๐งต /BJJ/ - Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu General
Anonymous at Fri, 6 Dec 2024 02:48:26 UTC No. 217082
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu General: you know why you're here edition
>Daily deals
https://smoothcomp.com (not sure why we post this)
>Belt Checker
https://www.beltchecker.com (dead)
>Thread question
stripes are pretty dumb and should be done away with, right?
Previous thread: >>211050
Anonymous at Fri, 6 Dec 2024 05:59:09 UTC No. 217087
Anonymous at Fri, 6 Dec 2024 18:24:38 UTC No. 217115
I feel like women can tell when you're acting weird
I for one have a restrained style in general, and I have to go out of my way to explain that I would prefer to choke a woman out than joint lock her
But that's just because I prefer chokes over joint locks
Don't be a fucking weirdo because it makes women seek out other gyms or some shit
And you're a fucking dick if you make someone leave your gym, because you've turned off someone to you as a training partner, and you've fucked with your gym's revenue stream
Anonymous at Fri, 6 Dec 2024 18:33:47 UTC No. 217116
>>216947 #
>cant help but face her arm pits or chest
sniff as loudly as possible
Anonymous at Fri, 6 Dec 2024 18:36:46 UTC No. 217117
Amazing how many of you can't tell she's into it. Including the moron that posted.
Anonymous at Fri, 6 Dec 2024 18:44:01 UTC No. 217118
japanese pussy folded 10000000000000 times
Anonymous at Fri, 6 Dec 2024 22:32:43 UTC No. 217126
I am rolling with her again and she doesn't have any problems. I don't change my style while rolling with people because I have only one style.
Well, I hope your right.
Anonymous at Sat, 7 Dec 2024 00:32:15 UTC No. 217136
You are putting yourself at a disadvantage because of the wizard sleeves and relaxed fit
The jiujitsu gi is designed to skirt the rules as much as possible so there's less material to grab on to
Anonymous at Sat, 7 Dec 2024 00:33:05 UTC No. 217137
IBJJF no. Others probably technically no, but they tend to be less particular. If for no other reason than the refs are getting paid with pizza. Schools case by case. Probably not for your first few weeks/month.
Anonymous at Sat, 7 Dec 2024 01:26:38 UTC No. 217144
the virgin metagaming skinnygi versus The Chad Relaxed Nagewaza Wizard
What's the point of hybrid gis like the one linked below? Is it simply an over-built BJJ-legal gi that holds up better to extensive throwing?
Anonymous at Sat, 7 Dec 2024 02:09:59 UTC No. 217149
who the hell even knows, only sponsored people and beginners have expensive gis
everyone else just buys amazonium and whatever they can find on sale
and I certainly don't care about the "legality" of some brazilian faggots telling people what the correct dimension of their 18th century japanese garment is supposed to be
it's not even a real sport
Anonymous at Sat, 7 Dec 2024 20:57:30 UTC No. 217200
A guy at my gym does something similar, he's somehow flexible and long-legged enough to thread his feet inside your armpits when you're in mount and lift/pull you back. It's very effective and lowkey infuriating as fuck, especially because it immediately gives him a very easy straight ankle lock
Anonymous at Sat, 7 Dec 2024 20:59:53 UTC No. 217201
Jesus, that's fucking nasty. That guy will be doing a Keaton Batman impression for the next month
Anonymous at Sat, 7 Dec 2024 22:30:31 UTC No. 217206
That is a amazing slam
Anonymous at Sat, 7 Dec 2024 23:30:04 UTC No. 217209
If there is adult judo gyms there should be greco gyms for adults.
Or just wrestling gyms.
Anonymous at Sun, 8 Dec 2024 05:50:32 UTC No. 217224
We did something similar in class once except grabbed the lapel and passed it over and stomped into the pocket
It was dumb and didn't feel like it worked then, I've tried it since and it still never worked
And even if it did I can't imagine it's ever going to be the path of least resistance
If you can't elbow escape how you gonna leg press them off you
Anonymous at Mon, 9 Dec 2024 18:54:17 UTC No. 217297
Is lifting 3 times a week and doing bjj 1 times a week managable without over training?
Anonymous at Mon, 9 Dec 2024 19:57:24 UTC No. 217306
in the days before the coof I was doing a hardcore brosplit bodybuilding routine, high volume 90 minute sessions 5x a week + porrada jiujitsu training 4x a week
on top of that my job was teaching group fitness classes, cardio kick, MMA so I was in the gym 11 hours a day easily
never felt better than when I was doing that, wasn't even using caffeine either. It's like the workouts would restore my energy. If it was the morning and I had a long stretch of classes ahead of me to run I'd sometimes go to one of those womens aerobics classes with the stair steppers and the little dumbells before I started for the day and that would pump me up and I'd be cruising until lunch time
Anonymous at Mon, 9 Dec 2024 20:23:07 UTC No. 217307
Most people aren't fit enough to over train
Anonymous at Mon, 9 Dec 2024 21:19:31 UTC No. 217310
you can still over train if you are unfit retard
Anonymous at Mon, 9 Dec 2024 21:42:07 UTC No. 217312
Went back to bjj after a year of not training. What pisses me of is one guy just does ankle picks, leg locks, ankle locks, whatever shit like that, hate that shit.
Never mind the gi. I want to learn that throw.
Anonymous at Mon, 9 Dec 2024 21:51:24 UTC No. 217313
Yeah. I try to lift and train three times a week each and it's no problem. Though age plays a role, if you're an elderly gentleman over 40 you might find recovery harder. Anyway, try it and you'll see for yourself. Overtraining is only really a thing for pro athletes, you're almost certainly not training with that kind of intensity
Anonymous at Mon, 9 Dec 2024 21:59:16 UTC No. 217315
Overtraining is a condition. Being tired isn't, trainlet.
Anonymous at Mon, 9 Dec 2024 22:59:16 UTC No. 217317
>I want to learn that throw.
Koshi-guruma, the high-altitude judo version of folkstyle wrestling's headlock takedown. It's one of my favorites.
Anonymous at Tue, 10 Dec 2024 05:58:19 UTC No. 217333
>be in class all the time because nolife
>teacher does the same lesson for a week
>doing it for like the 4th time
>I further the sequence beyond what hes showing because I already known the move as he showed it
>transition it into a choke and a back take
>He's watching me do it
>Asian girl in class
>be her partner
>do the moves
>show her "I've also been finishing it like this and getting on the back from here"
>then for the first time all week he adds another part and shows the choke and back attack I had been doing as part of the lesson
>Asian girl goes oh so that's what you were trying to do
>trying to do? nigga he got the move from me!
Cucked once again
Anonymous at Thu, 12 Dec 2024 05:34:01 UTC No. 217436
anybody from the other thread a few weeks ago remember old bill who started at age 75 and said his goal was to get a blue belt before he dies?
well he's dying, gonna happen any day now. They gave him a black belt
Anonymous at Thu, 12 Dec 2024 12:13:30 UTC No. 217446
thats a nice gesture
Anonymous at Thu, 12 Dec 2024 14:24:23 UTC No. 217458
Anonymous at Fri, 13 Dec 2024 11:44:32 UTC No. 217508
Good thing that the ref was a good sport about it
Anonymous at Fri, 13 Dec 2024 12:02:21 UTC No. 217510
if you tap the ref don't you automatically win?
Anonymous at Fri, 13 Dec 2024 18:39:02 UTC No. 217525
>reasonable success in competition at white belt
>get blue belt, been choked out in under 2 mins in both tournaments i've done so far
competing again in few weeks and not confident I will perform. Dropped a weight class so hoping that will help out. still feels fucking bad
Anonymous at Fri, 13 Dec 2024 19:35:43 UTC No. 217527
>have student belt
>get schooled
>be sad
Anonymous at Fri, 13 Dec 2024 19:37:05 UTC No. 217528
the important thing to remember about jiujitsu competitions is; the rules are gay and arbitrary
Anonymous at Sat, 14 Dec 2024 05:34:15 UTC No. 217544
at white, winning usually comes down to athleticism
you're most likely fighting dudes with 1-2 years of grappling experience at most, if they're not sandbagging hard
at blue, you have people like you that just got their belt, and you're mixed in with dudes that are at the end of their blue, nearing purple, meaning they couldve been grappling anywhere from 4-6 years total
just give it some time
Anonymous at Sun, 15 Dec 2024 00:31:40 UTC No. 217598
Anonymous at Sun, 15 Dec 2024 01:34:06 UTC No. 217601
Guarantee you look worse with no family while being worse at BJJ.
Anonymous at Sun, 15 Dec 2024 02:59:55 UTC No. 217606
Explain further
Anonymous at Sun, 15 Dec 2024 11:39:44 UTC No. 217623
Got my black belt in BJJ yesterday. It doesn't get easier bros but remember why you love training and keep going.
Anonymous at Sun, 15 Dec 2024 13:42:21 UTC No. 217627
congratulations anon
Anonymous at Sun, 15 Dec 2024 14:00:09 UTC No. 217629
Congrats dude
Anonymous at Sun, 15 Dec 2024 18:14:08 UTC No. 217639
What advice would you give to a white belt that isn't "just keep going to class" ?
Anonymous at Sun, 15 Dec 2024 22:39:59 UTC No. 217657
Thank you
Thank you
Try very hard not to have both shoulders on the mat and use both hands to stop someone grabbing your head.
You are strongest in the direction you're looking, so when you try to sweep you should look in the direction you want to go and let your body catch up to your head.
The details of a submission setup are more important than the final movement of the submission, so focus on the stuff that comes first and the cool stuff will happen way more easily.
Take your training seriously but don't take yourself seriously or you'll get sick of it and burn yourself out.
Don't ask "what if" questions to someone when they show you a technique. There are so many variables and linked techniques that it can be better to discover your own ways to connect positions, and that "what if...?" Question might lead your brain off in the wrong direction.
In the same vein, try to absorb a technique even if you think you won't use it. The details might help you beat others who use it.
There are exceptions to a large number of "rules", but it's easier to learn the rule and make an exception later than try to learn each rule with its exceptions at the same time.
Always remember why you started :)
Anonymous at Mon, 16 Dec 2024 00:00:06 UTC No. 217666
First sentence is two seperate pieces of advice sorry
Anonymous at Mon, 16 Dec 2024 00:32:36 UTC No. 217670
Anonymous at Mon, 16 Dec 2024 01:42:41 UTC No. 217673
lemme give it to you straight, jiujitsu isn't real and the quicker you realize it the faster you'll git gud
the reason you get ethereal non-answers when you ask questions is because nobody can even define jiujitsu as an art let alone tell you how to do it
so throw what you think it is out the window and accept this as your definition, jiujitsu is the goal of immobilizing another persons body as it leads to strangulation and breaking
this is done by following a set of principles and strategies
broadly the road map is, attacking the periphery (arms legs head) in order to gain control and immobilize the center mass (chest, back, hips), and re-attack the periphery with submissions
immutable principles include controlling the inside position. inside position is a spectrum, its not yes or no. If you're controlling more inside position than your partner then you're winning
strategically this includes occupying the space between his armpit and hip and not allowing him to occupy the space in yours
there are no submissions that can be applied in a controlled manner without immobilizing the center mass, generally with connection to the hip in some way
if your butt is directly under your head you can't be swept and must be tilted off that center line
if your bottom leg is not pinned you can stand up any time you want to
there is no method of control on a 2 dimensional plane
when you keep these things in mind and roll with the intention of meeting these conditions you're unbeatable technically
then it becomes a game of athleticism and who can meet these conditions first
Anonymous at Mon, 16 Dec 2024 08:08:38 UTC No. 217689
>Jiujitsu isn't real
>Describes some of the most important jiu jitsu principles to use in order to beat your opponent
So... Is it real or not? A coach will tell you all of that info. It just doesn't make sense to read it as someone who has never grappled and is only relevant once you have some idea what you're doing so that's why you always get airy fairy shit.
Anonymous at Mon, 16 Dec 2024 17:11:00 UTC No. 217708
it's not real, I can define judo, I can define styles of karate and kung fu, I can define greco, freestyle, scholastic wrestling
jiujitsu cant be defined like that and the answer you'll get as to why is "it's different things to different people" oh wow thank you professor I understand now! except no, thats just an admission it doesn't exist
proven further by the fact that on an individual basis everyone is expected to have a distinct "game" you are meant to cultivate on your own by trying different things out
the mere fact that you can be a person that chooses to go for take downs and pin people or a person that chooses to sit on the floor with their legs in the air and everyone is supposed to say "yeah that's just a personal preference"
nigga that isn't even the same art form
so jiujitsu doesn't exist. The best you can hope for is to declare what the goal of jiujitsu is, and that's to get submissions and the principles are how you accomplish that
everything else is just noise
and it takes half a lifetime to get a black belt in this garbage because generally they DONT teach principles, they teach moves in isolation and independently of each other which you're supposed to just copy and repeat and fill in the blanks between them on your own
exactly the opposite of how it should be done
Anonymous at Mon, 16 Dec 2024 17:17:53 UTC No. 217709
>Jiujitsu isn't real
it really isnt
it's an amalgamation of stolen arts
>the ground work from jujutsu and judo
>the wrestling stance and holds from wrestling
>the arm bars from judo
>the take downs from jujutsu and judo
judo is an isolation of JJJ but BJJ is pure stolen arts
it's not an original martial art
many people think it is because it's as popular as karate was post vietnam.
Most BJJ school dont exist to spread bjj they exist to sell you a product and they'll tell you any amount of bullshit to make you pay $365 for a gi
Anonymous at Mon, 16 Dec 2024 17:18:53 UTC No. 217710
>the take downs from jujutsu and judo
and wrestling
Anonymous at Mon, 16 Dec 2024 17:21:59 UTC No. 217711
>and it takes half a lifetime to get a black belt in this garbage because generally they DONT teach principles, they teach moves in isolation and independently of each other which you're supposed to just copy and repeat and fill in the blanks between them on your own
>ranking in judo
>knowledge of judo
>ranking in bjj
you could teach someone like 5 different arm bars and they can make it ti a high rank not know each name of the arm bar
just calling it an arm bar they can have trouble explaining what situation to use it in and why and they'd still rank
the polar opposite is required in judo because the unspoken assumption that you will eventually teach judo is a thing
Anonymous at Mon, 16 Dec 2024 17:26:51 UTC No. 217712
You could literally merge BJJ with judo and it wouldnt be much different of a martial art
it would just have a heavier focus in ground work than what judo currently has.
It's not in anyway shape or form an original martial art
Anonymous at Mon, 16 Dec 2024 17:41:23 UTC No. 217714
bjj is so focused on selling you a product they wont even teach you certain things to fuel the bjj economy.
There are $150 instructionals of fucking double legs of all things
Anonymous at Mon, 16 Dec 2024 19:07:12 UTC No. 217723
not for nothing but that guy and his clique are part of the same BJJ grift working with fanatics
Anonymous at Mon, 16 Dec 2024 21:24:30 UTC No. 217731
Oh it's this faggot again
Anonymous at Mon, 16 Dec 2024 22:59:32 UTC No. 217742
>Waah waah you can't define it and it's an amalgamation of other martial arts
Yes you knob heads, how do either of those things make it "not real"? Your obsession with a definition of something is simply argumentative and obtuse, and nothing more.
How does the difference between going for a takedown or pulling guard make it non-existent?
It seems like there aren't enough rules for you. You personally need a very clear black and white idea of what you have to do in order to participate.
It's actually very easy to define BJJ with the term "submission grappling". Your goal is to make your opponent give up, and you can do almost anything outside of striking them to achieve that goal. Use your body to hurt your opponents body. That's it. That's why there is no easy way to teach it, and why it takes so long.
The fact that it borrows from ideas presented by other grappling martial arts is undeniably a positive thing. It is dynamic enough to evolve when a new idea is presented that work.
Do you want it to be super purist and still clinging on to old shit that is proven to be useless? Or to invent new rules, like judo did with grabbing the legs, that prevent certain techniques?
It takes a long time to get a black belt because it's fucking difficult. Sorry your mummy couldn't just pay the Karate coach $200 for your belt.
They DO teach principles. Every single good coach will teach you principles of grappling. If not, you have gone to a shit gym and are a poor decision maker.
This is the difference between a martial arts that exists in a bubble, and a martial art that exists to test itself in the real world.
If you know 5 jiu jitsu techniques and can use them to win every competition in the world, why shouldn't you have a black belt? You are beating other black belts.
At this point it sounds like you are a judo player who got submitted over and over at a BJJ gym.
>"Why isn't it over after I take him down!? Wtf!!!!!!!!"
Anonymous at Tue, 17 Dec 2024 03:49:07 UTC No. 217756
we got ourselves a jabroni over here
Anonymous at Tue, 17 Dec 2024 07:21:54 UTC No. 217763
>Every single good coach will teach you principles of grappling. If not, you have gone to a shit gym and are a poor decision maker.
>If you know 5 jiu jitsu techniques and can use them to win every competition in the world, why shouldn't you have a black belt?
Because many of the guys who only know 5 jiujitsu techniques and win every competition are bad coaches who can't teach principles.
Anonymous at Tue, 17 Dec 2024 07:34:53 UTC No. 217764
If you want to be successful at jiujitsu all you need is to do is follow this fool proof method
be 6'2" or more and do all the anabolic steroids you can afford
You'll get a black belt in 5 years guaranteed, it's not that hard bro
Anonymous at Tue, 17 Dec 2024 22:47:35 UTC No. 217797
One time I refused to roll with a female white belt. I was out of BJJ for a while and as a Christian I realized I should politely reject women as training partners because I don't like to touch women's bodies during a heated session. She insisted I do anyway. The instructor told me to do it anyway.
She ended up "accidentally" scratching the inside of my mouth with her long painted female nails.
Easy solution. Just push her face away, and at the same time, reach your hand to break her leg lock. She drops down and you submit her on the ground. Alternatively gently slam her down on her back and make her break her full guard.
Anonymous at Tue, 17 Dec 2024 22:49:51 UTC No. 217798
That's not even his family. That's just a girl he has a marital contract with. He pays her money and lets her sleep in his mansion, while she raises his kids.
Anonymous at Thu, 19 Dec 2024 18:26:37 UTC No. 217903
think i caught feelings for a new white belt girl
how do i rnc myself to death?
Anonymous at Thu, 19 Dec 2024 18:45:29 UTC No. 217906
2 realities to confront
1, only the top dog at the gym gets the girls
2, she's going to be gone by the summer anyway because white belt
Anonymous at Fri, 20 Dec 2024 00:28:46 UTC No. 217924
Quarterly evals tomorrow, wish me luck bros
Anonymous at Fri, 20 Dec 2024 02:16:10 UTC No. 217928
CJI2 will be Quintet style team matchups
Anonymous at Sat, 21 Dec 2024 16:46:52 UTC No. 217987
Anonymous at Sat, 21 Dec 2024 17:36:22 UTC No. 217994
>quaterly eval
sounds like a shit test for whether or not you keep your rank
Anonymous at Sun, 22 Dec 2024 07:23:50 UTC No. 218043
long ass rant but whatever
>bf starts giving no gi classes
>purple belt but he's a huge bjj autist, loves to learn, loves to teach
>has at least 12 permanent students, they even stay 30 minutes after bf's class just rolling
>bf's class is chill but useful, if you're late you just warm up and start, you can talk with anyone as long as you don't fuck around
>people enjoy his class, dump the og class because it's boring
>og teacher gets a bit pissy
>throws some shitty comments here and there
>treats some bf's students like crap
>everything starts to get tense between them
>fast forward to today
>open mat
>og teacher gives an announcement
>every class will have to follow these rules from now on
>no talking in class
>if you're late you have to make 30 burpees as a punishment
>if you want to compete you have to train for two full weeks, every day, before the tournament, if you don't do it you won't be allowed to compete
>you have to prioritize going to bjj class over anything else (some people come late to class because they also do judo)
>bf is pissed
>all his class is pissed
>he doesn't want to do it
>tries talking to og teacher
>"white learns from blue learns from purple learns from brown learns from black, this is my gym and i know what's best, you've been a teacher for just a year"
>og teacher is too retarded to change his mind
>bf so overwhelmed he's considering leaving teaching and training altogether
he'll probably gonna go to another gym but damn, what is it with black belts and their ego?
Anonymous at Sun, 22 Dec 2024 07:40:03 UTC No. 218044
He should call the teacher a homophobe
Anonymous at Sun, 22 Dec 2024 15:43:26 UTC No. 218054
yeah after the open mat and the announcement he got a lot of messages from people saying 'let me know when and where are you going to cause I'll go with you'
i asked him how was the deal to open his own gym and he's not that into it at least for now, he just wants to find another place to roll and maybe keep giving classes, he's mostly angry at the whole situation because og teacher wasn't like this before, he just got retarded when a famous bjj dude from here came to visit a couple months ago
Anonymous at Sun, 22 Dec 2024 15:59:46 UTC No. 218058
A girl in my Asian foot fetish chat room?
Anonymous at Sun, 22 Dec 2024 16:24:24 UTC No. 218060
too autist to have irl frens, not pretty enough that people don't care about it, sorry to invade anon
also yeah, the main problem is that the gym is owned by just one dude, so everyone has to listen to him
Anonymous at Sun, 22 Dec 2024 18:10:26 UTC No. 218069
Guy sounds like a fag, and if he tried to tell me as a grown man I need to be "punished" for showing up late to my hobby which I'm paying for. After I got up off the floor from laughing so hard I'd cancel my membership on the spot, charge back the most recent payment he collected, and might even be petty enough to start subletting space in a karate school or some shit to run my own jiujitsu classes just to fuck with his bottom line
Anonymous at Sun, 22 Dec 2024 18:13:10 UTC No. 218071
He's such a dork
Like it's incredible he's a giant strong muscle man with excellent ability and yet every time he opens his mouth I have an uncontrollable urge to shove him into a locker
Anonymous at Sun, 22 Dec 2024 18:31:10 UTC No. 218072
something like this happened
>one of bf's students is a guy that has been practicing judo for over 6 years
>bf always mentions how much this guy has helped him when it comes to grips and takedowns
>a tournament is announced, everyone in bf's class wants to compete
>they pay the inscription fee and everything
>og teacher shows up to some bf's classes and mentions the tournament
>"if anyone wants to come to my class we can do some extra practice for the tournament"
>judo guy goes to some og teacher classes, not all because he also does judo
>og teacher confronts him about it, he said it was joking but judo guy ended up pissed and dropped the tournament
>"you should skip judo and come here"
>"you're not training to compete in judo are you? you're training for a bjj tournament"
>"it's okay if you skip judo it's just for a couple weeks"
judo guy also stopped going to bf's classes after that, bf had to actually apologize in the name of og teacher
i sincerely hope og teacher loses all of his students
Anonymous at Sun, 22 Dec 2024 20:48:34 UTC No. 218081
THere's one gym near me that does wrestling classes for adults and it's not popular at all
only works before you're 30
depends on your age and health
that was smooth af i like ezekiel from there like that
I would just calmly walk out of bounds and force a standing reset, actually, demand a standing reset
He's supposed to dive his thigh into the back and chase from there
Anonymous at Sun, 22 Dec 2024 21:27:38 UTC No. 218085
Just posting this cringe shit everyone has already seen because I like it
Anonymous at Sun, 22 Dec 2024 22:44:31 UTC No. 218098
Guy sounds like a cunt. Name and shame, so we know who not to give our money to
Anonymous at Mon, 23 Dec 2024 00:43:39 UTC No. 218108
>you have to prioritize going to bjj class over anything else (some people come late to class because they also do judo)
>most bij people: "bjj isnt a cult"
>literally every other school: if you life doesnt revolve around me or my school then you cant do bjj
why do you guys tolerate this shit kek.
I think what's even more funny is that you tout bjj as the intellectuals martial art yet the majority of the population that practices if cant see that some of it's cultish
Anonymous at Mon, 23 Dec 2024 00:52:29 UTC No. 218109
>i sincerely hope og teacher loses all of his students
ive sene this before in bjj
he's not. he's likely got students all over the place talking about how great he is. I went to a BJJ school where the professor would threaten to rape and beat his students on a regular basis over minor things.
Nothing is gonna happen he's gonna keep getting new students even casual students
welcome to bjj
Anonymous at Mon, 23 Dec 2024 01:03:16 UTC No. 218111
Anonymous at Mon, 23 Dec 2024 01:16:05 UTC No. 218114
people who believe they have a high iq tend to fall for cults the most of all because they think they'll be able to see through one
people that are kinda dumb always have people trying to take advantage of them so they can see through it
Anonymous at Mon, 23 Dec 2024 04:15:32 UTC No. 218127
Don't screen shot and post us on read-it you fat spic
Anonymous at Mon, 23 Dec 2024 04:25:05 UTC No. 218129
Anonymous at Mon, 23 Dec 2024 11:04:49 UTC No. 218141
>rape threats
that guy was a faggot using bjj to grope as many guys as possible
Anonymous at Mon, 23 Dec 2024 11:24:39 UTC No. 218142
i blame the tryhards who think martial arts are serious, it's just a fucking sport
Anonymous at Mon, 23 Dec 2024 11:29:02 UTC No. 218143
u rack disciprine
Anonymous at Mon, 23 Dec 2024 16:44:44 UTC No. 218152
Just did my first ibjjf comp
>won one match by points, almost had an armbar but the timer ran out
>lost one match by submission
>lost another by points when I got taken down in the beginning but managed to recover and get back up but the fight stalled
How's my record for a first comp? I've been training for a year and half but never competed due to time constraints and work responsibilities
Anonymous at Mon, 23 Dec 2024 19:02:13 UTC No. 218158
someone screen shotted a post ITT and posted it on the cuck plebbit website
Anonymous at Mon, 23 Dec 2024 19:04:42 UTC No. 218159
pretty good my first and only ibjjf I lost 2-0 from a sweep
Anonymous at Mon, 23 Dec 2024 19:05:11 UTC No. 218160
for what purpose?
Anonymous at Mon, 23 Dec 2024 19:31:36 UTC No. 218164
I say competitions are a scam and dumb
>I want to test myself
can you already beat everybody in your gym? if the answer is no then what is there to test exactly?
your test is every time you roll in the gym if you're doing better or not
only once you're the top dog in your gym like me is it appropriate to venture out and start looking for challenges
Anonymous at Mon, 23 Dec 2024 21:38:49 UTC No. 218172
What belt are you? How many times have you competed since?
Have you identified holes in your game?
Anonymous at Mon, 23 Dec 2024 22:36:42 UTC No. 218174
Anonymous at Mon, 23 Dec 2024 22:46:09 UTC No. 218175
The detail you need to understand to beat that guy you're struggling with at your gym might be something that's taught more clearly at another gym. Competitions are a decent way to learn from other schools' grapplers but you could achieve that by traveling and training at that school for a day or two yourself.
Anonymous at Mon, 23 Dec 2024 23:00:42 UTC No. 218176
>What belt are you?
>How many times have you competed since?
i think i competed about three times at white and twice at blue
>Have you identified holes in your game?
yes competing has made them glaringly obvious but most of it is just nerves and being completely clueless when it comes to preparing for a competition mentally and physically
i compete in -82 kg in the gi and -79 kg in no gi
i hover around 80 and 78 kg typically
leading up to a competition ive noticed that i always lose weight and go down to like 75 kg
i also cant sleep for weeks leading up to the event so ive decided competing is not for me
Anonymous at Mon, 23 Dec 2024 23:44:20 UTC No. 218178
He just screenshotted this thread and used it for content.
Anonymous at Tue, 24 Dec 2024 01:20:35 UTC No. 218180
So you'd quietly cancel your membership
Anonymous at Tue, 24 Dec 2024 01:28:16 UTC No. 218182
honestly the best solution.
Local bjj gyms talk, last thing you want is to be watched closely when you go to a different one or be heavily scrutinized
Anonymous at Tue, 24 Dec 2024 01:30:35 UTC No. 218183
I'd mog him in front of everybody
Whats he gonna do, beat me up?
Anonymous at Tue, 24 Dec 2024 03:00:32 UTC No. 218191
i'm gonna do exactly that, it's a shame since before og teacher went full retard he actually tried to teach something.
we disagreed with some of his choices, like he preferring attendance during a set period of time over actual progress and skill to give promotions, but it wasn't so bad overall, we had a nice group
Anonymous at Tue, 24 Dec 2024 07:00:16 UTC No. 218198
My friend you need to manage your stress levels. You should compete more. I know people still in white belt and have competed in the double digits
Anonymous at Tue, 24 Dec 2024 10:30:39 UTC No. 218208
How to cope with being below 70 kg as an adult male. I don't want to start bodybuilding, should i just accept my fate?
Anonymous at Tue, 24 Dec 2024 10:55:22 UTC No. 218209
Don't roll with fatasses
Anonymous at Tue, 24 Dec 2024 10:59:45 UTC No. 218210
im 68kg what counts as a fatass?
Anonymous at Tue, 24 Dec 2024 12:57:18 UTC No. 218213
NTA, but same-ish weight
It's not just fatasses, in my gym the average person has like 20kg on me, it's really fucking hard sometimes
But I try to look at it positively, if I can survive a round with a >90kg slab of beef without getting submitted, even if I'm on the defensive the whole round, that's still a valuable skill
If you can spare the time, start lifting. It sure as fuck won't hurt you to be stronger and heavier
Anonymous at Tue, 24 Dec 2024 12:58:11 UTC No. 218214
no joking i have the same british cat
Anonymous at Tue, 24 Dec 2024 18:19:52 UTC No. 218252
Canceling your membership isn't mogging anyone. You quit and now have to find a more inconveniently located gym. Don't talk tough lmao when you're clearly a pussy. If you were a tough guy youd challenge him to MMA rules for fun
Anonymous at Tue, 24 Dec 2024 18:23:47 UTC No. 218253
>It's a valuable skill
No, it will instill false confidence in you. That 90kg lump of muscle isn't going to play nicely in your guard. you're gonna eat headbutts and GNP so quickly you will be pissing and shitting your panties
Anonymous at Tue, 24 Dec 2024 19:50:56 UTC No. 218254
start bodybuilding
Anonymous at Tue, 24 Dec 2024 20:17:37 UTC No. 218258
Ex-scholastic wrestler here. I know BJJ has this cult mentality in their schools, but what about Judo and Sombo?
Anonymous at Tue, 24 Dec 2024 20:31:55 UTC No. 218261
Judo is very welcoming and will try hard to keep you at their school without being cultish.
It's best to look up on the national directories(USJA, USJF, USA Judo)if in the US to see if the school is legit.
Judo has a completely different culture from bjj and is based off of two street-type of respect and kindness/professionalism. You arent forced to spar people like you are in BJJ and it's not like bjj where the head instructor seems cool at first but after a few weeks of being there he shows his true colors since he thinks you arent gonna leave
similar to >>218252 situation
Judo is less about money and more about learning Judo and it's various teachings aside from the martial art and spreading judo whereas what BJJ is about is completely varying depending on the school.
Some places are about spreading bjj
some places are abouy making you pay $365 for a gi you can buy on fuji for $140
Anonymous at Tue, 24 Dec 2024 20:32:56 UTC No. 218262
>two street
two way street*
as in when you go in
they'll be respectful to you first before you even begin speaking
Anonymous at Tue, 24 Dec 2024 20:35:31 UTC No. 218263
Judo is heavily gatekept.
in ordet to even compete you need to be registered in one of the national registries and the intructors that can rank have to pay various fees to even hold a license to have a school, give rank and pay for a membership to rank.
None of that exists in bjj whatsoever
Anonymous at Tue, 24 Dec 2024 20:42:45 UTC No. 218264
retards talk with their fists, intellectuals like myself talk with our jewish lawyers and connections in the police department
I'd embarrass him verbally in front of everybody in the room and if he laid a hand on me I take his business from him
Anonymous at Tue, 24 Dec 2024 20:46:31 UTC No. 218265
If there are no cameras and most people like that instructor they'll just lie and say you attacked him dumbass
most schools dont have cameras
Anonymous at Tue, 24 Dec 2024 20:47:07 UTC No. 218266
BJJ is gatekept in exactly the same way with the IBJJF
it's even more predatory with them though
Anonymous at Tue, 24 Dec 2024 20:48:15 UTC No. 218267
Most competitions arent hosted by the ibjjf stop kidding yourself
Anonymous at Tue, 24 Dec 2024 20:50:24 UTC No. 218268
mostly submission grappling, not BJJ
people conflate the two but bjj isn't actually all that popular, NAGA, ADCC, goodfight, these are not bjj competitions
Anonymous at Tue, 24 Dec 2024 22:33:32 UTC No. 218272
Half of your shit is applicable to judo experiences
It's literally down to the gym and the culture of the gym
>Being forced to spar
What the fuck is the fun of doing the sport if you don't get to do it
Anonymous at Tue, 24 Dec 2024 23:17:33 UTC No. 218273
>Being forced to spar
>i wanna take a break, im tired
>professor: "Roll with him"
>"I think im gonna get hurt if I dont take a break"
>professor: You either roll or go home
>have to go home half way through class because your """"professor""" who urges you to come to class even when your tired or not feeling it told you to
Anonymous at Tue, 24 Dec 2024 23:21:49 UTC No. 218274
As I said before youre a pussy. He'd just laugh and tell you to fuck off. I know in your beta little mind you totally owned him but in reality everyone just shrugs as the dyel beta quits his membership after already paying 1000s over the years. Stay mad lol
Anonymous at Tue, 24 Dec 2024 23:23:47 UTC No. 218275
Martial arts are there to push the person above their limits and test character if you want le gentle happy hobby go pick flowers with grandma
Anonymous at Tue, 24 Dec 2024 23:49:56 UTC No. 218278
>ushiro goshis you
Anonymous at Wed, 25 Dec 2024 00:41:20 UTC No. 218282
I've made more money from martial arts than I've spent on it over the years
I'm at the point where I at least go for free if not get paid to be there
that's hooey, martial arts doesn't give you magical anime energy
drink plenty of water, have electrolytes, keep the room a comfortable temperature, rest your muscles, rehab your injuries, wash your fucking belt
anyone that would deny a person these things is a bad instructor living in a fictional world
Anonymous at Wed, 25 Dec 2024 01:44:06 UTC No. 218285
Sounds like a gym problem
We're paying clients and we're not forced to do shit by anyone but yourself
But never, and I mean never have I been "so tired I feel like I'm going to hurt myself"
You literally only hurt yourself if
>You're full power trying to hard to win
>You have a preexisting energy
If you can't separate your tryhard tendencies from your technique and safety first, then you were going to get injured at some point anyways. Completely independent from "how tired" you are
Anonymous at Wed, 25 Dec 2024 01:45:16 UTC No. 218286
Meant injury, but my point still stands your reason is bullshit
Anonymous at Wed, 25 Dec 2024 02:19:50 UTC No. 218289
it's a brazilian problem more than anything
Anonymous at Wed, 25 Dec 2024 02:39:02 UTC No. 218293
Judo is heavily regulated. There's always going to be a few bad apples, but overall, judo governance makes sure there isn't ego trips like BJJ fosters or black belt factories/McDojos. Judo is very no-nonsense and you have to earn your belts and gradings through randori and learning how to break falls as well as execute technique.
Not sure about Sambo, but from emehat I hear, they can be tough but no worse than what wrestlers go through.
It really is. Brazilians are a very macho culture and BJJ creates hot heads who start fights and break limbs/choke people out because they can get away with it. The instructors won't punish them, it adds more street cred to their school. And they lack a governing authority like the IJF with judo or FILA with wrestling to expel them from official competition.
Anonymous at Wed, 25 Dec 2024 02:45:15 UTC No. 218296
Yeah judo is non-profit. They only charge what's necessary to keep schools open. BJJ was always about money; which is why the sport was primarily for the middle and upper classes in Brazil while Luta Livre was the poor man's sport since they couldn't afford the gi.
Anonymous at Wed, 25 Dec 2024 03:02:37 UTC No. 218297
ironically brazilians being all macho they're also a global capital for gays and trannies
think about it, brazil is so gay that brazilian is an entire genre of gay porn
Anonymous at Wed, 25 Dec 2024 03:13:05 UTC No. 218299
What even is the big deal about nonprofit
My gym owner preaches kindness and minimal effort outside of competition aspirations
What's cringe is assholes trying to pull that kobra kai shit and feeling entitled to the money you're being asked to pay
Anonymous at Wed, 25 Dec 2024 03:23:40 UTC No. 218301
Kano wanted to spread judo to the world; he truly was a great man. He didn't care to make himself rich but wanted judo as a means to improve people. I don't worship people but I damn well respect Jigoro Kano and what he did.
Yeah I hate asshole instructors but that's why you have to scope out schools.
Anonymous at Wed, 25 Dec 2024 03:33:28 UTC No. 218305
>Judo is very no-nonsense and you have to earn your belts and gradings through randori
ranking is very school dependent.
Some schools treat randori like a competition which is where grading through randori comes from if your school does that which is the polar opposite of what's spoken about randori in the Kodokan. Kodokan says that randori is just to get better at judo and learn how to apply technique to real time sparring.
Some schools test per belt, some schools just go through the gokyo every now and then to expand judo knowledge and grade you off that and time in grade since it can take months to clear all 40 throws depending on how many classes you have per week.
Rank in judo is a mixture of the following three:
>Knowledge of judo
>time in grade
>skill in randori
You dont need to be a master at all 3 to rank you could have trash randori and make it to a high rank, but have excellent judo knowledge. it's like if you were to make it to brown sankyu and then quit
that knowledge and time in grade stays but the skill doesnt it would be retarded for a brown sankyu to quit and start over at white because they left for 5 years. You earned that rank, ranks are hard earned whether it's through compeition or the three things I listed and de ranking, like in bjj should be unheard of.
That's why it's important to get your certificate last thing you want is to have mediocre randori, make it to green or brown, move and then get tested for green only to go back to orange because you couldnt execute whatever throws were on that other schools tests.
Documentation is very important when moving schools, it also makes tracking down who taught you easier whereas in bjj you have to ask around or roll with them to see if they're actually legit. A lot of stuff bjj does it very old school.
Some schools wont test you and some schools have their own criteria which just loops back to why documentation is important.
Anonymous at Wed, 25 Dec 2024 03:34:29 UTC No. 218306
The governing bodies even have their own cirriculum and criteria if you dont wanna make your own.
Anonymous at Wed, 25 Dec 2024 03:37:04 UTC No. 218307
And this is why BJJ will never be in the Olympics, they lack.the quality control and oversight that judo and wrestling have.
Anonymous at Wed, 25 Dec 2024 04:49:05 UTC No. 218318
Also the sport just doesn't make sense. It promotes negative grappling, rewards stalling and playing it as safe as possible
And the scoring criteria is asinine
Muh hooks! Ah yes, the weakest back control configuration. Let's reward that with the most points
Anonymous at Wed, 25 Dec 2024 05:01:16 UTC No. 218321
merry christmas fags, thanks for being here
Anonymous at Wed, 25 Dec 2024 05:09:48 UTC No. 218327
I was more thinking that good schools should be entitled to the wealth they deserve
But cringe ass grooming cults are just predatory businesses and don't deserve the following or money they leech from their fanatics
Anonymous at Wed, 25 Dec 2024 05:23:42 UTC No. 218330
I see your point. Schools aren't charities and instructors have to pay bills too. But unless they're training professional fighters, I'm not sure if it justifies BJJ schools charging so much.
Yeah the predatory grooming is bullshit. I used to remember in the 2000s how BJJ was worshiped but nowadays quite a few people realize how full of shit it is. I still think BJJ is a great grappling art, but there's no need to be so damned dogmatic.
Speaking as a wrestler, BJJ rules should award more points for a successful takedowns. And take into account of rides that US scholastic/collegiate wrestlers utilize. I get why guardwork and sweeps are given so much emphasis because that's their bread and butter. They fight off their backs because you practice how you train and BJJ prepares how to defend from the worst possible position and nullifies the strengths of the guy on top.
Anonymous at Wed, 25 Dec 2024 06:40:20 UTC No. 218333
It exists in France. The bjj governing body is actually a subsidiary of the national judo org. They even have a registry of official black belts so you can ignore the mcdojos
Anonymous at Wed, 25 Dec 2024 06:52:11 UTC No. 218334
France ruined karate by teaching them kata
France ruined judo by normalizing winning by strategically getting your opponent DQ'd
Now they will ruin jiujitsu too
Anonymous at Wed, 25 Dec 2024 14:31:00 UTC No. 218339
I really wish BJJ had its shit together the same way Judo does, with a competent governing body and at least somewhat standardized curriculum and ranking. Do you guys think such a thing is even possible at this point?
Anonymous at Wed, 25 Dec 2024 17:49:12 UTC No. 218349
Holy Christmas cope lmao!
Anonymous at Wed, 25 Dec 2024 17:51:02 UTC No. 218350
>I go for free
>I'd cancel my membership on the spot
Someone is getting so buttflustered they're literally making up bullshit on the spot
Anonymous at Wed, 25 Dec 2024 18:04:29 UTC No. 218351
You seem to have lost the plot, I'll let you go back and read the reply chain again
Saying what I would do in that situation is not saying I am the one in that situation
You should tap sooner bro, your brain cells can't take much more abuse
Anonymous at Wed, 25 Dec 2024 20:19:35 UTC No. 218353
Nope. The IJF was created when Europe's judo federations came together and its 2nd president was Kano's 2nd son Risei (who also managed the Kodokan). So Judo has a long history of standards and proliferating the art throughout the globe. The IJF is far from perfect and some of its rules are stupid beyond belief (like the tease about leg grabs sorta coming back), but at least they have a governing body.
BJJ is too decentralized. Even amongst the Gracies they clash with federations and each other like the late Carlson Sr. talking about the IBJJF
Or Rickson's organization
Then there's the messy image of pit boys and how BJJ openly tote about how they get into street fights. Even Renzo Gracie writes about how he broke a bouncer's arm (in Portuguese) online and how the US legal system prevents them from stomping a dude's ass like they do in Brazil. There's a difference between being a badass and a low impulse control meathead. And BJJ fosters this mentality (which infiltrates MMA too).
Even in Brazil, BJJ has a very bad reputation which surprised me because of all the street fights, challenge matches, dojo stormings, etc. that Gracies and other Jiu-Jitieros did from the 1950's to 1980's. Judo was seen as a classy and respected martial art and sport. You don't hear about Judoka doing kind of shit on the news like BJJ does. And even if they did, they would get banned and thrown out.
So unless all the BJJ orgs come together, the various personalities quit having egos (too many chiefs not enough Native Americans), and they cull the cult mentality and turning a blind eye to thuggery like Gordon Ryan slapping Andre Galvao. The IBJJF has popularized and expanded BJJ tremendously but they lack teeth in disciplining shitheads.
Anonymous at Wed, 25 Dec 2024 20:21:53 UTC No. 218354
>I was only pretending!!!
Yeah, I smell new years cope
Anonymous at Wed, 25 Dec 2024 21:23:02 UTC No. 218355
Based sub 100 iq poster
Read it again and try to follow the conversation this time
Anonymous at Wed, 25 Dec 2024 21:52:59 UTC No. 218360
Honestly, everyone and their mother has their own BJJ governing body, IJF should just make their own (as Submission Judoโข) and become an authority on all Gi grappling. We know them to be a competent enough organization and BJJ is just a slightly tweaked fork of Judo anyway. They'd probably supplant the IBJJF just by the virtue of not being fucking retarded
Anonymous at Wed, 25 Dec 2024 21:54:00 UTC No. 218361
why didnt he tap if he got subbed?
Anonymous at Wed, 25 Dec 2024 22:22:38 UTC No. 218366
>Submission Judoโข
Some of the judo places near me have been getting into this:
Anonymous at Wed, 25 Dec 2024 23:02:52 UTC No. 218368
My gym does quarterly evaluations, the black belts examine your rolling in different scenarios and give stripes as warranted, never seen demotions.
Anonymous at Wed, 25 Dec 2024 23:26:45 UTC No. 218370
>Honestly, everyone and their mother has their own BJJ governing body, IJF should just make their own (as Submission Judoโข) and become an authority on all Gi grappling.
That would be fucking hilarious. And the recent IJF rules say they're going to allow more time for newaza. I think the powers-that-be realize that they've neglected newaza in favor of spectator-friendly throws and trips. Plus the IJF has a working relationship with FIAS, the governing body for Sambo which doesn't have bad blood or propaganda against judo like BJJ does. Plus there was an interview from years ago that the IJF was pondering over newaza-only tournaments in judo so they definitely see that groundfighting should be explored more.
>BJJ is just a slightly tweaked fork of Judo anyway.
I disagree. I'm far from a BJJ nuthugger but it's a derivative of Judo (and Catch Wrestling). It's basically judo newaza without rewarding as much for tachi-waza (stand-up throws, trips, takedowns) but in much greater depth to set-ups and allowing more submission variance. Definitely stems from it, but it evolved into its own thing like a software fork.
>They'd probably supplant the IBJJF just by the virtue of not being fucking retarded
I can envision the IJF absorbing BJJ orgs in the long-term if they play their cards right. But they'd have to separate the 2 rule sets to not alienate Jiu-Jitieros they've taken in.
Anonymous at Wed, 25 Dec 2024 23:41:15 UTC No. 218372
Merry Christmas, anon
Anonymous at Thu, 26 Dec 2024 00:11:08 UTC No. 218377
>it evolved into its own thing
A worse thing
They've decided that moving through positions (arbitrarily chosen ones) is a better win condition than holding positions
If you pass a guard, then they recover and you pass it again you'll run up the score vs getting nothing if you actually dominantly held it the entire time and they never escaped
How backwards is that shit
That's why the meme of jiujitsu doesn't work of you just stand up is true. Beejers don't know how to pin and control people on the ground
Wrestling and judo do not have this issue where it stops working if the other person doesn't cooperate with it
In jiujitsu people choose to be on the ground because of the gentleman's agreement or some shit
Anonymous at Thu, 26 Dec 2024 00:19:39 UTC No. 218379
I agree that BJJ's glaring weakness on the ground is omitting pins, but their positional control and transitions are very dynamic. And you're mistaking the Sport BJJ to the self-defense application which they address in street fighting like having to deal with a dude trying to rain down strikes on you while you're on your back. Old school BJJ schools actually had them train with dealing with ground-and-pound while the defender learns to survive and then exploit an opportunity to choke out or break a limb.
I personally believe if BJJ was more well-rounded with hip tosses, foot sweeps/trips, and other takedowns as well as incorporating pins, rides, and breakdowns, it'd be perfect. But I have a bias since I've wrestled and while I respect the guard because it neutralizes the attacker's superior strength and being on top in favor of leverage and sweeping to flip them over.
No art will be 100% complete because unless you don't need to work and have financial independence as well as nothing but free time, nobody will be perfect in every facet of striking, trapping, grappling, etc. And people have personal biases; some prefer throwing a guy down hard. Others like the intricate posturing that BJJ does. To each their own.
Anonymous at Thu, 26 Dec 2024 01:03:53 UTC No. 218384
I think BJJ has gone full karate when it comes to fighting and self defense
Thats the choice they made, practicality is the exception not the rule and I won't defend exceptions
It started out with me thinking it's gay and dumb, then I continued to think it was gay and dumb but kinda fun, and now it's not even fun anymore and is even gayer and dumber than I ever thought possible
It's why I'm looking forward to finally being finished with this garbage within this next calendar year and I can quit and never look back while I go do some good old fashioned nogi American jiujitsu just as the founders intended
Anonymous at Thu, 26 Dec 2024 01:50:19 UTC No. 218386
The way the US practices BJJ is interesting because of our strong scholastic/collegiate wrestling. It fills in the gaps that BJJ has and I think by the end of this decade, it's going to be the new standard
Anonymous at Thu, 26 Dec 2024 19:31:47 UTC No. 218411
In brazil we have luta livre for pure no-gi but it's way less popular than gi BJJ. It's usualy gymbros and MMA fighters that do it. Almost no women and fatsos.
Anonymous at Fri, 27 Dec 2024 03:42:11 UTC No. 218442
Give it to me straight doc
Why does Brazil tolerate the existence so many trannies?
How did It come to this? And is it because all the macho men are secretly fucking them?
Anonymous at Fri, 27 Dec 2024 04:32:04 UTC No. 218455
Merry Christmas, it is kinda funny to think about the other anons on here living there lives.
I can't talk since one of my only gift I got this year came from a 4chan secret Santa.
Anyways hope you all had a good time.
Anonymous at Fri, 27 Dec 2024 08:21:07 UTC No. 218465
Based fantasist who gets PAID to do BJJ lmao (but too weak to do warmups)
Anonymous at Fri, 27 Dec 2024 17:43:22 UTC No. 218489
If the instructor is doing warmups he's genuinely bad at his job and you're in a bad school
This is a tough pill for a lot of people to swallow but it's the truth
Professional instructors run skill building from start to finish
"Warmups" are just filler used to pad out the class and run the clock
Anonymous at Sat, 28 Dec 2024 01:27:42 UTC No. 218504
You can see why Leandro Lo got killed.
Anonymous at Sat, 28 Dec 2024 03:58:22 UTC No. 218513
Anonymous at Sat, 28 Dec 2024 04:24:58 UTC No. 218516
nta but tips for starting to bodybuild?
Anonymous at Sat, 28 Dec 2024 16:07:24 UTC No. 218530
Compound lifts + pull ups + dips + hanging leg raise + bodyweight push up+ squats
Get 5 3 1 app
Anonymous at Sat, 28 Dec 2024 16:08:30 UTC No. 218531
You must be doing some pussy shit then if you don't need to get warmed up
Anonymous at Sat, 28 Dec 2024 16:21:41 UTC No. 218533
Right the physical rigors of sitting on the floor for 10 minutes because the instructor likes to hear himself talk and then I do 2 reps and you do 2 reps back and forth
It was really important we run in circles and do jumping jacks for 20 minutes to get ready for it
You can stop coping, these are the signs if a bad school and youre taking it personally because it's what happens in yours
Anonymous at Sat, 28 Dec 2024 19:34:29 UTC No. 218547
if musclarity isnt your main goal
>bro split
if it is
push days, pull days
alternatively this >>218530
and if your main goal is just strength.
>bent over row
Anonymous at Sun, 29 Dec 2024 14:25:09 UTC No. 218575
I became 29 years old this october and I've been to BJJ training twice am I still going to make it? So far it has been fun and since I'm a fat guy it has been doing a really good job at keeping me from gaining weight during the holidays even.
Anonymous at Sun, 29 Dec 2024 15:47:28 UTC No. 218581
Former fat guy (6 foot at 232 pounds, now down to 174). I started BJJ and Judo (my school teaches both) at 33. I also joined a gym with friends and got into diet and fitness. Just eat clean, drink plenty of water, rest, and train consistently.
Oh and mouthguard. You don't chipped teeth. I also wear earguards too because I don't want cauliflower ears.
You see this is why you have to learn how to de-escalate. Just because you're a BJJ competitor doesn't mean the dude won't attack you with a gun or his boys won't jump you. You gotta know when to walk away.
Anonymous at Sun, 29 Dec 2024 16:18:43 UTC No. 218588
>now down to 174
nice I'm 5'11 280lbs rn and training is tough but I love how there's mutual respect towards each other and by surrounding yourself with healthy people and good influences I can make it.
>Just eat clean, drink plenty of water, rest, and train consistently
Will do. I also cut out alcohol completely as of the day before yesterday and after holidays plan on training three days a week for one hour each.
Anonymous at Sun, 29 Dec 2024 17:18:43 UTC No. 218592
>am I still going to make it?
nobody is going to make it
if a blown ACL doesn't take you out a herniated disc in your neck or torn labrum will
jiujitsu is a game of survivor bias. It's like being a fucking baby sea turtle, the only way you make it to black belt is if you're lucky enough to not get eaten
Anonymous at Sun, 29 Dec 2024 23:46:33 UTC No. 218630
thanks which 5 3 1 app?
For strength is doing does exercises is 5 sets of 5 enough?
Anonymous at Mon, 30 Dec 2024 00:37:40 UTC No. 218631
dont count sets.
set a time, do 5, rest, do 5 more rest
rinse repeat until timer goes off.
Anonymous at Mon, 30 Dec 2024 00:38:41 UTC No. 218632
set a timer*
Anonymous at Mon, 30 Dec 2024 16:35:45 UTC No. 218667
On android
Anonymous at Mon, 30 Dec 2024 16:41:15 UTC No. 218668
Don't you feel weaker and less powerful at your twinky weight?
Surely large you would beat up skinny you?
Anonymous at Mon, 30 Dec 2024 16:58:30 UTC No. 218670
Vet bros that make videos talking about action readiness and EDC more tools than police do are almost always in the wrong
There was one video I saw where the guy was saying in my civilian life I've used my firearm to deescalate a situation multiple times
Nigga what the fuck are you doing that you've found yourself in a situation where you need to draw on someone MULTIPLE times?
Just another one of those sheepdog grey man thin blue line punisher skull bumpersticker having F-450 driving suburb living faggots out there looking for trouble
Anonymous at Mon, 30 Dec 2024 17:32:36 UTC No. 218675
>openly in favor of using excessive force in self-defense
Based and the only correct stance
Anonymous at Wed, 1 Jan 2025 02:59:50 UTC No. 218759
happy new year anons, hope you have a great time, thanks for being here
Anonymous at Wed, 1 Jan 2025 03:58:04 UTC No. 218761
>*pulle guard*
Anonymous at Wed, 1 Jan 2025 04:16:09 UTC No. 218763
this will be my last year here
I'm glad it's almost over
looking forward to putting on that last belt in 2025 and getting on with my life
Anonymous at Wed, 1 Jan 2025 14:25:21 UTC No. 218781
Something weird happened during training. My leg sort of froze like it was paralyzed and I couldn't bend it. It was incredibly painful to lift or move. Not sure if it was a Charley horse or what but I had done squats at the gym early in the morning before rolling and I already had cramps and I think I wasn't well hydrated.
Anonymous at Wed, 1 Jan 2025 15:39:20 UTC No. 218785
Happy new year anon, had a great time rolling right up to midnight
Anonymous at Wed, 1 Jan 2025 15:50:59 UTC No. 218786
Also did some lifting before rolling and got a PR: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/2cE4
Anonymous at Wed, 1 Jan 2025 18:08:16 UTC No. 218796
Jesus why is everyone in America so goddamn fat and cringe
Anonymous at Wed, 1 Jan 2025 18:29:18 UTC No. 218800
seed oil
Anonymous at Wed, 1 Jan 2025 18:54:17 UTC No. 218804
Anonymous at Wed, 1 Jan 2025 20:25:40 UTC No. 218817
Wrestling Vs BJJ for self defence?
Anonymous at Wed, 1 Jan 2025 20:51:09 UTC No. 218819
Learning how to put on lipstick and sucking dick against an aggressor is more effective and ensures your chances of survival
Anonymous at Wed, 1 Jan 2025 22:23:27 UTC No. 218827
bjj will claim it's for self defense and fighting but then will condition you to constantly put yourself into inferior positions
the key to winning fights is aggression, explosivity, and decisiveness
chael just did a video about exactly this. It's pure cope that bjj guy will say yeah but over several minutes I'd eventually wear him out and move into a position where I could execute an armbar
yeah maybe, but fights in real life last 15 seconds in an elevator. You need to get in that ass ASAP
Anonymous at Wed, 1 Jan 2025 22:45:32 UTC No. 218831
I love reading this shit
Anonymous at Thu, 2 Jan 2025 03:33:37 UTC No. 218846
Hi guys I broke my left ankle in august of last year (2024), the doctors bolted it back together so it is made of metal now. I wanted to start doing BJJ before this injury and I took a few classes. I'm afraid that someone will accidentally pull on my ankle at a weird angle and re-break it. Should I just take boxing instead to minimize the risk or is it cool? Should I do anything to prevent aggravation of the injury?
Anonymous at Thu, 2 Jan 2025 04:08:54 UTC No. 218848
No one will view a pin as worries than a choke or submission .
The whole NYC penny case is based on submission are bad.
Anonymous at Thu, 2 Jan 2025 04:10:58 UTC No. 218849
Non walk able cities and towns
Just 10k steps is all you need
Anonymous at Thu, 2 Jan 2025 04:23:19 UTC No. 218850
some people think steps actually work which is the hilarious part
>i walk 10k steps and i burn all these hecking calories
Anonymous at Thu, 2 Jan 2025 05:51:43 UTC No. 218851
You should tell everyone explicitly "I have hardware in my ankle, don't touch it" and wear an ankle brace at all times even if it doesn't hurt just as a very clear tactile reminder to everyone don't fucking touch it
Anonymous at Thu, 2 Jan 2025 12:25:36 UTC No. 218860
Wrestling. Controlling your opponent, taking them down and gaining top position is their whole thing
Plus their explosiveness and athleticism is frankly unmatched in any combat sport
Well, Penny got exonerated at last so maybe it'll set a good precedent for the future. Then again it's New York so probably not
Anonymous at Thu, 2 Jan 2025 15:23:01 UTC No. 218865
Why not both? Wrestling conditions you and gives insane takedown and sprawls. Not to mention pins. BJJ teaches submissions and how to fight off you back.
Anonymous at Thu, 2 Jan 2025 21:10:47 UTC No. 218889
Takedown focused art and some form of striking.
You want to spend as little time near or in contact with your opponent in a real life situation.
BJJ is going to teach you too many sports habits that will get you hurt or killed.
Any lock you get your opponent in will just give him time to reach for a sharp object. Or for his buddies to jump you.
Striking to manage space and defend, a fast takedown to give you time to get the FUCK out of there.
Anonymous at Thu, 2 Jan 2025 21:23:41 UTC No. 218890
Boxing requires footwork
Boxing is footwork
As long as you understand you'll always be limited, do what you want
But BJJ is very accommodating, although only as accommodating as the people you train with, and only as safe as your willingness to tap
Anonymous at Thu, 2 Jan 2025 22:10:12 UTC No. 218893
>and how to fight off you back.
My contention with this is wrestling teaches you how to fight off your back, BJJ teaches you how to fight on your back
I make that distinction clear
Wrestlers are like the unbuttered side of the toast, their entire existence and mission in life is do not let their back touch the floor, And their entire sport revolves around 2 things, making people touch their back to the ground and avoiding having it happen to them so they know all the tricks
BJ just lays there even when it's possible and a pretty trivial thing to get off of their backs and stand up or get out of there they'll still just stay there unnecessarily
And that's also why BJJ guys can't pin effectively either because they're so used to their partners just staying there on their own so they don't have to develop those skills
BJJ incentivizes stalling, and that is what the guard is good for is just stalling for time
Get 2 points then lay on your back and stall for the next few minutes until you win
If you're in MMA, in danger of getting hit or losing the round? just wrap up the guard and stall for time so you can get reset
The problem is in real life there isn't someone that's going to come and reset you to a safe position once time is up, It's up to you to put yourself on top and that is a critical skill bjj practitioner's lack
By the way, siderant. The people who put the scoring system together understood this was the goal which is why you can't actually score any points from bottom position. the only bottom scoring move is to reverse it into a top position
They knew the goal should have always been to get on top, but since you don't get punished for stalling down there people game the loophole in the rules and just run the clock instead of trying to push the action forward
Anonymous at Fri, 3 Jan 2025 01:19:25 UTC No. 218907
I have several bulging discs but none are herniated.
Anonymous at Fri, 3 Jan 2025 02:40:00 UTC No. 218911
Anonymous at Fri, 3 Jan 2025 03:51:34 UTC No. 218915
Well my point is rather he had to fight it to begin with. For the simple use of a choke he was run through the ringer.
I am in leaf land so I am not taking chances.
Anonymous at Fri, 3 Jan 2025 03:53:54 UTC No. 218916
jokes on you, i quit
Anonymous at Fri, 3 Jan 2025 03:59:56 UTC No. 218917
more the opposite
>look honey I walked 200 steps this month!
Anonymous at Fri, 3 Jan 2025 05:40:44 UTC No. 218926
it doesn't matter if choking someone is objectively safer for them than punching them in the head
the jury doesn't like how it looks, and the prosecution is going to bring in their use of force expert to explain how strangle holds are the highest level of deadly force no different from shooting someone
and then there's the ethical side of things where if you're in a position to strangle someone or even break their arm or something, you're also in a position where you could just hold them there and not do those things
let's not pretend it's anything other than punitive at that point
reminds me of that video of the cop where he has the guy mounted and then drops off the side to do an armbar
what a fucking asshole
Anonymous at Fri, 3 Jan 2025 10:55:43 UTC No. 218932
i wish i knew how to wrestle
my gym barely teaches takedowns to begin with
is learning fundamental wrestling by yourself plausible?
where do you even start?
Anonymous at Fri, 3 Jan 2025 12:45:54 UTC No. 218935
Your won't become a college champ but definitely.
You can pirate a torrent on wrestling or just go on yt and find a channel called bjj wrestling plan.
Anonymous at Fri, 3 Jan 2025 12:50:01 UTC No. 218936
That's how camada law works once you are no longer defending your self you are open to be charge with assault.
Anonymous at Fri, 3 Jan 2025 15:56:38 UTC No. 218944
If you have someone to wrestle with then yeah lol
Anonymous at Sat, 4 Jan 2025 10:17:01 UTC No. 219000
Why hasn't anyone answered my post
Anonymous at Sat, 4 Jan 2025 15:08:16 UTC No. 219007
>bjj once a week
>lifting three times a week
this is surprisingly managable and i feel myself making progress in both while working full time
Anonymous at Sat, 4 Jan 2025 17:34:04 UTC No. 219014
do judo
Anonymous at Sat, 4 Jan 2025 18:22:34 UTC No. 219016
i do and i cant throw anyone
Anonymous at Sat, 4 Jan 2025 18:28:48 UTC No. 219017
I have started to focus on just doing double legs and powering through when they start sprawling. I can feel my inner wrestler awakening. Good stuff.
Anonymous at Sat, 4 Jan 2025 19:19:52 UTC No. 219020
Do it better
I literally got a yellow belt in judo 5 years ago and I body everyone on the feet
Anonymous at Sat, 4 Jan 2025 22:25:33 UTC No. 219028
Interesting. Everyone keeps telling me once a week BJJ..or even wrestling or no-gi, is a complete waste of time and I'll never ever learn anything and unless I can dedicate 3/4 days a week minimum I'm better off just not training
So which one is it?
Anonymous at Sat, 4 Jan 2025 23:59:11 UTC No. 219035
That's clearly false IMO. If you spend an hour or two rolling, then you will learn something. There are guys who trained 2 times a week and became black belts in a decade.
Anonymous at Sun, 5 Jan 2025 00:04:18 UTC No. 219036
That's because most people learning it from a low IQ retard with no formal training in designing training protocols
And he became a broke ass bjj instructor because he has no other monetizable skills or value to society
For over 99% of people practicing jiujitsu they're training consists Of running around in circles and doing P.E. calisthenics for a half hour
Then the "teacher" Shows a move and they just copy it and rep it with a 100% compliant partner, then if you're lucky you get some time to roll around at the end which is where the learning actually happens
And if you ask him what you can do to get better and what do you need to work on he will without fail reply "aye just keep showing up my friend"
So it takes people 4 times a week for over a decade or more to get to blackbelt level because classes are a colossal time sink where only a fraction of the time is spend doing the skill itself
And end of the day they're kind of just figuring it out on their own anyway
The people such as myself that got to black belt level in 5 years time did it because we were able to recognize bjj instructors are retarded and have no idea what they're doing, so just ignore that faggot and look to scientifically proven training modalities they use in literally every other godamn fucking sport to teach yourself
At that point your time at the gym is just spent trying out the stuff that you were working on against live bodies
Anonymous at Sun, 5 Jan 2025 09:35:16 UTC No. 219052
>look to scientifically proven training modalities they use in literally every other godamn fucking sport to teach yourself
Please anon elaborate. I would also like to get a black belt in 5 years
Anonymous at Sun, 5 Jan 2025 15:40:49 UTC No. 219061
Wear mouth guard yes or no?
Anonymous at Sun, 5 Jan 2025 15:43:33 UTC No. 219062
yes, dental work aint cheap
Anonymous at Sun, 5 Jan 2025 16:59:44 UTC No. 219067
Of course. Why is that even a question?
Anonymous at Sun, 5 Jan 2025 17:05:51 UTC No. 219069
Leandro lo always looked like a hot headed low IQ nigger who likes to start fights. Looks like he got what he deserved at the end.
I mean look at this , what kind of petty shit is this? Imagine seeing this in a judo gym. You would be banned for life
Anonymous at Sun, 5 Jan 2025 17:16:18 UTC No. 219070
Nope. I'm far stronger after losing 60 pounds and doing weight training. Athleticism + technique trumps my larger out-of-shape self. My grip strength is insane and my conditioning allows me to grapple and spar (also do boxing and Muay Thai) for rounds. I train 20 hours a week.
Yes, a chipped tooth is no joke.
Unfortunately, BJJ attracts these type of personalities more than any other martial art. That being said, I disagree that Leandro deserved what he got. Being an asshole doesn't justify you getting killed. He needed to get humbled but not shot.
>Imagine seeing this in a judo gym. You would be banned for life
Yeah but this is BJJ. Judo doesn't tolerate being meatheads that disgrace the sport and organization. BJJ extols it because it brings in more students.
Anonymous at Sun, 5 Jan 2025 17:21:58 UTC No. 219073
I think him getting shot probably humbled him a bit
Anonymous at Sun, 5 Jan 2025 17:35:03 UTC No. 219075
You have to look at it this way, My brother played baseball his whole life up through college
And I asked him when was the last time your baseball coach taught you how to play baseball
And he didn't really understand what I was talking about
I said when was the last time the coach showed you something for you to copy and learn
And he said probably AA
Aka when he was 8 years old, the first year of actual baseball and not tee ball or pitching machine but the first year of baseball was the last time a coach actually showed something
Because it is not the job of the coach to constantly be showing things to the players, his job is to put together programs and drills and exercises to have them skill build
Meanwhile the idiots doing BJJ will be doing it for 10 years and still walk into the room and be expected to sit down and listen to the teacher while he explains how to do a move and then copy what he does
The way you're going to get good Is to identify very specifically what you are trying to accomplish
"I want to choke him"
Not specific enough
"From his back"
"Rear strangle, with double hooks in from a seat belt position on our side with the underhook on bottom"
There you go get a partner and do that as intensely as you can for 5 minutes
His job is not to escape, his job is not to counter attack, his only job is to fight off the chokes with hand fighting for as long as he can
Then you add a step to it now you start in that same position but he needs to try and free his hips so if you get a choke or his hips get free then we reset
And you keep working back from there starting as small as possible and moving out towards the larger picture
I'm not going to waste your time showing you how to fucking do it because you know how to do it, find the artery and put pressure on it somehow don't care how
just need to practice it
That is what drilling looks like in every other sport
Not copy the teacher's move then I do 2 and you do 2
Anonymous at Sun, 5 Jan 2025 18:04:25 UTC No. 219082
How can you train so much? Don't you work?
Anonymous at Sun, 5 Jan 2025 18:50:00 UTC No. 219086
I work 50-60 hours a week. I sleep about 7-8 hours a day. I commute 30 minutes to work and another 30 minutes back home. I do BJJ on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays are my boxing/MT days. Sunday I rest and recover while I might go for a walk to get some air. Altogether that's about 20 hours a week of BJJ/Boxing/MT/General fitness throughout 7 days.
Anonymous at Sun, 5 Jan 2025 18:53:34 UTC No. 219087
So your answer is basically to spar but starting from specific positions. I was thinking of doing the same.
I think bjj will be better if there was some sort of curriculum like in judo. Like in white belt you're expected to know how to do x types of sweeps, takedowns submissions etc...
Then have exams for every stripe and move on.
Having no system and getting promoted when the coach feels like it is an effective way of maintaining students be cause you're basically edging your students for each promotion but in the end the sport won't grow and will devolve into a mcdojo shitshow
Anonymous at Sun, 5 Jan 2025 19:11:14 UTC No. 219090
Problem is it's hard to fight a partner who actually wants to practice this way and learn instead of having an ego trip dick measuring contest during rolls
Anonymous at Sun, 5 Jan 2025 21:04:05 UTC No. 219111
it's more to it than that, not just positions but micro battles
principle based training focus
another example, whats the goal of stand up?
"to take someone down"
no, that's the result of good stand up, the goal is to facilitate the takedown by winning strong inside position by closing the distance through footwork and hand fighting
its why bjj guys suck at stand up, because they just blast double legs from so far outside they're basically in another zip code, pull guard and flop to the floor, or maybe I'll try that ushimaga thing I saw on youtube that looks pretty good *fails and gets back taken*
bjj practices moves in too much of a vacuum removed from the soft skills needed to set them up
your takedown is like the bell at the top of the rock climbing wall. You don't just hang out at the top and smack the bell over and over and say you're practicing your climbing, you gotta actually climb
so back to training to win the stand up fight, your goal is to gain as much inside position as possible
inside position is a spectrum, it's rare you have all of it or none of it. It includes inside collar ties, underhooks, posting your head between the neck and shoulder and pushing his head to the side, creating a triangle with your feet and your foot is the top of the triangle. theres many examples of it and it could be a case that you have 70% inside position control because you're winning the upper body but your partner has 30% because his footwork is better
you battle for 5 minutes continuously for inside position, you don't circle around at arms length playing patty cake, you dont move in and out to make him flinch, you don't try to escape, you don't accept an outside position and stall, you don't try to finish any takedowns. You just exist in that microbattle face to face working on the skill
if you have all of it you hang on to all of it, if you have none of it you fight like hell to get some back, if you have some of it you do whatever you can to get more
Anonymous at Sun, 5 Jan 2025 21:05:23 UTC No. 219112
this is true>>219090 and often people don't even understand this style of training and just start doing jiujitsu
but you're not supposed to be doing jiujitsu during this type of training, you're skill drilling so later when you do play jiujitsu you're better at it
Anonymous at Sun, 5 Jan 2025 21:52:18 UTC No. 219116
Ok great advice anon. But can you give me practical tasks or resources I can use to further this type of training?
Anonymous at Sun, 5 Jan 2025 21:53:40 UTC No. 219117
Just to be explicit, the positions I suck at are open guard from seated position or supine. I struggle finishing darce chokes and I generally can't do standup very well because I'm not dynamic enough
Anonymous at Sun, 5 Jan 2025 22:15:37 UTC No. 219120
If you are new is it acceptable to go to the instructor and tell him you are new?
What is the etiquette? I don't really know if I'm rolling can I like strangle people, what if someone leg locks me, I don't even know if I'm in a vulnerable position and to tap? Can I try and crush someone's throat with my forearm? Can I bear hug them and try and crack their ribs?
Anonymous at Sun, 5 Jan 2025 22:27:20 UTC No. 219121
Your instructor most likely won't remember your face until 10 months in
You can absolutely strangle people. That's the entire point.
Upper belts will most likely not use dangerous submissions against you unless they're desperate. And they won't crank it hard but bjj is a shit show with mma meatheads so be careful. You can always ask people to flow roll
You can try to crush someone's throat but it's absolutely useless and will most likely cause you to be swept since your arm is not positioned for posting or controlling.
Don't crack peoples ribs. Don't injure someone deliberately, it's a shitty thing to do. That being said, it is a valid submission I think but only works if you're a fatass
Anonymous at Sun, 5 Jan 2025 23:03:44 UTC No. 219123
part of the training is the mental aspect as you deconstruct positions into their most basic parts, the ability to see the details so it's a good mental exercise to think of a position and figure out what your goals are beyond the obvious superficial layer
knee shield
"my goal is to get past his knee"
no, your goal is to get into a chest to chest pinning position, the knee is not actually of any particular consequence it's just one of the many ways the other player is putting an obstacle in your way
so start in a half guard position and top player gets into a chest to chest pinning position
you don't need to free your own leg and pass, you don't need to get around the leg, hell if you just collapse his knee into his chest and pin it between you 2 even that's a success because the goal is a chest to chest pin
the only reset condition is you get to a chest to chest pin otherwise you stay there the whole time
he doesn't try to sub you, sweep you, advance position, nothing, his only job in life is to keep a strong knee shield up so you can't touch your chest to his
then later do it again but he can try to turn it into a full guard
so now you win if there's a pin, but he wins if he reguards, then add the sweeps
you're going to quickly find out the knee wasn't ever really the problem,
your BJJ teacher is going ot show you all these grips and shit to get his knee out of the way, and everyone is frustrated because they can't pass this fucking bullshit knee shield and they know like 6 different ways to do it and none of it is working when the person actually fights back
but what you've discovered it's your knee as the top player which needs to be occupying the space next to his hip, and if his bottom leg is occupying it instead of yours he's free to do what he wants, and if not you're in control and his knee shield means tits.
Anonymous at Mon, 6 Jan 2025 00:42:01 UTC No. 219125
If you gave a bunch of retards the mission to develop a way to grapple and submit each other, with no prior experience and they had to sparr everyday for 100 years inside of a cube, would they just invent BJJ?
Anonymous at Mon, 6 Jan 2025 01:19:02 UTC No. 219127
So positional sparring? Makes sense, you try to improve at the specific position you're weak in. However, I think showing and drilling specific techniques still has its place. To do otherwise is just letting your instructor's knowledge and experience go to waste, as every student is essentially left to reinvent the wheel by themselves.
On the topic of improving quickly, anecdotally, I've noticed myself being much sharper in sparring (i.e. getting my ass kicked a little less) when the lesson started with a flow roll for warmup
Anonymous at Mon, 6 Jan 2025 02:00:58 UTC No. 219131
They'd come up with American jiujitsu since BJJ never figured out how to attack the legs :^)
It's similar but it's a deeper cut then positional sparring, Because positional sparring is still just a regular jiujitsu vs jiujitsu contest
You start in a position and it goes until someone scores a point, Whether it's a sweep or pass or a mount or a backtake you are basically just playing Sudden death jiujitsu within the same weird arbitrary constraints the ibjjf has imposed on everyone
This method focuses it down to skills
Like, you lose if you get underhooked
You win my just touching the bottom of your feet to his body
You lose if he connects his arms around your leg
We're getting that specific with objectives to ensure we win every little battle along the way
Not just here's a move I want to and the transition to it is improvised guess work on the fly
Anonymous at Mon, 6 Jan 2025 05:08:19 UTC No. 219147
the ecological schizo has reinvented positional sparring again
Anonymous at Mon, 6 Jan 2025 05:46:47 UTC No. 219149
Go on, give them your masterful advice
Tell them the way to get better is "just keep showing up" and "drillers make killers"
Make sure you do your shrimps up and down the mat every day and then practice armbars from the guard 125 times on each side with a compliant partner
That'll surely skyrocket them to proficiency in no time! They might even be able to get a blackbelt within 15 years
Anonymous at Mon, 6 Jan 2025 12:31:53 UTC No. 219155
>within the same weird arbitrary constraints
I don't think the constraints are weird nor arbitrary
You win if you improve your position or submit your opponent, you lose if you fail to do so or let your opponent improve his or submit you
>This method focuses it down to skills
So it's just positional sparring with narrower objectives
Anonymous at Mon, 6 Jan 2025 18:18:56 UTC No. 219178
Scoring a point isn't a skill, it's the outcome of applying skills
The win condition is did you score a point within the rules of bjj. The rules of bjj are not principles of grappling
To be more precise "don't get your guard passed" which is a goal youd find in positional isn't a skill, it's all your retentions skills tested at once and isn't really a good way to develop them
If the win condition is to advance to a Scoring position it's not skill drilling, you're just playing
A skill drill would be more like, Bottom player is in guard top partner is on his knees
The goal of the player on bottom is to keep their partner's knees on the floor
Goal of the top player is to stand up off of their knees so they have the bottoms of both their feet on the ground
If he manages to stand up his goals to remain standing for as long as he can
The goal of the person on the bottom then becomes to pull him back down to his knees again and keep him there.
So you can see in this exercise there isn't even necessarily a winner or a loser it's the players practicing parallel skills continously, as it relates to retention and passing
It's important to resist the boomer cope and not let them pull a BJJ where they see something new and claim they've been doing at the whole time while never actually doing it like when leglocks came around
"Thats just positional training, we do that too"
But you don't do this at all actually, you just show a move and then tell them to go do it live and spend 0% of the time actually cultivating the skills it would take to do the move live before you send them off to do it
Think of all The Times you hear a coach on the sidelines screaming like a maniac Under hook! Frames! Get your knees in!
Because he never actually showed them or developed those skills during class so now it's crunch time and he's screaming at them from the side of the mat
Whoops, little bit of an oversight he forgot to actually show the students how to grapple :^)
๐๏ธ Anonymous at Mon, 6 Jan 2025 18:21:13 UTC No. 219179
You're throwing a bitch fit because People are having good faith discussions help improve faster but you drank the professor's kool aid
part of you is convinced and you're having cognitive dissonance about all the years you flushed down the toilet grinding away and making very little progress
Everyone here can see that
๐๏ธ Anonymous at Mon, 6 Jan 2025 18:22:14 UTC No. 219180
You're throwing a bitch fit because People are having good faith discussions help improve faster but you drank the professor's kool aid
part of you is convinced and you're having cognitive dissonance about all the years you flushed down the toilet grinding away and making very little progress
Everyone here can see that
Anonymous at Mon, 6 Jan 2025 18:24:58 UTC No. 219181
Will it post correctly this time??
>>219160 You're throwing a bitch fit because People are having good faith discussions help improve faster but you drank the professor's kool aid
part of you is convinced and you're having cognitive dissonance about all the years you flushed down the toilet grinding away and making very little progress
Everyone here can see that
Anonymous at Mon, 6 Jan 2025 18:26:08 UTC No. 219182
Is it worth it doing yoga for bjj?
Some super flexible nigga who spams buggy chokes in my gym does that in his spare time.
I'm thinking of joining. Plus the skintight outfits yoga bitches wear drive me crazy
Anonymous at Mon, 6 Jan 2025 19:09:06 UTC No. 219186
Flexibility takes daily practice, you need to treat it the way you would strength training if you want to make gains
Look at movement by David, he's soi but his mobility content is the best on the internet
As for gumby guy, they're almost always using it as a crutch and there isn't much skill under it
Defeat the gumbo and they got nothing
Anonymous at Mon, 6 Jan 2025 19:12:10 UTC No. 219187
Yeah but doing stretches at home isn't the same as yoga. Plus you might fuck up your body if you attempt positions with improper technique
Anonymous at Mon, 6 Jan 2025 19:25:12 UTC No. 219191
You should look into proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation
In many cases it's not a flexibility issue it's a mobility issue
Your body has the ability to move there but you don't have command over it. Your body does this thing called muscle guarding Which under ordinary circumstances is a good thing, your muscles will seize and contract before you hit your end range of motion in order to stop you from going too far and getting injured
It's the bane of all physical therapists because the patient's body is trying to protect the injury and it's really hard to get the muscles to relax around it for treatment
This is the mechanism I believe in a roundabout way Yoga is working through, where you build strength within the range rather than increase in the range itself, but as a side effect the range increases because your muscles are able to relax
Anonymous at Mon, 6 Jan 2025 19:55:46 UTC No. 219194
Do yoga.It really helped my mobility, espcially my hips and shoulders. If your not a sperg you can get laid as well
Anonymous at Mon, 6 Jan 2025 20:28:23 UTC No. 219200
>The win condition is did you score a point within the rules of bjj
You've got the relationship between competition scoring and positional advantage backwards.
The win condition is objectively improving your position (neutral -> advantageous [sweeps, passing, pins], disadvantageous -> neutral/advantageous [reversals, escaping to guard]).
And that absolutely is, in my opinion, a fundamental principle of grappling, which is why it is scored in competitions.
>training description
So, as I said, positional sparring with narrower objectives. Instead of a broader "improve your position", the objective is to do a specific thing while your opponent tries to stop you.
It's a good training methodology, but you're trying to present it like it's some novel idea that'll revolutionize the way grappling is trained, when it's really what most people are doing already in some form.
>everything from "boomer cope" onward
Sounds like a borderline schizo rant, unless you've been training at some seriously poor gyms
Anonymous at Mon, 6 Jan 2025 21:10:48 UTC No. 219206
>Sounds like a borderline schizo rant, unless you've been training at some seriously poor gyms
this is 4chan. you should expect half the people here dont practice any sport or participate in the board topic. most people in this website watch anime and play video games and are too afraid to workout or get hurt
Anonymous at Mon, 6 Jan 2025 22:54:50 UTC No. 219217
>most people in this website watch anime and play video games and are too afraid to workout or get hurt
truest thing I have read
Anonymous at Tue, 7 Jan 2025 02:12:18 UTC No. 219229
I definitely don't have it backwards since I run a successful gym mostly built on disaffected refugees from shitty other gyms
The points in BJJ are completely arbitrary
>someone passing your legs is bad
It just is ok?
Seriously why is it bad? Because it opens up a whole world of wrestling and leg attack options, there's nothing inherently bad about it at all
Anonymous at Tue, 7 Jan 2025 03:14:51 UTC No. 219233
I ran short on time before so I want to elaborate further now
To stick with the guard passing thing since we left it there
In MMA you don't see people trying to pass the guard because being in the guard or better yet half guard is a much better pinning position that you can attack with strikes from
Half guard is a pin not in the scoring sense but in the actual sense you're sitting on the person's leg they can't get away from you easily
So if it's a fight you can just stay there and start smashing them with elbows, if it's just self-defense with a drunk random he don't want to rough app you could just lay there and he's not gonna get away from you there's no reason to free your legs
And if it's submission grappling you are better off just trying to go straight into mount rather than go around the legs and then get on to mount it's just an extra step where something could go wrong and he can get away from you
Craig even says this much if it wasn't a scoring position to pass the legs we would never see it done, and that's largely what we see in submission only formats the guys try to go straight into mount or leg dragged directly towards the back and they don't bother trying to just pass around the legs, Because side control is a poor attacking position and you would want to get to attacking position in as few steps as possible
So that's why just as an example guard passing or retention are not grappling principles, they're just a specific thing in a specific sport given value because some guys said it does
If the IBJJF tomorrow said that guard passing no longer awarded points overnight you'd see people stop doing it or at the very least spend very little time practicing it because it's unnecessary to do it at that point
And if they said X guard now scores suddenly that's all people will be training the gym but that wouldn't make it a grappling principle, it's just a random position you can get into that they decided it is worth something
Anonymous at Tue, 7 Jan 2025 07:14:02 UTC No. 219250
All these little grappling principles go out the window with headbutts and stomps to the head. Stop coping
Anonymous at Tue, 7 Jan 2025 12:10:42 UTC No. 219261
>Yo guys this ultimate martial art lets you defeat all the others very deadly used in UFC you true fighter if you know it .. it's called BJJ bro even a 2 stripe white belt would kick your as-
What if I just kick him in his fucking head?
Anonymous at Tue, 7 Jan 2025 12:14:55 UTC No. 219262
Because your legs allow you to control the distance and threaten sweeps and submissions if your opponent isn't careful, while making it more difficult for your opponent to attack (minus gay, sport-specific shit that your opponent can just stand up and walk away from). It's usually difficult to submit someone while you're in their guard, unless there's a significant skill difference, because neither their shoulders nor their hips are solidly pinned to the floor (minus flattened out half-guard)
We're talking about grappling so I don't consider that particularly relevant, but while being in someone's guard is generally "good enough" if all you want to do is punch them in the face, it still affords them much more options than if there were pinned properly
>in submission only formats the guys try to go straight into mount or leg dragged directly towards the back
Ok, and if you fail and your opponent wraps his legs around you?
>go straight into mount rather than go around the legs and then get on to mount
And if your opponent puts his legs between you and him? Are you somehow somersaulting directly onto his chest?
No shit people try to avoid the guard, it's less work for them if they do. Because if you allow your opponent to recover into guard, you *have* to pass it to attack effectively which is the entire point
>If the IBJJF tomorrow said that guard passing no longer awarded points overnight you'd see people stop doing it
What a moronic statement, for the exact reasons I stated above.
You claim to run a "successful gym" but frankly it increasingly sounds like you've never grappled
Anonymous at Tue, 7 Jan 2025 14:49:25 UTC No. 219277
>BJJ artists when a gun enters the scenario
Anonymous at Tue, 7 Jan 2025 14:57:49 UTC No. 219279
Anonymous at Tue, 7 Jan 2025 16:56:28 UTC No. 219288
Before you start telling me that I don't know how to grapple first consider maybe you are making assumptions based on things people have told you Because they present themselves to be an authority on the matter when in reality they are just repeating something that someone told them and no one is thinking critically about it
For example it's really not the hips that keep people pinned, it's their feet
Go ahead and try to bridge or stand up or do anything if your feet are off the ground
You could pick someone up by the legs and walk them around like a wheelbarrow you have absolutely no connection to their hips and they are completely at your mercy unless they get their legs free
If someone is In a seated guard aka AA filthy butt scooter what is the first thing you need to do in order to attack them?
Get their feet off the ground either by grabbing the ankles or pushing them backwards whatever it is. and at the first possible opportunity once you do that what are they gonna do? try to move backwards and put their feet back on the ground
So if you are on your back in guard with your legs wrapped around someone you are not in control, you do not have the ability in that moment to just stand up and walk away if you want to and that means you're losing because the other guy does have that ability
In order for anything to happen you would need to open your legs which is exactly what he wants
so how could you say the guard is a good position when the only way to utilize it is to do exactly the thing your opponent wants you to do
You will hear them screaming about hips control hips, there is nothing inherently special about the hips, They just happened to be in a place where you need to win inside position to get to them, so that's a target you could fixate on, but the hip itself doesn't actually matter
There are lots of things like that in jiujitsu that don't really matter and are treated like the most important things you should be doing
Anonymous at Tue, 7 Jan 2025 17:04:08 UTC No. 219290
>Before you start telling me that I don't know how to grapple
stopped reading there
you dont know to grapple
Anonymous at Tue, 7 Jan 2025 17:22:47 UTC No. 219293
Being unable to stand up is irrelevant if your opponent can't do it either. And breaking and controlling the opponent's posture to keep them from standing up is something every white belt learns in their first few lessons, believe it or not.
And when they're unable to posture, opening your legs is not a problem
For an effective pin, you need to control either the shoulders, giving you control of the upper body, or hips, giving you control of the lower body. If you control neither, you are not in control of the position, which is why I mentioned them in that context.
Anyhow, this will be my last reply because it's overwhelmingly clear now that you're mentally ill and don't actually grapple
Anonymous at Tue, 7 Jan 2025 19:30:01 UTC No. 219304
if I took your legs and tucked each one under my armpits you would absolutely be 100% completely pinned on your back and there's nothing you could do about it until you free at least one of your legs and get it under you
absent you doing that the best you can hope to do is squirm and wiggle around impotently
meanwhile I have absolutely zero connection to your hips or shoulders
but I've taken away your driving force. It doesn't matter how much horsepower you have if the car is in neutral
I'm giving you gold here, if you don't want it then keep being unexceptional and thinking bjj takes 15 years to get proficient at
the least you could do is use your wisdom to give some advice to the guy that started this conversation asking how he could make the most out of a narrow training schedule
so far all I'm hearing is just keep doing the same bullshit the crusty old brazilians tell you to do and take a decade+ 3x+ a week to git gud
Anonymous at Tue, 7 Jan 2025 19:59:30 UTC No. 219316
Is nogi far easier to learn?
Anonymous at Tue, 7 Jan 2025 20:03:33 UTC No. 219319
It is easier on your fingers but other then that skill ceiling is just as high
Anonymous at Tue, 7 Jan 2025 20:10:45 UTC No. 219323
the gi feels like you're making progress faster because people crutch with it to stall and drag people around, but in the end that's a hinderance because you rely on it instead of your own body to create entropy
Anonymous at Tue, 7 Jan 2025 20:27:57 UTC No. 219327
>$600 for a gi you can buy on fuji for $140
Anonymous at Tue, 7 Jan 2025 20:38:35 UTC No. 219328
There's a place nearby which does BJJ nearly every day, 5 days of it is gi
there's 1 no-gi a week.
I'm not sure if I can just turn up and do the no-gi class. do you think this is acceptable or do you think they're going to be like dude you can't just come to the nogi class you don't know bjj FUNDAMENTALS or some shit
I tried the fundamental gi class once and the instructor was a very quiet timid guy, he made us shrimp up and down and then asked us get into each others guard for like 45 minutes and pull each other forward and sideways.. and I was like what the fuck is this shit. This sucks. This is stupid. I want to go home.
Anonymous at Tue, 7 Jan 2025 20:44:12 UTC No. 219329
>There's a place nearby which does BJJ nearly every day, 5 days of it is gi
> there's 1 no-gi a week.
I was in the same place till I found a mma gym,
No-gi, wrestling, and every want to be on top.
Try looking for mma gyms over bjj gyms, you might find a gem.
Anonymous at Tue, 7 Jan 2025 20:45:46 UTC No. 219330
>do you think they're going to be like dude you can't just come to the nogi class you don't know bjj FUNDAMENTALS or some shit
if I were a betting man I'd say thats exactly what's going to happen, I'd give you 25:1 odds on that
>he made us shrimp up and down and then...
see and I'm the guy these people in here are calling a schizo while they pretend this isn't how almost all BJJ classes are conducted
Anonymous at Tue, 7 Jan 2025 20:46:58 UTC No. 219331
It's different
With gi there is more friction, when training no gi and you're both sweaty as fuck, it feels like wrestling a lubed up eel. Like I get what to me feels like the tightest grip in the world and the other guy just floats out as if the entire concept of friction was a hoax
Also there are much fewer grips, I find it easier to attack on the ground because it's more difficult for the defender to break the attacker's posture
Anonymous at Tue, 7 Jan 2025 20:51:54 UTC No. 219332
>I'm not sure if I can just turn up and do the no-gi class
Asking is for free. Most likely you'll get an answer to the tune of "You should probably learn fundamentals first but hey, it's your money, if you want to train I won't stop you"
Anonymous at Tue, 7 Jan 2025 20:53:27 UTC No. 219333
>Being an asshole doesn't justify you getting killed. He needed to get humbled but not shot.
history literally says otherwise.
FAFO didnt become a saying for no reason
he fucked around for a long time and thought heel hooks could stop bullets because of it like your typical bjj tard if he didnt want to paint a target on his back he should have behaved. it's that simple. I literally cannot think of another martial art where you plot to hurt someone other than bjj. I remember hearing my instructor and a blue belt plot to hurt me because i went to the gym, i liked working out. This was 3 years ago. I ended up leaving because his students would always go up to me and try to talk shit to me when i was just trying to get some sets in.
you'd have your rank stripped from a governing body most likely and banned from participation in general.
you discount the fact that most bjj instructors are very disrespectul and will not acknowledge skill and will tell you you dont have time on mat. d1 wrestler? Skill of a blue belt? here's your no stripe white belt.
Anonymous at Tue, 7 Jan 2025 20:55:14 UTC No. 219334
There's no MMA places near me. The only ones are far and cost fucking loads. I also don't see MMA as a hobbyist thing.
I've tried wrestling and it was good, really brutal and tough and honestly I was thinking..can I keep up with this long term.. idk. Also some of the stuff we were doing I was thinking.. this doesn't help in a fight. This is just sports specific. I'm risking injuries learning shit that won't help me.. why am I doing this.
That's what led me to wanting to try nogi bjj. I heard it's like a mix of wrestling and bjj and is the most practical for fighting. Idk though if I'll be welcome at the class lol. Wrestling was very welcoming.
Anonymous at Tue, 7 Jan 2025 20:55:50 UTC No. 219335
>they pretend this isn't how almost all BJJ classes are conducted
Go find a better gym then. These days every bumfuck retardville has a fighting gym, so don't pretend you don't have options. It really does sound like you're basing your entire worldview off a single bad experience
Anonymous at Tue, 7 Jan 2025 20:58:00 UTC No. 219336
>These days every bumfuck retardville has a fighting gym
do a quick google search of "bjj in my area"
i guarntee you there's at least double digit in every major city if not near double digits. BJJ is as popular as karate was in 80s except with way more mcdojos
Anonymous at Tue, 7 Jan 2025 20:59:01 UTC No. 219337
there is literally a bjj school at every major shopping center
if malls were still a thing there'd be multiple in every mall.
Anonymous at Tue, 7 Jan 2025 20:59:27 UTC No. 219338
The thing is I've called up before to ask questions and their receptionist is clueless
they just tell you yes yes it's all fine I asked them, if the wrestling classes are beginner friendly implying I don't have much grappling experience ..they said it is beginner friendly
I turned up and no one even asked if I could break fall. I was sparring and doing neck bridges on the very first day luckily I had a little bit of break fall and front/back roll experience, so I didn't do anything stupid like post my hand out but it's clear calling up and asking won't give you a realistic answer
Anonymous at Tue, 7 Jan 2025 20:59:46 UTC No. 219339
>this doesn't help in a fight. This is just sports specific
You've got that in literally every martial art.
Wrestling is *really* good and it'll get you fit as fuck. But you're correct in that the risk of injury is higher than average and keeping up can be difficult if you're older or not very fit.
As far as welcoming goes, I think most places will be cool unless the coach is an absolute tool
Anonymous at Tue, 7 Jan 2025 21:01:03 UTC No. 219340
Don't get me wrong I pay more then I would like and I don't do mma I don't even do striking.
I show up 3 times a week to do nogi and wrestling once a week.
I just like the mindset of there grappling more.
I know it isn't perfect but I train and have fun with a larger group of aggressive people.
We even do potlucks so I would call it a hobby.
Anonymous at Tue, 7 Jan 2025 21:02:01 UTC No. 219341
>The thing is I've called up before to ask questions and their receptionist is clueless
if the school has a brand name like
"Gracie XY or XY gracie" 9/10 the owner isnt the actual owner.
Most martial art schools arent even owned by the """"owner"""" the receptionist is hired to help get people to sign up
Anonymous at Tue, 7 Jan 2025 21:03:27 UTC No. 219342
I'm just fine, it's everyone else that has a problem
and they try to defend this shit just like how karate used to
"but that's not the REAL karate!"
now its thats not the REAL jiujitsu, well I hate to break it to you but consensus is culture and when good gyms are the exception not the rule, then the rule is bjj is shit
Anonymous at Tue, 7 Jan 2025 21:04:46 UTC No. 219343
> see and I'm the guy these people in here are calling a schizo while they pretend this isn't how almost all BJJ classes are conducted
It put me off gi BJJ for life. Nothing was even explained. Later on I worked out why we were doing it but it was still just stupid.
I don't know whether it was the instructor himself he was very softly spoken I could barely hear him, he was a purple belt. I think the other classes have a black belt as the instructor and a MMA fighter for the nogi, maybe they teach better idk
The wrestling class on the other hand everything was practical the warm-up was a killer in itself the coach was great. Even though it beat the shit out of me I still feel like going back because that was some real shit
Anonymous at Tue, 7 Jan 2025 21:05:23 UTC No. 219344
I'm currently in a city of ~400k, there are three or four pure BJJ gyms, one general grappling gym, a Judo place, freestyle and greco gym, and at least two MMA gyms, just off the top of my head without Googling. Granted, it is a big city (by local standards lol), but from what I've seen even smaller ones have at least one judo/boxing/MMA place
Anonymous at Tue, 7 Jan 2025 21:06:44 UTC No. 219345
>It put me off gi BJJ for life. Nothing was even explained. Later on I worked out why we were doing it but it was still just stupid.
I don't know whether it was the instructor himself he was very softly spoken I could barely hear him, he was a purple belt. I think the other classes have a black belt as the instructor and a MMA fighter for the nogi, maybe they teach better idk
there are no requirements to be an instructor in bjj at least in the US.
You can literally open one as a blue belt
some do
Anonymous at Tue, 7 Jan 2025 21:07:22 UTC No. 219346
Don't talk to the receptionist, might not even train or know shit
Ask the coach running the class directly
Anonymous at Tue, 7 Jan 2025 21:08:07 UTC No. 219347
wow my phone fucked up that greentext
Anonymous at Tue, 7 Jan 2025 21:09:29 UTC No. 219348
There are BJJ schools around me but their websites have all stopped being updated since like 2011 there is some ancient picture that never gets changed and just a number to contact is this normal
There's even an MMA club which is quite well renowned their website went down a few months ago and never went back up
apparently they are still in business though I don't really understand how this is even possible without website or social media
Anonymous at Tue, 7 Jan 2025 21:13:23 UTC No. 219349
>just a number to contact is this normal
im not fucking with you in the slightest. Yes; career martial artists(bjj is full of them) are not the most tech savy people.
Call the number
scope the place out. Ask to sit in on a couple classes
dont sign anything unless you plan in staying.
Trial classes can be as long as one class all the way to a week worth of classes.
Anonymous at Tue, 7 Jan 2025 21:13:52 UTC No. 219351
Wrestler and judoka here. I wear a mouthguard in BJJ because some fag cracked my molar with some catch hold and I needed a root canal and crown.
Anonymous at Tue, 7 Jan 2025 21:14:11 UTC No. 219352
Yeah that's what I was thinking I'm really just scared to carry on doing it
I did a few sessions and already picked up injuries.. don't even know how I got them ..
most of the class seemed to be eastern European people who have probably been wrestling since they were in school
I thought it's only a matter of time before one of them suplexes me on my head and I end up with a broken neck
don't really want that to be honest
the nogi class seemed more hobbyist friendly
maybe I should just man up grind it out and git gud. Or maybe I will waste my life doing wrestling when no gi was the answer all along
Anonymous at Tue, 7 Jan 2025 21:15:04 UTC No. 219353
And if you dont know anything
explain it that to them.
Anonymous at Tue, 7 Jan 2025 21:19:08 UTC No. 219354
Really stupid question incoming
Can you tell the coach you want to wash your hands before putting your mouth guard in like leave the mats before sparring/rolling to wash your hands
because I don't really want to touch my mouth guard with my dirty hands which have been all over the mat and people sweaty bodies for an hour
Anonymous at Tue, 7 Jan 2025 21:23:53 UTC No. 219355
if you're not allowed to freely go on and off the mat without telling someone like you're in grade school and need to get a hall pass to go to the bathroom, that's a massive red flag
you're an adult customer of a business
Anonymous at Tue, 7 Jan 2025 21:27:51 UTC No. 219357
>judo has entered the conversation
Anonymous at Tue, 7 Jan 2025 21:27:59 UTC No. 219358
Anonymous at Tue, 7 Jan 2025 21:58:12 UTC No. 219363
Isn't it really uncomfortable being in your mouth for an hour and a half
Anonymous at Tue, 7 Jan 2025 22:06:20 UTC No. 219365
My man I got to wear a hard plastic month guard 24/7 from how much damage my teeth have taken.
If I don't my jaw goes out of place and the worst ear ringing and I would need to run off for a bout of painful vomiting.
Just wear a mouth guard for the full class,
& I envy you all.
Anonymous at Tue, 7 Jan 2025 22:18:25 UTC No. 219366
>catch hold
I really do hate the people who just use catch with thinking.
I love CACC I am probably one of the few people payed to get certified to teach it, from both snakepits.
Almost every one how comes to me about are worst.
I have stopped teaching anything CACC unless I trust the person.
Anonymous at Tue, 7 Jan 2025 22:22:00 UTC No. 219367
ah on re reading my posts I seen the problems
It is my one day completely off, so I am 7 beer deep before 12 am.
Anonymous at Tue, 7 Jan 2025 22:30:04 UTC No. 219369
Martial arts fixed me
i went from being able to drink a whole 12 pack and wake up with a minor headache the next day to only being able to handle one
0 clue what happened
Anonymous at Tue, 7 Jan 2025 22:30:33 UTC No. 219370
>yo check this move out
>grinds forearm bone across a guys teeth
>that really hurts, right?
So this is the power of catch wrestling
Anonymous at Tue, 7 Jan 2025 22:34:38 UTC No. 219371
yeah kinda, a mix of pain and cranking.
I was big into the history of it when I started now I can see as time goes own it will all just blend together.
well I am wait for that
Anonymous at Tue, 7 Jan 2025 23:46:22 UTC No. 219381
I'm from a wrestling background, I don't care about being uncomfortable during training anymore.
Anonymous at Tue, 7 Jan 2025 23:49:54 UTC No. 219382
The hold he used involved compressing my jaw by locking his arms around my face, pressure from on top of my head and below my jaw. I ignored it because it didn't really hurt but then there was a loud crack and my tooth ended up rotting from the inside out.
Anonymous at Wed, 8 Jan 2025 04:24:34 UTC No. 219411
Isn't there a way to rein in these instructors
Anonymous at Wed, 8 Jan 2025 09:49:35 UTC No. 219425
While it's a funny stereotype (especially the tats and the bald/beard), none of those are bad really
>don't be a cocky bastard just because you think you can fight (you probably can't)
>if someone with a knife asks for your wallet, don't be a retard, you'll just get shanked
>just train consistently, don't look for magic shortcuts to success
>*actually has impulse control*
Anonymous at Wed, 8 Jan 2025 18:46:30 UTC No. 219446
It seems like you don't have much personal experience with socio economically impacted individuals
They don't think the same way that you do, where if someone gave up you would think the situation is over
They would think I can get even more now
For example, We got the touch screens in my local McDonald's and a group of young inturlagent future electrical engineers came in, Noticed the new machines, walked over to them and for no reason at all one of them just punched the screen as hard as he could
A completely unmeditated random act of violence we're in his mind it went from I'm going to go eat something at McDonald's to I'm going to break something in McDonald's
The only way you protect yourself from a predator is to drive them off and become more trouble than the meal is worth to them
If you just lay down, All they see is an easy meal and they are perfectly happy to rip your belly open and eat your guts while you're still alive, if you fight back even if you cant win at least they might kill you before they start eating you
Anonymous at Wed, 8 Jan 2025 19:16:26 UTC No. 219452
Admittedly I do live in a safe area of a safe country
Sure, if you have no option but to fight then you fight. But having a nigga moment and jumping into fights when you have other options and can avoid escalating is pretty dumb.
Anonymous at Wed, 8 Jan 2025 21:45:51 UTC No. 219461
>And can avoid escalating
If you try to de escalate with some people you're done for. Either stand your ground or get ready for that sucker punch lmao
Anonymous at Thu, 9 Jan 2025 19:45:02 UTC No. 219577
not really aside form what >>219414
BJJ is a martial art where they will only listen to you if you win.
Even then if you dont have the qualities they like there is a chance they wont listen to you. They listened to leonardo lo becaude he threw tantrums and won.
They wont listen to the guy who wins but believes kindness is the answer.
do with that information what you will
adding onto what i said. I dont think there was any other way leonardo lo would have learned his lesson.
if he lost a match he would have vowed revenge in classic bjj fashion. If he survived getting shot he would have called his aggressor a pussy and kept being the same person. we're talking about someone who has been praised for his horrible behavior numeros times over and having it tolerated because he wins. Someone like that isnt going to change because they lost>>219070
just look at the gracies with sakuraba.
he beat their whole family and they didnt learn a single thing they still talk the same amount of shit as if sakuraba never happened.
Even renzo gracie went to prison at some point in the united states for a couple months.
Didnt learn a single thing.
Anonymous at Thu, 9 Jan 2025 19:58:09 UTC No. 219581
the most embarrassing thing for renzo was a few months back when some random crackhead in the subway took him down in a fight and there was all this gaslighting with people saying renzo took him down like that on purpose
Anonymous at Thu, 9 Jan 2025 20:02:03 UTC No. 219585
kek i remember that
Anonymous at Thu, 9 Jan 2025 20:04:58 UTC No. 219586
While we're on the topic
>manlet faggot getting outworked by a literal white belt and heel hooks him to save his ego
Anonymous at Fri, 10 Jan 2025 08:36:54 UTC No. 219647
how high on your own farts do you have to be to post that reel on your instagram, thinking you're the good guy in all this?
those captions are straight up embarrassing, as is breaking some guy's knee because he... collar tied you and posted on your neck? kek
Anonymous at Fri, 10 Jan 2025 13:43:42 UTC No. 219659
Once they did the shove from behind, you can tell they are going to do something worse.
Anonymous at Sat, 11 Jan 2025 09:30:31 UTC No. 219742
Things are kind of awkward between me and my coach. I feel like he doesn't really like me. I've been training at his gym for a year and a half and I thought the initial awkwardness would wash away. But he still ignores me, doesn't offer much coaching advice. Rarely acknowledges my presence. Even tho I've competed and won matches. I think our two personalities just doesn't mesh
Anonymous at Sat, 11 Jan 2025 09:33:05 UTC No. 219743
Even tho with the other coaches I get along pretty well. We joke around and talk between rolls.
Anonymous at Sat, 11 Jan 2025 15:56:24 UTC No. 219752
Is this sex?
Anonymous at Sat, 11 Jan 2025 21:18:52 UTC No. 219780
I think sex involves more female armpit but I don't know. Maybe?
Anonymous at Sun, 12 Jan 2025 04:34:53 UTC No. 219812
Brazilians are horrible but have you seen those videos of kinda chubby but still hot Brazilian women farting?
Those makes up for most of Brazils horrible antics.
Anonymous at Mon, 13 Jan 2025 17:05:24 UTC No. 219964
Such a perfect image lol
Anonymous at Mon, 13 Jan 2025 18:32:38 UTC No. 219981
>stripes are pretty dumb and should be done away with, right?
Yes but also do away with belts entirely
Specific request but has anyone found Zahabi's guard passing instructional on here? I can only find most of his other stuff but really want to see the passing one (not enough to buy it though)
Anonymous at Tue, 14 Jan 2025 04:00:38 UTC No. 220020
Here we go lads
Anonymous at Thu, 16 Jan 2025 03:32:24 UTC No. 220169
Imo they like to preach it, but never do as they preach
Anonymous at Thu, 16 Jan 2025 04:24:38 UTC No. 220172
I think he's a grifter, he likes to name drop accomplished people like John and George constantly but he's just riding their coat tails
The #1 mma coach in Canada? No wonder the country basically has no talent coming out of it
Anonymous at Thu, 16 Jan 2025 17:05:57 UTC No. 220213
new thread pls
Anonymous at Thu, 16 Jan 2025 20:25:35 UTC No. 220225
Ugh. I feel like I fucking suck lads.
Anonymous at Thu, 16 Jan 2025 20:31:34 UTC No. 220226
welcome to my life
Anonymous at Thu, 16 Jan 2025 20:44:38 UTC No. 220233
Not just yet, last one is still alive
Anonymous at Thu, 16 Jan 2025 20:48:18 UTC No. 220236
I think his stuff has helped me, and he's much more succinct than many others while still providing great details and explanations, I feel like he understands the format better than many other video makers.
I used to care about this but now just enjoy going to class and competing. I don't think I'll enjoy the sport any more the better I get at it. Even if I were going to die a few months from now then I'd still go to class not to try to get a new belt within that timeframe but just because I enjoy it.
Anonymous at Fri, 17 Jan 2025 18:42:11 UTC No. 220339
i hate how much i need to focus on proper nutrition, adequate sleep and recovery to do this sport without feeling like shit 24/7, i wish i was a robot
Anonymous at Fri, 17 Jan 2025 19:59:53 UTC No. 220347
Welcome to being old.
Anonymous at Sat, 18 Jan 2025 13:55:16 UTC No. 220399
Did he shoot him in his ass
Anonymous at Sat, 18 Jan 2025 20:57:13 UTC No. 220424
Its facts fr fr
Anonymous at Sat, 18 Jan 2025 23:35:36 UTC No. 220444
Anonymous at Sun, 19 Jan 2025 02:32:29 UTC No. 220452
Because he gets the drillybois really butthurt by producing world class black belt level athletes inside of 2 years and they have to do lots of mental gymnastics to justify repping for thousands of hours and not getting any better
Anonymous at Sun, 19 Jan 2025 03:14:11 UTC No. 220456
I gotta say I love good dogfight
Anonymous at Sun, 19 Jan 2025 12:01:48 UTC No. 220476
>always get smashed and stuck
What do?
Getting an underhook, a knee shield and working to get up sorta works in that it stops my opponent's attack but I rarely manage to get a sweep or take the back. Often they just sweep my posting arm and we're back to square 1
Anonymous at Sun, 19 Jan 2025 15:08:56 UTC No. 220480
in the gi, when i'm flat on my back and my opponent has a crossface in half-guard, i like to
>grip the back of their belt on the side they have the underhook on
>grip the gi near their ankle on the crossface side
>hip escape out and insert a butterfly hook on the side i have a belt grip
>scoot back in, elevate them with my butterfly hook and either drop them into guard or try a hook sweep
oddly enough the closest video i can find is this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KA_
what really frustrates me personally is when people get a really strong lockdown on me when i'm trying to pass from top half-guard, so that can be worth looking into as well if you want to be a huge fucking faggot
Anonymous at Sun, 19 Jan 2025 16:41:50 UTC No. 220484
Bro if you're in HG and you have the underhook you are in a very good sweeping position: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pW2
Deep half to over/under pass is so high percentage for me in the gi. Don't know why more people to play this.
Anonymous at Mon, 20 Jan 2025 13:15:52 UTC No. 220570
>Deep half to over/under pass is so high percentage for me in the gi. Don't know why more people to play this.
hello bernardo huge honor for /bjj/
Anonymous at Mon, 20 Jan 2025 19:27:01 UTC No. 220611
You made this joke before I could,
Good job!
Anonymous at Tue, 21 Jan 2025 04:00:34 UTC No. 220623
bro i get out of breath and lockdown is all i have to keep from getting passed if i really fuck up tho :(
Anonymous at Tue, 21 Jan 2025 04:49:05 UTC No. 220626
My niggas the lockdown is incredibly easy to defeat
Raise the trapped leg off the ground
Slide the free leg under the lockdown and rest it on there
Then unravel your trapped leg
The hold bottoms out, it only works when it can follow the trapped leg around, the wedge makes it basically dematerialize
For whatever reason a lot og people dont know this, I assume it's because nobody really does it anymore so they never had to troubleshoot the escape, but the move is sort of a noob trap
Anonymous at Tue, 21 Jan 2025 10:41:53 UTC No. 220635
i just hate having to address it, mainly because my training partners tend to do nothing with the lockdown, they just extend me out with full force and attempt to tear my knee ligaments apart
Anonymous at Tue, 21 Jan 2025 19:08:24 UTC No. 220662
>guy with painted nails telling you to touch and grab bodies more often
Anonymous at Tue, 21 Jan 2025 20:55:15 UTC No. 220668
So this is what a "black belt" looks like
If you ever wondered what the current standards are, here ya go
Just bloatmax so much that your neck is too thick to choke, doesn't matter if you can touch your toes or do any techniques
Anonymous at Wed, 22 Jan 2025 07:30:54 UTC No. 220718
not really surprising that a 300 lbs powershitter rolls different from a regular person
Anonymous at Wed, 22 Jan 2025 12:04:05 UTC No. 220729
How (and frankly why) would you learn the proper technique when you're so strong that it works even if you're doing it wrong? No negative feedback makes learning difficult
Anonymous at Wed, 22 Jan 2025 12:20:47 UTC No. 220730
well you can see how he had some trouble submitting his fellow powershitter with zero experience simply because they were about equal in size and strength
that's when learning to do the technique properly makes a difference
guys his size just rarely have a chance to train with similarly sized opponents so they get used to powering out of everything a mortal man can throw at them
Anonymous at Wed, 22 Jan 2025 17:18:32 UTC No. 220736
Because he's an influencer DOCTOR Mike (physical therapist not MD) and "doctor" mike makes his living critiquing other people's workouts and diets while making snarky backhanded comments the entire time
So considering that's his MO and calls himself a "Brazilian jiujitsu athlete" every chance he gets you'd expect him to not look like a 3 stripe white belt on the mat
Anonymous at Thu, 23 Jan 2025 19:09:29 UTC No. 220803
Imagine dying in your 40s because you took steroids to win a sport nobody even watches for a $1000 prize
Anonymous at Thu, 23 Jan 2025 21:29:12 UTC No. 220823
>doing so much roids you look like summer sausage
he should just take a hot shower
he'll feel better
Anonymous at Thu, 23 Jan 2025 21:32:21 UTC No. 220825
fucking hell why does mike just has a huge ass. did all the gh just go to his ass
Anonymous at Fri, 24 Jan 2025 17:09:19 UTC No. 220878
I know. It's also easy to prevent it in the first place. I still use it though, it's a way for me to not get passed. Fuck you you aren't passing, I'll hold you in it the rest of the round while I struggle to sweep you and not get submitted or passed.
Anonymous at Fri, 24 Jan 2025 17:14:32 UTC No. 220880
NEW THREAD >>220879
Anonymous at Sat, 8 Mar 2025 18:24:26 UTC No. 225626
Anonymous at Sun, 9 Mar 2025 01:27:45 UTC No. 225679