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🧵 extensive cardio shit as a warmup

Anonymous No. 219650

I have been doing MMA for 15 years, have fought 11 times as an amateur bum and I know how important cardio really is. However, am I wrong when I say that "warmups" before every class are bullshit and a sign of a McDojo, if they are basically a cardio workout on their own AND they consist purely of movements unrelated to the sport?

In my eyes, coaches do this shit if they are either too lazy to structure the class and think about the content, or they are doing some boxercise faggotry for fat soccer moms.
Imagine this: You are a normie slob, no experience, and you have to do 30 minutes of excessive cardio shit that is unrelated to combat sports, like jumping jacks and running in circles. Afterwards, you are too exhausted to focus 100% on the actual combat sport drills, for which you had joined the gym.

Warmups should just be enough that you can perform training safely. Mobilisation, few plyometrics, and then practice the moves from the previous lesson again. That's it.

I would either put the cardio trash at the end of the class, or do it as separate lessons during which you can focus 100% on cardio and nothing else.

Anonymous No. 219651

Warmups are stupid, it's not the instructors job to make sure your body is prepared for exercise
Especially all the different bodies with different needs everyone in a group class will have
If you need time to get ready then get to class early and start doing it

Besides that its just a time killer, and it's done with that purpose in mind to run the clock and fill up the hour

Anonymous No. 219661

Lol dumb idiot. try to do a wrestling class without a proper warmup. Worse still, a beginner doesn't know how much to warmup.
If you don't tell them what to do they will do 5 push ups, a light stretch and then wonder why they sprained their neck, shoulder and lower back 15 minutes into the class

Anonymous No. 219663

warm up at my judo school is running around the mat, slides, and stretching for a couple minutes.

Anonymous No. 219671

You're a gay faggot and wrong
If people are getting hurt in class it means you're bad at ramping up intensity
Making them run around in circles and to somersaults isn't going to stop that

Anonymous No. 219672

I've recently read about studies that show how good it's to have 100% of your energy to learn shit. If your instructor/sensei/whatever shows you a technique and tells you to drill it but you're too tired to learn it properly then it's just a fucking waste of time and one of the main reasons I'm about to leave my Judo gym. The entire class might be fuckin melting and yet we're supposed to learn poorly taught techniques on the first try.

Anonymous No. 219675

what state is this in, kek.

Anonymous No. 219676

I train with guys who lift heavy before judo to nerf themselves in class and be forced to focus on good technique rather than brute strength. That could be the intent in your class, or perhaps you're simply in poor physical condition.

Anonymous No. 219677

Oh no no the skinny fat loser who can't run for 10 minutes without crying and being too tired to drill his karate chops is trying to tell me about combat sports


Anonymous No. 219680

Dang, you're an even bigger fag than I thought
It's terminal I'm afraid

Anonymous No. 219681

That isn't how it works

Anonymous No. 219685

if you think that's true you may as well just give up on life and never leave your house unless you get 8-10 hours of sleep consistently everyday

did you actually read a study or did you watch a video on tiktok?

Anonymous No. 219689

You must be the kind that restricts water intake and keeps that room as hot as possible because you're confusing the feeling of physical exhaustion with effective training
"Wow I really felt like shit the whole time, what a great session"
That isn't how adaptations work
Doing that to yourself isn't gonna make you're conditioning any better any more than getting punched in the head is going to make your chin stronger or not tapping is gonna make your ligaments stronger, or shooting yourself with smaller bullets will help you work up an immunity to larger bullets

People have taken this idea of training at high altitude to increase their vo2 max and completely misapplied it to everything else

First of all it's not the training at that height that does it, it's simply living there in the weeks leading up to an event to get their bodies ready and then as soon as they leave those gains start to disappear
And that's without mentioning the fact that long-term people that live at high altitudes have higher rates of chronic respiratory illness because you might get a temporary bump to help you survive but it's still breaking your body down

Anonymous No. 219690

>You must be the kind that restricts water intake and keeps that room as hot as possible because you're confusing the feeling of physical exhaustion with effective training

stopped reading there you have reading comprehension issues.
I never implied or stated any of that but you stated that you need to be 100% all the time in order to learn or master anything which simply isnt true.
If you think you're so good and intelligent why are you here on 4chan?
why arent you a phd personal trainer professional martial artist?
get over yourself you fucking dyel.

Anonymous No. 219692


you made the choice to not go home after gettjng tired at training. That's not your instructors fault that's yours
you made the choice to get shit sleep after training that's not anyones fault but your own.
Because you dont realize this the point you're trying to make is moot
it's not your instructors responsibility to make sure yoh get good sleep at night.

This isnt dragon ball z real life isnt anime dude

Anonymous No. 219693

your instructor isnt going to turn into master roshi and realize you need rest
you need to speak up

Anonymous No. 219703

We're not american.
We do 30 minutes of what's basically a shitty fucking PE class focus mainly on cardio with 39C weather. It fucking sucks and it's useless. In my class we have people of a wide spectrum of physical fitness, but even the people who are fit are melting by the time we get to do actual Judo.
I get 7-8 hours of sleep constantly everyday. It positively affects every single part of my life.
That aside, here, suck it faggot.
You're not a badass because you can't have basic sleep hygiene. You're just a lazy retard.

Anonymous No. 219704

>why arent you a phd personal trainer professional martial artist?
Mostly a lack of guidance when I was younger
So which one is it, it's the instructors responsibility to make sure you're warmed up but not to make sure he doesn't overwork you?
Talking out both sides if your mouth here

Besides there are no athletes that look to one coach for everything
Your skills coach, conditioning, strength, nutrition, these are all different people you go to for what they know about
All of you are just used to these strip mall senseis that are pretending they are qualified to run workouts they have no business being in charge of
Your grade school PE teacher made you run around in circles and do push ups so you think this is how athletic training is actually supposed to be done as an adult

I'll say it clearly if you are working on conditioning and skills at the same time you're doing it fucking wrong

Anonymous No. 219706

you're fucking retarded and keep putting words in my mouth
learn to be an adult you fucking man baby. if you're tired go home

>here's a scientific lecture on why your 6th degree black belt instructor isnt qualified to be an instructor
you should tell him that and see what happens.
Yeah i know you need sleep. But it's not your instructors responsibility to make sure you get it.
you're a man baby

Anonymous No. 219710

>you should tell him that and see what happens
probably nothing because he's old as dirt
6th degree you say? I bet he even makes people stretch before class too even though that idea has been debookned for decades

Anonymous No. 219712

>probably nothing because he's old as dirt
no, he's in his 30s and competes a lot

Anonymous No. 219718

Cool, he should utilize that experience and spend some time reading about the science behind designing effective training routines and then I bet people will stop showing up 20 minutes late to class to avoid running in circles

Anonymous No. 219719

people show up on time to class everyday.
The guy is actually a really good teacher

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Anonymous No. 219726

You're not even talking to the same person, moron.
Other than that you're evidently sperging too hard to form a coherent thought. Chill the fuck out and try again.

Anonymous No. 219727

>clears cookies

Anonymous No. 219728

Why would I answer pretending to be 2 people retard? Christ. I made my point, and if you pretend excessive cardio and lack of sleep doesn't affect your learning skills, then fine, keep being ignorant. There are retards in this website that believe the earth is flat and that david bowie is satan.
That aside, I'm pretty sure that this shit only recognizes IP.

Anonymous No. 219775

Now that the dust has settled even if I accept the premise that it's the responsibility of the instructor to warm up the class
That does not excuse the instructor making people run laps and do jumping jacks and squats and push ups and sit ups

An appropriate warm up would be having people start class with some hand fighting, fitting in to take downs without finishing them, Having a person do a guard pass and then the bottom person recovers the guard, And this is done not compliantly but cooperatively where they give a realistic resistance but lightly so the pressure and feel is accurate and they allow their partner to finish the move
And you can start this easily like dipping your toe into the pool and then as you warm up the intensity will naturally ramp up on its own

That way everyone is nice and warmed up by doing the thing that they actually went there to do and you didn't waste everyone's time

Anonymous No. 219776

Generic fitness movements like those help serve as a pre-class group physical so that the instructor has an idea of the work capacity of the class and if there are any laggards who need special coddling due to lifestyle illness or acute injury. I talked to an instructor who said he's had to coach young students through being able to coordinate their bodies through a simple situp because outside of class they're completely sedentary (that's why their parents sent them to martial arts class). You're going to coach that kid differently than you are the kid who grew up wrestling and doing farm chores, and a basic pre-class mobility and strength diagnostic is a good way to suss out the difference before putting students into more niche skills drills and movements.

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Anonymous No. 219779

Then that kid needs to be going to private lessons for extra help

We are not going to lower our standards and hamper the progress of our high achievers so the bottom tier can keep up
Especially if it's the case of a deconditioned adult, we won't waste the time of our athletes so the guy who made himself fat and diabetic can have a nice time for the 4 weeks before he quits like he did with everything else in his life

Anonymous No. 219789

you're a fucking retard and you blame your instructor for your low iq shortcomings.

just go do jiu jitsu dude? what you described is what every competitive jiu jitsu school is. Everything is a business model in BJJ.
This entire faggot argument started because you blamed your instructor for your shit ability to keep up and have energy instead of properly preparing the day before.
why are you putting the blame on the way someone else wants to run THEIR class with THEIR belt that THEY earned? just leave at that point instead of blogposting about it because what you sound like is exactly what you're talking about

untrained and unconditioned

Anonymous No. 219790

you remind me of that autistic kid that stood up by his teacher and screamed


Anonymous No. 219791

>This entire faggot argument started because you blamed your instructor for your shit ability to keep up and have energy instead of properly preparing the day before
imagine not being able to last for an hour of high intensity cardio which is what a majority of martial arts classes are.

Anonymous No. 219794

You're just ignorant and on the receiving end of bad training
I'd feel bad if I cared

Anonymous No. 219795

>i shouldnt have to prepare for class, class should prepare for me

Anonymous No. 219804

I'm not sure what you're trying to say here but I've been making the exact opposite point this entire time
It's your responsibility to keep yourself fit and make sure you're warmed up and ready when class starts

Warmups are a waste of time for everybody which is why they're always skipped

Anonymous No. 219822

Holy Reddit

Anonymous No. 219823

The same reason every other sport does running and Burpees etc as a warmup. It pumps blood through the whole body. Sports specific stuff like hand fighting or takedowns doesn't and then you get injured because you weren't properly warmed up

Anonymous No. 219827

You could literally just take a hot shower and it's the same as if you did a warm up

Anonymous No. 219833

21 years on the mats here. And I agree. I used to coach but did not own the place, when and if I ever do, it will be structured like this.

White through Blue: mandatory warmups that complement the day's lesson.

Purple and above show up and do your own warmup routine be it stretching or flow rolls.

The only classes that would have intense warmups that are basically an exhausting class unto themselves would be a comp class. Which I won't even do because I think structuring your academy around competition is gay and the sportification of BJJ has ruined.

There will also be no NOGI classes. At least I will not run them of allow them to take the best class times. NOGI has brought in all the aspects of sports culture and made BJJ so much like the NBA in terms of culture I left 5 different schools looking for one that had not infected yet.

Anonymous No. 219834

Don't listen to the hater replies. You are correct. A high heart rate directly correlates to low information retention.

Anonymous No. 219835

>why are you putting the blame on the way someone else wants to run THEIR class with THEIR belt that THEY earned?

Because I am paying them with MY money that I earned and know what MY body can handle.

Anonymous No. 219836

Complete opposite. Overtraining leads to injury. At 45 I am literally snapping small tendons now in training from overuse. My fingers have been in casts for months, my knees are shit, discs trashed in my spine, etc. and none of that would have happened so early if I weren't forced to go through absurd warmups that are unnecessary as I go to the gym 4 days a week and am in shape. Critical mass is real. And this idiotic trend toward hyper competitiveness in BJJ has ruined it. Everyone's body has to get ruined so a select few can exploit a very short window of youth where they are the most competitive to get some Instagram likes? Hard pass. Competitors should have their own classes at some bullshit early time no one else wants to go to since they are willing to sacrifice their entire life to get a gold medal nobody else cares about. And we should not even have to train with them and their ultra serious pace. Everyone's body is a punching bag for the dipshit who wants to go to Worlds now and is on steroids.

Anonymous No. 219837

It's not even that, the most successful fighters don't train that hard
It's retarded anime shit, they keep their workload light and focused and treat conditioning as an entirely seperate part of the training because it is

They'll work hard doing intervals on the exercise bike, not having gym wars with people. That's how you have a short career if you even manage to get one

I'm not fucking running in class!

Anonymous No. 219838

Perhaps you need to be going to the competition or black belt classes or paying for private instruction if you want something beyond the class set up to accommodate the general population.

Anonymous No. 219844

Guy, I have trained with probably two dozen world champions. They all train like psychotics. It's their entire life and they are in there slapping bicep slicers on 40+ year old hobbyists like it's the fucking ADCC. ESPECIALLY the Brazilians. The Machado brothers warmups are like an entire week's worth of exercise.

Anonymous No. 219849

Well there you go, the Brazilians are absolutely irrelevant in the current climate
They only ever saw success because they were the ones running the sport, now other people are in it and they're completely left behind

Anonymous No. 219850

>Complete opposite. Overtraining leads to injury. At 45 I am literally snapping small tendons now in training from overuse. My fingers have been in casts for months, my knees are shit, discs trashed in my spine, etc

you need to remember what website this is.
I guarntee you almost all of this shit ITT is larp.
>ive been doing mma for 15 years
> i have 21 years mat time
And then they all say the polar opposite of what people in real life say about training and warming up.
basic stretches to get your muscles relaxed and some light cardio or mobility warm ups like front rolls are normal.

This entire thread reads like larp because it discounts a very important part of martial arts and life in general.

It's not gonna be funny when someone itt drops a plate on their foot and cant move in time because they dont train mobility they train whatever brainrot influencers have pumped into their head.

Anonymous No. 219851

I love how i left for a day and OP is getting absolutelt shit on

Anonymous No. 219852

i even have an instructor that doesnt do warm ups. But if he sees your tired he lets you take a break.
Idk what kind of shit some of y'all have been smoking but anime isnt real life.
One day you mean tear your hamstring and boom there goes training for a month because you listened to some guy who takes roids or igf1 to recover faster and you listened to his advice about boofing quail eggs

Anonymous No. 219853

then go to a different school.

Anonymous No. 219855

Now that the dust continues to settle further despite the best efforts of people with poor reasoning skills to kick it up again
It's nice that we are all in agreement that it's not the instructor's job to warm people up and even if it was the standard warm up procedure of running in circles and doing calisthenics is anywhere from worthless to actively hindering the progress of the class
And 0% of successful athletes do their conditioning work at the same time as their skills work

Anonymous No. 219857

Nigger how long should I have to drive? Because they are all like that due to the pressure on competition bragging rights.If I decide to open mine it will be a martial arts studio and not a gym. Comp BJJ is eating its own and will ultimately be what closes schools after the trendiness wears off.

Anonymous No. 219858

What is missed here is that warmups are a Brazilian tradition and this is America. We don’t have the same leisure lifestyle they do. And their food is far nutritionally superior. They hang out at the gym, go to the beach after and get cheap whole natural foods on the go. We live in traffic, even our good food is shit compared to theirs, and live in a depressed atmosphere. Every Brazilian I have met radiate health with great teeth. The old guy who started GFT still competes and claims he has never had a single serious injury. America needs to adjust to the realities of being a shitmerican and being raised on birth control water, sugar, and zogslop. Any conditioning benefit of extensive warmups is offset by putting high mileage on a body that decays at a faster rate than the bodies the program was designed for.

Anonymous No. 219859

you have reading comprehension issues.

Anonymous No. 219860

I love that a lot of the posts in this thread are just OP blog posting about his schizophrenic ideology on warmups

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Anonymous No. 219861

Is it even trendy now? Competition bjj is legitimately the gayest sport an adult could take part in
It's a joke to everyone outside the bubble, and inside the bubble only 10% or less care about it
People don't have this desire to compete in BJJ, almost everyone is doing it because they're getting pressured to do it from their coach because "it will make your bjj better if you compete so you have to do it" whatever the hell that means
The majority of people will never compete, out of the minority that do they are going to be one and done at the white belt division

Only the most insufferable try hards with nothing else going on in their life do any more than that
And the biggest complaint you were going to get from school is it's too sporty

It's honestly such a disaster that this vocal minority group is dictating what the culture is supposed to be
But that's why BJJ is dying and everyone is moving towards nogi submission grappling as it would pertain to MMA and practical self defense

Anonymous No. 219862

There's only one BJJ place within driving distance of me but since it's run by wrestlers and most of the students are wrestlers nobody complains about doing a toned-down version of the warmups they did before wrestling practice growing up. Have you considered aikido or tai chi? They might be more your speed.

>What is missed here is that warmups are a Brazilian tradition and this is America.
American wrestling practices are harsh conditioning crucibles with substantial cardio and strength endurance training. I've never seen a BJJ class as physically difficult as my wrestling practices.

>Is it even trendy now?
Second most popular form of grappling in the US, behind wrestling and ahead of judo. The UFC really did a lot to meme it into popular consciousness.

Anonymous No. 219863

You're thinking of wealthy Brazilians, Brazil is a fucking dump everywhere that isn't beach front property with resorts on it with most of the people live in abject poverty it's not leisurely at all that's why they're assholes

The only reason you have all of these jiujitsu bums coming out of Brazil in the first place it's because their parents had some money for them to inherit so they don't need to work

Anonymous No. 219864

>Second most popular form of grappling in the US
See I don't really think that's authentically true though, for example my gym has has BJJ on our website and on our windows because it's good for the marketing algorithm
And the lion's share of tournaments people participating are nogi submission only style
Bjj couldn't be more irrelevant in practice

What's happening is no different from when all the karate schools rebranded to MMA and all of the cardio kickboxing places started putting muay thai on the window because it's just a meaningless marketing term in this country and people will continue to just do what they've always done inside

So even if people are searching for BJJ and they want to do it the sport continues to get less popular every year
My proof is in the fact that I can't find a bracket
Good luck filling up a normal adult blackbelt bracket at a tournament
You have to combine adult and masters Brown and black at a minimum sometimes purple, and if you're lucky you can find 3 guys in the same weight class otherwise you start combining those too
I don't even bother to go to tournaments because I'm guaranteed the podium either way so what's the point?

It wasn't like that even 6 years ago you were able to fill up those brackets no problem, it's just not popular

Anonymous No. 219865

Dude. Wrestling is a sport you quit at like age 23. We have BJJ practitioners in their 50s. You’re comparing apples to potatoes.

Anonymous No. 219866

I wish that were the case here. Comp is numero uno. Loads of comps and FTW level events. Seminars every weekend. We have lots of worlds golds littered around the city and like 20+ options. But they are all the same unless they are just tiny. Comp classes suck up most of the summer classes. It’s major pressure to compete and even if you don’t you’re forced to endure that level of physicality during rolls from those who do.

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Anonymous No. 219867

>modern training pedagogy is bullshit, we need to use the traditional methods people have always done
The traditional methods:

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Anonymous No. 219869

Anonymous No. 219870

I suspect you are not in a coastal city because that's the backside of the curve, Give it 5 years that will burn out

It wasn't that long ago where you would see white belt divisions not starting until 8:30 Because there was so much to get through
Now they are over by 2:30-3:00 mats are off the floor everyone has gone home

IBJJF masters is their largest tournament of the year, because young people don't care about this retarded sport
Any young person interested in grappling is looking to do superfights and MMA

Anonymous No. 219872


Anonymous No. 219877

>It's a joke to everyone outside the bubble

because they're just gonna kick you in the head or toss you into oncoming traffic the first chance they get.
>i do bjj i am a threat fear me
>gets seriously injured by the worst osotogari in history

Anonymous No. 219880

Hence why the BJJ warmups described are
>a toned-down version of the warmups they did before wrestling practice growing up

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Anonymous No. 219881

>I don't even bother to go to tournaments because I'm guaranteed the podium either way so what's the point?

sure you are buddy

Anonymous No. 219882

Looks based. Video link?

Anonymous No. 219886

Use your reading comprehension. He's saying that the brackets are so small that anyone who shows up gets on the podium, not that he's so good he's guaranteed to beat anyone who shows up.

Anonymous No. 219887

>Comp is numero uno
because there isnt really much use for bjj outside of the mat so they focus heavy on comp.
BJJ fighters usually pick and choose their battles very carefully they usually fight untrained and unconditioned opponents in street fights or somehow manage to convince the opponent to grapple.
The reality is if you fought some pissed hoodrat armed with a knife and you tried to do a double leg or any take down they'd stab you.

Even the gracies knew how useless bjj is outside the mat which is why in the early years all their street fights included a weapon.
some people are even trying ti turn bjj back into jjj by includinv weapon disarm rolls which is fuckjng hilarious because this issue was already solved 100+ years ago

Anonymous No. 219888

It's chadis latest video, he's trying to argue that weight lifting doesn't make your joints stronger
His takes are malignant at this point

Anonymous No. 219889

so your saying even with the little amount of people that show up he can still beat them all?
Because getting podium if 5 people show up requires you to get beat 3 of them

Anonymous No. 219890

you arent counted in that 5 you're a 6th person
i hate that i have to explain that but i know how room temp 4chan can be

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Anonymous No. 219891

Grappling industries is a non-small time organization and this tournament is today in Philadelphia, look at the brackets
They put black and brown together and still couldn't get enough guys to make a full bracket

Anonymous No. 219892

so you can beat all of them?

Anonymous No. 219893

Yeah probably
But the medal isnt worth anything if you get one by default so why bother

Anonymous No. 219903

Yeah, I think the same. Many instructors are really lazy with warmups and just make you run around and do dumb shit. I get mad every time I remember they are wasting like 30% of the whole class with basic exercises that I could be doing anywhere else

Anonymous No. 219904

It's not a bug it's a feature

Anonymous No. 219916

Black and brown never enter Grappling Industries. They save it for IBJJF and big local events like Fight To Win. Everyone knows this. Every once in a while a famous coach will show up at one though testing promising fighters out. I coached against Greg Nelson at one once.

Anonymous No. 219920

But even look at the purple, nobody there
And the blues were even worse off

Anonymous No. 219923

what do you wanna hear?
The average bjj school treats people like shit and people are starting to realize this which is leading to the decline of the art no one wants to pay to be treated like shit. I dont know what's so hard to understand yet BJJ professors have a hard time with it

Anonymous No. 219924

Why would i wanna pay $165 a month for a knuckle dragging retard to threaten to beat and rape me because i didnt get the move he only showed the class once right the first time?
no person with a functioning brain wants to take part in that.

Anonymous No. 219927

I think if other people didn’t train so hard to compete things would improve. Or were separated. Nobody likes going in and rolling against guys who are training twice a day five days a week. It’s a waste of your time and effort.

“Did you watch Pans?”
“Why would I do that?”
“Oh man some amazing butt scooting and confusing leg touching rules made it really exciting!”

Anonymous No. 219928

It's a bad sport, And people are just being dishonest when they say they like to watch It
This one girl was arguing withe guy who competed all the time in the major ones and won worlds at brown belt
And she's saying it's such a good sport and he goes No it's not, it's really boring, nobody watches it I don't even watch It

Anonymous No. 219970

It can be good if the rules aren't ass.
CJI had some really good matches

Anonymous No. 219985

But do you still have the Brazilian style lay in pray and the butt stalling
They didn't punish that enough, and honestly it all came out in the wash because the right person one in the end, But I'm sure the performance by certain people was no small part in them deciding to make a team event going forward so the stally the boys will just get eliminated

Anonymous No. 220004

>lay in pray and the butt stalling
That's kinda inherent to the sport unfortunately. It probably can't be fixed without fucking up everything else
Though to be fair to LJL, I won't even rip on him for being a guard puller or having a boring match because that was one seriously impressive defense

Anonymous No. 220028

>It probably can't be fixed without fucking up everything else
Score throws like they do in freestyle wrestling, score positional changes like they do in scholastic wrestling, and allow wins by submission or judo-tier pin.

Anonymous No. 220058

Score clean takedowns (that land in a dominant position that can also be scored) so high and penalize guard pulling from standing just enough that it can put the guard puller behind enough that they will likely lose if they don't sub. Like score a takedown that ends in you being on top as a takedown and a guard pass and add some more on top.

Anonymous No. 220059

All the rules that people try to come up with are done to skirt around the real problem, Which is guard pulling

Just give a hard penalty to guard pulling and the problems are solved
Sitting on the ground gives 2 take down points to your opponent
Pulling if he comes down with you is wash no points are given out
If you try to make it look like a pull but are really just sitting you get a penalty for false attack the same way judo works
And the person who is sitting on the ground is the one obligated to stand back up not the person standing obligated to step into the bottom person's guard

It isn't the case in any other sport where the person taking the defensive posture is allowed to keep doing it and the person taking the offensive posture is expected to walk into it
The guard player needs to be called for stalling and put back on their feet. As a grappler it is your obligation to put your opponent on the ground with you if that's where you want them to be

I'm the only argument I ever hearAgainst this is "nobody wants to watch two jiujitsu guys and their shitty wrestling for 10 minutes"
Well my response to that is nobody wants to watch jujitsu as it is anyway, and their wrestling wouldn't be shitty if the sport required them to learn how to do it
The rules dictate the skill of the athlete

Anonymous No. 220061

>score throws like they do in freestyle wrestling
Nah, freestyle is scored to reward flashiness. I'd prefer a fixed score for a takedown. Probably 4-5 points or 6-7 points if opponent grounds themselves without making contact - that way sit -> sweep -> mount won't be a net gain
>score positional changes like they do in scholastic wrestling
Near-fall isn't a thing in jujitsu and reversals are already scored (sweeps), so the only thing applicable is scoring escapes. Which, granted, would be a good thing.
I don't like pinning as a win condition though

Anonymous No. 220087

Some pissed hoodrat with a knife is a losing battle for any martial art

Best bet is to get lucky, use a weapon, or improvise. If no one to protect then run. Parkour would be more useful lol

Anonymous No. 220089

My guy, doing a wrestling style warmup isn't overtraining lmfao

If you think that, you're not physically capable

Anonymous No. 220090

Holy reddit

Anonymous No. 220109

>They might be more your speed.

not doing martial arts all together might be more his speed.

Anonymous No. 220187

I think you overestimate how much is necessary to be warmed up. 20 burpees are probably enough to reach working temperature.

Anonymous No. 220188

They are/were on roids, bucko.

Anonymous No. 220190

20 Burpees is why you're a skinny fat weakling

Anonymous No. 220193

dude they're larping
read the threads
>ive been doing mma for 15 years
>says the polar opposite of what fighting science/iq says you should do

he hasnt trained with anyone
even world champions warm up

Anonymous No. 220204

>even world champions warm up
By stretching out and hitting pads
Doing the movements that will be required of them to fight

Nobody is warming up by doing tumbles and shrimps up and down the room or burpees

Anonymous No. 220214

>Doing the movements that will be required of them to fight
>Nobody is warming up by doing tumbles and shrimps

Anonymous No. 220216

Faggot, your discussion went from
>i hate extensive cardio with warm ups and shrimps
>i hate warm ups
>i do burpees for warm ups
fucking pick one you room temp iq larping faggot

Anonymous No. 220223

I'm a different anon asserting that ukemi and ebi are fighting movements.

Anonymous No. 220224

There are zero circumstances where you will ever shrimp to propel yourself vertically
That's not how the move is used
People spend hours and hours across their career doing it wrong

And that's without getting into the weeds about how it's not even the best way to accomplish what it's meant to do and most good people don't even do it anymore at all

Anonymous No. 220227

i guess they should do burpees instead you larping tranny

Anonymous No. 220228

thread summary so far:
>i hate extensive cardio no one should have to tumble or stretch or warm their muscles this can be done in a shower

>actually i hate warm ups in general
>actually i lied i do burpees for warm ups
>actually i lied fighters should only do requirements for warmups like things required by the art

>actually i lied no one knows how to do warm ups right except me im the man

Anonymous No. 220229

It's really unfortunate we have these uppity blue belts like yourself around here who have been practicing for <2 years in most cases, can't win in the gym, and have to take it out on your betters on the internet

The problem is you think you're making coherent arguments but everyone with experience that understands these things is laughing at you

Anonymous No. 220230

>did i mention ive been doing mma for 15 years guise?

Anonymous No. 220231

Thread summary so far
>warming up is your own responsibility and the instructor is wasting everyone's time making them run in circles

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Anonymous No. 220232

where did you get bjj from?
not everyone does bjj.

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Anonymous No. 220234


Anonymous No. 220235

Pick your poison
All of you arguing for running in circles and doing forward rolls instead of actually training are retards

Anonymous No. 220237

well you obviously dont train
you cant make up your mind about if you actually hate warm ups or not.
>inb4 yes i do
oh really? is that why you spend so much time thinking about warm ups when you could be training or focusing on training?

Anonymous No. 220238

you spend all this time screeching when you could be warming up for class before class
pratice what you preach

Anonymous No. 220239

you think there's only 1 other person on this site aside from you?

not only do I train but I've been teaching professionally as my full time job for years
here I am offering my advice for free and you reject it. Your loss really
normally I'd be charging you $150 per hour

and just imagine it, how you'd feel if you spent that money and $37 of it was used telling you to run in circles and do push ups
pretty outrageous

Anonymous No. 220240

>all of you

Anonymous No. 220241

>here I am offering my advice for free and you reject it
$150 for dogshit advice that can result in a torn hamstring?
damn bro what a genius. No wonder you ended up on 4chan people just dont understand you

Anonymous No. 220242

elon, give this faggot his h1b he solved exercise science for all of us.

Just take a hot shower

Anonymous No. 220243

My guys are literally too unhealthy and unathletic to run around for a few minutes lmao
Then they complain "bjj ruined their joints" :(

Anonymous No. 220244

i took another guy in close guard now i have aids :(

Anonymous No. 220245

Just have a hot shower to warm up bro you'll be okay

>TIL pro deadly fighters don't warm up, they just have hot shower beforehand :)

Anonymous No. 220247

do they do burpees too!!111!1 :D
i can do 6 gorgillion burpees before i shit myself

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Anonymous No. 220248

I'm on 4chan because I wake up at 11 and make a wage cucks entire weeks salary in one afternoon before having a nap and doing it again in the evening with my superior skills and coaching methodology :^)

Seriously bro, you are getting ripped off if you are paying money to someone that stands in the middle of the room and tells you to run in circles while he collects your money
Probably walks away to take phone calls and use the bathroom in the middle of your sessions too

My service might be a little steep for some people but if you want best in class professional training then you can't do any better
It's honestly a steal I'm practically giving it away for what you get

Anonymous No. 220249

Holy shit dude does your dad work for Nintendo?

Anonymous No. 220250

>$455 for bjj
dude i feel unironically bad for anyone that pays $455 for bjj

Anonymous No. 220251

that's some genuine invalid-cant-socialize type of shit dude
paying $455 to hang out with a bunch of sweaty dudes moaning and groaning trying to crank chokes.
that's gay. Judo only costs like $25 do that instead
you learn way more too

Anonymous No. 220252

boxing costs way less than whatever the fuck this gay shit is>>220248

that's not even anything go be proud of
you're taking advantage of the genuinely mentally disabled kek

Anonymous No. 220253

Yeah it's really dumb, in some ways I have to thank the Gracie's and jocko for putting all that propaganda out of the either so I don't need to have a real job

Anonymous No. 220296

For that price, John Danaher better be your personal coach.

Anonymous No. 220298

BJJ is a lot of peoples first martial art so they literally do not know any better

Anonymous No. 220312

Good post.

Anonymous No. 220314

I'm 46 and beat college wrestlers. So what I am, you insufferable faggot, is good at grappling. Which does not require me to be able to run stairs for half an hour. Which is the entire point of learning to grapple. And since you are on 4Chan and not Reddit I, who own my own school, will give you some advice I would not give others: say something retarded like that which insults other students and you are likely to end up on Coach's shit list forever. We all went through a decade of bullshit in the BJJ "community" and many of us are petty and vindictive because we are fatigued by enduring the same toxic personality types over and over. We identify them, regardless of rank, and choose to punish them for the behavior of their peers we had to deal with prior.

Anonymous No. 220315

>I have been doing MMA for 15 years
Everyone is making fun of this statement now and I don't see why. I've been doing this crap for 21 years. Your chin DOES do and getting hit in the head is something you have to stop doing at some point but you can still train and the other old pros I know mostly do BJJ now and some Muy Thai but still like to glove up and fuck around a bit. Our bodies are frequently hurt enough requiring longer rest periods but it's expected. My favorite partner is Bellator vet and he had a disc slide out 16mm mid spine last week. Wear and tear is real. Intense warmups certainly didn't help the situation.

Anonymous No. 220318

warmups are a good tradition imho. no warmups will just hurt beginners, if you dont have any beginners then your club will just die

Anonymous No. 220321

i dont know what crack you've been smoking but bjj does not punish toxic personality types

Anonymous No. 220323

there is no way you guys are so far up your own ass that you think bjj punishes toxic personalities.
First BJJ school i went to it was common for students and the professor to threaten other students

Anonymous No. 220324

shit i remember they woild threaten me just because i liked to go to the gym on the weekend and powerlift
get your head out if your ass bjj punishes toxic personalities

Anonymous No. 220325


Anonymous No. 220330

They even got their first bad review recently too and they flipped the fuck out

Anonymous No. 220331

way i run it*

Anonymous No. 220333

Put it in one post retard, stop texting like a teenage girl

Anonymous No. 220334

are you the one that was really confused arguing with multiple people and thinking it was one guy that couldn't get his story straight?
now you're confused at the sight of people having a conversation

Anonymous No. 220335

no lol, get the fuck over yourself

Anonymous No. 220337

This is my third post in this thread, first two being on the topic of competitions several days ago
And it's very obvious that at least four of the five posts were produced by a single person. Stop shitting up the thread with half a dozen posts that could be made into one, faggot

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Anonymous No. 220338


Anonymous No. 220340

Perhaps our definition of toxic is very different.

My definition: Anyone below brown belt who has an opinion and think it's worth sharing.

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Anonymous No. 220341

>this fucking retard thinks that everyone who uses this board does bjj strictly

get a life

Anonymous No. 220342


Anonymous No. 220349

>I'm 46 and beat college wrestlers.
Your students, or in actual competition? It's not uncommon for guys to dial back their athletic exertion to focus on solving grappling problems in the dojo.

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Anonymous No. 220350

That kind of incestuous credentialfagging is a large part of why many of the Chinese martial arts turned into absurd jokes. There are plenty of grappling disciplines older and better developed than Brazilian butt scoot and sometimes we can learn things from outside perspectives.

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Anonymous No. 220351

what the fuck is this thread?
so many conflicting statements.
tons of grand standing.
Grow nuts you fucking faggots
especiall this gay shit

>And since you are on 4Chan and not Reddit

go back you fucking faggots

Anonymous No. 220381

I think the greater threat is the beginners that just repeat everything they're told without question

Anonymous No. 220384

Does your dad work for Nintendo

Anonymous No. 222781

An older brown belt, who would sometimes lead the class or do extra morning classes with me and other guys, would have us do warmups specific to whatever technique we were gonna drill. It felt great. Just enough work to be fired up (this helped a ton in the morning) and i would have an easier time moving the way in which I was suppose to move.
Also this boomer nigger >>220314 is a CUNT. Do us a favour and put both feet in the grave, fossil.

Anonymous No. 222791

meanwhile judo, wrestling and boxing can literally kill you if done on concrete
>Body slam someone who doesnt know how to breakfall
>head cracks open
>punch someone so hard they fall
>head cracks open
shut up faggot

we need more guys like this>>222781
he's chill. He understands the limitations