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🧵 /sumo/ - Off-Basho General

Anonymous No. 223106

74th Yokozuna edition



>Fight Schedule & Results:

>Some sumo links and how to watch live:

previous >>221444

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Anonymous No. 223108

>Inb4 assblast anon starts bitching and moaning again for making a new thread because of image limit reached
Also, first for Asasoyryu

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Anonymous No. 223110

Nabatame bros how do we respond

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Anonymous No. 223111


Anonymous No. 223112

>that one basho thread where a Russian anon saw that "girl" brag on 2ch about it and reposted their tweet

Anonymous No. 223113

Lmao oh no

Anonymous No. 223115

I found that thread

Anonymous No. 223116

lower the dohyo
create a womens division
remove 1 foreigner per stable rule
mandatory training and qualifications for oyakatas

Anonymous No. 223117

I don't understand. Nabatame send his dick pic to some prostitute who was actually a man?

Anonymous No. 223120

By sending another.

Anonymous No. 223122

He is Thai, after all - there was no way he'd get through an entire career without at least one ladyboy-related allegation.

Anonymous No. 223123

Given his age when it happened, shouldn't the police get involved against the hooker for sexual exploitation of a minor?

Anonymous No. 223124

It was a trans chick which makes Nabatame the first LBGTQ+ rikishi and that is so h*cking epic my fellow Redditors!!!

Anonymous No. 223125

Tobizaru intai coming in 3... 2...

Anonymous No. 223127

2 basho suspension. The man knows no shame, he won't retire unless he's forced to, and they won't force him over something like this.

Anonymous No. 223128

raise it
build a steel cage around it
allow tag team matches
all training should be televised and structured like the world strongest man contest

I want to see truck pulls, atlas stones, everything.

Anonymous No. 223129

Has anything been proven?

Anonymous No. 223130

weight classes
royal rumble
elo system

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Anonymous No. 223131

American Gladiator bros, we need to make sumo radical.

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Anonymous No. 223132

There is this.

Anonymous No. 223133

>Remove the dohyo, have the spectators form a ring around the rikishi like a school playground fight
>Force foreigners to paint their mawashi with the design of their national flag, the same applies to hafus and other mutts
>Create a women's division, but sell it to Aylo (formerly MindGeek) immediately
>Remove oyakatas and stables entirely, force rikishi to panhandle and set up illegal toll roads to survive
>One basho a year to be held on top of Mount Fuji
>Remove all age, height, and weight limits to join professional sumo, advertise career changes to overworked salarymen on the night train home
>Every mono-ii is an automatic torinaoshi
>Rikishi must get a kachi-koshi in their final basho or retirement requests are denied
I've just fixed sumo. Thank me later.

Anonymous No. 223134

this is nothing though

Anonymous No. 223135

"Please continue to support him, he's a nice guy and most of the allegations are false. He loves children and has a fantastic smile, he's not a bully!"
This is coming from his conservative Japanese personal fan club, and this is the best they can do to spin it. It's pretty much official now that Tobizaru is an absolute asshole, the only question now is how much punishment he's getting.

Anonymous No. 223140

Fuck off back to /redddit/ already, you piece of shit tourist faggot.

Anonymous No. 223141

I would watch this, random people going up against rikishi in an American Gladiator style event.

Anonymous No. 223142

Closest we get is the ocassional rikishi on jap game shows vs other ahtletes, but they are usually very safe challanges.

Anonymous No. 223157

>>charming and innocent smile

he has what? he's retard-looking MF with one of the worse sumo currently.

Anonymous No. 223158

orange cock?

Anonymous No. 223161

He sent tubgirl?

Anonymous No. 223162

>He a good boy!! He didnt do nuffin!

Anonymous No. 223164

No weight classes but a weight limit of 330 would be good and then watch ura become Yokozuna

Anonymous No. 223167

From the thread linked, this happened around March 2021. If that's right, he would have just turned 19.

Anonymous No. 223169

Lmao I was in that thread. I just remembered it as some random low ranker. Can't believe it was Nabatame all along.

Anonymous No. 223170

330 should be the minimum weight limit. Twinks can fuck off to another sport, sumo is for the bloatlords.

Anonymous No. 223173

hakuho cup soon

Anonymous No. 223175

Shut up fatass ura could do kino like this every fight if everyone was pushing 400

Anonymous No. 223176

Wasn’t *

Anonymous No. 223177

Takayasu weighs 400 pounds.

Anonymous No. 223190

This definitely doesn't include all of the fights, but these are some of them from the Fuji TV tournament.

Anonymous No. 223191

It's all or nothing as far as I'm concerned. What's the deal with these yearly Fuji TV tournaments, anyway? How many days are there? Do rikishi actually care about them? I would assume they's save themselves for honbashos where performance influences ranking.

Anonymous No. 223193

it's 1-day tournament, juryou makuuchi only. They even list Terunofuji as intai and Kitanowaka as kyujo, so I guess they're all expected to participate. It's up to you if you want to win the 2.4mil yen for makuuchi yusho.

Anonymous No. 223194

Did Hosh compete as a Yokozuna or as an Ozeki?

Anonymous No. 223195

tatsunamislop showing horseshitryu's promotion ceremony

Anonymous No. 223196

Wait, if it's only one day, then what's the format? I can't imagine a playoff between all 1-0s.

Anonymous No. 223197

He did the yokozuna dohyo-iri, so I'm guessing as yokozuna.

Anonymous No. 223198

Single day knockout tournament. Six rounds total for makuuchi.

Anonymous No. 223199

>they didn't save it for a grand tournament

Fucking weak

Anonymous No. 223200

The first yokozuna dohyo-iri is always at Meiji Shrine, and he also did it at Tokushoryu's retirement event. In months where there are regional tours, he'd also perform it at each even then as well.

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Anonymous No. 223202

yes he did as yokozuna and he lost to takayasu


Anonymous No. 223203

>inb4 lol hoshoryu lost to takayasu

Anonymous No. 223205

This beyaslop is decent for practising Japanese listening at least.

Anonymous No. 223208

Why don’t they ever show Mitas practice matches on sumo food? Mita is who we want to see.

Anonymous No. 223209

He probably practices alongside roga or in other stables, I could be completely wrong though.

Anonymous No. 223211

>he fucking blew it

I knew he would
he's going to lose the next basho too and I will forever think of him as an illegitimate yokozuna

Anonymous No. 223212

Possibly he requested it to hide his tactics, he's definitely considered an up and coming threat and his rivals would study his videos if they could

Anonymous No. 223215

The last time a yokozuna won the Fuji TV tournament was Kisenosato and look what happened.

Anonymous No. 223216

I expect a Yokozuna to win every single time. That's the weight of the title.

Anonymous No. 223217

Hosh got promoted because of how good he was in the clutch. Relax, he'll go at least 12-3 or better in March and either Y or JY. Screencap this.

Anonymous No. 223218


Anonymous No. 223219

He'll go 2-3-10

Anonymous No. 223220

Leaving to prevent his injury from ruining his career... what a great yokozuna...

Anonymous No. 223221

What if there are two?

Anonymous No. 223222

Then one of them should win against the other in a day 15 playoff.

Anonymous No. 223223

Then every basho should come down to a 14-0 face off between them. The loser gets taken out back and shot, Old Yeller style.

Anonymous No. 223224

The one must decapitate the other until only one remains.

Anonymous No. 223225

What if there are three?

Anonymous No. 223226

The Fuji TV tournament isn't particularly serious even with the cash prize in consideration (which was reduced due to the scandal). He should be fine unless the yokozuna hangover gets to him.

Anonymous No. 223227

If his willpower is anywhere near as strong as we saw in the last 6 days of January, he'll do just fine. No one is more furious about his 3 losses to maegashira than him, and if he's anything like uncle then the fury only makes him better.

Anonymous No. 223228

Roga looked like a child against Onosato
Just walked out

Anonymous No. 223229

OnoGODS WW@???

Anonymous No. 223230

Onosato is going to zensho the next basho to begin his yokozuna run

Anonymous No. 223231

I'd bet against a zensho but the idea of Onosato getting the yusho while Hoshoryu merely puts up a solid performance isn't an unlikely scenario. Just don't forget that Takeru exists and requires souls.

Anonymous No. 223232

That loss? Abi after another nodawa at the tachiai + pulldown.

Anonymous No. 223233

He won't get matched against Abi at all. His loss will be to Midorifuji who said fuck it and tried a nodowa for the first time.

Anonymous No. 223234

But also don't forget what Hoshoryu did to Takerufuji in January.

Anonymous No. 223235

>The bronze bull cannot charge if you simply lift him off the ground
I haven't forgotten. Nor have I forgotten his casual head throw of Onosato.

Anonymous No. 223237

Can't believe they had a whole tournament and the best footage we get is from a cellphone in the nosebleeds

Anonymous No. 223238

This is what happens when you cover up a scandal so badly that all your sponsors end up dropping out. Only reason why the tournament itself still went ahead is because the tickets were already sold.

Anonymous No. 223241

Can't believe Tobizaru wearing lingerie and Nabatame's dick were that big of a deal.

Anonymous No. 223242

America should order Japan to televise any and all sumo events with full English commentary, or Hiroshima gets it again.

Anonymous No. 223243

Has there been a single rikishi from Hiroshima or Nagasaki since 1945?

Anonymous No. 223245

Is that a serious question?

Anonymous No. 223246

No, I know the answer is no because their bloodlines ended when they couldn't resist gigachad uranium energy.

Anonymous No. 223247

Lots. You can sort by shusshin on sumodb.

Anonymous No. 223248

Any worth caring about?

Anonymous No. 223251

Many. Of the current active, Nagasaki has Hiradoumi and Tsushimanada. The rest are lower division shitters.

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Sadanoyama perfor....jpg

Anonymous No. 223252


Anonymous No. 223253

Why does the rope look so small on him?

Anonymous No. 223254

>gigachad uranium energy

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Taiho vs Sadanoya....webm

Anonymous No. 223255

Anonymous No. 223256

Kino fight. Makes me wish a true thruster like Daieisho was a zuna contender.

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Anonymous No. 223257

Probably just a snugger fit. Most modern tsuna seem to sag a bit.

Anonymous No. 223260

We could make them do it just by withholding Shohei Otani games for a month

Anonymous No. 223274


I had been wondering if that was just an oversight but after the latest video with Roga where he and Mita specifically reference their practice bouts, I'm guessing they're doing everything to expedite his becoming a sekitori.

Anonymous No. 223280

who tf is mita

Anonymous No. 223283

the newbie without chonmage in futa's videos (not the underage boy). he seems actually talented compared to the stable shitters.

Anonymous No. 223284

That would make sense to me. After all, this is the only time when Mita is going to be relatively unknown to his opponents, being a tsukedashi debutant when most of them came up fighting eachother in the lower divisions, so the longer he can take advantage of that, the better it'll be.

Anonymous No. 223285

>he seems actually talented compared to the stable shitters.
He's already third highest in the stable, he'll be in makushita joi for March.

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Anonymous No. 223286

>Married with son

Anonymous No. 223296

Wasn't Shodai being married common knowledge?

Anonymous No. 223297

Apparently not, I certainly didn't know (or care to find out desu), but the chris video did say that he'd been keeping it hidden deliberately

Anonymous No. 223298

I'm sure I saw a clip of him dancing with corn at something wedding related and just assumed he was married.

Anonymous No. 223300

I assume that anyone who's been in the top division for a while is married. There are obviously some exceptions, but a high-ranking rikishi is a great marriage prospect - tall and/or strong, reasonably famous, and relatively rich. Unless he's a "confirmed bachelor" he's going to get snapped up sooner or later.

Anonymous No. 223301

Noooo but they're fat

Anonymous No. 223302

Due to buildup of fat at the base of the penis they likely almost all have pretty small dicks too.

Anonymous No. 223303

Is this even really a thing? I've lost like 80 pounds the past year and my dong doesn't look any bigger. Do you have to be like super obese for it to matter?

Anonymous No. 223304

Fupa is one of the last areas to lose fat

Anonymous No. 223305

Gonna need some proof anon ;) It's okay just pretend you're Nabatame and I'm a Thai ladyboy.

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Anonymous No. 223306


Anonymous No. 223307

It's BS.

Anonymous No. 223308

Sumo wrestlers can't drive. This edit sucks!

Anonymous No. 223309

He's in the passenger seat.

Anonymous No. 223310

They have steering wheels on the right side amerimutt-san

Anonymous No. 223311

Don't even pretend that was deliberate, you twit.

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infinite rikishi ....png

Anonymous No. 223312

it wasn't deliberate, but I don't see a steering wheel. Do you?

Anonymous No. 223317

It's that time again. We've witnessed Hoshoryu's promotion, argued about modernization, and discussed the latest round of scandals, but the next basho is still weeks away. Do we have to hope someone like the sumo historian or the bike autist arrives to entertain us, or does anyone have anything original and interesting to discuss?

Anonymous No. 223319

Sumo should lower the dohyo down to ground level and eliminate ring out victories. If they have to brawl into the crowd before one of them falls, so be it.

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me too.png

Anonymous No. 223320

>does anyone have anything original and interesting to discuss

Anonymous No. 223321

Shodai married a Dinner Lady.

Anonymous No. 223322

If we can find some better footage we could talk about the fujitv tournament more

Anonymous No. 223324

We could pretend we're a stable again and post heights and weights and shikona, it was mildly amusing last year seeing that the thread is an almost perfect split between twinks and fatties. Does anyone remember what our stable was called?

Anonymous No. 223325

I propose 無名山部屋 for the stable name.

Anonymous No. 223326

Basado. Now give us which part of the shikona is stable-related. Or do we just go like Anonikuni, Anonoyama etc..

Anonymous No. 223328

>Now give us which part of the shikona is stable-related
Uhhh the entire thing?

Anonymous No. 223329

He wants to do a theme like the -fujis or the -umis

Anonymous No. 223330

Oh. Slap 無名- on the front and call it a day. Dibs on 無名の里.

Anonymous No. 223331

I'm gonna need more help with this kind of thing, I don't know any Japanese

Anonymous No. 223332

Well give me your favourite rikishi and I'll try to use their name to give you an anonymous shikona.

Anonymous No. 223333

Onosato is my favorite, with Takerufuji and Hiradoumi in second and third, respectively.

Anonymous No. 223334

I dub thee 無名の犬 (Mumeinoinu (Anonymous Dog)).

Anonymous No. 223335

無名の豚 reporting in. I volunteer for chanko duty.

Anonymous No. 223336

>Pork again? This is the 6th day straight!

Anonymous No. 223337

Me neither, but Google translate says he just dibbed on Mumeinosato, which sounds about right to me.

I'll go with 無名丸. "Anonymous sphere."
185 cm
200 kg
Looks like a perfectly round meatball. Fights like a bigger Takakeisho. His stablemates say he bulked up on american crunchy snacks.

Anonymous No. 223338

Literally just Nabatame by the time he hits makuuchi.

Anonymous No. 223339

Apparently, Hakuho cup starts in about an hour.

Anonymous No. 223340

Would be kino, but it ain't happening without some leg breaking surgery. Nabatame is basically the same height (2cm taller, to be exact).

Anonymous No. 223341

He's still just 22 so there might be a little more height left in him. Still laughing at his gooner right arm being a legit weapon.

Anonymous No. 223342

>american crunchy snacks
I believe it, a bag of cheetos is like 2000 calories

Anonymous No. 223344

I appreciate the effort but I don't really want to be a dog lol

Anonymous No. 223345

Looks like it's starting
there's a black kid there for some reason

Anonymous No. 223346

>there's a black kid there for some reason

Please anon we're talking about the Hakuho Cup not a random Tuesday at Arashio.

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Screenshot 2025-0....png

Anonymous No. 223347

Am I wrong?

Anonymous No. 223348

Ngl, Kuronoyama would be a decent shikona.

Anonymous No. 223349

I spy a white kid too, back to the camera

Anonymous No. 223350

Is there a schedule?

Anonymous No. 223351

>milkman gyoji

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Anonymous No. 223353


Anonymous No. 223354


Anonymous No. 223357

>wearing shorts with mawashi
haha faggots

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Anonymous No. 223362


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Anonymous No. 223371

Sakai Tadamasa credits Hitachiyama and Umegatani II with being at the center of the late Meiji sumo revival, but gives the circumstances of Umegatani I's yokozuna promotion in Meiji 17 (1884) as having provided the spark which set about the sumo revival in the first place.

Sakai claims that sumo was on the verge of dying out altogether when Umegatani I arrived, and that he wrecked everyone's shit thoroughly enough to get noticed by political figures. He received a yokozuna license from both the Yoshida Tsukasa and the Gojou in February; and, in March, the eminent figures of sumo were summoned to wrestle before the Emperor on the grounds of the Enryoukan (pictured).

While the imperial lineage had gone to watch sumo matches often enough throughout the years (tenranzumou), this was supposedly the first time since the Heian period (794-1185) that the imperial family had actually *hosted* a sumo event of their own. As such, all the oyakata and rikishi came dressed in their finest montsuki haori and hakama. Umegatani performed his yokozuna dohyou-iri in a mawashi commissioned by Itou Hirobumi, the most powerful politician in Japan at the time. The matches went on for around 8 hours, and the Meiji emperor was reportedly enthralled throughout.

The book I'm looking at doesn't have any details on how the bouts went, but I'm sure there are details somewhere out there. If nothing else, this attention from important figures incentivized a renewed investment in sumo, which then brought about the so-called golden age of Hitachi-Ume.

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Anonymous No. 223372

Emperor in the top right looking stern, Umegatani in the middle looking somewhat scared.

Anonymous No. 223373

It's been a few years since the Emperor last attended a basho, no? IIRC the current Emperor only attended once since his enthronement, while the previous Emperor was an avid fan and tried to attend every Aki.

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Anonymous No. 223375

>owie neewedles hwurtie

THIS?!! Is our next yokozuna?

Anonymous No. 223377

Any updates on this kid?

Anonymous No. 223378

No hinkaku. But that's what we all expected, isn't it? I was still rather disappointed with his lack of gravity and dignity. The giggling, the laughing, he was like a teenage girl during the promotion.

I guess it's just his personality. Not my taste.

Anonymous No. 223379

>I was still rather disappointed with his lack of gravity and dignity.
He's 25 man, fuck off.

Anonymous No. 223380

He took 3rd place among 6th graders in the Hakuhou Cup in April 2023 and seemingly has not been mentioned since. There is a single reference to a "Kumagai" making it to the Best 8 in a regional children's tournament in July 2024, but with no first name included, so it may or may not be him.

The way his family name is spelled is also the name of a city, and the name of an amateur sumo blogger (?), so that's all I could find.

Anonymous No. 223382

Here's the footage of him (left) losing in the Hakuhou Cup.

Anonymous No. 223384

>spending 5 minutes staring at the tachi-ai like he's an ozeki in makuuchi

lad got cocky, way too cocky

Anonymous No. 223386

>he's only 17 years and 2,920 days old!!!!


Anonymous No. 223390

He's 12.

Anonymous No. 223392

Funny, that was the same excuse used to defend Hoshoryus behavior.

Anonymous No. 223393

I expect everyone to behave in a dignified manner while out in public. This is even more of an expectation for a professional during a solemn occasion. I expect someone taking on the duty and responsibilities of a Yokozuna, along with the privileges inherent to the role, to take it seriously and conduct himself with as much dignity as he can muster.

Anonymous No. 223394

Then you have unrealistic expectations. Also consider that as a Yokozuna (or any major public figure), it probably becomes very difficult to realize when you're actually "in public". If you expect a 25 year old to be solemn and stern at all times, that's on you.

Anonymous No. 223395

Why do zoomers think their childhood continues until 29?

Anonymous No. 223396

If you've lived through your 20s with other people living through theirr 20s, you'd have a good grasp of what people in their 20s are like. Especially people in their early 20s.

Anonymous No. 223397

Because yokozunas Kitanofuji, Taihou, Kashiwado, and Chiyonoyama smuggled guns into Japan and went unpunished.

Anonymous No. 223398

Everyone older than 20 lived through their 20s you fucking retard

Anonymous No. 223399

Not true at all. That's like saying you've gone through your English textbook when you've clearly only read the first couple pages.

Anonymous No. 223400

It's still an idiotic line of argument unless you think we're all underage, which we aren't.

And it's one thing for a 12 year old to act childishly. It's quite another for a 25 year old Yokozuna.

I can't believe I even have to respond to this dumb shit.

Anonymous No. 223402

>I can't believe I even have to respond to this dumb shit.
You don't. You're not even good at it, so maybe you shouldn't. Someone called me a zoomer because I acknowledged that yeah, if you put a 20 year old in front of a camera he might pull a face. Ridiculous fucking pearl clutching. If you want to complain about him not deserving to be yokozuna, why not just start with him never winning two consecutive yusho instead of trying to lean on the bullshit non-criterion they added just to block foreigners.

Anonymous No. 223403

Where did you get a 20 year old from?
If I didn't respond, a dumbass like you might actually think they were right about something, so yes I do have to. I'm pearl clutching because I want a 25 year old (specifically note that this is not 20 years old as you deceptively stated in your bad faith argument) YOKOZUNA to behave like an adult with some dignity.

Read back through the threads if you want to see me shitting on his win record, most of those are my posts anyway, shitnuts.

Anonymous No. 223404

>I'm pearl clutching
Yeah no shit. Stop it. If you don't have anything substantial to say then just shut up. Try having some hinkaku yourself instead of larping as an angry old Japanese man.

Anonymous No. 223405

>Stop it! You're being mean! Stop!

Lol are you actually underage? Well geez kid, I'm sorry I insulted your favorite wrestler but it wasn't personal.

Anonymous No. 223406

The truth is, no wrestlers care about hinkaku anymore. Most of the top division is university grads now so they act like frat boys instead of having discipline whipped into them as teenagers. The top division guys who aren't university grads see this and act the same.

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lol nishinoumi.jpg

Anonymous No. 223407

>no wrestlers care about hinkaku anymore
Hinkaku, in its capacity as a sumo term, was invented and codified by YDC chairman Takayoshi Yoshitaka in 1987 as a direct response to Futahaguro. It was subsequently used only to argue that foreigners could never become yokozuna. It had never meant anything before 1987 and was never used as grounds to criticize any rikishi re their legitimacy or 'sumo-ness', regardless of their behaviour.
I have a book from before 1987 which dedicates several pages to tearing into yokozuna Nishinoumi II as a complete fraud who bought all of his wins, blackmailed other rikishi, took bribes and was affiliated with yakuza. The word "hinkaku" does not appear in this book.

Anonymous No. 223408

Takahashi Yoshitaka*

Anonymous No. 223409

Yeah right the Japanese had never even heard of dignity before 1987

Fuck off retard

Anonymous No. 223410

Did you just skip over the part in the commas? Read the post again but try to stay awake even when you hit the punctuation. (Comma omitted out of respect for your condition)

Anonymous No. 223411

In other words, it's one of those things that existed but didn't need to be outright spelled out until Futahaguro fucked everything up.
Originally yokozuna were supposed to be the public face of sumo to the shogun and imperial court, and Hitachiyama famously performed sumo in the US in front of the President to improve the image of sumo and Japanese people in general. Of course they would need to act with dignity, because they represented all of sumo. If a yokozuna acted like a tard then the highest authorities would think that all sumo wrestlers were tards.

Anonymous No. 223412

Thanks for writing this up so I don't have to. Goddamn.

Anonymous No. 223413

even oyakata said he himself was taking sumo life too serious and didnt not enjoy the success much. He said to neph to enjoy it and he does. What's wrong with smiling and gigling? he's 25. He's still behaving better than his uncle.

Anonymous No. 223414

>If a yokozuna acted like a tard then the highest authorities would think that all sumo wrestlers were tards.
You didn't read the post either. His entire post is about a yokozuna, Nishinoumi II, being a scumbag. It's NOT "one of those things that existed but didn't need to be outright" and I don't know why you think a yokozuna buying wins and blackmailing people somehow demonstrates some high standard of dignity yokozuna were always held to. His post demonstrates the complete opposite.

Anonymous No. 223415

He's not behaving better, just differently. Uncle was a warrior and everyone could tell. Nephew is a little girl and everyone can tell that too.

Anonymous No. 223416

No, it doesn't, moron. The exception proves the rule, just like Futahaguro. If he wasn't an embarrassing piece of shit he wouldn't have been mentioned in that context, like the proper Yokozuna.

Anonymous No. 223417

Is there any evidence of Nishinoumi II's behaviour other than one guy's schizo ramblings? Takatoriki thought the same about Hakuho and nobody takes him seriously for obvious reasons.

Anonymous No. 223418

The idea that the definition of 'dignified, adult behavior' is '24/7 hyperstoic complete suppression of all sense of child-like engagement with and of life's experiences' is one of the most absurd, ridiculous ideas I have ever read. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your miserable, wretched soul.

Anonymous No. 223419

And your hyperbolic, child argument convinces nobody of anything except that you're a twit that can only argue in bad faith. You might as well be on Twitter.

Anonymous No. 223420

Your continued screeching like a stuck pig at all this is very undignified. In fact, it's far less dignified than I've ever seen Hoshoryu behave.

Anonymous No. 223421

I thought you didn't care about dignity. Now you're resorting to personal attacks?

Lol. Lmao even. Sorry I rekt your ass.

Anonymous No. 223422

Again I learn that information can only cure ignorance, nothing can cure stupid. You'll be buried in a dunce cap. God bless.

Anonymous No. 223424

Yeah, you and that other guy are absolute fucking retards. I know you think you're the smart one here but that's the opposite of what's happening. You're a fucking drooling dipshit and arrogant beyond belief.

Burn in hell. Fuck your god. Only morons believe in silly fairy tale men in the sky, you embarrassing piece of dumb shit.

Anonymous No. 223425

The JSA are probably fine with it since he's promotable as hell. I imagine he'll grow into the role as he's still on the young side of things. If you were expecting another Akebono with the face of a serial killer it ain't happening.

Anonymous No. 223426

Onosato will give me the fierce and unrelenting Yokozuna I want to see

Anonymous No. 223427

that dude already has a bullying scandal, how mad's the dude who's furious about hoshoryu making a funny face gonna be if HE gets promoted?

Anonymous No. 223428

I am that dude, dumbass.

Anonymous No. 223429

Onosato's "scandal" is fucking pathetic. Being complicit in underage drinking? Fucking hell most people do that of their own volition, that's baby shit. It only blew up because the JSA wanted to wag their finger at him at least once before he became Ozeki.

Anonymous No. 223430

>A bully's fine, great hinkaku there!
>Making a funny face in a photo? SHAMEFUL
Sounds like you really do get the true meaning behind hinkaku (keeping foreigners out) well.

You don't understand the issue of power harassment, I guess. If he was doing it of his own volition there wouldn't be a problem. It wasn't Onosato buying a pack of Coor's for his underage buddy, it was him forcing some kid he's supposed to be taking care of to drink beyond what he was comfortable doing.

Anonymous No. 223431

That's still baby shit desu, Onosato WILL be a daiyokozuna. Crazy to think that his Ozeki run contained two yushos.

Here's a question, who had the best Ozeki run in sumo history? Onosato has to be up there.

Anonymous No. 223432

In terms of yusho yes, Onosato is only the second to have two yushos in the three basho before ozeki promotion, the other one being Minanogawa back in 1933/34. However, his 9-6 in between meant he only had 34 wins over the three. The record for total wins in an ozeki run is 37, shared by Yutakayama, Hokutenryu, Wakanohana III, and Tochinoshin.

Anonymous No. 223433

>*cracks white monster*
now THAT was Ozeki.

Although desu if the guys with 37 wins didn't yusho in the first two then they didn't have to deal with yusho sickness mid-Ozeki run.

Anonymous No. 223436

>yusho sickness
Doesn't actually exist, guys who yusho have a higher chance of getting a higher score than guys the same rank who don't yusho. "Yusho hangover" is confirmation bias, when yusho momentum is more likely.

Anonymous No. 223437

If yusho sickness isn't a thing why did Takerufuji do so badly after winning huh???

Anonymous No. 223438

He was injured bro and he did fine, better than Roga ever has

Anonymous No. 223439

What did Roga do to deserve these shots you are firing???

Anonymous No. 223440

Preview of the next scandal. In the recent Futagoyama video, Roga mentioned that he couldn't go home for New Year's since it was too far away, so he'd "find somewhere to stay". It turns out that Roga has been "staying" with every bored housewife in Katsushika. That's why you rarely see him in practice videos, and that's why this guy is seemingly attacking him for no reason.

Anonymous No. 223441

>Roga has been "staying" with every bored housewife in Katsushika
Yeah, me.

Anonymous No. 223444

lol I hope that's true

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Anonymous No. 223453

>Tanikaze, which of these bikes would you prefer: the Dogma F12 or the Canyon Aeroad CFR? Whichever one you take, I will have the other.
>Raiden, I will leave the decision to you. If the velocipedic concern shall determine one's place in history, then no better can my judgment in this matter be vested than unto the hands of my friend.

Anonymous No. 223456

this was the pre-basho sumo stable power rankings >>217607
how have they changed post-basho?
clearly isegahama is probably down some, but hakuoho & takerufuji has strong showings? does isegahama still rank 1st place? arashio is definitely down, tatsunami is probably up, but their other two salarymen both made MK, so maybe not up so much

Anonymous No. 223457

new tatsunamislop has arrived

Anonymous No. 223459

Miyagino is going to be reestablished, so all their rikishi should be counted separately from Isegahama.

Anonymous No. 223460

I feel like stable power rankings would be better organized as a tierlist as opposed to a list.

Anonymous No. 223461

Not until it actually happens. Things can still fuck up.

Anonymous No. 223462

>as a list.
I meant a list in the sense of just giving everyone a specific rank as opposed to lumping stables in different grades of quality.

Anonymous No. 223463

How did Off-Basho General go from being a 3 post a day thread a couple months ago to being a 70 post a day thread currently?

Anonymous No. 223464

New yokozuna.

Anonymous No. 223465

People venting their grievances

Anonymous No. 223467

New yokozuna and at least one autist can't handle the fact that reality refuses to conform to his absurd preconceptions.

Anonymous No. 223468

we might as well just stay on /sp/ if we're going to have multiple pph

Anonymous No. 223469

It'll calm down after a few months. This basho was just an extraordinary case.

Anonymous No. 223471

Ikazuchi moves up the rankings for sure
Ajigawa gets on the list too
Onosato up to O1e & Shirokuma getting either J1 or a full makuuchi promotion should advance Nishonoseki's rank

Anonymous No. 223472

>It'll calm down after a few months
gang TMD will be filling up the thread with Joke-ozuna and No-kozuna posts come April

Anonymous No. 223473

There are multiple autists here and that's why we're getting so fiery lately

I like it
fire is better than dead

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Anonymous No. 223474


Anonymous No. 223475

I hate onosucko but after the horshityu pity promotion I hope he makes it to zuna. Mongolians (other than hakuho) deserve to be launched into the sun horshityu is going to be a kinboshi dispenser and has no hinkaku.

Anonymous No. 223476

Nephew got a yusho equivalent and a yusho with an excellent playoff. Don't call his promotion pity like he's K*senosato or some other form of garbage.

Anonymous No. 223477


Anonymous No. 223480

Whoa good one anon

Anonymous No. 223481

Kisenosato's promotion WAS a pity promotion and it still mogged Hoshoryu's. I can't believe nephew dickriders legitimately try to argue that beating maegashira is more impressive than beating multiple yokozuna and ozeki.

Anonymous No. 223482

If he doesn't yusho in March then he will be worse than Kisenosato, simple as that.

Anonymous No. 223483

What yokozuna was Hoshoryu supposed to beat in his last two basho exactly? What a fucking gaylord of a post.

Anonymous No. 223484

I'm going to be picking him in my fantasy sumo tbdesu. No one is going to be more furious about the prospect of the new yokozuna underperforming than Hoshoryu.

Anonymous No. 223485

It's not Hoshoryu's fault there were no yokozuna for him to beat. Doesn't change the fact that his run was less impressive than Kisenosato.

Anonymous No. 223486

>t. Stevie fucking Wonder

Anonymous No. 223489

>t. helen keller

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Anonymous No. 223490


Anonymous No. 223491

blessed Hakuho
we will never see his like again

Anonymous No. 223493

Pending banzuke:
S+: Oitekaze
A+: Isegama
A: Kise
B: Takadagawa, Tatsunami
C: Sadogatake, Arashio
D: Kataonami (will probably drop)
F: Everyone else

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Anonymous No. 223496

I really like kise stable but they are on the decline big time. Other than kinbozan having a fluke performance all they have is Ura and he won’t make it back to Sanyaku. All their juryo guys are getting old and about to get bounced by the young up and comers.

Anonymous No. 223499

Kisenosato beat Hakuho twice for his rope, which is better than going 1-1 with KotozACKura no matter how you want to cope.

Anonymous No. 223502

Oitekaze is going to lose 2 or three out of the bottom end of juryo, Daieisho was their only KK amongst salarymen. No way should their ranking go up

Anonymous No. 223503

>kinbozan having a fluke performance
he won juryo in november, anyone who wasn't expecting double digit wins from him wasn't paying attention

Anonymous No. 223504

Kisenosato had the 2nd most career wins against Hakuho. He also had the 3rd best winning percentage against Hakuho after the two mongs who got kicked out

Anonymous No. 223505

Winning juryo should be the expectation for a makuuchi guy who falls down to juryo.

Anonymous No. 223506

Is he going to be in yusho contention this basho? Call it now if you dare

Anonymous No. 223508

tobi is also getting a long suspension and will end up in makushita or below, oitekaze pretty much has two sekitori and should be ranked somewhere around where sakaigawa it

Anonymous No. 223509

I think any stable that has at least one sekitori doesn't deserve F tier, even if they only have one juryo jobber.

Anonymous No. 223510

he'll be low joi which is slightly above his natural rank, 7-8

Anonymous No. 223516

hehe, god I love bikeposting

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Anonymous No. 223520

>He also had the 3rd best winning percentage against Hakuho after the two mongs who got kicked out
Not even close to third. What are you on?

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Anonymous No. 223525

Fuck you, I laughed.

Anonymous No. 223528

Hosh's dohyo iri somehow seems both drawn out and rushed at the same time. His shuffling is over way quicker than just about any other zuna. Low marks from me.

Anonymous No. 223529

He has been yokozuna for what, two weeks? Just wait for the end of the year and he has ironed everything out and developed his dohyo-iri style.

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Anonymous No. 223530

Tsubotaa has a whole thing on the subtle differences of everyone's dohyou-iri even before they get to the stomping.

There's also a mind-breaking dohyou-iri style inheritance graphic with four different branches of modern-day Unryu style.

Anonymous No. 223532

They should start practicing the dohyo-iri BEFORE the promotion. I bet some of them have done.

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Anonymous No. 223534


Gross. Some fat tire bike with no dropper and maybe an ebike version is the ultimate bike. the commuter kind may even be better.

Anonymous No. 223540

I shall respect your opinion on which bikes are best for rikishi when you show me your shimenawa.

Anonymous No. 223541

Cycling is so cringey and gay and associating with sumo is the most they can do to lend their gay hobby some masculinity

>it's not gay
Yeah tell it to your multicolored spandex, fruitcake

Anonymous No. 223542

b-but then I could never get married...!

Anonymous No. 223544

You can't complain about multicoloured spandex when we watch big, sweaty men grapple wearing loincloths every other month. Sumo is one of the most homoerotic sports in existence and we all know it.

Anonymous No. 223546

I would argue that wrestling is five times more gay than sumo, unless you are a barafag
people don't usually consider fatness to be attractive

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Anonymous No. 223547

Sumo is absolutely bereft of sexual attractiveness and you know it. It's a sport of functionality.

Pic related!
I was going to post this just on it's own but it's actually does tie in here

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Anonymous No. 223548

im the original bike poster, of course i know whats best

Anonymous No. 223549

>absolutely bereft of sexual attractiveness

Anonymous No. 223551

its fans, yes, but this is 4chan and one trip to trash or d will let you know that there are vile degenerates that would love to have an ugly bastard like gonoyama sit on their face without wiping
>noone has built 200kg of muscle before
Peak thor brian. eddie maybe. i don't think Z ever got that heavy, but you could include him

Anonymous No. 223554

>Sumo is absolutely bereft of sexual attractiveness
Say that to Tobizaru in his women's underwear.

Anonymous No. 223557

None of those men were lean at their peak weights. Thor was reasonably lean at about 150kg, but could certainly have cut more. Teru knows what he's talking about, you'd have to be inhuman to be 200kg lean.

Anonymous No. 223558

The only people who could be lean 200kg were roided up bodybuilders with dehydrated saran wrap bodies back in the golden age of bodybuilding when everyone was snorting roids and coke for breakfast. The kind Vince McMahon would jerk off over before his own steroid trial.

Anonymous No. 223559

Yeah, one of those guys - a seven-foot Ronnie Coleman, perhaps.

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Anonymous No. 223560

>Sumo is one of the most homoerotic sports in existence and we all know it.
Nothing in the world can be homoerotic unless you are homosexual. Judas kissed Christ, and Yuujirou raped Joe William, and neither of these things were homoerotic.

Anonymous No. 223561

>Judas kissed Christ
On the cheek! They were European! COME ON!

Anonymous No. 223563

【Zak News】He's been crushing practice bouts with other makuuchi rikishi, going 13-2 one day and 19-3 the next. Is he back???

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Anonymous No. 223564

thor still had abs at 210kg.
nobody cares about lighting maxed 70kg "lean" because skin and bones only rwinks definition of real size
you also have greg kovaks +190kg off season

Anonymous No. 223565

1/2Thor is literally 50% hgh

Anonymous No. 223568

Your bloatmaxxed weight is not the same as the weight of your muscle. Thor's roid-bloated intestines pushing his abs out doesn't make him lean.

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Anonymous No. 223569

>Your bloatmaxxed weight is not the same as the weight of your muscle. Thor's roid-bloated intestines pushing his abs out doesn't make him lean.

Anonymous No. 223570

His point was that despite "having abs", halfthor still has significant bodyfat and is thus not 200kg of muscle.

Anonymous No. 223571

You cant be 100% muscle. Taking it literally is pointless. In this context, thor is basically what terunofuji is getting at.

Anonymous No. 223572

Shishi is officially Russian now. The new borders have been draw up and Melitopol is in Russian territory.

Anonymous No. 223573

>There are now two Russian sekitori

Anonymous No. 223574

He isn't - the context is sumo. It refers to the fact that a good proportion of a 200kg rikishi's body weight is fat. The same applies to peak Thor or other massive strongmen. Both categories have bulked up to the largest bodyweight they can sustain for optimal performance in a contest where bodyweight is an advantage. He's saying "We have to sacrifice an aesthetic physique in favour of a powerful one".

Anonymous No. 223575

new Chrisslop
seems like Zak is over whatever injuries were hampering him during the 'sho

Anonymous No. 223576

Another issue with the Halfthor route is that that training is only going to train him basically just in doing those exercises. That's why WSM contests are just...exercises. Sumo is a whole other beast and half of it is skill, not size.

Anonymous No. 223577

The context isn't sumo if he says no one, unless there is something he said before the cc in that image.
The tradeoff is irrelevant to this conversation. What matters more is that people are overestimating bodyfat percentages. Thor is probably 16 to 19% bf there. Ray Williams, king powerlifting squat bloat lord, was only 24%. Brian shaw was under 18 at +400.
this is a more correct way to evaluate. Its hard to build muscle and stay injured with sumo's schedule. there isn't really room for improvement once you make the top ranks. you get maybe 2-3weeks of spoty training before in-between basho practices, tournaments, and events makes ideal training strenght/size basically impossible.

Anonymous No. 223578

I think he most probably did say something before that, it would be quite a strange video if there was just a jump-cut to Big Teru saying random things like "No one has ever built 200 kilos of muscle before". He's clearly giving his general opinion on something - and since it's a video by a sumo stable for sumo fans, the topic is probably related to sumo. In his final year or two as an active rikishi, he struggled with maintaining his physique due to worsening diabetes, and people could see that he was shrunken and deflated looking despite weighing in at much the same size as previous tournaments where he looked a lot better. He knows well that your muscle to fat ratio is important and it's only natural for him to be discussing things in that context.

Anonymous No. 223579

If you wanted the context I can give, since I posted that. Teru was talking to Matsui during the training visit to Shodai's stable, Matsui was saying he didn't want to gain any fat, only muscle. Teru said he had to, and he should aim for 200kg. Screenshot was about here in the convo.

Anonymous No. 223582

>Matsui was saying he didn't want to gain any fat
How does someone end up anywhere near sumo with this impression? Good thing the Yokozuna was there to set him straight.

Anonymous No. 223583

Heavier guys are naturally stronger because that have to carry all that extra weight around every second of their lives. Muscle manlets like the Wake bros and other lower ranked ones can't compete because they're too vain about their physical form.
>b-b-but muh Chiyonofuji, muh wolf an sheeeiiiittt
Rare case of a guy who is able to will himself to train 18 hours a day, he ate as much as Akebono, but burned it all off in training.

Anonymous No. 223584

>Lobo con Esteroides

Anonymous No. 223586

6-story 2.5billion yen new isegahama stable in ryogoku; it should be finished in a year, not bad. Also, Miyagino bought a land as well, before the scandal. That land is in limbo and cannot be used, kek.

Anonymous No. 223588

If the sneaky japs at the jsa don’t give hakuho his stable back I’m going to start a petition for trump to nuke the kokugikan

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Anonymous No. 223591

>Also, Miyagino bought a land as well, before the scandal. That land is in limbo and cannot be used, kek.
This has been in the works for an extremely long time.

Apparently, it wasn't paid for by Hakuhou, but by a tanimachi, and has been used as a parking lot in the meantime.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 223593

God so love world that He gave His Son Jesus Christ to die for our sins on a cross then three days later rose Him from the dead,
that we receive the free gift of eternal life. Just look up and ask Him.

Anonymous No. 223595

Jesus Christ would cap out at lower Sandanme if he was lucky

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Christ at Gethsem....jpg

Anonymous No. 223596


Anonymous No. 223600

Jesus was a carpenter. More likely that he'd be a yobidashi that builds the dohyo and raises the tsuriyane.

Anonymous No. 223604

The "if the minimum is above your current then you lose the difference if you get demoted" provision for mochikyukin is really dumb and annoying to calculate.

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Anonymous No. 223607

>The "if the minimum is above your current then you lose the difference if you get demoted" provision for mochikyukin is really dumb and annoying to calculate.

Anonymous No. 223614

The best thing about calculating mochikyukin is that you don't have to. Nobody outside the JSA has to give a single solitary shit how much any given wrestler gets paid, you can just not care.

Anonymous No. 223615

>Heavier guys are naturally stronger because that have to carry all that extra weight around every second of their lives.
If you were to remove all that fat from both guys, they would be stronger, yes. But the thing is, you can't. The fat one has to carry that weight all the time and waste his strength doing so, and he'll still be slower than the leaner guy. In sumo, being difficult to move has a huge advantage so most rikishi are fat, but being difficult to move isn't strength.

Anonymous No. 223616

There's no such thing as a singular measure of strength. Being heavy isn't the only reason why rikishi are difficult to move, their ability to resist being pushed is a form of strength. Likewise, a man who is excellent at arm wrestling might not be very good at Olympic weightlifting, that doesn't mean the arm wrestler isn't strong, it just means his strength takes a different form.

Anonymous No. 223617

No one is comparing two athletes from two different sports here though

Anonymous No. 223631

Takanoyama was shit tier never even got KK
Gagamaru got JY, kinboshi & sansho prizes
discussion ended

Anonymous No. 223637


Anonymous No. 223638

>6'3 245lbs
Twink detected

Anonymous No. 223639


Speaking of which, the Oompa Loompa is back in Makuuchi for March. I hope he's developed his throwing game because he sorta got chewed out by the fatsos last time.

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Anonymous No. 223645

Will he survive

Anonymous No. 223647

Teru beat Hakuho. Tobi beat Teru. Tobi wore women's underwear. Just put the pieces together yourself man.

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Anonymous No. 223650


Anonymous No. 223651

That fight wasn't actual sumo. Have you even seen it? It was genuinely embarrassing.

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Anonymous No. 223652

Actual sumo hasn't been attempted in 2000 years.

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Anonymous No. 223662

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Anonymous No. 223668

Punished Zak will make things right he’s the mc after all

Anonymous No. 223672

I thought the small panel had Onosato in it for a second.

Anonymous No. 223684

>whole arc is just the God of Sumo and his rival Kehaya jobbing to the main fighters, and the bootleg Hakuho being portrayed as a sore loser.
what did Itagaki mean by this?

Anonymous No. 223694

I wonder if there's a physical replica of what those old shorts look like instead of just drawings.

Anonymous No. 223696

>the bootleg Hakuho being portrayed as a sore loser
I wouldn't take that as an insult, every Baki character is written to be a sore loser at least once.

Anonymous No. 223703

>Nomi broke a rib of Taima with one kick, and killed him with a kick to the back as well.
You mean like that?

Anonymous No. 223707

We should bring back kicking for a few bashos. It'd be fascinating to watch the lads try to develop a new meta.

Anonymous No. 223712

I think we'd see fewer instances of a kick leading to a win, compared to instances of a kick leading to the guy falling on his ass because the opponent telegraphed it.

Anonymous No. 223726

Kakuryuu.... ;_;

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Anonymous No. 223746

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tamawashi boob pu....webm

Anonymous No. 223747

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Hakuho Tobizaru S....webm

Anonymous No. 223755

Tobizaru gave Hakuho the strategy to defeat Shodai, the Lord of Chaos.

Anonymous No. 223758

Tell me your wife doesn't put out without telling me your wife doesn't put out.

Anonymous No. 223760

How would Sumo change if it was fought best-of-3 instead of best-of-1 like now?

Anonymous No. 223761

Takakeisho would have died from dehydration on day 4.

Anonymous No. 223762

Everyone would fight half as many days, spread out over alternating days. Makuuchi would have to be split into two divisions otherwise you'd see a ton more clown bashos with lower maegashira yusho simply because there wouldn't be as many opportunities for lower ranked front runners to face higher ranked competition.
Either that or literally everyone dies because you're suddenly forcing 2-3 times the number of total bouts.

Anonymous No. 223763

Lighter, fitter men with better endurance would have an advantage, and so the average weight would fall.

Anonymous No. 223764

Tbh, it wouldn't change that much. They do 20 bouts in a row sonetines as part of pre-basho practice. They could take 3 bouts a day. Each bout usually lasts only a few seconds anyway.

Anonymous No. 223766

There's a difference between practice and competition.

Anonymous No. 223769

More bouts also means higher chance of injury which also favors lighter builds

Anonymous No. 223770

Lighter guys would have a higher risk of injury because it's easier to throw them around.
Meta would focus on generically large guys who just lean on each other and do nothing until one of them gets an advantage, after which the other guy would just give up than risk injury resisting. It'd be rather boring. We'd get an entire top division full of Hokuseihos.

Anonymous No. 223773

That meta is easily exploitable for any individual fighter, because the man who relies on speed and lateral movement will rack up wins against immobile blubber golems. With smaller men having a higher chance of injury, that's random chance and individuals can't choose to rely on it in the same way.

Anonymous No. 223774

>Lighter guys would have a higher risk of injury because it's easier to throw them around.
Huh? Then why is there no evidence of this as of now?

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Anonymous No. 223775


Anonymous No. 223776

If you ever wrestle in your life you know that a bigger opponent can easily injure someone lighter

Anonymous No. 223780

>you'd see a ton more clown bashos with lower maegashira yusho
Best of 3 would massively reduce sumo's extreme variance in results. I would expect to see almost no non-yokozuna yusho ever.

Anonymous No. 223781

you're a larper, not a wrestler

Anonymous No. 223782

Variance in results means nothing when most fixtures are made of wrestlers close in rank. The first week all the joijin beat each other up while lower maegashira fight each other. If the joijin are tight while there's a clear front runner among the lower ranks then it makes it easier for that lower ranker to yusho even if they do middling against the joijin frontrunners in the second week.
To use Takerufuji as an example, he only went 3-2 against joijin. He yusho'd because all the joijin were beating each other up in close matches while Takerufuji was able to feast against other lower maegashira and a juryo visitor for all of week 1. Best of 3 wouldn't change this.

Anonymous No. 223784

>he only had a winning record and only won because he won, what a piece of shit

Anonymous No. 223785

>Variance in results means nothing when most fixtures are made of wrestlers close in rank
Reduced variance would mean that an M14 would become more distinctly superior to an M15, and an M13 superior to an M14, and so on. It is not so presently because of the small sample size. You might see a weird clownish shuffle for a year following the change, and then things would be set in stone.

Anonymous No. 223786

and I like how you try to make it sound like it's something that happens every other basho because guys are "feasting" on lower maegashira when in reality Takerufuji was the first to do it in over a fucking century

Anonymous No. 223788

You seem to be mad just because I used Takerufuji as one (1) example of how matchmaking works.

Anonymous No. 223789

don't attack my boy

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Anonymous No. 223790

These are the only rikishi to win a yusho from Maegashira 9 or below. There were no entries for 10, 11, 15, or 16.

Anonymous No. 223794

Are you arguing that all of them faced the exact same quality of competition over the entire tournament than the joijin frontrunners did? If not then you've completely lost any understanding of what the argument is.
If it was best-of-3 while still have everyone fight all 15 days then yeah, there'd be less variance. But the scenario presented was one where they would have to have sekitori alternate days instead in order to account for the higher workload across the entire tournament. So each bout would be best-of-3 but there'd only be 7 or 8 bouts like the lower divisions would have, which would greatly increase variance.

Anonymous No. 223795

The fact it doesn't happen often is proof that it's a result of the matchmaking system. Generally speaking, a rikishi will be ranked where he ought ot be based on his skill level. Takerufuji is thus particularly lucky to be in a position where he was so clearly underranked.

Anonymous No. 223796

I wasn't making an argument either way. Initially I was defending Takeru, but with this I was only presenting data, make of it what you will.

Anonymous No. 223801

>0 in the space of 81 years
>Then 3 in the space of 4

Captcha: MMMM

Anonymous No. 223804

Teru was fucking Teru, yokozuna level wrestler coming back from injury. Abi was consistently sanyaku until he had to sit out a tournament for injury. Takerufuji rose really quickly, and aside from a two tournament injury has been consistently strong his entire career to date. Easy to see how any of them were able to take advantage of inferior competition for the first week and a depleted joi for the second. Really the only outlier is Tokushoryu. Guy came out of nowhere to 14-1 Y and then fell off the face of the planet and retired less than 4 years later.

Anonymous No. 223805

No I teach grappling, and I saw often big guys injury the smallest, and in sumo I think is even more easy for example to injury knees and ankles because they are super heavyweight,

Anonymous No. 223806

Did Akebono have knee problems? He's the heaviest rikishi in history iirc.

Anonymous No. 223808

Hakuho and Kakuryu were both kyujo for that basho

Anonymous No. 223810

He's not even the heaviest ever, that goes to Ōrora Satoshi, but the heaviest to hit the Makuuchi division would go to Konishiki.

Anonymous No. 223811

>the heaviest to hit the Makuuchi division would go to Konishiki.
So crazy. Back in Konishiki's day a guy like Konishiki wouldn't have even made it out of Juryo.

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Anonymous No. 223812

His knees degraded over time from the shiko until they exploded in 1994. Konishiki, being an asshole, told him to fight through it and the wins would heal him, and after it became clear that that wouldn't work, he got surgery followed by months of rehab.

Anonymous No. 223813

Crazy he managed to last another six years after that.

Anonymous No. 223816

what about m18, there should be one of those on the next banzuke

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Anonymous No. 223817

Aonishiki & Tochnoshin

Anonymous No. 223818

you don't teach anything, you're a larper and you suck at it, everyone knows you're lying.

Anonymous No. 223820

Obviously edited. Aonishiki isn't that tall.

Anonymous No. 223821

Isn't that Gagamaru?

Anonymous No. 223822

Anyone here knows how to get the number of kyujo occurrences per fighter off of sumodb? I've seen a paper cite it as source for such data but I haven't found a way to query it.

Anonymous No. 223823

No, it's Aonishiki. Who's Gagamaru?

Anonymous No. 223825

The rikishi lists have the total stats for each wrestler. For specific periods of time, you'll have to do a custom query and add all the results up yourself. Fortunately, the format of the site makes it really easy to copy and paste into Excel. Just don't group the results by rikishi on the site, and sum everything in Excel or another program instead.

Anonymous No. 223832

I think Konoshiki was just a true believer in the whole sumo toughguy ideology.

Anonymous No. 223833

aonishiki (forma de alcohol)

Anonymous No. 223834

none for 18

Anonymous No. 223841

Konishiki was already crippled by that point. This was after he'd lost ozeki and was about to go 5-10 at M5e. He knew what he was saying.

Anonymous No. 223851

You're thinking of Lady Gaga.

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Anonymous No. 223854

>I heard you had a monkey problem you need taken care of.

Anonymous No. 223870

How much does it cost to send a kid to somewhere like saitama sakae for 3 years of high school

Anonymous No. 223871

If you have to ask...

Anonymous No. 223879

Almost surprised he doesn't need the knee braces just for day to day walking around.

Anonymous No. 223886

I don't think we'll ever know how close we were to the Day of the Knee. He might not have the big braces on but I bet he still wears the sleeves and takes painkillers. Hopefully he sheds the weight fast and gets down below 300lbs.

Anonymous No. 223887

Pants are baggy enough he could be wearing braces.

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Anonymous No. 223895

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Anonymous No. 223897

I hope his haru basho effort won't be so lame as his shake with oats which didn't mix well at all lol

Anonymous No. 223898

mine do that too, it's fucking impossible to get that shitty protein powder to fully mix
I could sit here for 10 minutes and shake my shit and it'll still have pockets of unmixed powder

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Anonymous No. 223899

I lol'd

Anonymous No. 223900

how about shaking the powder+milk first, then pour it onto oats + add anything else and mix.

Anonymous No. 223901

I only use milk and protein powder
sometimes I don't even bother to try mixing it really, I'll just chew up the chunks, it's kind of good

Anonymous No. 223906

Please understand, he's limiting himself so his true power doesn't get found out by his rivals in the makushita meat grinder. It didn't mix properly because he hasn't had any practice mixing, usually he just eats it by the handful.

Anonymous No. 223922

I think the main issue is not going liquid first, to keep the powder out of the corner areas

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Kitanofuji vs Tak....webm

Anonymous No. 223923

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Anonymous No. 223929

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Anonymous No. 223934

I thought practice mawashi were supposed to be cheap. Like $8 or something.

Anonymous No. 223935

Aren't the sekitori ones $20k a pop? $100 for the practice ones still seems super cheap to me considering.

Anonymous No. 223953

Yes, but those are traditionally woven silk. The one he's referring to is just cotton.

Anonymous No. 223954

If you think of how much an ordinary cotton garment costs, a mawashi is actually really cheap. It's several metres long and quite wide, so it can't be churned out as easily as simple and small designs like t-shirts, and the market for them is incredibly niche since only sumo wrestlers (professional and amateur) wear them so it can't be a large industry that saves money with the economy of scale.

Anonymous No. 223960

It's a niche market but also captive. And textiles are easy to produce.

Anonymous No. 223964

Captive markets are usually the most expensive. You should see how much traditional craftsmen charge for other Japanese cultural items.

Anonymous No. 223966

USA Sumo has them at $110 for the standard white ones, and $170 for the thicker black ones, plus shipping, and they import them from Japan.
They need to be durable enough that you can train in them every day for years, they're not cheap fabric.

Anonymous No. 223977

Now that is wildly overpriced.
I'm sure you could buy a bolt of whatever fabric and get the sides hemmed for a fraction of that brice

Anonymous No. 223978

Would it be as durable as training mawashi though?

Anonymous No. 223979

Maybe. I've never seen a mawashi up close. Is there anything else different about the fabric or construction?

Anonymous No. 223982

>Watching Chris Sumo's video explaining shikona
>Hiradoumi is from Hirado city, which is near the sea (umi)

Well, okay I guess.

Anonymous No. 223985

10400 yen is about $8

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Anonymous No. 223986

based Chris

Anonymous No. 223990


Anonymous No. 223996

That's how an enormous number of shikona work. If it isn't a location, it's a reference to something meaningful to them (Churanoumi) or emblematic of them (Soukokurai).

Anonymous No. 223998

>Chris Sumo
>His real first name is Chris. The second part of his Youtube shikona refers to his interest in sumo wrestling.

Anonymous No. 224000


Anonymous No. 224001

Or Yamato (the Battlecruiser upgrade in Starcraft).

Anonymous No. 224002

Hakokurai (破国来)

Anonymous No. 224004

The next yusho winners:

Onosato, in a playoff with Hoshoryu
MIta, in a playoff with Yamato

Anonymous No. 224013

Aonishiki has the inside lane at Osaka.

Anonymous No. 224020

Yes, but I've seen the 800 yen number several times over the years.

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Anonymous No. 224024

>answer the call

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Anonymous No. 224026

You can just do m9-m99 or whatever instead of running it individually

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Anonymous No. 224028

>face of the planet and retired less than 4 years later.
tokushoryu was floating between makuuchi and juryo since 2011. he really had the devils luck that tournament. only other meagashitters and were doing well enough to fight him in the later half of the tournament and they only had takakeisho in position to fight from sanyaku on the last couple days. he won it at 34, retiring at 37 isn't bad with 12 years as a salaried wrestler

Anonymous No. 224030

>don't think we'll ever know how close we were to the Day of
its basically impossible to shoah your knee with those football donjoy braces on unless you take a a konishiki directly to the joint. your more likely to break your leg like a guy on my team in college had happen getting landed on by a dlineman
doesn't do shit for the arthritis

Anonymous No. 224052

Place your bets on the next Ozeki.

Anonymous No. 224063

It has to be Kirishima right? I'd choose Daieisho, but he's a bit too unpredictable for me to be sure.

Anonymous No. 224068

New ep of Dosukoi Sumo Slop co-starring Kisenoslopo has been translated

Anonymous No. 224070


Anonymous No. 224084


Anonymous No. 224087

Less than three weeks now, boys. Hang in there.

Anonymous No. 224091

1st post-promotion tatsunamislop has arrived

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Anonymous No. 224092

Anonymous No. 224093

we should sponsor a keshomawashi

Anonymous No. 224095

Funny how both of them are on the start of an Ozeki run out of nowhere right now. Nobody expected an 11-4 from Daieisho and Kiri magically ended up back in Sekiwake.

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Anonymous No. 224105

I didn't like to watch sumo food videos until this channel
gonna be rooting for the tatsunami bois in the next basho

Anonymous No. 224106

Who's your sumoshi?

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Anonymous No. 224107

I have many favorites but if I have to pick one I'm gonna say Hosh

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Anonymous No. 224110

Onosato bros what’s going on at nishonoseki stable. Sake bottles up the asshole isn’t a good look.

Anonymous No. 224115

More like HOMOsato roflmao

Anonymous No. 224116

Castle Nishonoseki has become a gay torture dungeon

Anonymous No. 224117

lolololololo, I guess they watched too many episodes of gakinotsukai

Anonymous No. 224119

Kisenosato never smiled while he was active. Now as an oyakata, he has absolute power over several young men, and he's grinning ear to ear in every photo. Coincidence? I think not.

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Anonymous No. 224123


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Anonymous No. 224124

>Takaseido sits on the floor and spreads his legs, exposing his anus. Kirinryu holds his legs down to keep him in that position. Tomokaze then shouts "Set!" and shoves the bottle into Takaseido's anus. A few seconds later, as soon as Tomokaze pulls out the bottle, Takaseido writhes around, crying out "Ouch! Ouch!", perhaps due to the effects of the alcohol. The wrestlers are laughing their heads off at the sight. Tomokaze then makes Takaseido put the bottle of sake in his mouth and pours the sake into it. Takaseido stood up, smiling broadly and making a "good sign" with both hands for some reason.
Supposedly there is video of the sake bottle buttplug incident as well

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Anonymous No. 224125

It's just lads being lads having a laff, nothing wrong here

Anonymous No. 224127

>The Nishonoseki-beya drinking challenge
>buttchug a bottle of alcohol every time there is a drinking scandal at Nishonoseki-beya
>buttchug another if Onosato caused it

Anonymous No. 224129

If only hokuseiho had shoved sake bottles into his juniors asses and made them buy tampons instead of gluing their wallets shut he still would wrestling.

Anonymous No. 224130

So 224124 is about a drinking game for this Nishonoseki-beya? So this guy was the one that started it or something?

Anonymous No. 224131

I'm not taking any of this seriously

Anonymous No. 224133

We know Hakkaku-oyakata

Anonymous No. 224135

Dumb gaijin should have used traditional Japanese glue.

Anonymous No. 224141

QRD? Out of the loop on this one.

Anonymous No. 224142

Buttchugging under ex-Kisenosato's watch. Indications of serious and long-running alcohol issues at the stable. Hazing and hi-jinks, probably not illegal but terrible publicity. Expect Onosato and his heya-mates to perform poorly in the upcoming basho.

Anonymous No. 224146

When was this particular ass incident?

Anonymous No. 224147

It seems like 2022. The punishment for hakuho was that he hid bad things that were happening in his stable. Kisenosato has hide the butt chug incident for 3 years. JSA better lay some serious punishments down for this hidden power harrassment.

Anonymous No. 224150

Kisenosato will be ordered to say he's sorry, and his stable's booze budget will be reduced by 10% for six months. It's harsh, but fair.

Anonymous No. 224152

>The punishment for hakuho was that he hid bad things that were happening in his stable.
And the fact that he wasn't even living in his stable. Kisenosato can just say "yeah they were goofing around but I was there to make sure it wasn't anything serious and I apologize for the embarrassment caused by the video going public." With Hakuho it was "he's not even living there so obviously his house devolved into anarchy."

Anonymous No. 224153

Hakuho got punished for not living at his stable. A bunch of guys drinking is basically a non issue.

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Anonymous No. 224154

Onosato wasn't at the heya yet in 2022, so he isn't to blame for anything in the new article.
Daily Shinchou, the tabloid which is bringing this up, didn't name any of the people in the room for these videos except those actively involved. Pic is what the heya's membership was at the time.

Anonymous No. 224155

From the sounds of it the guy was into having it shoved up his ass. Just lucky he didn't turn into the one guy one jar rikishi.

Anonymous No. 224156

horseshitryu working on his own rope instead of letting the low rankers do it for him?
404 hinkaku not found

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Anonymous No. 224157

Harumafuji wondering if he should have gotten his money's worth.

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Anonymous No. 224160

>Kisenosato can just say "yeah they were goofing around but I was there to make sure it wasn't anything serious and I apologize for the embarrassment caused by the video going public."
Abi got everyone permanently banned from social media for making a video of him taping up Wakamotoharu. It should not blow over that easily for Kisenosato, even if it ultimately does.

Anonymous No. 224164

Is he really your homie if he won't shove a bottle up your ass?

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Anonymous No. 224165

Anonymous No. 224166

A+++ foreshadowing, well done lad

Anonymous No. 224173

Wouldn't surprise me if they blame Tomokaze and in turn blame Nakamura Oyakata since Tomokaze is a Nakamura loyalist and went with him after the split.

Anonymous No. 224174

Rikishi be normal for one day challenge: Impossible

Anonymous No. 224176

It happened 3 years ago and no one complained about it. The guy getting the bottle up the ass was a drunk dumbass the same as the others. Move along, citizen.

Anonymous No. 224180

>no one complained about it
You not having heard a complaint is not the same thing as a complaint never being made.

Anonymous No. 224181

How do you think Nabatame trains his right arm hahaha

Anonymous No. 224182

>Watching old sumo content
>Tochinoshin's first basho after losing Ozeki, he needs 10 wins to re-earn Ozeki
>This shit


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Anonymous No. 224185

Anonymous No. 224187


Anonymous No. 224188

We've gotten two scandals and the banzuke hasn't even been released yet.

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Anonymous No. 224191

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Anonymous No. 224194

Now I know the real reason why Shirokuma had to use wheelchair

Anonymous No. 224200

Ig we know why sumo’s train flexibility

Anonymous No. 224206

Is this a scandal tho? It's just an old video of dumb drunk dudes doing dumb drunk shit. Obviously not a video Kisenosato would want to surface but it's not like there was a victim considering the guy was into having the bottle shoved up his ass.

Anonymous No. 224211

Any consent given is to be questioned given the bottle pushers outrank the sake reciever. Otherwise I would agree.

Anonymous No. 224212

new tatsunami video
let's pore over it and find new examples of Hosh lacking hinkaku

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Anonymous No. 224214

Tatsunamibeya have given their official ruling on romanization. The age of Hepburn is over, now is the time of Nihon-shiki.

Anonymous No. 224217

Why Syunrai and not Hosyoryu?

Anonymous No. 224220

Because the real answer is that they did not even think or care about which is more correct and just slopped some subtitles in there for the gaijins

Anonymous No. 224221

>The kanji are on screen, what more do the gaijin want from us???

Anonymous No. 224222

God I love Tatsusloppa.

Anonymous No. 224224

It actually was Shunrai in one of the videos
maybe it's like that because of their instagram account? dunno

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Anonymous No. 224227

>that guy who watches sumo food and other beya videos as "bulking" motivation
what exactly is wrong with that guy

Anonymous No. 224228

It's the opposite for me. The fatness and gluttony is vicarious and helps me cut.

Anonymous No. 224230

sumoslop crossover ep with guest stars roga & nabatame

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Anonymous No. 224236

New sekitori photos for the JSA website were recently released.

Anonymous No. 224237

Please tell me Onosato has a photo where he doesn't look like a serial killer.

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Anonymous No. 224238


Anonymous No. 224239

Pretty good.

Anonymous No. 224241

nah, looks too chinky

Anonymous No. 224242

I don't love it

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Anonymous No. 224243

Trannytame looking good

Anonymous No. 224244

>that mustache
lol you'd think they'd shave for picture day

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Anonymous No. 224247

>we don't drink at tatsunami stable.....

Anonymous No. 224250

Rikishi are expected to drink, it's manly
And extra manly to drink large amounts

Anonymous No. 224252

its also a great way to put on weight

Anonymous No. 224253

Wakamotoharu clearly missed the memo if that was the case.

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Anonymous No. 224254

>>new bottle opener at nishinoseki
15yo, wtf

Anonymous No. 224258

They only recruit lads who won't get asked for ID on the beer runs.

Anonymous No. 224265

They let him get away with it because he has the best shinpan bows during the entrance ceremony.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 224266

it's over

Anonymous No. 224276

You "scandal" fags are gay.

Anonymous No. 224277

You gay fags are scandalous

Anonymous No. 224278

Almost as gay as doing ass-to-mouth in front of all your friends.

Anonymous No. 224279

Buttchugs are a party classic. Everyone was doing it after Jackass did it.

Anonymous No. 224281

>The anal-obsessives on TV did it, so it isn't gay!
>I used to do it with my friends, nothing gay there!
It's incredibly gay. If you have ever done a "buttchug" you are, at the very least, gayer than an ordinary man.

Anonymous No. 224283

doesn't matter, it's still gay...and jackass was full of degenerates anyway

Anonymous No. 224284

So is your entire issue here that it verges on homosexuality and nothing else?
>you went near a butt! That's GAY! you're GAY! Butts are GAY!
OK. I'm not gay. They aren't gay.
Like what exactly is your point here? What do you think you're accomplishing? Calling straight people gay doesn't make them gay because you're deathly afraid of butts.

Do you flagellate yourself after taking a shit? That's almost as gay as touching your penis to take a piss.

Anonymous No. 224285

I think that enthusiastically inserting a phallic object into another man's rectum is very gay. I think it's very telling that you're getting so defensive, and likening this bizarre, disgusting, and fully intentional pastime to "going near a butt".

Anonymous No. 224286

You're a moron and your pathetic overcompensating is what's telling, you dumb faggot. Just another self-hating fag in the closet trying to convince everyone else how much he hates men lol. You think you're pulling it off, fruitcake?

Anonymous No. 224287

My dude, you're defending literal anal play between two (or more, if the story is to be believed) grown men. There is no way you can spin this as being a normal, heterosexual thing to do.