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🧵 /sumo/ - Off-Basho General

Anonymous No. 225214

Dan edition

prev >>223106


>Fight Schedule & Results:

>Some sumo links and how to watch live:

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Ancient One.jpg

Anonymous No. 225226

Anonymous No. 225228

Old enough to be Dan's papa-san.
Aonishiki turns 21 on senshuraku

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Anonymous No. 225232

His longevity is truly amazing, and inspires me to stay as fit as I age.

Anonymous No. 225248

Genuinely curious to know what will eventually get him to miss a match.

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Anonymous No. 225251


Anonymous No. 225253

I just can't bring myself to get on the Aonishiki hype train. It's like there's a mental block preventing me from even imagining him in the san'yaku.

Anonymous No. 225258

What's up with Asanoyama anyways? Is he going to try to make the climb again once "healthy"?

Anonymous No. 225259

I think he's got enough left in the tank to get back to the joi before a career-ending injury.

Anonymous No. 225261

The dude who finally wallops him hard enough to produce a career ending injury will become an all time sumo legend

Anonymous No. 225263

I just hope he gets matched up against Asonoyama this time up.

Anonymous No. 225268

Horseshitryu injured, plans on skipping the basho

Anonymous No. 225269

Man if you are gonna shitpost with your terrible nicknames and chris sumo videos, at least watch the video first so your shitposting is correct.

Anonymous No. 225273

>Neph injured
>Zak potentially still not at 100%
It's literally free real estate for Onosato.

Anonymous No. 225275

His master's in hot water at the moment and won't have been focusing on training properly. Additionally, Onosato and his stablemates might be worrying about the possibility of having their stable temporarily closed.

Anonymous No. 225276

My God, we may be heading right into the Perfect Clown Basho Storm...

Anonymous No. 225277

Oh boy, time to throw another dart at the board for which random maegashiras go unbeaten for the first week again!

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Anonymous No. 225278

Chaos Lord Shodai shall rise again

Anonymous No. 225279

Gonna go with Kotoshoho, he was fighting injured the past couple basho and might do well with reduced competition.
Also holy fuck I just realized how far down Mitakeumi's fallen, one more losing score and he'll be in juryo.

Anonymous No. 225280

There's your 7-0s. Screencap this.

Anonymous No. 225281

Every basho is a fucking clown basho

Anonymous No. 225282

Oho 13-2 yusho. Loses to Shodai and Takayasu.

Anonymous No. 225283

At last, it's Takarafuji's turn.

Anonymous No. 225284

Beats Abi via nodowa. Makes Onosato, Gonoyama, and Takeru go backwards at the tachiai. Kotozakura is completely unable to move him. Hip throws Hoshoryu.

Anonymous No. 225286

Bros I can't stop consuming heyasloppa.

Anonymous No. 225287

I just wish they coordinated their content releases to stagger them out through the week.

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Anonymous No. 225288

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Anonymous No. 225289

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Anonymous No. 225290

>kotozakura is winning his practice bouts
>his practice bout opponents
grim. neberzuna

Anonymous No. 225291

Are those sacks for capturing the children afterwards? Could this be how they get the meat for chanko?

Anonymous No. 225292

>noob fans are now so brain damaged by the Hakuho Era that they think it's a clown basho whenever the same yokozuna doesn't win the title

Anonymous No. 225293

yes. thats why numbers of people joining are down. less are making it to age

Anonymous No. 225294

the latest tatsunamislop is A+ garbage

Anonymous No. 225295

Is that a good or bad thing?

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Kosei Motomura (H....webm

Anonymous No. 225296

Children... are strong!

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Anonymous No. 225304

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saitiev asashoryu.jpg

Anonymous No. 225306

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Anonymous No. 225307

Sumobros...we got too cocky.

Anonymous No. 225309

30 years ago the Hawaiians were diverted from promising NFL careers, so this may be one of those "equal exchange" black magic kinda deals

Anonymous No. 225311

Average Yamato fight.

Anonymous No. 225315

You can see the exact moment where Hakuho decides to expand his manlet collection.

Anonymous No. 225319

Yeah you can't buy fighting spirit and awareness like that. Kid certainly raised a lot of eyebrows.

Anonymous No. 225320

He joined Hidenoyama-beya a year ago judging from the file name, he's slowly climbing Jonidan right now.

Anonymous No. 225321

The new rankings mostly stay the same, but Takadagawa now supersedes Arashio, Sakaigawa outranks Tokitsukaze, Hakkaku has dropped way down the rankings to just below Nakamura while
Futagoyama has moved up to just behind Hakkaku and Ajigawa is now on the chart just back of Ikazuchi who are now following Onomatsu who have dropped to the slot behind Tokiwayama which now trails Kokonoe powered by Chiyoshoma surprising surge.

Anonymous No. 225322

does that translate to "the hidden largest mountain" or "the largest hidden mountain"?

Anonymous No. 225323

It means "shut the fuck up who cares".

Anonymous No. 225324

Well, how about you check what 秀 in 秀ノ山 means and report back to this thread once you find out?

Anonymous No. 225325

Not that faggot but it looks like it means "excellent mountain" or "mountain of excellence".

Anonymous No. 225327

If he could decode Japanese, he wouldn't be asking, would he?

Anonymous No. 225328

I think the point is that it's weird to assume "ひで" has anything to do with "hiding", but I have to assume the original post was just making a joke about that similarity in the first place.

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Anonymous No. 225329

>Well, how about you check what 秀 in 秀ノ山 means and report back to this thread once you find out?

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Anonymous No. 225338

Anonymous No. 225345

No, but seriously, why would you think it was "hidden" mountain? That's fucking retarded.

Anonymous No. 225346

Are you really dim enough to not notice
>hiden oyama

did you also not understand back when people were making
>shiden and farden

Anonymous No. 225350

4chan server is back from kyujo, he can still get KK
Would you have preferred "this joke fucking sucked, I'll give you the Kasugano treatment for it" instead

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Yutakayama vs Fuj....webm

Anonymous No. 225352

If the joke had been better, it wouldn't have been so misunderstood.

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Kotetsuyama vs Sa....webm

Anonymous No. 225354

Anonymous No. 225356

fresh chris slop
its over for kirishitma

Anonymous No. 225359

Sounds like the worries about Nephew's elbows were just worries after all. Hopefully March will be bloodbath we'd hoped January would be.

Anonymous No. 225360

Sounds like it'll be a two horse race between Hosh and 'sato.

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Anonymous No. 225361

Anonymous No. 225362


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Anonymous No. 225364

Skinny man

Anonymous No. 225365

He's finally broken free of the hamburger curse Ronald McDonald placed on him as a child

Anonymous No. 225366

>TFW no mo' hambaga

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Anonymous No. 225367

Bike anon pull up
More sumo bike content than ever before

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Anonymous No. 225368

That's some nice sumo content you're watching there. Would be a shame if someone were to stick their third world brown face all over it.

Anonymous No. 225369

Goes to show how much effort he was putting in to stay at his fighting weight. Imagine if every rikishi tried as hard as he did.

Anonymous No. 225370

>Imagine if every rikishi tried as hard as he did.
We would never have another Yokozuna.

Anonymous No. 225376

No fucking way is that 'keisho.

Anonymous No. 225379

mmm tatsusloppa

Anonymous No. 225381

That’s got to be ozempic fueled.

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Anonymous No. 225384

thats a shoop, here you can see in the unretouched orignal that takakeisho is still at his original width

Anonymous No. 225385

losing that much weight when you're THAT overweight wouldn't really take that long.

Anonymous No. 225387

Takakeisho at his peak was a little over 360 pounds at 5'9. For reference, that's fifty pounds heavier than Ura at his heaviest, who is the same height. Sustaining those proportions as an active rikishi takes an absolutely monumental effort, and when that effort is no longer put in, the weight physically cannot remain. I wouldn't be surprised if he was using weight-loss drugs, but if he just ate a normal amount for a month the weight would melt right off him anyway.

Anonymous No. 225388

The trick for retired sumo wrestlers is not to just stop eating as much, but also to keep up active training while doing so. Post-retirement heart issues are usually caused by no longer training and being more sedentary, which prevents the heart from staying healthy.

Anonymous No. 225389

Its always encouraging seeing coaches doing shiko or light exercises while coaching.
And its easy to see who doesn't do that.

Anonymous No. 225390

Fatsos just don't want to admit that eating normally would lose their chub.

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Anonymous No. 225393
Akinoumi vs Terukuni, Haru 1942.
Made the cover of Baseball Magazine.

Anonymous No. 225395

He loosens his mawashi?
No hinkaku.

Anonymous No. 225396

Terukuni was known for that. From his jp wiki page:

Anonymous No. 225397

Legitimate and bold tactic. Yes, loosening the mawashi protects you from belt grips to some extent. But if it becomes too loose and you expose yourself, it's an automatic loss.

Anonymous No. 225398

all he would have to do is stop aggressively stuffing himself with rice and the way active wrestlers do and he weight would just drain off with little effort fairly quickly. losing the last 20 or so pounds of excess weight is the only part of weight loss that requires any substantial willpower or effort

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Anonymous No. 225403

Anonymous No. 225405

when abi gets this training he will be going for the throat

Anonymous No. 225411

Just three days away!

Anonymous No. 225419

Hi Ryuden, shouldn't you be training right now?

Anonymous No. 225432

New characters in Futagoyama-slop!

Anonymous No. 225435

>hey guys our slop is getting kinda boring, nobody is watching anymore, what should we do to fix it?
>i know lets bring in an exciting new character since every is clearly already sick of all the old characters
they already tried this with kikuchi and it flopped hard, don't know why they chose someone so colorless and boring.

Anonymous No. 225437

>nobody is watching anymore
Don't know about that chief. Still averaging over 400k a video.

Anonymous No. 225441

Most of those are bots run by Futagoyama's yakuza friends.

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Anonymous No. 225443

Anonymous No. 225448

how is kikuchi a flop

I bet some of you weebs can name an anime for that

Anonymous No. 225449

>how is kikuchi a flop
zero pizazz

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Anonymous No. 225451

Anonymous No. 225454


Anonymous No. 225455

this is HIS tournament. Takarafuji WILL win.

Anonymous No. 225457

Hakuho's reaction when Terunofuji chose Kusano over Takarafuji for the last sekitori picks for his draft team was funny.

Anonymous No. 225465

Is Teru's haircut scheduled yet?

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Anonymous No. 225470

Kogabros... If we let KEKuchi defeat us and leave us behind, considering that the two new recruits have ALREADY defeated us (in height and weight), where the hell are we going to hide? Four new recruits, including Mita, have passed us by like we were trash...

Anonymous No. 225473

His Judo cousin will join and surpass him as well

Anonymous No. 225478

Koga wouldn't be in that position if he wasn't so lazy. He doesn't do shit outside of morning practice, he could easily be a muscle manlet by now at his age and be in sandanme or makushita instead of still on the ass end of the banzuke. He is repulsive, being forced to see that mopey loser is one of the big turn offs of that youtube channel, I stopped watching it when Isegahama & Tatsunami slop became available

Anonymous No. 225479

Koga has it all worked out. He's going to loiter around in Futagoyama-beya until his parents die - because they don't need to support him NEETing, they will amass more money than they otherwise would. When they die, all their money will go to Koga, who, after nearly thirty years of eating chanko and doing the bare minimum of training, will have reached his final form as a true Ugly Bastard. He will then use the money to buy a run-down apartment complex in a small and nondescript city, and live the dream. Koga knows what he's doing.

Anonymous No. 225480

>When they die, all their money will go to Koga,
Japan has the third highest inheritance tax in the world. There's a saying "wealth only last three generations" which is why rich dynasties focus on long-term business heirs instead of short-term wealth gain.

Anonymous No. 225481

Trust the plan.

Anonymous No. 225482

Chrissloppa. The tldr:

>Kirishima won't pull out, but is worried about taking tachiais
>Hoshoryu went 15-1 in practice, looking insane despite having the shits from food a few days ago
>Daieisho actually wants to try for Ozeki and has been working on his belt fighting, but fucking sucks at it
>Zak is looking to be in great form, refuses to answer questions about losing Ozeki because it's just not happening
>Tobi is more or less innocent about the gay charges against him

Anonymous No. 225483

>Hoshoryu went 15-1 in practice
Did he lose to Oho again

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Anonymous No. 225485

You know, you could know all of these things days or weeks in advance if you read sumoforum. You might even know more about them. Stop posting Chris cancer.

Anonymous No. 225488

>Zak is looking to be in great form, refuses to answer questions about losing Ozeki because it's just not happening
its happening, false bravado confirms

Anonymous No. 225489

Zak will lose ozeki this month, get back ozeki in May, and make yokozuna in November.

Anonymous No. 225490

It would be pretty insane if he did lose it considering he won the 2024 award for most wins in bashos, beating out Onosato by a single win in the final day of November. It's easy to rag on the guy for being possibly the least aggressive rikishi in ozumo, but if his injury has passed there's zero reason to believe he'll go much worse than 11-4.

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Anonymous No. 225492

Mitakeumi had the second most wins of 2021, behind only Terunofuji. We all know how that went.

Anonymous No. 225494

What a dumb post lmao. Zak is nothing like Mitakeumi. Zak has been a strong 'zeki the whole time besides that one 8-7 and his injured basho in January. Can of that new Rio flavour Monster says he goes 10+ wins.

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Shodai had the mo....png

Anonymous No. 225495

I'm saying that "most wins in a year" has nothing to do with anything.

Anonymous No. 225496

>his injury has passed
That's basically what I'm thinking, that it's not as healed as he wants to think. He'll bounce back in May though.

Anonymous No. 225497

But by then 'sato will be 'zuna.

Anonymous No. 225498

Triple zuna by the end of the year, trust the plan.

Anonymous No. 225499

Onosato will never be Yokozuna. Nasty ankle injury in May, then his metabolism collapses and he balloons up to 550lbs during recovery. Successful return to the top division, but then he spends eight years being Ichinojo II. Heart attack at 43.

Anonymous No. 225500

>Heart attack at 43
He'll make it to at LEAST 45.

Anonymous No. 225503

God I love ozumosloppa.

Anonymous No. 225509

henchman eyebrows

Anonymous No. 225512

He got that fucking dawg in em he’s punished and his black belt is a testament to his resolve

Anonymous No. 225515

resolve is just going to make his knee injury get worse. he should've had the surgery before last basho, he'd have returned to competition as M13 instead he is going to end up dropping down to makushita or sandanme like asanoyama.

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Anonymous No. 225517
>Day 1
>Hoshoryu vs Abi

Anonymous No. 225521

Already getting his first L as Yokozuna.

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Anonymous No. 225523


Anonymous No. 225527

>Day 1 Takkers
The zensho run was over before it began.

Anonymous No. 225537

So how the fuck do I watch any division below Makuuchi now? I wanna follow at least juryo but NHK refuses to let me.

Anonymous No. 225539

Abema + VPN

Anonymous No. 225541

if you're a true fan you will find a way

Anonymous No. 225543

This >>225539 is probably the best way, but if you don't care that much about the stream quality I would say restreaming channels from yt and twitch can do the job.

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Anonymous No. 225545

>poshos/affiliates bought up all the good Albert Hall sumo tickets before general sale
>cheapest seats left are in excess of £900, not factoring in additional cost of pubic transport to and from L*ndonistan
>would cost as much, if not a little less to fly to japan and see a basho there
Guess I'll be watching it streamed, for free, live from the gooncave then. Fuck you Hakkaku you greedy old bald cunt.

Anonymous No. 225546

I wouldn't go to London even if the sumo was free.

Anonymous No. 225547

>1 day before the 'sho
>no new Chris video
dude is slippin, really dropping the ball
i NEED to know who won or loss meaningless bouts in practice sessions, the Koga vs Kikuchi slop isn't cutting the mustard

Anonymous No. 225548

>Koga vs Kikuchi
Decisive Koga victory, Kikuchi is "resting from injuries" and will be taking some more kyujo days this basho.

Anonymous No. 225551

Taking the first 5 days off in January and still getting KK was chad af

Anonymous No. 225552

imagine the controversy at futagoyama if nabatame gets 3 more wins than roga this time around

Anonymous No. 225554

Kikuchi can kyujo 5 bouts and still be better than Koga.

>t. Nobehara

Anonymous No. 225555

Imagine Roga vs Nabatame play off for the juryo basho and Roga gets henka'd by Nabakek.

Anonymous No. 225557

Why do you think Kikuchi keeps getting injured in training right before tournaments?

Anonymous No. 225559

Best beya to visit if I want a glass bottle shoved up my ass? The JSA will be clamping down on Nishonoseki so that one's out of the question.

Anonymous No. 225560

Hakkaku-beya. He can't punish himself, can he?

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Akua's natur....jpg

Anonymous No. 225567

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Anonymous No. 225568

the more liquid the stronger he becomes

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天空海 Akua.webm

Anonymous No. 225570

Anonymous No. 225571

Tell me about Akua. Why does he wear the mask?

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Anonymous No. 225572

Show me a more wild kimono

Anonymous No. 225574
>terunofuji and hakuho calling for mono-ii every time their team loses

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Anonymous No. 225580

Anonymous No. 225582

They're lucky they don't enforce that seppuku rule. I think they should start holding the judges to it though.

Anonymous No. 225584

What if there were two gyoji fighting with knives at the same time as the rikishi
I think that'd be interesting

Anonymous No. 225590

gourmet slop

Anonymous No. 225592

I wish they would get someone who speaks english to do the subtitles

Anonymous No. 225594

Anonymous No. 225597
Oitekaze-oyakata thinks he's so slick trying to add "dai" in front of sumo terms and calling them shikona. He'll probably name some kid Dairikishi or Daishikona at this rate.

Anonymous No. 225598

Daishiko would actually be badass.

Anonymous No. 225602


Anonymous No. 225604

dai- is an easy prefix, imagine how many shikona you can create with -fuji, I think Isegahama is at the limit lol. I wonder if Teru will keep the suffix for his stable.

Anonymous No. 225605


Anonymous No. 225606

So what's the rundown on suspected/known injuries coming into things?

Anonymous No. 225608

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SUMO Natsu Basho ....webm

Anonymous No. 225611

Anonymous No. 225614

If Roga is really the tallest rikishi at Futa-beya it's seriously a manlet gathering.

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Anonymous No. 225617

Neph is going 0-2 then kyujo on day 3.

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Anonymous No. 225621

Horshityu about to get flowcharted

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onosato bottle.jpg

Anonymous No. 225627

Anonymous No. 225628

This is so fucking cursed.

Anonymous No. 225629

He looks uncomfortable because he's actually holding two of those.

Anonymous No. 225630

Predict how many days until this basho gets the 4chan Clown Basho™ symbol of approval.

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horseshit on the ....jpg

Anonymous No. 225632

its already clown because horseshitryu isn't a real yokozuna, nobody gets promoted on 25 wins over two bashos

Anonymous No. 225633

But he won 27 fights?

Anonymous No. 225636

They didn't give it to Takakeisho when he put up those same numbers, they only gave it to Horseshit because they were afraid of being accused of racism by the Mongols

Anonymous No. 225637

Keisho went 12-3JY 13-2Y, while Hosh went 13-2JY 12-3Y with a three way playoff.
>uhhh the playoff doesn't count sweetie :)
Thank God the YDC don't have to give a fuck what you think.

Anonymous No. 225638


Anonymous No. 225639

If Hosh doesn't get 46+ yushos by the time he retired he's a failed Yokozuna.

Anonymous No. 225640

Speaking of Hoshoryu, get some Tatsusloppa in you.

Anonymous No. 225641

minus 5 >>225276

Anonymous No. 225642

Well, turns out Nephew's elbows are fine, Zak has been blowing away his practice partners, and the sake-crammed one has been going toe-to-toe with Nephew in practice, only dropping off after a bunch of bout as his bigger size means worse cardio than Nephew. The top 3 are all looking like serious contenders. I'd bet 'sato does the best out of all of them.

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Anonymous No. 225645

>Hoshoryu reported had a bad stomach a week ago
>Latest Tatsusloppa has them cooking "yakiniku" like this

Anonymous No. 225646

umeyama >-<

Anonymous No. 225650

I seem to recall a parody article about sumo from some years ago that named Hoshoryu as the unfortunate wrestler who shat himself in the ring, incurring an automatic loss. I can't find it any more, but maybe it was oddly prescient.

Anonymous No. 225651
>that one guy holding a bowl for the entire video
Pretty cool joint training session video though.

Anonymous No. 225652

I didn't say it WAS a clown basho, I said it COULD be.

Anonymous No. 225654

>sumo starts up today
>quickly read up on the /xs/ threads I missed
>60% of it was useless shitflinging and flame wars
Yup, it's good to be back.

Anonymous No. 225655

natto site up yet?

Anonymous No. 225656

what is the purpose of the bowl

Anonymous No. 225657

>User: large
>Pass: sushi
I'll add it in the opening post if I make the first thread this basho.

Anonymous No. 225658

don't advertise it in OP, that'll just make it easier for NHK to get it shut down.

Anonymous No. 225659

Natto started using Abema instead of NHK. That's not to say that some buzzkill couldn't report Natto anyways, but I reckon that posting the user/pass in the OP wouldn't have changed much if that was the case.

NHK No. 225660

Thanks for the tip, sucker! I got your IP, I'm sending my best ninjas to your house right fucking now, you better be ready.

Anonymous No. 225661

In honor of the big day I stole the /nba/ OP for sumo r8

Unscrupulous Re-Streamer No. 225663

Nooooo NHK please don't kill me and use my remains for chankonabe nooooo

Anonymous No. 225664

I'm wondering if it's supposed to be training muscle memory for how far apart his hands should be when coming up at the tachiai. Maybe he was also doing suriashi with it earlier.
He has his fingers on the bowl in a very specific way, which seems pointless if he's just supposed to be holding it.

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Anonymous No. 225665

Like this.

Anonymous No. 225666

It's a bowl full of salt. That's it. A lower ranker holds it so that it's always at the ready when needed.
It's probably an honor or some shit to get to hold the salt and watch up close. You see it at every kyokai held joint practice during practice bouts.

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Anonymous No. 225667

Mitakeumi, back when he looked more intimidating.

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御嶽海大関昇進伝達式生配信 SUM....webm

Anonymous No. 225669

It makes a little sad that this webm ended up being an accurate prediction of his ozeki career.

Anonymous No. 225671

That's where you're wrong. Just like in Karate Kid, the little black kid was taught by the great Jackie Chan to take his sweater off and put it back on, and it was actually a secret training method; so to is the Way of the Bowl. Your mind is just too weak to understand.

Anonymous No. 225672

>Ozeki falls over and gets back problems from sitting down and accepting promotion

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Anonymous No. 225673

yeah whatever nerd

Anonymous No. 225675

Me on the right (in the brown mawashi).

Anonymous No. 225676

Jonokuchi bouts are starting shortly, welcome to Osaka.

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Anonymous No. 225677


Anonymous No. 225678

This is me when I wake up...

Anonymous No. 225691

Underrated post.

Anonymous No. 225692

That's the salt bitch. The salt bitch holds the salt.

Anonymous No. 225695

>Time to drink up anon!
>What are you doing? Drop your pants

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Anonymous No. 225696

>only Hoshoryu and Oho in the new opening

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Anonymous No. 225717


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Hoshoryu vs Abi -....webm

Anonymous No. 225721

Anonymous No. 225722

is there anyone Abi can't kill

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Abi vs Hakuho - N....webm

Anonymous No. 225723

There is not.

Anonymous No. 225724

Unironically, only the JSA

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Anonymous No. 225725

>unstoppable nodowa meets unbreakable neck

Anonymous No. 225726

gentlemen...we need to get this man to the top division to stop Abi's reign of terror
he's our only hope against Ablivion

Anonymous No. 225727

Anon... the white circles indicate victories. Not losses.

Anonymous No. 225728

I thought I was going crazy since >>225726 didn't say nothing about it lmao

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Anonymous No. 225730

Oops, I meant to say Tokushinho

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endo vs chiyoshom....webm

Anonymous No. 226021

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Chiyoshoma vs Nis....webm

Anonymous No. 226022

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Hakuho vs Homasho....webm

Anonymous No. 226024

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Anonymous No. 226065

Anonymous No. 226076

The kinboshi philanthropist...

Anonymous No. 226079

i dont think you know what philanthropist does..also he gave out 3, so what? there's been many zunas doing the same before.

Anonymous No. 226084

Oh we know Hosh is in good company

him and Futahaguro, names that are going to be side by side for eternity

Anonymous No. 226085

He's already won more tournaments than futahaguro, stop being ridiculous.

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Anonymous No. 226086

Don't worry Anon. Some of us still berieve.

Anonymous No. 226091

Hoshoryu "Better than Futahaguro" Tomokatsu, the 74th Yokozuna.

Anonymous No. 226116

I had a dream last night where one of the rikishi threw the entire basket of salt into the other guy's face

Anonymous No. 226141


Anonymous No. 226146

I had a dream last year that Kotakiyama (from Futagoyama-beya) tricked me into handing him my phone to check something, and then he broke my screen and smirked at me. Everything I've seen of him makes him seem like a decent lad, but I just can't help myself from disliking him a little because of that dream.

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Wakatakamoto vs R....webm

Anonymous No. 226174

Anonymous No. 226175

The one-armed helicopter has got to be so fucking demoralizing.

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asashoryu 3 pointer.webm

Anonymous No. 226273

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Midorifuji vs Asa....webm

Anonymous No. 226274

Anonymous No. 226297

>Midorifuji not using a green mawashi

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Anonymous No. 226325

Anonymous No. 226326

It's finally over. We managed nine threads on /sp/ this tournament, so we get an Outstanding Performance prize.

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Anonymous No. 226329

He's a big lad

Anonymous No. 226330

Hosh*ryu intai by 2026

Anonymous No. 226331

Is nabatame dropping to makushita?

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Anonymous No. 226332

Likely not, unless they decide to fuck him over completely

Anonymous No. 226336

Assuming 3/4 Makushita/Juryo promotions/demotions, is Mita in?

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Anonymous No. 226339

Newest disappointed takayasu dropped

Anonymous No. 226340

>Onosato Yokozuna run
It was, afterall, inevitable.

Anonymous No. 226341

He should be.

Otsuji, Kiryuko, Hokutofuji, and Kitanowaka should drop. Miyagi, Daiamami, Mita, and Mudoho should be promoted.

Anonymous No. 226342

Onokuni would like word.

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Anonymous No. 226343

Such a scumbag. Just look at him.

Anonymous No. 226344

For that matter, what do we think the makuuchi-juryo swaps will be?

Mitakeumi, Nishikifuji, Shirokuma, and Takarafuji down
Tamashoho, Kayo, Roga, and Tochitaikai up?

Anonymous No. 226345


Anonymous No. 226347

Futahaguro gave away less kinboshi than Hosh on debut. Admittedly Futa's fusen was given to Konishiki who would've completely flattened him anyway, but still.

Anonymous No. 226349


Anonymous No. 226350

The one true king, is that you?

Anonymous No. 226351

Not that I'm aware of.

Anonymous No. 226352


Anonymous No. 226353

He can't even keep up the sumo stoicism, he's just so happy. And I would be too if I dreamed of becoming a great Yokozuna and my only "rivals" were a marshmallow with a broken knee and a bad version of Asashoryu.

Anonymous No. 226355

He really has come into this at the perfect time. Onosato era begins... now.

Anonymous No. 226357

Cute bid. Good shot of Kinbozan riding away on a bike at the end for bikelad.

Anonymous No. 226359

Thank goodness the basho is over. Now we can get back to beyasloppa.

Anonymous No. 226362

Futagoyama is getting ANOTHER new recruit. Exciting times for sloppa fans!

Anonymous No. 226363

What's his background?

Anonymous No. 226364

Probably just the default Windows one like most people.

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Anonymous No. 226365

Nah, that's a Wallpaper Engine smirk.

Anonymous No. 226367

He's already damaged goods

Anonymous No. 226368

It's up.

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Anonymous No. 226369


Anonymous No. 226370

>Haru 2001, combined M1-5 wins
>Haru 2025, combined M1-5 wins

The single best metric of how strong an era of sumo is is how many wins the high maegashira get. The more wins they get, the worse the sanyaku is, the weaker the era is.

Anonymous No. 226379

we're already a year into it, he has won 3 of the last 6.
the so-called yokozuna has only won 1 of the last 10

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Anonymous No. 226380

>damaged goods

Anonymous No. 226382

It's a limiter. You know how cagey old man Futagoyama is with revealing the power levels of his promising recruits.

Anonymous No. 226384

You're right. It's amazing how lucky Horseshitryu got with this promotion as I doubt he'll ever live up to the rank.

Anonymous No. 226385

Was she even here this basho?

Anonymous No. 226386

The yakuza replaced her with that guy with the ballin' white suit/hat.

Anonymous No. 226387

this basho? she hasn't been attending since she got stalked, several basho/years ago.

Anonymous No. 226389


Anonymous No. 226390

Are you factoring in how many Sanyaku there actually were?

Anonymous No. 226391

So was Mita.

Anonymous No. 226392

Just a rich guy in a white suit that was in the front all basho.

Anonymous No. 226393

I probably should desu. Top 16 minus sanyaku, then just average the wins of whatever shitters remain. In fact, lets do it to those two basho and see what happens.
>Haru 2001
Sanyaku was 11 guys, so (3+1+7+6+6)/5 = 4.6 wins on average.
>Haru 2025
Sanyaku is 7 guys, so (9+9+7+6+6+3+12+7+7)/9 = 7.333 wins on average.

Pretty shocking difference. The current Sanyaku just aren't fit for purpose. As it stands only Onosato and Daieisho are deserving.

Anonymous No. 226394

I meant about the woman / Shodai connection. She a fan or something?

Anonymous No. 226395


Anonymous No. 226396

If it didn't look weird I wouldn't be asking.

Anonymous No. 226397

This is an interesting metric, and one that I haven't seen before. However, one basho is just one basho. Are either of those Harus exceptional for their year? Is there a steady trend towards more joi wins over the past twenty years? What about the respective retirements of the last few Yokozunas? Does their departure coincide neatly with an increased upper maegashira win rate, implying that the number is really an indicator of whether a strong Yokozuna exists, or is it less easily correlated and truly an indicator of a weak san'yaku as a whole?

Anonymous No. 226400

He’s yakuza? I assumed he was a horn player in a local ska band.

Anonymous No. 226401

You are asking too many questions, he was only looking for something that would back up his opinion on a surface level.

Anonymous No. 226403

I assume that suit must be fucking rank after wearing it 15 days straight.

Anonymous No. 226404

Sounds British.

Anonymous No. 226405

The fat has reached your brain, mutty

Anonymous No. 226406

Maybe he washed it every night.

Anonymous No. 226407

If you have any evidence demonstrating that actually our current barebones constantly changing sanyaku is in fact comparable to the ones of 20 years ago with multiple Yokozuna and upwards of five Ozeki, I'd love to see it.

Anonymous No. 226408

It's more competitive, which makes it more interesting to watch.

Anonymous No. 226409

It's not interesting when Stevie Wonder throwing darts can pick your winners.

Anonymous No. 226410

For you.

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Anonymous No. 226412


Anonymous No. 226413

Highly recommend watching Natto's video of the winner's interview with Onosato. It's a masterclass in

>Question about a specific thing
I focused on my brand of sumo
>Question about a specific thing
My fighting spirit helped me win
>Question about a specific thing
I was confident and after 15 days am glad I had a winning record
>Question about a specific thing
I'll do my best in the next basho
>*round of applause*

Can't tell who's taken the harder knocks to the head; Onosato or the crowd.

Anonymous No. 226419

I see a Hokutofuji hairline in the future

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[Bows respectfull....webm

Anonymous No. 226426

Perfectly japanese answers

Anonymous No. 226429

yeah, but he is tall too. hopefully he doesn't turn into another useless wakamiyabi

Anonymous No. 226430

the new stable slop season is upon us

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Anonymous No. 226432

he devestated the banzuke, won the arrows in his first makuuchi basho

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Anonymous No. 226434

10-4 against maegashira opponents where only 2 were joi, one of which was already shiting, isn't devastating
i like him, and will be hoping he doesn't end up a megashitters

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Anonymous No. 226439

Anybody got a pic of Onosato with his Seabream yet? Or have they not taken it?
Was really hoping I'd see Takayasu with it, but not really surprised...

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Anonymous No. 226441


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Anonymous No. 226442

Called aonishiki 11-4 I’m the sumo scholar trust me this kids gonna be special where you at anon that said he was gonna go 8-7 I think you owe my boy and I an apology

Anonymous No. 226443

Horrifying, thank you.

Anonymous No. 226445

I was right in that Aonishiki would only be able to beat Oho of the sanyaku he faced. Daieisho is just a bigger, stronger version of himself. Well, minus Aonishiki's uncanny ability to be immune to any form of push down.

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Anonymous No. 226446

many rikishi have a nice result in their makuuchi debut. the question is whether he can deliver in the following ones.

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Anonymous No. 226447

Never believe

Anonymous No. 226448

Don't you get fined for actually answering the questions?

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Anonymous No. 226449

that dude didnt care, he just wanted to be in the picture

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Anonymous No. 226450


Anonymous No. 226451

So how would you guys rank this basho?

>Pleasant surprise?
Aonishiki and Kusano
>Bitter disappointment?
>Not surprising but still unpleasant
Oho’s first appearance in the sanyaku
Mitakeumi dying on the dohyo
>As expected

Started off clowny as fuck, but settled into a decent race and the best fighter won.

Anonymous No. 226452

I'd say 5/10. It went to show just how weak an era we're in. The only redeeming thing is that we might just have a great Yokozuna in the making.

Anonymous No. 226453

>Competition bad
>Status quo good

Anonymous No. 226454

It's more of a classic
>old thing good
>new thing bad

Anonymous No. 226455

>Sumo has always been at its most popular when there's dominant Yokozuna
>But I know better

Anonymous No. 226456

>Only popular things are good.

Anonymous No. 226457

This but unironically.

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Anonymous No. 226458


Anonymous No. 226459

Sumo had a massive decline in popularity in the middle of Hakuho's tenure, specifically because he was a sole dominant yokozuna and it was boring. The yakuza and betting scandals were just the culmination of it.
Sumo has been most popular when there are multiple competitive yokozuna and/or ozeki. Strong Onosato is good. Strong Hoshoryu is also good. Strong Kotozakura is also good. Attendance rose in spite of Teru being perma-injured because fans wanted to watch multiple strong ozeki compete to see who would make yokozuna first.

Anonymous No. 226460

And all it took for a decline to happen was 20 straight years of dominance from Yokozuna.

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Anonymous No. 226461

Thanks for reposting, Slovakbro
and thanks for the ref so I can keep up my tradition

Anonymous No. 226462

Because it wasn't A yokozuna, it was multiple yokozuna at the same time. Attendance lagged when Asashoryu was sole yokozuna too, until Hakuho rose to challenge him. Because it wasn't the "dominant yokozuna" part that draws sales, it was the "strong top-level competition" that does. Whether that's multiple strong yokozuna, or multiple strong ozeki fighting to become ozeki, it's the competition that's important.

Anonymous No. 226463

Tatsunami Okami-san is so pretty...

Anonymous No. 226464

Onosato was the only sanyaku to get 10+ wins. Last time this happened was Aki 2021.

Anonymous No. 226465

Well considering it's either fight well or be sent straight to the frontlines he should feel quite motivated to keep this up.

Anonymous No. 226466

Can't believe Onosato's been fighting that long already.

Anonymous No. 226467

Yeah and he's not even Yokozuna yet. He's just nothing compared to Hakuho. Sad!

Anonymous No. 226487

Decent competition is important. I'd rather see two men fighting for a 15-0 result than six men fighting for a 12-3.

Anonymous No. 226489

>I'd rather see two men fighting for a 15-0 result than six men fighting for a 12-3.
Kind of a stupid thing to latch on to. How is the competition more "decent" if there are two guys who beat everybody instead of 6 guys who are about equal? The issue with sumo right now isn't even the skill level, it's the injuries. If you want to see better competition, they should just move to fewer tournaments per year.

Their eras all would've been considerably more competitive with fewer tournaments as well.

Anonymous No. 226490

I want to see dominant and powerful Yokozunas regularly clashing and putting up strong performances. This is the mainstream view, if attendance figures are to be believed. It isn't as interesting or exciting if you're just waiting to see which middle of the pack Maegashira will be in the yusho race this basho, and which members of the san'yaku will exit through the revolving door. I agree that injuries are an ever-present hazard, but I will never say that I want to watch less tournaments a year. Instead, I think that more safety protocols and ringside medical assistance should be instituted in training, touring, and tournaments, that wrestlers should be discouraged or forbidden from fighting with serious or chronically unrepaired injuries, and that sumo training school should include a comprehensive and professional module about safely exercising and gaining mass.

Anonymous No. 226492

If the six men are all sanyaku then it'd be outstanding.

Anonymous No. 226493

And if they aren't (as usual) then it'd be a clown basho.

Anonymous No. 226494

Will Shikihide ever take in a new recruit again?

Anonymous No. 226496

Sure, everyone wants to say they saw the best ever regularly go at it in their primes.
People who remember the wars Hakuho and Asashoryu fought between ‘07 and ‘10 will cherish those memories.
But that doesn’t discount the excitement of a wide-open yusho race.

Multiple Yokozuna eras are great when they are both healthy. It kind of sucks, though, when they are all permagimped and are constantly dropping out.
The four Yokozuna era of 2017 was kind of a wet fart because they were never healthy together.
Even afterwards, after Kisenosato retired, Hakuho and Kakuryu were constantly going kyujo.

I’ll take a wide open race instead of having the Yokozunas just trading off cup wins by alternating their kyujos.

Anonymous No. 226497

Constant kyujo is annoying, yes. I'd rather a Yokozuna retired earlier than dragged his career out, taking ever longer to recover from each good showing. However, I don't share your enthusiasm for a wide open race. I expect the highest ranking men on the banzuke to be the ones in the yusho race, and if they aren't, I feel let down and disappointed.

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Anonymous No. 226499

>if they aren't, I feel let down and disappointed

Anonymous No. 226500

If you've never been disappointed watching sports, you haven't been watching sports long enough.

Anonymous No. 226501

Feeling let down is one thing. Feeling let down after a good game is just faggy.

Anonymous No. 226502

Feeling let down when things don't live up to your expectations is incredibly normal, in sports and in everything else. If you thought it was a good game, good for you. Not everyone shares your tastes.

Anonymous No. 226503

Finally he gets it.

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Anonymous No. 226505

I don't want to see the which maegashitter of the week will be in the yusho race like some bad saturday morning cartoon villain. I want ash to send team rocket blasting off at the end of the episode.
Simple as

Anonymous No. 226506

odds on daieisho putting up 13 wins in may and saving his ozeki candidacy?

Anonymous No. 226507

I feel like if he ever becomes anything but a sekiwake, something horrible will happen

Anonymous No. 226509

Pretty slim.
He’s put up 13 wins only once in his career in the top division and that was four years ago.
He did put up a 12 wins only once performance in 2023.
…and that’s all his 12+ win performances.

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Anonymous No. 226511

>taking ever longer to recover from each good showing.
The big difference between Horseshitryu & Teru is that when Teru managed to show up in shape to compete, he was dominant and would win. 2023 & 2024 he won every basho he finished, in 2022 he put up a couple of 11-4 & won one and in 2021, the year he was promoted, he won 4 & JY'd the other two.
Horseshitryu will never be able to equal that performance, he is a 10-5 guy when healthy and he has a history of starting poorly, so one should expect a bunch more early pull outs from him. He yokozuna tenure will be short and pathetic.

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Anonymous No. 226512

nothing against him, but that's very unlikely. He's 31..I mean tamawashi did 13-2 at 35yo, but that's tamawashi.

Anonymous No. 226513

to be fair to horseshitryu, 27-30 can be the years someone is physically strongest. he could turn out to be more dominant.
i don't think he will. i think injuries will get him, he isn't built different like uncle.

Anonymous No. 226514

I don't think he's hit his peak yet. As he is right now, he's good for multiple 10s and 11s throughout the year with the occasional 12 and 13. If he can improve that to multiple 12s and the occasional 14, that would be as much as anyone can expect from him. Unfortunately, Onosato is his contemporary. I think that even if he doesn't get injured, Hoshoryu will be lucky to win one cup a year from now until he turns 30.

Anonymous No. 226516

Yeah, he is a lot lankier with a higher center of gravity. He needs to get wider if he wants to win.
Asashoryu had great balance because his physical form lent itself to that. He was pretty much an oversized muscle manlet. Who else could've possibly kept himself off the clay in this situation?

Anonymous No. 226518

Onosato clearly has the ability to dominate the upper division in a way a yokozuna should, he already does. Winning 3 out of the last 6 is Dai stuff, do that for a decade and you got 30 cups.

Anonymous No. 226521

>I don't think he's hit his peak yet
Thats what I was getting at. The problem is he hurt his throwing arm and that is most of his sumo. It doesn't help that onosato and kotozakura are big bodies that will stress that throwing arm when they inevitably fight in regular tournaments, the joint practices, and elsewhere. He needs something for them

Anonymous No. 226526

He needs to be able to win a straightforward belt battle with forward-moving muscle power. If he can't do that then he might as well drop out as soon as his elbow starts to twinge.

Anonymous No. 226528

Didn't Ura do a similar thing against Teru once? Minus the part where the other guy falls. Teru just sorta looked at him disappointed.

Anonymous No. 226529

>He needs something for them
2000 shikos, 1000 pushups and 500 pull ups a day for the rest of his career. If he wants a yokozuna career that doesn't lead to a shameful early retirement then he needs to get substantially better than he currently is. Meisei was the best wrestler from his stable in Osaka.

Anonymous No. 226530

Never knew about that rule. Crazy that there's actually a rule in place to protect rikishi like that.

Anonymous No. 226531

>do that for a decade
If only it were that easy without exploding your knees

Anonymous No. 226533

Kisenosato is really insistent about going heavy on the lower body and flexibility training, don't know if thats good or bad

Anonymous No. 226535

>He needs to become Asashoryu
I don't think its happening at this point
He needs to add 10kg a week until he can squat onosato and kotozakura's combined weight for fahve

Anonymous No. 226536

doesn't really matter. look at shodai's knees and teru's. The latter had non-existent knees, still got 10yushos and zuna, while shitdai is what it is.

Anonymous No. 226541

You can either live in mediocrity, or die in knee braces.

Anonymous No. 226542

This should be the 4cc team logo

Anonymous No. 226544


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Anonymous No. 226547

Anonymous No. 226548

You're not owed a yusho, if you want it so much then work on your flaws and do better next tournament. He's a strong wrestler but he could have been so much better, the only thing holding him back is his own wallowing in self-pity.

Anonymous No. 226549

Onosato's left foot on the towara at that last throw attempt also did a pretty good job of holding him back desu.

Anonymous No. 226551

What was the worst record a yokozuna ever got without quitting the tournament/retiring?

Anonymous No. 226552

>Sumo had a massive decline in popularity in the middle of Hakuho's tenure, specifically because he was a sole dominant yokozuna and it was boring.
He became less dominant right around the halfway point, when other yokozuna started to emerge. Your reasoning makes no sense.
>Attendance rose in spite of Teru being perma-injured because fans wanted to watch multiple strong ozeki compete to see who would make yokozuna first.
If this were true, they wouldn't have rushed Hoshoryu to the rope. A ceremony here and there can't be worth that much.

Anonymous No. 226553

7-8, Onokuni (now Shibatayama oyakata)
He immediately offered to retire but was told to gambarize, he skipped the next tournament, got 8-7 in the next, then went kyujo for 4 more tournaments.

Anonymous No. 226554

Onosato's efforts would have meant nothing if Takayasu hadn't already lost fights that he could have won.

Anonymous No. 226555

>Yeah, he is a lot lankier with a higher center of gravity. He needs to get wider if he wants to win.
Lankiness isn't a disadvantage in sumo. Long arms are a straight up advantage and long legs can work. Look at Akebono' center of mass. Hell, look at Hakuho's: he's actually quite lanky too. Hoshoryu could perhaps work on balance, his frame is fine.

Yes, he needs muscle, not fat.

I'm actually wondering if the extra weight he put on is hindering the technical aspects of his sumo. I know he made an effort to push more and throw less to diversify, but seeing him fuck up that kakenage makes me wonder.

Anonymous No. 226557

I was referring to Hakuho's run as sole yokozuna. I was under the impression that should've been obvious, guess not.
>If this were true, they wouldn't have rushed Hoshoryu to the rope.
Hoshoryu wasn't rushed because they wanted a yokozuna, he was the benefit of regulatory quirks combined with a YDC fuckup.

Anonymous No. 226558

That's injury, not excess size. He's carrying the added weight fairly well, but he's never going to have the same solidity and thickness as his uncle, or the sheer size of Kotozakura and Onosato. The problem is that he also doesn't have the long limbs of someone like Hakuho or Akebono, so he can't do the same lanky sumo that those men could. His build is never going to give him any kind of advantage, but this is balanced by not putting him at any disadvantages either. Hoshoryu must instead rely on ring-sense, study of his opponents, and excellent technical skills if he wants a career that isn't completely overshadowed. He needs to be more like Harumafuji, really.

Anonymous No. 226559

So all Onosato has to do is get over his yusho hangover quickly (he's done it enough times at this point), actually train before the basho, and the rope is completely free. Think about it, yusho hangover hits people so hard because most yusho winners aren't guys who've won it enough times to be jaded to it.

Anonymous No. 226560

Isn't he the one with the highest kinboshi rate of all Yokozuna?

Anonymous No. 226561

Hoshoryu's already started trying to emulate him.

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Anonymous No. 226562

The mongol yokozuna era will be looked back on as a terrible mistake. Two that got kicked out for being scumbags, three weaklings and one who was absent or withdrew far more than he ever showed up.

Anonymous No. 226564

Beware - with the end of the Mongol Era, a new group of foreign devils will take their place, as the Mongols replaced the Hawaiians. Who will it be? Koreans? Indians? Mexicans? You may find yourself missing the Mongols one day.

Anonymous No. 226565

ukrainians obviously

Anonymous No. 226566

Harumafuji wasn't kicked out for being a scumbag; he was kicked out because his hinkaku level was too high. Hakuho gave an upcoming rikishi advice on his sumo, the rikishi blanked Hakuho and got his phone out to message his girlfriend. I'm with Harumafuji, the kid deserved a fucking smack.

Anonymous No. 226569

It's not the Japanese way. He should have used a golf club.

Anonymous No. 226571

I wonder if he made that comment during the inquiry lmao

>I apologise and will make sure to use a golf club next time.

Anonymous No. 226572

Ah, I thought 8 losses meant an automatic firing squad

Anonymous No. 226573

That's likely the kind of stuff that happens all the time at heya. It was Takanohana who made a big deal about it because he wanted him thrown out. That wrestler who got slapped, by the way? He did the same damn thing to another months later and had to quit sumo as well.

Anonymous No. 226574

Mongols are never going to beat the barbarism allegations.

Anonymous No. 226576

Nor will they stop being barbaric.

Anonymous No. 226577

The real reason they wanted Harumafufji out was he was a kinboshi printer and that shit's expensive. Fortunately the JSA have learned their lesson and won't promote any more Yokozuna unless they know 100% they won't be a kinboshi printer.

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Anonymous No. 226578

>Fortunately the JSA have learned their lesson and won't promote any more Yokozuna unless they know 100% they won't be a kinboshi printer.

Anonymous No. 226579

And I thought I was the one to overrate the danny boy

Anonymous No. 226581

The Whaito debiru era is upon us, Tochinoshin. Kaisei and Aoiyama were just the beginning, Shishi and Aonishiki will make Sumo look like Mt. Fuji, all white in the top

Anonymous No. 226582

>Onosato will be billed as the upholder of sumo as Japanese tradition

Anonymous No. 226583

He'll immediately disappoint if he becomes Yokozuna.

Anonymous No. 226584


Anonymous No. 226585

It should be a requirement that to get Yokozuna you must go 15-0 twice in a row at ozeki.

Anonymous No. 226586

So, only Harumafuji was worthy in this millenia? I guess Hakuho would've gotten it at some point.

Anonymous No. 226587

Hm. Asashoryu did it once, apparently.

Anonymous No. 226588

I mean that seems to be the expectation people have? Anything less is considered undeserving and shit.

Anonymous No. 226590

I think smashing a glass bottle over another rikishi's head in a public restaurant is sufficient reason.

Anonymous No. 226591

The recency of the Hakuho era makes people notice the historically low promotion standards more. Somewhat ironically, promotion standards tend to drop when a dominant yokozuna intais. It'll pass.

Anonymous No. 226592

Kaisei is Brazilian.

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Anonymous No. 226594

>the only thing holding him back is his own wallowing in self-pity.
He's had a ton of injuries too. Let's not pretend it's solely because he's a mental manlet.

Anonymous No. 226595

>Somewhat ironically, promotion standards tend to drop when a dominant yokozuna intais.
In Chiyonofuji's case it was the opposite. Thanks Futahaguro.

Anonymous No. 226596

Are people STILL doing this bullshit "not every yokozuna can be Hakuho" rhetoric when Hoshoryu did worse than every single yokozuna since Futahaguro?

Anonymous No. 226597

How dare he get injured. Or are we still pretending that is a lie?

Anonymous No. 226598

>b-b-but he got injured!
Every single rikishi is competing while injured.

Anonymous No. 226600

Every injury is not identical and many rikishi are retarded for fighting through injuries. Look at Enho, who kept working through injuries and has now not been seen outside of the shitter ranks for years now.

Anonymous No. 226602

How do you guys decide which lower division to follow? All I know is that I've been told juryo is boring, and makushita is the lowest available on Natto.

Anonymous No. 226604

hosh will still be your yokozuna and will around for years. deal with it. :) Your favorite never will.

>b-b-but Onosato
He'll get end up forced to retire because the guys a psycho who will end up fucking up hard. He almost fucked his career with the drinking scandal. Really doubt he suddenly changed his personality after a scolding.

Anonymous No. 226605

Upper makushita is the only one worth consistently keeping tabs on because it's everyone fighting for salary. It's exciting for the same reason juryo is boring: the threat of losing salary means juryo is mostly playing it safe instead of being risky, while upper makushita guys take more risks trying to win their salary back.

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Anonymous No. 226608


Anonymous No. 226610

nobody believes it

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Anonymous No. 226611

Anonymous No. 226613

Nope, they just miscalculated. He was 31; "Retirement must be close, who looks promising?" Little did they know, he was yet to hit his peak.

Anonymous No. 226618

You still said he’d go 8-7 admit you were wrong and daieisho is a strong bet aonishiki will beat him with time when he figures out to not let him do his brand of sumo

Anonymous No. 226619

They look like they are having a good time and expected this

Anonymous No. 226621

> He needs to be more like Harumafuji
Or Chiyonofuji who was also undersized.

Anonymous No. 226623

How effective will his style be once he becomes a known entity in the top division? Ryuden showed in his last two matches against him that you can just hook him and lean or pull him down. I think he will get slapped down a lot kinda like how Takerufuji got slapped down by Kotozakura.

Anonymous No. 226626

Ryuden is a great test for newcomers he’s super technically sound. Aonishiki has style that’s gonna be hard to beat when he puts on weight and muscle.

Anonymous No. 226629

Congratulations there's your 4 Yokozuna.

Anonymous No. 226631

As it should be.

Anonymous No. 226632

Takerufuji was looking the strongest when he had his black eye. Once it went away he jobbed. Really makes you think

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Anonymous No. 226633

He should wear eyeliner to fight. Would actually be kino if a top guy started wearing YOOOOOOOOOOOOO style eye make up.

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Anonymous No. 226634

This part cracked me up.

Anonymous No. 226635

I like the part where they uma and oishii.

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Anonymous No. 226636


Anonymous No. 226639

>Are people STILL doing this bullshit "not every yokozuna can be Hakuho" rhetoric
Yes because they think it makes them sound like long-time fans.

If they actually look at the stats, Hakuho obviously lasted a long time, but in terms of Yokozuna dominance, that’s par for the course.
Consider that in the 2020’s, we’ve had 15 cups won by a non-ozeki/yokozuna.
In the FORTY years before that, from 1980 to 2020, there were only 27.

We actually are in a period of unusual weakness in our Yokozuna/ozekis.

Anonymous No. 226642

>How effective will his style be once he becomes a known entity in the top division?
That’s the big unknown. He’s only 20 and he’s still mostly operating on raw talent and instinct. When others adapt to him will he be able to switch up his tactics?
A lot of that depends on coaching ability of Aminishiki too. That’s another unknown since he’s only been running a stable for two years and Aonishiki is actually like the oldest or one of the oldest wrestlers in the stable.