have it and do it anyway, it's the betrayal of trust you have for someone as a training partner or spouse/girlfriend/hook up

gonna keep posting this hoe till she goes dark on all her socials and feelsbadman.jpg sadfrog in life

Anonymous No. 224077

someone at your gym knew they had herpes and didnt medicate
if the head coach knew too then it's a health violation.
Shit can easily not be a health violation by taking a pill everyday that makes it non contractable

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balls on the dick.jpg

Anonymous No. 224078

>someone at your gym knew they had herpes and didnt medicate


There was a narrow window of time where I got it and didn't know 100% what it was but that was my 1st outbreak before I went to a doctor. I don't know how you can get this over and over again and not go hmm I should do something - you can't, you know you got it and you know when you shouldn't be messing with anyone where they can touch that area

also PSA you can self infect and you can get different types so you can have hsv1 and hsv2 and shingles all at the same time

Anonymous No. 224080

I scratch my balls and get a few blisters there is that hsv2?

Anonymous No. 224081


Blisters are bad, if you have clusters of small blisters you need to see a doctor.

Anonymous No. 224082

It was in the past and my mom said blisters where just athletes foot and jock ick so I just used Tinactin which didn't work.
Heading to a doc tomorrow

Anonymous No. 224085

>atheletes foot
on your face or on areas that dont get a lot of air flow?
like your feet or your cock and ball

Anonymous No. 224086

because it should be impossible to get it on areas that get tons of air flow unless you have a sweating disorder or are constantly damp on your face

Anonymous No. 224089

what an unattractive skank, I'd swipe left before the profile even finished loading

Anonymous No. 224090

The Blisters where only my feet and near my pubes.
I work in a kitchen and my shoes would not dry out over night some times, so I would wear damp shoes for like 8h straight.
So I really did think it was athletes foot but Tinactin has done nothing, So idk

Anonymous No. 224175

>Oil checking is a legitimate trick
>Being shirtless is no negotiable
>It's a great honor to apply the oil to your opponent
A gayer sport does not exist

Anonymous No. 224177

Turks finger my anus.

Anonymous No. 224192

alright bros, she said yes to a date

I hope I don't screw it up

Anonymous No. 224193

lmao if you told me when i was a kid in high school i was gonna get hereps then years later laugh about it with my bros online and they were going to joke about fucking the girl that gave it to me, i would say no fucking way you are crazy, wtf

Anonymous No. 224210


Anonymous No. 224226

Life feels good man

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this cunt.png

Anonymous No. 224245

life is pretty good, i'm back training again, wiltse is back being wiltse and not making death threats, things are balanced

Anonymous No. 224264

I wonder what her role in this whole thing was.
Was she some sort of psycho that got him off his meds on purpose?

Anonymous No. 224270

>Was she some sort of psycho that got him off his meds on purpose?
what? a woman would never...

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Anonymous No. 224359

oh no no no judosisters, not like that!!!

Anonymous No. 224386

I noticed a weird red rash on my back. The area burns somewhat and is irritated by fabric.
The rash expanded a bit in clusters.
Went to the doctor, was told I have herpes.
Is it over for me?

Anonymous No. 224410

I got the sniffles and a slight sore throat and some patchy red rashes on my arms
Really weird

Anonymous No. 224451

retard got staph

Anonymous No. 224478

I texted her a little bit and she acted like she "worked with bipolar clients" and could handle him. It was fun for her until it wasn't. I think it was a blast until he started going after her calling her retarded and a cunt. I'll put it like this, she didn't get him back ON his meds.

"Grace is a cunt that belongs in jail"
-Cathy Bilsky (Andrew's mom)

Anonymous No. 224481

>Andrew's mom
the reason he has mental illness in the first place

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Anonymous No. 224635

Redpill me on octopus guard

Anonymous No. 224639

She's not entirely to blame but is a contributing factor for sure.

Anonymous No. 224677

you need 8 limbs

Anonymous No. 224692

it's a meme that only works because craig has no torso

Anonymous No. 224711

I have great success with using it to take the back

Anonymous No. 224851

Hey bros I want to get into Jiu-Jitsu
I have become a bit if "neet"(going to work and then back home) after leaving high school(covid really since they closed my schools gym and the rugby team).

I found Jiu-Jitsu from Charles & Eohgan and they seem like cool guys.
I torrented a video by gordon Ryan on pin escapes since I heard it was the best thing for new people to do.

Any advice would be great!

I am planning to get back into rugby 7s & 15s and start doing S&C which I haven't done in a while.

Anonymous No. 224889

Nice. Go try a few gyms. Start with the one closest to you. Go to a "fundamentals" or "beginner" class. You can email them beforehand or just show up usually that's ok. Go there about 15 minutes early, they'll probably want to meet you and sign a waiver. Shower, put on deodorant, wear clean work out clothing. You will need a gi eventually like after your first class if you liked it. Try to wear shorts with no pockets. If you go to a gi class they might have a loaner/rental gi for you. Hope you have good luck and meet cool people. Oh yeah and trim your finger and toe nails the night before. Mouthwash before class is a good idea. And a mouth guard.

Anonymous No. 224891

more drama

Anonymous No. 224905

Yeah I didn't read that shit
If she wants to make a rape accusation or whatever don't start off with a 20 page dissertation about having a back injury completely unrelated to the story

Anonymous No. 224912

>bjj ruined my life because of the people in it
it's almost like...a martial art with little behavioral rules attracts horrible people from all walks of life!!!!1!!1!

I mean at least this thread moves
you can actually have discussion here
i tried to start a discussion in the judo thread and it was met with sarcasm and died right away

Anonymous No. 224915

gonna read it now

Anonymous No. 224916

i read a few paragraphs and will finish reading later
so far it sounds like your typical bjj experience.
>professor is abhorrent obnoxious manipulative retard

Anonymous No. 224921

Yeah this all sounds like normal bjj behavior to me. My first bjj school i went to the one and only head instructor threatening to beat and rape his students happened on a regular basis but he was very cozy with all the women
no matter the age.
You couldnt talk to him about anything

Anonymous No. 224922

the guy was so fucking petty he'd even talk shit about not just his ex students that had to move due to work related issues but literal children

Anonymous No. 224925

i honestly dont even get why you guys allow this behavior to even happen in the art. or even allow these people to train.
Leonardo lo behaved like this and got shot in the back of the head.
BJJ needs to fix it's shit man, i swear

Anonymous No. 224928

wanna name and shame the fucker?

Anonymous No. 224931

No, because i still train at a different location but i have a gut feeling he'd know who out'd him because we parted on bad terms

Anonymous No. 224932

last thing i want is to get sued
im poor as fuck

Anonymous No. 224968

Almost everything Andrew said about Couch when he was manic has come to light as true. The only thing that hasn't is evidence that Couch burned down his house. Really makes you think

Anonymous No. 225000


good way to see what the cuck simp mods are removing BELIEVE ALL WOMEN, SIMP

Anonymous No. 225018

some of these are reasonable and some of these are utterly retarded and add nothing to the discussion

Anonymous No. 225023

ouch reponds to emma

Anonymous No. 225024

>he admits defeat
>says he isnt going to change
>probably isnt because of narcissist disorder induce by bjj
kick this guy out dont let him train anywhere it's the only way to make him fix his shit

Anonymous No. 225025

>say he is going to change*
typo sorry

Anonymous No. 225026


lmao hilarious typo m8

Couch is now a pariah. Should never have said anything.

Anonymous No. 225027

oh that wasnt a typo

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Anonymous No. 225029


Anonymous No. 225045

Couch seems like a good guy, like a buddy I know from hockey.
I hope that every goes well for him.
His leglock guide has become my bread and butter.

for the record I still like Andrew and his buzzsaw passing, Do you guys think he will get back on bjjfanatics? I know he must be on tough time without that income.

Anonymous No. 225051

prob not because he started uploading it to youtube for free

he's trying to patreon and eventually merch/coaching

Anonymous No. 225052

I get what you're saying. Some people are saying that in r/bjj and getting downvoted to hell.
>couch seems like a good guy.
He could have some form of IED. Intermittent explosive disorder that causes him to act up or some form of psychosis and his brain just doesnt know how to get down.
That could very well be the case and he looks like an abuser because of it.
It could also be narcissistic personality disorder too and that he could he an actual abuser. We dont know. We arent professionals.
If he genuinely didnt mean any of it he should either get on meds or choose a different sport as good as he is, because bjj is a very higu emotion sport. Saying it isnt is just plain dumb as intense animosity and emotion in general can be seen throughout the sport and if he cant handle the adrenaline of it than maybe he needs meds or to choose a different one.

Anonymous No. 225053

>If he genuinely didnt mean any of it he should either get on meds or choose a different sport as good as he is, because bjj is a very higu emotion sport.

and if he is genuinely just flat out mentally ill he needs to get on meds and learn how to properly express himself.
As lot of his actions from a face value view look abusvie but from an intellecutal standpoint can look like insecurity.

Anonymous No. 225054

and even from an intellectual standpoint you can easily overthink it and overshoot your logic. As in, im completely wrong and he's just a narcissist that thinks there is nothing wrong with himself.
Like i said i and we, are not professionals with anything mental

Anonymous No. 225055

>guy abandoned by his parents hooks up with gym THOT who takes pictures of her ass for guys on instagram to look at

gee whiz scooby i wonder if this guy has any abandonment issues

it's really telling that he "threatened her" then they broke up then she MOVES TO MOUNT VERNON TO TRAIN AT PSF and has her current boyfriend confront him at his house

Anonymous No. 225056

this sport is filled with so many retards and drama idk what even is the point in it these days

Anonymous No. 225057

Should I just avoid women at BJJ? Is it safe to roll with them or can they decide to accuse you of sexual harassment?

Anonymous No. 225058

you can roll with them whatever, you might not get much out of it, some of them are really good, most of them are ok to train with, depends on your level vs their level and a lot of factors

i wouldn't date anyone male or female from a bjj gym
i wouldn't bring my SO to train BJJ

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Anonymous No. 225059

>gee whiz scooby i wonder if this guy has any abandonment issues

we arent enemies in this dude. Learn to have a normal discussion without sounding like a dick

Anonymous No. 225060


Anonymous No. 225061


Anonymous No. 225062

Good for him
Every one has problems I know I do.
Mediation has helped me a fair bit. I was fine in stress but dealing with it afterwords was a problem till I started.
Maybe it is the same for him but I don't know.

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Anonymous No. 225063

He probably shouldn't be dating some chick who's in a male dominated sport, getting intimate alone time being "coached" by men, getting text messages from men at 2am, only has 'guy friends' thinks she's 'one of the guys' AND it was a long distance relationship?

I don't think the guy had much experience w/ girls and like Andrew had some of this stuff go to his head after being on "TV" with the flo grappling show.

I hate this shit where someone gets called out then people start going "yeah I always knew he was a bad dude, yeah he acted weird that one time I met him 2 years ago" like it adds nothing to it and just seems like they're going along with consensus or something rather than adding something of substance to the discussion. I met the dude, he was fine. Now he's kind of fucked and basically admitted to being a domestic abuser of sorts? Because he raged out on some chick? He never hit her but she "felt scared" so I guess he's gonna lose some shit now?

pic related

Anonymous No. 225064

all of what you described is very much a terminally online phenomenon.

Anonymous No. 225065

Yup, that's a big part of it. Did you see her text screen shots? He's telling her to unfollow people on Instagram.

Anonymous No. 225081

>American jiujitsu is gaining popularity
>the defacto figure heads are all a bunch of schizo woman abusers

Anonymous No. 225082


Anonymous No. 225083

That dlr guy did the same?

Anonymous No. 225085

Someone was asking about Wiltse getting back on BJJ Fanatics and I said there was zero chance of that happening.

Well he just confirmed that

They're copy striking any video he is posting with their logo on it.

Anonymous No. 225086

De La Riva had one of his long time female students invited over alone to his house to "give him a massage" then she uh regretted it and aired the whole thing which makes her look bad more so than him because you gave an elderly man a massage and probably fucked him

so clearly consent is consent unless she stews on it and regrets it or feels bad about it months/years after it happened

Anonymous No. 225089

>american jiu jitsu
that's been the only jiu jitsu in the US
bjj is only super popular in 2 continents.
south america and north america
jjj is gatekept via old timey martial arts secretism and judo is gatekept via lack of money for schools and the ngb's

Anonymous No. 225136

I'm getting really tired of "associations/teams" and the drama that comes from them and how there's really not any upsides for a student.

Anonymous No. 225141

that's why whether or not someone competes shouldnt be a factor in favortism
all this stems from competition schools

Anonymous No. 225142

we joined an association recently
the dues went up by $50 and all the merch looks like a billboard now

Anonymous No. 225144

they fucking sucj at everything
imagine your whole family getting obliterated by one japanese due

Anonymous No. 225145

Today I told the teacher I don't want to take classes anymore, I'm not interested in it
I just want to come in and play jiujitsu, I don't care about the lessons

Anonymous No. 225147

and that's what it is
it's playing
people treat this shit like it's life or death
it's dumb

Anonymous No. 225244

Just do open mat then? Plenty of people do that especially brown-black belts

Anonymous No. 225262

They could easily deny you or start having a class on open mat day.
You're paying them they dont care about you they just want your money

Anonymous No. 225264

What gym does that? I guess if they are mad at him and don't want him training there then they would just tell him they aren't welcome back? Never seen anyone have a class when they were supposed to have an open mat but I have seen MANY times where a schedule class is switched/canceled and becomes an open mat - no one really wants to teach and wants to get out of teaching as much as possible at some gyms I've seen. You got the fat burned out ex mma fighter who doesn't want to even be there. They can't wait to not do shit.

Anonymous No. 225486

need help, when im in bottom reverse closed guard, what is the mixup I do on them if they just sit really firm
and wide on their heels and dont let me knock them over for the toehold? do not say abandon the position, it cannot be a completely solved position. there must be a different direction i can go or grab a specific body part or something goddamnit

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Anonymous No. 225616

Do jiujitsu they said
It's good for you they said

Anonymous No. 225622

the first bjj school i went to did this.

Anonymous No. 225623

yes it was a gracie school

Anonymous No. 225624

What happened? Did you fuck up a breakfall?

Anonymous No. 225625

slammed in a match

still won lol

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 225643

how much of a pussy do you have to be to where you cant handle someone talking about practice or celebrating their first submission
why the fuck are some bjj schools like this?
>instead of explaining he makes him do 50 push ups

keep telling yourself that

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 225644


Anonymous No. 225648

h-how does that heal

Anonymous No. 225670

I broke mine when I was a kid and had to wear some weird little bra/sling thing for basically the entire summer.

Anonymous No. 225784

im gonna be 10th planets long awaited young genius player

Anonymous No. 225880

lrn2breakfall lmao

>this post was made by the judo gang

Anonymous No. 226054

I have such a love/hate BJJ relationship.
I didn't even have that bad a night tonight, but one lad I rolled with well, it was very up and down and another wasn't too bad, but he was much bigger and stronger.
I just walk out sometimes feeling like shit and idk why.

Anonymous No. 226068

First comp as a 30yo white belt in a month. Any tips?

Anonymous No. 226070

lots of sleep, hydrate, don't cut weight, don't change up what you do, have a plan so take down right away, you be the one to make the first move, you dictate the pace, you take them down and go right into a guard pass, don't give them time to set up anything or do anything

eat a slice of toast or two before, bring snacks, bring water, have an extra gi or nogi in your car

Anonymous No. 226074

Take viagra

Anonymous No. 226081
