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🧵 /sumo/ - Off-Basho General

Anonymous No. 221444

Dan edition

Aonishiki has tied the record for fastest progress to makuuchi from jonokuchi debut


>Fight Schedule & Results:

>Some sumo links and how to watch live:


previous >>217298

Anonymous No. 221446

>there's a reason they don't fight like MMA fighters
Because the win condition in sumo is completely different lmao. If the UFC swapped the octagon cage for a towara and ring outs you'd see sumos crushing the sport.

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Anonymous No. 221447

Punished Zak arc starts now

Anonymous No. 221449

He reminds me of that moment near the end of Whiplash where A J Simmons' character tells the protagonist that it looks like he doesn't really have what it takes.

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Anonymous No. 221450

Anonymous No. 221456

>Obese, immobile Musashimaru to teach Hoshoryu the unryu style

That is going to be hilarious to see

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Anonymous No. 221458

heh, member?

Anonymous No. 221459

>Aonishiki has tied the record for fastest progress to makuuchi from jonokuchi debut
Good on em'. He seems to have some actual skill and might be a threat for Ozeki some day. His gaijin counterpart Shishi, on the other hand, seems to be clumsy as fuck and gives me nice guy Keisei vibes of meh...

Anonymous No. 221461

Shishi reminds me of sleepynojo if shishitter learns some real technique he’ll be a force

Anonymous No. 221462

I think he has the "fat guy gets bad back from sleeping" problem. Or maybe its knees or hips, who knows. He needs to get rid of his "catch the other guy's taichai" style and be more aggressive. Teru could do that style last January before he was closer to full power, in July he was moving forward at the taichai more and it worked for him and Zak isn't as big and strong as Teru was, at least not yet.

Anonymous No. 221464

>"fat guy gets bad back from sleeping" problem
damn is this why my back hurts

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Anonymous No. 221465

Shishi spends too much time training with his sumo mommy

Anonymous No. 221466

Considering the guy he tied with is Jokoryu, he'll need to watch he's not pushing himself too hard too quickly and injuring himself back to perma-makushita.

Anonymous No. 221467

Kaisei was much, much bigger, over 50kg heavier, Aonishiki verges on muscle manlet status, but he is still very young. The other two who hold the record Aonishiki just matched both started sumo when they were 23, Dan will be a makuuchi vet when he turns 23, he was 19 when he was in Jonokuchi.

Anonymous No. 221468

Ever see the Sumo Prime Time video of Musashimaru? He comes across as someone who's taken WAY too many knocks to the head.

Anonymous No. 221471

He should've tried becoming a yokozuna by being good instead of being fat.

Anonymous No. 221472

I want to fuck her mouth, bros

Anonymous No. 221473

I want Eimi and the girl at Futagoyama to oil wrestle for my sexual enjoyment.

Anonymous No. 221474

in sumo the difference between "too fat" and "perfect weight" is 1g, its that last gram that breaks the camels back that means you were too heavy.

Anonymous No. 221475

Bro if Zak was 1g lighter he would still be a tremendous fatso.

Anonymous No. 221476

>Aonishiki verges on muscle manlet status
Hes 5'10 and 120kg. Thats a manlet. He just needs more traps for the muscle side

Anonymous No. 221477

Why would you bother to post that mewing cringe shit? Have some self respect already.

Anonymous No. 221479

>nnnggghhh eimi-chan i can't focus on my sumo with this erection...tasukete...

Anonymous No. 221481

That part where he went on a tangent to indirectly ramble about Takakeisho was funny.

Anonymous No. 221482

Everyone keeps thinking the JSA is desperate for a yokozuna but I see the truth
They barely escaped having to answer what happens when there are less than two ozeki/yokozuna when Takakeisho was kadoban during the basho kirishima got ozeki in
They look at the current ozeki and see that none of them are going to last so they promoted hoshoryu so that he can be listed as the Yokozuna-Ozeki in half a year's time when zak loses ozeki rank and onosato is kadoban

Anonymous No. 221483

>The current ozeki won't last
The fuck are you smoking? Zak just went kadoban for the first time and Onosato isn't looking like he's slowing down any time soon.

Anonymous No. 221484

136 on his most recent official weigh in

Anonymous No. 221485

Without googling, name all of the makuuchi rikishi to fight in a black mawashi this basho.

Anonymous No. 221486

Is anyone else archiving the sumo broadcasts? What source do you use? I've just been using the nhk world highlights.

Anonymous No. 221487

What fucking plebbery is this? Natto is the superior source for all basho broadcasts.

Anonymous No. 221488

Oh, and where do I download that? What's his source and the resolution and bitrate?

Anonymous No. 221490

...Prove to me you're not part of the Japanese broadcasting industry, first...

Anonymous No. 221491

I just want a source I can automate from my scripts. Youtube works because it's usable via yt-dlp. So it has to be accessible by automated methods. The nhk videos on youtube are 1080p but only around 3,000 kb/s bitrate. So if your solution is behind something requiring an account or login it's no good.

Anonymous No. 221492

Natto requires a login.

Anonymous No. 221493

Sounds like an NHK ninja to me desu.

That stuff can still be trivially automated, the anon is just a pleb who thinks yt-dlp is some 200 IQ shit.

Anonymous No. 221494

It's just the best source that's easily accessible. I don't see what's so great about natto, I haven't seen the video quality being that much better.

Anonymous No. 221495

Video quailty now that he switched to Abema is arguably worse than NHK. That was never his primary draw, though. It's the detailed charts.

Anonymous No. 221496

I don't need charts, I can just use sumodb. I just want to archive the bouts in the highest quality possible.

Anonymous No. 221497

Also Juryo and Makushita.

Anonymous No. 221498


Isn't it enough for you to just enjoy the sumo? Are you one of those people who goes to a concert so you can hold your phone up recording it instead of enjoying it?

Anonymous No. 221499

Let him hoard. It's sad how hard it is to find old tournaments for me, a guy who's never actually looked that hard for them.

Anonymous No. 221500


Anonymous No. 221501

>hold your phone up recording it instead of enjoying it?
No I'd definitely not do that. But I'm pretty sure it'll be harder to get archives of bouts in the future so I'd like to have them. I've contributed webms to the thread for ages and people have appreciated stuff like that but I guess I'll stop doing that.

Anonymous No. 221502

Can't imagine many are worth watching honestly.

Anonymous No. 221503

I just have a friend who really likes Tochinoshin, so I wanted to look up his yusho for them.

Anonymous No. 221504

>but I guess I'll stop doing that
Lmao passive aggressive fuck, do what you want. I made that Onosato slipping webm someone keeps posting but I don't think I'm hot shit for it.

Anonymous No. 221505

Might wanna archive sumodb too. Them servers gonna blow up any day now with everyone arguing over promotion conditions.

Anonymous No. 221506

Apparently other people have already done that, but it'd be nice if they published their data instead of hoarding it for themselves.

Anonymous No. 221507

Doitsuyama claims to have fixed whatever was wrong, but it's hard to take him at his word.

Anonymous No. 221508

Remember when we all thought we finally had a solid sanyaku and had reached a period of stability? And then four dudes got losing records and Teru fucking died? Good times.

Anonymous No. 221509

Short answer, no there is no publicly available archive of bashos for a variety of reasons.
I have a personal collection formed of mbovo nhk recordings, kintamayama collections, and various odd recordings with euro and russian commentary from rutracker and random forums.
Gonna have to start grabbing whatever you see when you can, manually.

Anonymous No. 221510

Do you have/could you share January 2018?

Anonymous No. 221513

Really wanna see footage of Asashoryu's inevitable visit to Tatsunami Beya to spar with the new "yokozuna". It will happen sooner rather than later because no way uncle is just gonna sit on his ass while family shit goes down.

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Anonymous No. 221514

The NSK has a growing number of basho on their youtube channel if you'll pay $9 a month for access.

If we want a publicly accessible archive to exist at some point, eventually someone will have to bite the bullet.

Anonymous No. 221515

Natto will upload his entire archive to his site eventually. Trust the process.

Anonymous No. 221516

A personal site can be taken down easily; it's better to just slap it on a file-hoster.

Anonymous No. 221517

His basho videos are on a file hoster.

Anonymous No. 221518

>taken down easily
How? They can get data centres to cancel people's contracts?

Anonymous No. 221519


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How to Utchari a ....webm

Anonymous No. 221520

Closest I've got is a couple of the 2017 bashos

Anonymous No. 221521

Motoharu's feet weren't even against the towara. The fuck even happened there?

Anonymous No. 221522

Depends where they're hosted. I've heard that Bulgarian hosts are basically untouchable because they just don't care.

Anonymous No. 221523

Hokuseiho wasn't a smart man, reach over the top and walk forward was about all he did, no tawara needed.

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Anonymous No. 221524

We will settle this with a Yokozuna Deliberation Council meeting

Anonymous No. 221526

I forgot to name it yotsubagawa Yokozuna decision council since yotsubagawa is our official stable name

🗑️ Anonymous No. 221527

I have membership for NSK's youtube until early February. I will webm stuff if anyone wants something specific.

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Anonymous No. 221528

I have membership for NSK's youtube until early February. I will webm stuff if anyone wants something specific.

Anonymous No. 221531

i like how the reddit/midnight sumo crowd made a complete 180 on hokuseiho going from the next yokozuna to being a bully

Anonymous No. 221532


Anonymous No. 221534

Oho... I think? All I got.

Anonymous No. 221537

Oho's might be a very dark purple or brown. I think Meisei's was black this time too

Anonymous No. 221539

Decent taste

Anonymous No. 221543

Kirishima and Wakamoto haru always fight in black.
Hakuoho and Tokihayate.
>>221534 Kotozakura and Chiyoshoma
>>221537 Meisei

Anonymous No. 221544

Can't forget Abi

Anonymous No. 221546

When the new borders for Russia are drawn, Putin will have acquired Shishi.

Anonymous No. 221547

2 day operation comrade

Anonymous No. 221552

>never beat terunokneesfuji
>never even look like getting close
>succeed him the same tournament tobifuckingzaru forcibly retires him
I'm going to Osaka, will be there on opening day, gonna practice my zabuton frisbeeing so I can bullseye Hosh when he jobs. I honestly thought I'd be more likely seeing Onosato's maiden yokozuna dohyo-iri not Hosh's

Anonymous No. 221554

He's 5'11 (180 cm) but that's still shorter than every European rikishi before him, even the ones that stayed for like 2 basho then left.
I'm still curious to where his wall is going to be given that he's certainly going to get promoted to maegashira next basho.

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Anonymous No. 221555


Anonymous No. 221556


Anonymous No. 221559

remove him from your memory

Anonymous No. 221562

Good lord what an ugly man.

Anonymous No. 221563

>zabuton frisbeeing
I'd love to see that ngl

Anonymous No. 221564

has anyone ever got salt in their eye before a match

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Anonymous No. 221567

Doesn't Kirishima fight in some shade of brown? This is from day 14 against Kinbozo, no way that's black.

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Anonymous No. 221568

after re watching his day 15 bout raja mentions multiple times that hes wearing black

Anonymous No. 221569

Brownest looking black I ever seen.

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Anonymous No. 221571

You know who did beat teru?

Anonymous No. 221572

Zak is two years older than Hosh. Hosh is literally still reaching his peak, while Zak's peak wasn't good enough for zuna.

Anonymous No. 221573

How many stables can their be at one time and how many coach’s can stables hire more coaches? Like for instance if keisho wanted nosho to come help with his can he pay him and employ him

Anonymous No. 221574

Zak’s first yusho was better than both of hoshoryu’s for one he didn’t have to rely on anyone for a playoff to win and I’ll go as far as saying his play off with teru is way better than hoshoryu’s yusho against two maegashiras. He won the most bouts last year and two years ago he came in second with wtk hoshoryu is the definition of right place right time and if you want to talk about steady growth it’s zak he’s figured out hoshoryu and the others. His body is holding him back.

Anonymous No. 221575

When Zak puts on 10 more pounds he will literally be immovable and throw those mongolian twinks across the dohyo
you gotta be retarded to not think he has the highest ceiling

Anonymous No. 221576


Anonymous No. 221577

Zak I need you to stop fighting injured buddy

Anonymous No. 221578

>His body is holding him back.
yeah because he's a fat fuck
take that away and he's worthless

Anonymous No. 221579

Being a fat fuck is apart of sumo he has impeccable technique and ring IQ you don’t go 14-1 without it

Anonymous No. 221580

fat fucks being more prone to injury is also a part of sumo

Anonymous No. 221581

i accept your concession Ktz is Terunofuji

Anonymous No. 221582

Hakuho and Asashoryu weren't nearly as heavy as zak, that didn't stop them from being the greatest

Anonymous No. 221583

Hak was still a big bloke and Asa was a master of his technique he made up for his size. Teru had size and technique imagine if he had knees fucker could’ve easily had 22 chips or more

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Anonymous No. 221584

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Anonymous No. 221585


Anonymous No. 221586

All of you guys are arguing the wrong point - each individual rikishi has an ideal fighting weight, and the only issue is how close he is to it. Doesn't matter if he's too high or too low, his performance will suffer, There's no one size fits all weight that all wrestlers of a given height should aspire to.

Anonymous No. 221587

Oho did.

Anonymous No. 221588

I wanna fuck his mouth bros...

Anonymous No. 221593

It's a shame sumo didn't do very well in MMA because I think those guys would be monsters in the street

I wonder how a sumo/boxing fighter would look like

Anonymous No. 221602

This is why ABEMA added mawashi colors to their feed.

Anonymous No. 221608


what the fuck is a Zak?
it's Quattro tatas, or Tatas for short. Or titties if your murican

Anonymous No. 221609

Ura Forma de pugilist

I wish they would fix their color, white balance, and exposure instead.

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Anonymous No. 221610


Anonymous No. 221616

Daieisho is basically already fighting in that style

Uncle Waka even called his sumo "boxing" in the commentary of the first few days this basho.

Anonymous No. 221617

gb2mexico spic

Anonymous No. 221618

If he was from Mexico he would've known it was "Tetas Quattro", not "Quattro Tatas"; "Tatas" is also American.

Anonymous No. 221623

That's Portuguese not Spanish, anon

Anonymous No. 221629

Same. Just have her lay down on a table with her head hanging off the edge and have her open up her throat. Just going at it like she's an onahole. God...

Anonymous No. 221632

I'm also not from South America.

Anonymous No. 221634

Black Zak is his name, Quattro Tetas is only his joke title for that one meme although it's definitely the best one in that entire roster

Anonymous No. 221637

Tobizaru, that's why he retired

Anonymous No. 221640

>doesn't know about the true banzaku
you have to go back

Anonymous No. 221642

monke got revenge for getting clamped

Anonymous No. 221645

He was just upholding their win trading tradition.

Anonymous No. 221648

Any videos of him punching

Anonymous No. 221656

yeah there is one of his boxing training on the kise jewtube channel

Anonymous No. 221657

>Zak’s first yusho was better than both of hoshoryu’s
Lmao no, Hosh spent November launching fat fucks all over the dohyo. All Zak did was be fat and immovable.

Anonymous No. 221658

Yeah Hosh launched himself straight into the dirt while Zak was immovable

Anonymous No. 221660

Cry harder. Zak never had it in him to rope. His father built him up to become something he could never be. With Onosato and #74 hitting their peaks Zak will be lucky if he ever wins a 2nd yusho, never mind two in a row.

Anonymous No. 221661

>Hosh wasn't able to move Zak
>this means Hosh is stronger

Anonymous No. 221662

And yet the YDC's promotion decision was unanimous. Curious!

Anonymous No. 221665

Yes, it is curious. We all think so.

Anonymous No. 221670

Just watched the Chris Sumo video about Hoshoryu. I never knew just how much of a rival he considered Oho to be. That just makes the final fight between them that much better, holy shit.

Anonymous No. 221673

>two in a row
not a requirement for promotion, none of the last 4 promotions came after consecutive 'ushos

Anonymous No. 221675

Two in a row is a hard requirement, it's just that they're willing to consider a strong JY to be a yusho equivalent. Teru's effort in July 2021 would've beaten just about any other rikishi in history, it's just that he was up against Hakuho.

Anonymous No. 221682

Maybe I missed it, did Zak or anyone close to him ever say that he's currently injured? Or is it just a guess?

Anonymous No. 221688

His left knee and ankle were strapped up and he went 6-9 man idk what to tell you. There was a couple fights he literally couldn't push at all.

Anonymous No. 221692

He looked injured as in limp, unable to resist, but then again, it didn't seem to me it was his taped leg that was consistently the weak spot. He also kept competing even after going kadoban. That and the mawashi change... I honestly don't know. AFAIK, there's been no official statement.

Anonymous No. 221694

There's been no statement because he family are retarded Japanese "honour" fucks. His father failed to become yokozuna and so pushes Kotozakura extra hard like parents in the US push their kids in sports to cover for their own failings. He had Zak promise his grandfather's fucking grave that he'd be back as yokozuna, do you seriously think anyone involved in this is going to actually admit to anything?

Yes I know that Kotonowaka didn't "fail", he simply had to quit to take over the family stable, but the end result is the same. I wouldn't even be surprised if the mawashi change was his father's decision. Zak is just a big baby.

Anonymous No. 221696

imagine if he summons some uncle energy and slaps a jap

Anonymous No. 221697

He always had those straps no? Look at older bashos. Obviously he wasn't feeling great but if it's an actual injury I'd be curious to know what it is about.
I see, thanks.

Anonymous No. 221699

>He also kept competing even after going kadoban
This is the most baffling part to me. Did he want to make sure that if Hosh became #74 that he at least had SOME say in it? Zak probably fought harder against Hosh than anyone else that basho.

Anonymous No. 221700

yeah, tits is gonna end up permagimped like kisenosato
only question is if he gets the rope or dies trying

Anonymous No. 221703

1 hour until the official promotion stream.

Anonymous No. 221706

>Two in a row is a hard requirement, it's just that its not a hard requirement
ok thanks for you semantics, you will never be a woman

Anonymous No. 221707

And Zak will never be a yokozuna :)

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Anonymous No. 221708

Sumo is held back because most forms of MMA take place in rings or cages. If ring outs are a factor, sumo would have a much higher success rate, as seen in promotions like Ganryujima.

Anonymous No. 221709

He actually went 5-10. In a basho where 4/7 sanyaku got MK, he had rhe worst record of all of them. But yeah, the gut looked like he had no power or drive to resist his opponents. The only time he showed any mettle at all was day 15 against Hosho, but they both get fired up to fight each other every time.

Anonymous No. 221710

That was a shit reply. He should've told the twink to try pushing him out instead. Though desu any non-obese top rikishi trained in ground and pound could've obliterated him even in a cage. Hakuho or Asashoryu would rip the limbs off the average MMA twink, discipline be damned.

Anonymous No. 221712

knee up the middle nigga

Anonymous No. 221715

Tobi retiring teru was almost as funny as kak kak trying a leg sweep and falling on his ass

Anonymous No. 221717

Get your votes in polls close in an hour

Anonymous No. 221718

The Tobi fight had plenty of honour. You could see Teru's knees slowly exploding as time went on. Kekuryu shat the bed, it's not the same.


Anonymous No. 221719

Watch closely. When they ask if anyone has any objections to his promotion, I'm going to stand up and challenge it.

Anonymous No. 221720

Go back to bed, Zak. That is, if your back can handle it.

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Anonymous No. 221722

>I'm going to stand up and challenge it.

Anonymous No. 221724

And hosh couldn’t throw him

Anonymous No. 221725

Hosh should have lost right then but Zak was just asleep on his feet

Anonymous No. 221726

Youtube chat is great, nips can't understand why there's so many FILTHY FOREIGNERS there.

Anonymous No. 221727

What are nips saying

Anonymous No. 221728

Kakuryu had been yokozuna for 4 years before he finally was able to string together two consecutive wins. Its good odds that Horseshitryu will never do it considering that its been over a year since he previous win.

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Anonymous No. 221729

The yotsubagawa Yokozuna decision council has spoken hoshoryu did not reach the 2/3rds of votes needed to be promoted

Anonymous No. 221730

Random stuff here and there. Lots of "Hoshoryu ganbatte!" and "WHERE THE FUCK IS THE STREAM???".

Anonymous No. 221732

GODshoryu will continue to dominate and there's nothing you can do about it, sorry sweaty

Anonymous No. 221733

Rip, better luck next basho hoshoryubros

Anonymous No. 221734

Can't tell if Hosh took a shot to the left eye, or if he always squinted that much.

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Anonymous No. 221735
it's official. say something nice about the 74th yokozuna

Anonymous No. 221737

>We promote you. Gz.

Wow what a great ceremony as per usual.

Anonymous No. 221738

Akashi Shiganosuke Weeps

Anonymous No. 221739

That doesn't sound like they're mentioning the foreigners.

Anonymous No. 221740

I saw a few comments earlier to that effect and thought it was funny.

Anonymous No. 221741

Let me know when he starts lmao

Anonymous No. 221742

Pfft. Unearned. Undeserved. What a joke.

IF he wins the next basho I will admit Hosh is rope material.

Anonymous No. 221743

It isn't a "promotion ceremony" as such. It's the ceremony of informing the wrestler that he is going to be promoted, which logically made more sense over a century ago. Now, it's simply tradition for the media to be there to see that happen.

Anonymous No. 221744

>This anon, circa 2031
>uhhhh if hosh can win his 38th straight yusho, THEN i'll admit he's rope material!!!
The only one roping here is you once you realise you will never be a woman.

Anonymous No. 221745

Hoshoryu isnt going to have sex with you for defending his honor online, anon

Anonymous No. 221746

bring out the fish. taking bets on whether he botches it our not

Anonymous No. 221747

His dick is rocking my boihole as I type this.

Anonymous No. 221748

whos the down syndrome kid

Anonymous No. 221749

How come Onosato got two fish?

Anonymous No. 221750

You know what anon
You're right
Hoshs hugely embarrassing slip in November was totally Kakuryu-tier so I guess he is rope material in a way

Anonymous No. 221751

>single fish
weakmind yokozuna incoming

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tokyo breaming.png

Anonymous No. 221752

it's offishial

Anonymous No. 221753

>Pretending to leave
Lmao this guy is fucking great.

Anonymous No. 221754

>photographer tried to call Hoshoryu back by yelling "ozeki!" and then realized

Anonymous No. 221755

Someone post the Oho vs Kinbozan fight so we can watch Hoshoryu earn his Yokozuna promotion again

Anonymous No. 221756

Some Kashiwa Junior High School Sumo wrestler that is close to Hoshoryu's family.

Anonymous No. 221757

How many kimboshi hosh giving away this year?

Anonymous No. 221758

Some tard that Hosh keeps around for PR's sake.

Anonymous No. 221759

Hard to say, but god have mercy on whatever shitter he faces first in March. I heard it's K1w which would likely mean Abi.

Anonymous No. 221760

I'd be surprised if he dropped less than two in the March basho.

Anonymous No. 221761

Aonishiki will be the next hakuho after horshityu retires in disgrace.

Anonymous No. 221762

I’m expecting a string 11-4 since the value of strong yushos have been bottomed out

Anonymous No. 221763

>I’m expecting a string 11-4
But enough about Kotozakura.

Anonymous No. 221764

thanks anon

Anonymous No. 221765

>11-4 kadoban basho
Amazing stuff really kotozakura really is the best

Anonymous No. 221766

The way this basho went it's looking more like a string of 4-11's

Anonymous No. 221767

If he'd pulled out to injury the moment he went kadoban I'd have respected him more, but that fight against Onosato was fucking pathetic, the man shouldn't have been in the dohyo. Was he so desperate to fight Hoshoryu before he potentially got promoted? At risk of making his clear injury worse? What a fucking idiot. No one will care or even remember that you did it.

Anonymous No. 221768

Wasn't there a comment from his father like "you can heal in the dohyou", or am I thinking of someone else?

Anonymous No. 221769

What we're going to remember is a mannerless Mongol dog becoming yokozuna on the back of two of the weakest performances in sumo history

They should make Oho half a yokozuna at least since he did most of the work.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 221770

Take the dick out of your mouth and reply to me again.

Anonymous No. 221771

Juryo promotions announced.
Wakanosho (Ms1e)
Kazekeno (Ms1w)
Kusano (Ms3w)
Hitoshi (Ms4w)
Otsuji (Ms5w)

Anonymous No. 221772


Anonymous No. 221773

go kusano go

Anonymous No. 221774



Anonymous No. 221775

Think that was kisenosato but that’s old school shit saying heal on the dahyo

Anonymous No. 221776

He got a 5-2 so that should land him somewhere around Ms50 (plus/minus 3 ranks) which is a career high.

Anonymous No. 221777

no such thing. and no the granpa gyoji being too drowsy from his nappy to notice his quick bow does not count.

Anonymous No. 221778

Funny how literally no other rikishi has that issue

Anonymous No. 221779

Not many other rikishi had to deal with the grandpa gyoji who only got dragged out for the last couple of fights which Hoshoryu was basically always in.

Anonymous No. 221780

Statistically, what is more likely? That an old man happens to not see one man bow out of dozens of men? And then he manages to not see it repeatedly? But he still manages to see every single other person bow including this guy's opponent?

Or is someone just rude?
Tell me what occams razor would say to this.

Anonymous No. 221781

it was the same gyoji in both instances too. clearly a gyoji issue. probably racist

Anonymous No. 221782

Occam's Razor indicates that you, a 4chan poster, are likely a raging homosexual.

Anonymous No. 221783


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Anonymous No. 221784

You rang?

Anonymous No. 221785

Uncle is undoubtedly satisfied that Hosh could never even approach his strength and fame, especially after this embarrassing pity promotion

Anonymous No. 221786

Honestly, the run from peak Asashoryu to peak Hakuho likely hasn't been repeated in any sport anywhere ever.

Anonymous No. 221787

Yes that is true, anon. I am being somewhat unfair. I'm just very unsatisfied with the way this whole thing shook out.

Anonymous No. 221788

You're really going to say that Droopy didn't call back other rikishi? That happened a number of times. Sometimes they'd do full bows while he was looking the other direction.

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Anonymous No. 221790

Children playing in a sandbox compared to the wrestling GOAT's 887-2, where those 2 looses were due to jewish rule changes

Anonymous No. 221791

Nobody gives a shit about gayreek wrestling
Go jerk off your wrestling coach again

Anonymous No. 221792

The issue with him is that I have zero respect for greco roman wrestling and thus don't care. I tried watching it once and thought it was retarded

Anonymous No. 221793

I just randomly checked Hokuseiho's record and he seriously went M11e->M6e off an 8-7 record? Fucking WHAT?!

Anonymous No. 221795

Now check out his m6 promotion to k cheating ura out of a sanyaku debut

He’s a fuckin nepo baby Jsa wants that Asa fan money

Anonymous No. 221796

>have zero respect for greco roman wrestling and thus don't care. I
sure. many think the same as sumo. doesn't change that greco is a higher competitive level and a harder sport where someone was more dominant than the most dominant rikishi
when will people learn that they also need to look at what other people did in the same basho to understand where people end up. take this bash for example. abi gets to keep komusubi because there the wakas both sucked, kirishima is going sekiwake and inly oho did good enough to get komusubi. if takanosho got 8-7 they would have flipped

Anonymous No. 221797

Never mind I thought you were talking about hoshoryu I hate that faggot nepo baby

Anonymous No. 221798

Abi is going -0.5 instead of -1. Hokuseiho went +5 instead of +1. That's fucking WILD.

That actually brings me to a semi serious question. Kirishima is likely going back to sekiwake with his record, but what's the LOWEST record he could've gotten to go back to sekiwake?

Anonymous No. 221799

Nishikigi went from M5w to komusubi off an 8-7 early last year. Shit happens sometimes.

Anonymous No. 221800

Yeah? The difference is- this is a SUMO thread, for people who like SUMO and want to talk about SUMO.

This is NOT a gay wrestling thread for fags who like gay wrestling.

Nobody came into the gay wrestling thread and said "Hakuho is better than your gay slav boyfriend!". You came into OUR thread and talked shit with your faggot ass wrestling. Nobody asked you to come here and nobody asked you to bring up gay wrestling or your homosexual crush on whoever that raided out faggot is. YOU are intruding. YOU are being annoying. Nobody gives a FUCK about your gay ass wrestling so shut the fuck up about it.

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Anonymous No. 221801

>you have to look at the basho
>no, im going to continue being ignorant
megashitters shit the bed hard
>(greco) wrestling not allowed in the (sumo) wrestling thread
No amount of malding will change the fact that you are retarded and cant follow a chain of replies

Anonymous No. 221804

I am genuinely sad we don't get to rage at hokuseiho standing around 15 times every other month.

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Anonymous No. 221805

More entertaining than the constant squabbling over my guy deserves it not your guy thats gotten much worse over the last year.

Anonymous No. 221806

Tell you what, you go start a gay wrestling thread on /lgbt/ and see how many people go with you. The rest of us will be here talking about sumo.

Anonymous No. 221808

>4eyed nerd as yokozuna
its never been as over as it is right now

Anonymous No. 221809

A lot of rikiskhi need glasses. Perfect eyesight isn't beneficial, and something like lasik is out of the question with it being full contact.

Anonymous No. 221810

Yeah but just wear contacts for the aesthetic when you go out

Anonymous No. 221811

Horseshit just announced he is skipping the Osaka basho to go play soccer in Ulanbaatar

Anonymous No. 221812

Glasses cheaper.

Anonymous No. 221813

Hosh is making well over six figures though

Anonymous No. 221814

This, honestly. If I were on the YDC, I would only recommend Hosh for promotion if he won the next one.

Anonymous No. 221819

The YDC chairman's tenure was ending with this basho, so it seems apparent he wanted to get someone in before his time was up. That doesn't explain the other members, though. Tokura's tenure was also ending, and he voted for Hoshoryu and then made a racist comment about hoping he won't be like some of the other Mongolian yokozunas. Why vote for him, then? The world may never know.

Anonymous No. 221820

>good luck kid just don't be an asshole like your uncle or fuck it up like harumafuji
how's that racist or even strange you pearl clutching loser

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Anonymous No. 221822

His comment was
>Not all of the Mongolian yokozuna have had hinkaku, and it wasn't for a lack of fighting spirit. He needs to be conscious of the fact that this is the national sport, and it's Tatsunami-oyakata's job to teach him that.
What do other Mongolians, or his awareness of sumo being important to Japan, have to do with Houshouryuu's promotion unless a blanket judgment against Mongolians has been made in his mind? The statement also assumes that Houshouryuu isn't aware that sumo is the kokugi, and that it needs to be explained to him. He's been a sumo professional for 7 years, why wouldn't he know that?

Would this same person say to Kisenosato that Futahaguro, Wakanohana and Onokuni have been ugly embarrassments and that his oyakata needs to make him conscious of the damage he could do to sumo if he fucks up?
Punchline: Tokura never made a negative comment on Kisenosato. In mid-2018, he was still encouraging him to take off several more basho if he needed that extra time to heal up. After Kisenosato's 7th consecutive kyujo.

Anonymous No. 221823

horseshitryu getting all bitchy and upset about being filmed eating chanko in the latest tatsunami video
no poise
>it was roga tier and it was on the tatsunami beya youtube

Anonymous No. 221825

Racism is an American retardation according to which both Tokura and Hoshoryu would belong to the same race. The rest of the world is xenophobic based on ethnicity.

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Anonymous No. 221832

>these two people have created twice as many Yokozunas in the 21st century as the entire Japanese nation

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Anonymous No. 221834

Call it racist or ethnophobic or what have you, the semantics are not terribly important to me. I was only expressing surprise that he voted for Hoshoryu despite those feelings.

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Anonymous No. 221835

>mocks the film crew as they obsessively record everything
That just makes me like him even more

Anonymous No. 221837

Beards on gyoji need to make a comeback

Anonymous No. 221838

Sumo is going to be so fun to watch.
Imagine all the kinboshi Horseshitryu will dispense soon. Every basho is will be a great joy.

Anonymous No. 221841

So when’s hoshitryu’s meji shrine ceremony

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Anonymous No. 221842

never forget horseshitryu ducked terrorfuji because of "injuries"

Anonymous No. 221843

Here's a funny statistic: in the 8 tournaments after the basho where he was promoted to ozeki (where being the lowest rank is forced), hoshoryu was ranked as ozeki 1 east only a single time

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Anonymous No. 221846

>mongolian 'zuna
SO IT HAPPENED AGAIN! holy kek I just saw the news, they actually gave Yokozuna to someone who was pulling an 8-7 only 2 basho ago and losing 3 times to maegashitters in this one. They just killed his career. Intai in 2 years after dispensing a minimum of 10 kinboshi. They saw the opportunity to get rid of him fast lmao.

Anonymous No. 221847

Voting for Hoshoryu while complaining about Mongolian conduct is basically just a jab at Asashoryu.

Anonymous No. 221848

>national sport

Traditional ritual fags BTFO

Anonymous No. 221849

>after dispensing a minimum of 10 kinboshi
He will hit that number in 2025.

Anonymous No. 221850

He can skip tournaments with no penalty now, so he can just sit out his yearly jobbing bashos. If he skips two this year, he can coast by with three more 12-3s and only be at nine kinboshi by the start of 2026.

Anonymous No. 221851

This is what I fear the most he gets to abuse the Yokozuna privilege of sitting out if Zak could do that he’d put up insane numbers

Anonymous No. 221856

he's a shitter that needs to be slapped, hamurafuji should have bottled him instead

Anonymous No. 221857

sobrino can now take off a basho to do a cycle of roids and GHG. niggas gonna be throwing fuckers into the 2nd row

Anonymous No. 221860

Hosh looks like he has needle scaring on his back and ass I think he juices

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Anonymous No. 221861

Bro Takerufuji looks like he's fireman's lifting a dachshund at all times and you're crying about Hosh?

Anonymous No. 221863

Will Kotozakura be just a less successful version of Takakeisho? He's starting to pile up injuries and isn't able to maintain himself healthy for 2 bashos in a row, it looks like he hit his ceiling and will stay on the perpetual Takakeisho cycle of kadoban and weak KK until his body can't handle anymore and then retirement

Anonymous No. 221864

He’s natty

Anonymous No. 221865

>piling on injuries
Chill the last time he had an obvious injury was like two or three years ago I wish we knew how he got injured because it didn’t happen on the dahyo he’s pretty good at falling

Anonymous No. 221866

I could see him being something like a pre-promotion Kisenosato. Really consistent, always a tough fight, never quite good enough to get over the hump.

Anonymous No. 221867

if the second newhew manages to get to makuuchi JSA will kidnap that couple and extract their DNA to crossbreed with japanese rikishi

Anonymous No. 221868

There's no way TKF is on juice. He'd have bigger calves, for one thing. That's pure eat big, lift big.

Anonymous No. 221869

>Will Kotozakura be just a less successful version of Takakeisho?
He wishes he was.

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Anonymous No. 221870

yeah, skipping in the first year seems to not mean anything. may as well stay healthy.

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Anonymous No. 221871

Man, I'm legitimately scared to see his future basho results. I really hope he doesn't kyujo for 2/3 of his zuna career or get lame 10-5/11-4 and expect us to think he's doing great.

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Anonymous No. 221872

This is the first time he's ever had a losing record in the sanyaku. He hasn't has an MK since july 2022 where he got injured on day 10. How can you possibly say he's on the cycle when this is the first time it's ever happened?

Anonymous No. 221873

>expect us to think he's doing great.
Speak for yourself, if his floor is 10 wins and he grabs one yusho a year I'd say he's fine.

Anonymous No. 221874

At the end of the day, we're going to be going into an era that will inevitably have multiple yokozuna who are all "ozeki+" instead of having one that's a clear dominant GOAT candidate and I'm fine with that. This will be a period of time that resets the expectations for yokozuna.
Imagine if we had Harumafuji, Kakryu, Kisenosato, and pre-beetus Terunofuji, without Hakuho. All would be yokozuna but none would be clearly and consistently dominant over the others.

Anonymous No. 221875

Looking that over, it seems like Zak always comes back strong after posting a MK

So if the pattern holds we should see Zak channeling November in the next basho

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Anonymous No. 221876

>instead of having one that's a clear dominant GOAT candidate
He's my dawg for real

Anonymous No. 221877

I'm sort of dreading Aonishiki coming in and being good. Like bro let us have a single fucking moment of stability.

Anonymous No. 221878

This. I'd be perfectly fine with two zunas. Hell there was talk of a possible double promotion already before this basho, which shows that they're fully aware of it too.

Anonymous No. 221880

I just can't get over his proportions. The man just looks uncanny. The worst thing is, you can't even point to a specific thing that makes him so odd-looking.

Anonymous No. 221881

It's fine if the yokozuna can't dominate all the other ozeki, but he shouldn't be dropping random bouts consistently to maegashira dudes

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Anonymous No. 221883

he doesn't have the in-vogue blubber physique that people like kotozakura has, but he also doesn't look overtly muscular like wakatakakage even if you know he's still really strong - just kind of a nondescript middle point that belies his abilities

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Anonymous No. 221884

At least he's allowed to job on his debut.

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Anonymous No. 221885


Anonymous No. 221887

Based kisenosato took one for the team to show us if you yusho on your debut, you'll destroy yourself.

Anonymous No. 221888

>First Yokozuna Hoshoryu basho
>First basho with Aonishiki in Makuuchi
Aonishiki is going to take the emperor cup and Hoshoryu will finish 8-7 receiving the first warning from the YC

Anonymous No. 221889

Anonymous No. 221890

i did all the >1950 yokozuna here already
also interesting that at 25 there is no guarantee hell have a long stay

Anonymous No. 221891

Even Hakuho gave up a kinboshi in around a third of his tournaments. Kinboshi are special for each individual maegashira that earns them, but over the course of a 15 day tournament it's expected that there will be at least one more often than not, with that chance increasing the more yokozuna there are and the fewer sanyaku there are (since yokozuna would be fighting more maegashira). It's just simple statistics.

Anonymous No. 221892

I'm not saying he should NEVER give out kinboshi, I'm saying he shouldn't give out as many as Hoshoryu could currently be set up to give out.

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Anonymous No. 221893


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Anonymous No. 221894

>kimboshi printer rankings

Anonymous No. 221895

You can just put down the abbreviation of the rank and it'll count everyone in that rank, for future reference. So you can just do "m" instead of "m1-m50."

Anonymous No. 221896

It's not fair unless you factor in how many total fights they had against maegashira to give a percentage winrate against them.

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Anonymous No. 221897


Anonymous No. 221898

There's also going to be fusenshos included in the loss data that don't reward kinboshi

Anonymous No. 221899

Now work out Hoshoryu's loss rate to maegashira as an Ozeki to give us a rough idea of how much of a kinboshi machine he'd be compared to the others. What the fuck Kisenosato though.

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Anonymous No. 221900

true. i really don't want to go through all the +7k matches to pull them out. consider this a approximation till someone else does it
28%. He is 25/26 to 30 is prime tears for strength, so who knows if hell be better or worse

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Anonymous No. 221901

>who was pulling an 8-7 only 2 basho ago
Apparently he was injured.

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Anonymous No. 221902

>the YDC's promotion decision was unanimous
Didn't see that coming. They must desperate.

Anonymous No. 221904

The big tipping point is how exciting he made the last two bashos. If he can do that even semi consistently they'll be happy.

Anonymous No. 221905

> Didn't see that coming.
No, that’s entirely expected. When the group takes a risk, it’s expected that all members of the group appear to buy in. Otherwise it suggests disharmony and dysfunction.
Japanese society does not want to risk having a bunch of guys leaking their dissent to the media. it undermines everything.

This way, if Hoshoryu poops his mawashi, there’s no one who can say “I told you so, nyaa nyaa!”
>you didn’t think he would work out but you still voted for him? Do you normally lie with your votes or is this a new thing?

Anonymous No. 221906

allowed my ass

he better win that debut basho or he will always be a fake yokozuna in my eyes

Anonymous No. 221907

He made November into an absolute anti-climax.

Oho was 100% responsible for January.

Anonymous No. 221908

You are actually that meme of Wolverine lying on his bed with a photo of Hakuho.

Anonymous No. 221910

Oho enabled it, but the superhuman determination was all Hosh's.

Anonymous No. 221911

Fair enough
but I won't admit that I'm wrong for thinking so

Anonymous No. 221913

Dude is probably the most dominant combat sportsman of all time. Absolute beast mode.

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Anonymous No. 221914

Anonymous No. 221915

>just wear contacts
They aren't as effective as glasses, and it sucks ass not being able to see.

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Anonymous No. 221916

How many kilos has he lost already?

Anonymous No. 221917

I appreciate the effort anon, that's some interesting data

Anonymous No. 221918

>former tacoqueso
Supposedly 15 so far.
>just kind of a nondescript middle point that belies his abilities
I've been trying to put my thoughts about Aonishiki into words in the threads for the past few basho, but I think you nailed it with that description.

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Anonymous No. 221919

He looked great when he did the commentary this basho, and has already lost a lot of weight. Also very respectful of all the rikishi and used "zeki" anytime he used their name. Much respect for him and hope he enjoys his retirement.

Anonymous No. 221920

I've never been a fan of the meatball phsyique wrestlers (for how it looks, what it does to their health, and how they wrestle), so I'm happy that he can breath easier now. Please remove Meatakiumi next.

Anonymous No. 221921

My guy Koga getting pranked on his birthday

Anonymous No. 221922

Soon Kaio will become the new top division meatball

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Anonymous No. 221923

>has the most makuuchi yusho among active wrestlers in you're path

Anonymous No. 221924

*Kayo rather

Anonymous No. 221925

He hasn't been the same since he lost his father.

Anonymous No. 221926


Anonymous No. 221927

now look at his gimped record after

nigga literally OD'd on yamato daimeishi

Anonymous No. 221928

is this the ugliest bastard in a sport of fat ugly dudes?

Anonymous No. 221929

Hoshoryu beat Kinbozan himself. Twice. And Oho twice.
Kinbozan lost 3 matches and lost the playoff; Hoshoryu lost 3 matches and won the playoff.
The only reason you’re framing it this way is because Kinbozan’s third loss came late instead of early. It doesn’t actually matter when the losses come, only how many.

Anonymous No. 221930


Anonymous No. 221931

tldr seems to be that atm Hosh would be a kinboshi machine, but he genuinely seems to be improving to the point where I can see him being a decent to good one. If he awaken his forma de tío he'll be top tier.

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Anonymous No. 221932

Mitakeumi is just a big guy, he isn't inherently ugly. I nominate Hiradoumi for the position of fat ugly hentai rapist bastard. Failing that, Nabatame. Something about him terrifies me.

Anonymous No. 221934


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Anonymous No. 221935


Anonymous No. 221936

Are you kidding? Mitaekumi is fucking hideous. It doesn't help that he has that creepy top-row-of-teeth-only smile.

Anonymous No. 221937

It has to be Mitoryu but he's the juryo bridge troll and probably won't ever return to makuuchi.

Anonymous No. 221938

won his first 'asho as 'kozuna followed by a total collapse, shitty scores, multiple successive injury withdraws and total no-shows and eventual retirement not all that long after his promotion.
sound familiar?

Anonymous No. 221939

Reminder that Futahaguro was Tatsunami-beya's most recent yokozuna before Horseshitryu.

Anonymous No. 221941

what a stupid fucking name...

Anonymous No. 221942

I hope they put hoshoryu on a shorter leash for this weak ass promotion no yusho in a year he needs to retire

Anonymous No. 221945

This wouldn't have happened if Asanoyama didn't job to hostesses.

Anonymous No. 221952

It’ll make a funny story to tell future sumo hopefuls

Anonymous No. 221953

That hostess? Me.

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Anonymous No. 221954


Anonymous No. 221955

What a fucking run that was

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Anonymous No. 221956

Only because you were there to witness it.

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Anonymous No. 221957

His wife is very good looking. Imagine him fucking her, how repulsive an image.

Anonymous No. 221958

The cherry on top is that I bet if you took all that fat away, he wouldn't look half bad.

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Anonymous No. 221959


Anonymous No. 221960

That goes for most people that are fat but have proper face and skull development. That's how it was for me, and my shit didn't even grow right. From subhuman to above average with 50lbs.

Anonymous No. 221961

Takayasu is a very manly man. No wonder the ladies love him.

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Anonymous No. 221962


Anonymous No. 221964

Hosho will end the next basho 13-2

He'll retire with a 70% win rate in 8 years

🗑️ Anonymous No. 221965

>pathetic faggots in this thread are now debating the attractiveness of rikishi
Just fucking kys already, you disgusting faggot pieces of shit, or at least go back to /redddit/.

Anonymous No. 221966

Are you stupid? I'm not attracted to ANY dudes, but Mitakeumi is ghoulish.

Anonymous No. 221968

Make me, cocksucker

Anonymous No. 221971

Hakuho unironically ruined yokozuna sumo by being this god being who stuck around so long. Everyone expects a yokozuna to be, at minimum, Hakuho level. Which is just an absurd expectation.

Anonymous No. 221972

GB2bed mitakeumi

Anonymous No. 221973

Hosh at least has sumo that isn't identical to everyone elses. Guy is more technical and ends a lot of his matches in throws and trips. Compare to most others who are just frontal push outs and slap downs. People prefer watching something different. It is why people like Ura, because he does shit most others don't do instead of just trying to win via slap downs.

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Anonymous No. 221977

I believe he can deliver it. The new golden age of ozumo is upon us!

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Anonymous No. 221978

ahhh herrrrooo priss misssa yokozuna

Anonymous No. 221980


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Anonymous No. 221982

I accept the power of /our/ new 'zuna.

Anonymous No. 221983

Sorry, but if Hoshoryu wants MY respect? He'll need to do well in this upcoming tournament. Hopefully no one tells him that though, I wouldn't want to put any undue pressure on him to do well.

Anonymous No. 221984

>WTK 7-8 at m1
Yeah, he's coming for that kinboshi

Anonymous No. 221985

>forgetting based Nishikigi

Takayasu is a mountain of raw masculinity. Don’t underestimate that

Anonymous No. 221988

>had some shit to do so couldn't get on that /sumo/ for a few days
>new thread was started on Monday
>already in autosage
Jesus fuck, you madlads.

Anonymous No. 221990

Why the fuck do you people use the term "autosage"?
Bump limit. It's a bump limit.

Anonymous No. 221991

are you guys blind? have you seen Mitoryu?

Anonymous No. 221992

you must be new here, it's autosage not bump limit

Anonymous No. 221993

>he unironically looks like fat Joseph Gordon-Levitt with the glasses on
God dammit.

Anonymous No. 221994


Anonymous No. 221995

tatsunami okami > futagoyama okami

Anonymous No. 221996

You would never guess that he is 30 years old. Sumo fucks the wrestlers' shit up.

Anonymous No. 221997

Webm of this?

Anonymous No. 221998

user was banned for this post

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Mishima vs Yamato....mp4

🗑️ Anonymous No. 221999


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Mishima vs Yamato....mp4

Anonymous No. 222001

This guy's kimarite pie chart on the JSA website is so fucked up as well considering his top 3 kimarite are shitatenage, izori and okuridashi.

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Anonymous No. 222002

hmm actually has a bad boy aura so he's a bully. He makes everyone his bitch by forcing them to put down their hands first in the dohyo.

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Anonymous No. 222003


Anonymous No. 222004

definitely, i'm 3 years older than Tamawashi and that dude looks like 55 lmao

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Anonymous No. 222005


Anonymous No. 222006

>this is also izori
fuck's sake

Anonymous No. 222007

Good move from JSA or a blunder of the decade? We'll see in 2 months

Anonymous No. 222009

Even if he goes 15-0 people will still say he is a disaster.

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Anonymous No. 222010

>blunder of the decade
Doubtful that a Hoshoryu implosion would even crack the top ten.

Harumafuji scandal, Takanohana scandal, Asanoyama scandal, Isegahama scandal of 2022, Nakagawa scandal, Kasugano scandal of 2018, Osunaarashi scandal, the Kobayashi consultancy scandal - what other major ones am I not thinking of? I'm sure there are several.

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Anonymous No. 222011


Anonymous No. 222012

GODshoryu i kneel

Anonymous No. 222013

Hosh's last 8-7 was him injured btw. Tatsunami Oyakata outright said it.

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Anonymous No. 222017

>The younger rikishi had his jaw broken and lost his sense of taste

Anonymous No. 222018

Anonymous No. 222019

aaaah my boy Hirado the tachimochi

Anonymous No. 222020

We already knew that. We saw it happen when he threw Kotozakura in Nagoya.

Anonymous No. 222021

Pretty sure there was someone crying about Hosh's 2024 record.

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Anonymous No. 222022

This doesn’t look right zak will recover and put things right he is the mc after all

Anonymous No. 222023

several idiots yes

Anonymous No. 222024

>Hosh banging a drum as the cucks make his chadrope
Kino. Also why tf was Shishi there?

Anonymous No. 222025

Same ichimon.

Anonymous No. 222027

He'll be just like grandpa; ozeki most of his career, then yokozuna for a year or so.

Anonymous No. 222028

As a heemster
I was pretty impressed with salt man’s performance instead of ring outing his opponent he kept pushing him down making his big opponent keep picking up that weight before getting a tko if you’ve ever been in a fight being made to stand up over and over again can wear down the legs.

Anonymous No. 222029

I just don’t understand why guys like Zak kotoshoho or Hakuoho do the teru route they all have more than enough money stocked up to take a year off heal and storm back up Zak probably can’t because he’s 27 so the best he can do is go 8-0 next tournament kyujo and then miss the next tournament entirely to heal. Sumo needs to change the rules about kyujo.

Anonymous No. 222030

More guys don't do what teru did because it's a risky prospect that takes 2 years minimum, and if it doesn't work out then you've wasted two of the prime years of your career. It seems much safer (and more honoraburu) to keep grinding away. I do agree that there should be changes to the kyujo system. While seeing everyone fighting injuries is entertaining in a way, it's also cutting careers short and fucking up guys for life. You'd think with the wrestler shortage they would want to change things to keep guys around, not make the conditions worse like they did.

Anonymous No. 222031

>they all have more than enough money stocked up to take a year off heal and storm back up
There's no guarantee it will work. See Asanoyama.

>Sumo needs to change the rules about kyujo
Absolutely. All they need to do is reinstate koushou.

Anonymous No. 222032

Shit like that is so weird because it's some nobody jonidan pretending he's a big shot.

Anonymous No. 222033

Asa just has evil spirits his acl and foot injury was unexpected he made it to k little over a year after his suspension he absolutely tore up the lower ranks.

Anonymous No. 222034

I did not like his soft promotion, but he looks like a Yokozuna. Kakuryu and Harumafuji aways felt weird in a tsuna rope. He's also much bigger than he was one year ago, looking good.

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Anonymous No. 222035

>Walks in to the thread

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Anonymous No. 222036

I miss him already...

Anonymous No. 222037

>he absolutely tore up the lower ranks
That's probably what caused the injury. Guy was giving 200% effort to make it back as quick as possible and wore himself out.

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Anonymous No. 222038

Just imagine what a glorious sight it would be to see an Abi or Kotoeiho dohyo-iri.

Also, what is your favorite Yokozuna dohyo-iri? I've always liked Asashoryu's.

Anonymous No. 222044

Hakuho is my favorite
I particularly enjoy his style of saluting or whatever you want to call it, the arm portion of the dohyo iri

Anonymous No. 222045

This is why Teru told Enho to fight each division differently. To fight in sandanme, fight like a sandanme wrestler and so on

Anonymous No. 222047

We might see Nabatame being higher rank than Roga on the next banzuke

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Anonymous No. 222052

Anonymous No. 222053

>that Ichinojo
My sides

Anonymous No. 222054

>bringing the guy who almost killed your yokozuna run as an attendant for your first dohyo-iri

Anonymous No. 222055

post wife

Anonymous No. 222056

Not like his yokozuna promotion could be any more embarrassing at this point do what does it matter

Anonymous No. 222058


Anonymous No. 222059

Miyagino stable scandal, Shikihide stable scandal, Hibikiryu death incident, Takanofuji/Takagenji scandal

Anonymous No. 222060

How could you forget the wallet gluing

And I don't know if it counts as a scandal by Japanese standards but Ryuden sure made a lot of r/sumoids seethe.

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konomi mori.png

Anonymous No. 222064

She's a folk singer. Asians have never really done it for me, like at all, especially SE Asians (they're very simian-like) but she's not bad looking at all. Probably a solid 7 on the Nip Scale.
>5'2 and probably 100lbs

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That time when Ho....jpg

Anonymous No. 222065


Anonymous No. 222066


🗑️ Anonymous No. 222072

The greatest trick the Orientals ever pulled was convincing people that it's blacks that look like monkeys.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 222073

Well there is a pretty solid hard line divide between South East and East Asians. Look at Chinese as an example. Southern Chinese look like human monkeys. Northern Chinese don't (obviously there is intermixing now and lots of movement but you get my point) and muh pvre Koreans don't either. Japanese who aren't too mixed with SEA also don't look like the Missing Link. A lot of it comes down to facial development and due to diet and functional issues there just isnt as many good looking skulls around today. That isn't to say that Asian men are incapable of looking good of course, but Chad (like the guy all the way on the right) and Stacy are as much as separate species that transcends racial boundaries as they are a simple deviation from the norm.

Anonymous No. 222074

Sorry, >>222073 meant for >>222072.

Anonymous No. 222076

The guy on the left looks italian. Where the orginal japs from the eurasian steppe? Kinbozan was the real jap all along. When did koreans make their way to japan and start mixing it all up.

Anonymous No. 222077

huh? I'm pretty sure it didn't come just from the Orientals.

Anonymous No. 222078

Really, it's the little things like the shape of the nose, the abnormally long "sideburns", and the subtle balance of the facial features. None of the people in your picture have the true "monkey" look, but some Asians do, and once you're aware of it, it's very obvious.

Anonymous No. 222079

Important to note that the "latecomers from Korea" were still 300 BC and well established in the heartland of Japan by the time they imported the ability to write from China. The foundation myth of the civilized amatsukami coming from heaven to overthrow and tame the chaotic and uncivilized kunitsukami was a metaphor for the Yayoi becoming dominant over the Jomon. Everything you know about Japanese culture is Yayoi; the Jomon ended up being relegated to hunter-gatherer Ainu tribes.

Anonymous No. 222080

Kimura Kankuro has received 1 basho suspension + salary reduction for violent behavior. He pinched a junior gyoji on day 5 of Kyushu basho, causing a subcutaneous hemorrhage.


Anonymous No. 222081

What a mongoloid

🗑️ Anonymous No. 222082

>None of the people in your picture have the true "monkey" look
Yeah that was my point. Japs are generally the least apish, #2 are Koreans, #3 are North Chinese. Then it just gets more monkey mode from there.

Anonymous No. 222088

You laugh, but a good pinch hurts far more than a punch, and the bruise is much more dramatic. It's definitely bizarre to see it happening amongst grown men in a professional setting, though - the world of sumo is adorably strange.

Anonymous No. 222099

He did a fake MMA fight
Scared to fight for real! Sad!

Anonymous No. 222102

Okay, I realize that this is a form of simp thinking, but it still to this day always shocks me to know that a delicate, tiny pastel-wearer like this is turned on by getting rawdogged by a giant hairy ape guy to the point that she locked him down. The shit going on inside their heads is just so fucking invisible on the outside, it spins me. At least with a goth bitch or whatever you can read her brain problems in the shitty tats.

Anonymous No. 222104

Maybe it's not about sex but about being married to a great man and his strong sense of purpose giving your own life purpose.

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Anonymous No. 222105


Anonymous No. 222107

And besides, don't act like you don't want a sweaty Takayasu to take you in the missionary position.

Anonymous No. 222111

was it on the ass cheek?

Anonymous No. 222115

Anon, the gyoji dress in hot pink silk gowns from the Heian period.

You think a single one of those guys is straight? The fucking hairdressers must be more invested in pussy.

Anonymous No. 222119

Miyabiyama ripping on nabatame for getting MK after being 7-4

Anonymous No. 222120

What timeline is this
Nabatame went 11-4

Anonymous No. 222121

Well he's extremely tall for Japan, is large and imposing, wealthier than average, a famous celebrity, and a successful professional athlete. Those make him a nice target even if he isn't a model. Remember how women think, "I have a celebrity for a husband, I'm so pretty he chose me, I have him", etc.

Anonymous No. 222122

>ywn bust balls with your buddies over their tournament scores over lunch after training for 8 straight hours the day after the basho
Why even live

Anonymous No. 222123

it was on the arm, apparently he did it like 5 times too

Anonymous No. 222124

Futagoyama videos are on a 2 month delay basho.

Anonymous No. 222128

>Nabatamefag butthurt
u mad

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frozen falls.jpg

Anonymous No. 222141

>koga falls

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Anonymous No. 222146

They count any suplex as an izori these days.
You should check out some of the photos for the non-sekitori. Could you even guess how old this guy is?

Anonymous No. 222148


Anonymous No. 222149

Holy shit that's worse than me and I look mid-late 30s in my mid 20s. I feel for the guy, I really do, but at least he has his hair (for now)!

Anonymous No. 222150

hosh just did his entrance at meiji. it for reals is official now

Anonymous No. 222151

healthy 20yo american creatura

Anonymous No. 222155

Anonymous No. 222157

Still looks a little wobbly, but it is his first time. Would really like to see him develop his own take on it. I am glad it's Unryu, singular loop is kino.

Anonymous No. 222158

that was expected since Asashoryu did it as well.

I like the last Tatsunami video, really great, they're getting better than Futagoyama imo, with neph in it as well, scolding the low-rankers haha

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Anonymous No. 222159

>"you'll be fired"
This is what passes for a verbal attack nowadays, huh?

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 222165

Takasu is a Stonemason?

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Anonymous No. 222166

Takasu is a Freemason?

Anonymous No. 222168

It's a man in his 50s screaming at 16 year olds who are legally under his care that he's going to throw them out on the street.

Anonymous No. 222170

kicking and slapping used to be normal in the good old days, they did it even in jungyo, in front of people and all was good. Now? fucking pussies. People forget sumo is basically a boot-camp and you either make it or you collapse and run back to your mom.

Anonymous No. 222172

They taught a dog to hold a sword?!

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Anonymous No. 222173

Anonymous No. 222174

That fruit bowl is pathetic.

Anonymous No. 222175

what's that thing on the left that looks like a stack of pizzas

Anonymous No. 222176

It's Mongolia, getting any fresh fruit at all means they're as rich as princes.

Anonymous No. 222177


Anonymous No. 222178

>bitching about a fruit bowl filled with fruit
You're special, aren't you pumpkin?

Anonymous No. 222180

God I wish they had raised the age limit of sumo earlier id fucking destroy these nips and Mongolians

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Anonymous No. 222181

Anonymous No. 222184

>So Asashoryu you've been in Japan two days, how many service staff have you assaulted so far?

Anonymous No. 222185

>Not nearly as many as I'm GONNA!

Anonymous No. 222186

I wonder if he's planning on going to Tatsunami to spar with nephew. Would make for kino footage, but god help the rikishi there if they have to put up with him for any length of time.

Anonymous No. 222188

This nigga was ready to adopt kinobozan and now he’s ridding nephews dick

Anonymous No. 222189

Me on the left

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Anonymous No. 222190


Anonymous No. 222192

Social media and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

Anonymous No. 222193

Make them Beyond nugget soijaks and have them pointing at Hosh doing his dohyo-iri.

Anonymous No. 222195

Everyone in the public eye sooner or later has to bow their head to Moloch.

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Anonymous No. 222196


Anonymous No. 222197

its 'jak

Anonymous No. 222198


Anonymous No. 222200

Who's the all smiles guy?

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Anonymous No. 222201


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Anonymous No. 222202

>He has attracted controversies regarding his stances of Holocaust denial

Anonymous No. 222203

Asa in good company, I see.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 222204

How can one man be so based?

Man, I can't believe Hoshoryu ended his first dohyo-iri ceremony by throwing up a Roman salute and declaring Total Nigger Death, Total Kike Death, Total Chink Death, and that Adolf Hitler was the reincarnation of Genghis Khan. What a statement!

Anonymous No. 222205

>Total Rikishi Death

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Anonymous No. 222206


Anonymous No. 222207

Total Mongol Sweep
10,000 years of perfected bokh
A boiled goat for every man

Anonymous No. 222208


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Anonymous No. 222213

Who is this unit, why is his head so big, and why is he so full of killing intent?
I kneel

Anonymous No. 222216

I think that's Hoshoryu's father

Anonymous No. 222217

With the exact same expression you'd have if you saw your former yokozuna brother pulling soijak expressions and taking photos for social media.

Anonymous No. 222218

I can't lie, my killing intent would flare.

Anonymous No. 222220

*after quasi-disowning your son and the entire country of Mongolia because a Kazakh almost won the basho

Anonymous No. 222221

If simple image editing software on Linux didn't suck balls I'd take uncle's tweet after Onosato won September about his Mongolian era and dump the word Kazakh over the top of it.

Anonymous No. 222222

Onosato next yokozuna

Anonymous No. 222223

>that GET
zakbros??? our response???

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Anonymous No. 222225

>those digi's
Must be true.

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onosato pimpwalking.jpg

Anonymous No. 222228

Checked and true and based and true

Anonymous No. 222230


Anonymous No. 222232

Lmao no, the current E. Honda of ozumo is Daieisho.

Anonymous No. 222236

E. Honda is an Ozeki.

Anonymous No. 222237

You can see Dr. T sitting front row usually towards the east edge of the row that faces the cameras about 20% or so of the time, if you're a true oldfag of /sumo/ then you're already familiar with him

Anonymous No. 222238

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Anonymous No. 222239


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Anonymous No. 222240


Anonymous No. 222241

fuck tubby gon do?

Anonymous No. 222245

Best video of Musashimaru teaching Hosh the unryu style.

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Anonymous No. 222246


Anonymous No. 222249

The absolute girth of this lad's labia.

Anonymous No. 222250

E. Honda could also make yokozuna if he wanted to, but doesn't because he goes kadoban every other tournament to participate in Street Fighter.

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Anonymous No. 222251

Beyond based.

Anonymous No. 222253


Anonymous No. 222254

Reminder of what's awaiting Hosh in March. No fucking way someone as clearly competitive as Onosato will let him walk through a basho.

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Anonymous No. 222255

You know it, baby. Fattest pussy on the dohyo!

Anonymous No. 222257

Everyone is waiting for hoshoryu they can smell the easy kimboshi

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Anonymous No. 222258

>all this non-stop media interview bullshit just to ask him the same questions over and over again
>dohyo-iri training to get things ready for his debut
>huge pressure to deliver the same performance from the last two bashos
Yeah, it's post-yusho fatigue time.

Anonymous No. 222259

It's spelled 金星 you fucking gaijin.

Anonymous No. 222260

I really hope Onosato becomes the Takanohana (dominant Japanese yokozuna in a heated rivalry) to Hoshoryu's Akebono (foreigner who takes advantage of weak non-yokozuna field).

Anonymous No. 222261

I don’t speak moon runes faggot

Anonymous No. 222262

It'd be a tough thing to do since Akebono's dominance came through sheer physical size. Dude had 4 inches on Onosato (not his dick hahaha).

Anonymous No. 222263

ん is pronounced "m" before a "b," "p," or "m," sempai.

Anonymous No. 222266

Why was takanohana hated you’d think they’d suck his meat since akebono was such a force with Musashimaru right behind him

Anonymous No. 222268

Takanohana-yokozuna was loved, Takanohana-oyakata was a maverick radical who tried to upend the entire JSA and got pushback from everyone else because of it. Some of his proposals would later be adopted, especially after the gambling scandal reorganization that resulted in the JSA being declared a public interest foundation, but even in most western corporate hierarchies you're going to make no friends if you're a junior middle manager who declares that all your bosses are stupid and everyone should follow you instead, even if you're right.

He was also disliked for how he handled the Takanoiwa affair that resulted in Harumafuji resigning. The resignation was only to save face publicly due to Takanohana going to the police first and stonewalling any internal investigation, and they privately did not want Harumafuji gone.

Anonymous No. 222269

If you're a Victorian-era Brit, by all means. In the same way that Peking and Beijing are the same word.

Anonymous No. 222270

During his active years he was quite beloved by the general public. After retirement, what soured people's disposition towards him was the fuckery with trying to force himself into the rijicho chair as a youngster (30s to 40s) and breaking over a 100 years of tradition by making a new ichimon. That, and the bullying with Takaganja and the other scandals that made him persona non grata within the sport.
Wakanohana was always much cooler as well

Anonymous No. 222271

Also, his weird cult stuff that no one ever talks about. Supposedly, that's the reason he and Wakanohana cannot talk to each other anymore.

Anonymous No. 222275

are you talking about takanohana-gia or something else

Anonymous No. 222277

stfu ken

Anonymous No. 222280

Just because you default to a colloquial version of refined Hepburn doesn't mean it accurately captures how the words are pronounced in the native language. No single romanization can, that's why there's three officially recognized versions, plus a fourth for education, plus all the myriad previous versions of romanization before the official ones were standardized.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to Housyouryuu's debut as a yokoduna, hopefully he avenges his losses to Syoudai and Atamihuzi.

Anonymous No. 222281

I thought those flipflops had the Batman symbol on them for a few seconds. You know, Michael Keaton's.
lol wut.

What cult stuff?

Anonymous No. 222282


Anonymous No. 222284

Digits confirm

Anonymous No. 222285

>grows up in a super rich family, his uncle is one of the richest men in his country
why are upper class nepobabbys so prone to this type of behavior?

Anonymous No. 222286

They covet acceptance and to be what they aren't because they know they had it easy(ier). Same reason that tall men and good looking people in general (but especially women) crave validation 24/7 like their life depends on it, because it does.

Anonymous No. 222287

Bro it's a Mongolian in Japan, why do you think he has any idea about western culture? He probably picked it up off the discount rack at a thrift store.

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Anonymous No. 222288

Pic related.

It's all incredibly murky, but he unironically believes that sumo started from Jacob wrestling the angel. He'll occasionally slip in deranged comments like that during Japanese interviews in which he otherwise seems perfectly unremarkable. 20 years ago, the leader of the group published a book about the world ending in 2012, and Takanohana was involved in the advertising campaign for it. Not sure I can find much more specific information without a huge amount of digging, but it's always been clear enough what this is.

Anonymous No. 222289

Maybe he just likes Tupac's music?

Anonymous No. 222291

>sumo started from Jacob wrestling the angel
Kino af. I kneel. Sometimes I wish I were crazy enough to really, truly believe in stuff like this. Must make life much more interesting. The New Age religion grift in the 2nd half of the 20th century was just insane.

Anonymous No. 222292

>Tupac's music?
bix nooding into a microphone over a prerecorded soundtrack isn't making music

Anonymous No. 222293

No one cares about you 40 year old argument.

Anonymous No. 222294

I know a 40yo manic-depressive Jew who is a flat earther and a drug addict who gets into 3 month long arguments on facebook with his boomer relatives over Tupac being akin to Jesus and how he was assassinated by the government because he was revealing flat earth secrets in his music

Anonymous No. 222302

Sumo wrestlers end up wearing a lot of random american shirts and brands because its the only things they fit into.
You see it all the time across various stables and lower rankers.
Stop looking for reasons to get angry.

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Anonymous No. 222303

Anonymous No. 222304

PHD in thuganomics

Anonymous No. 222307

First Hoshoryu dohyo-iri in the Kokugikan, Tokushoryu retirement event. Being Yokozuna is alot of work, hope the pay is worth it.

Anonymous No. 222308

it's funny how fast you go from yokozuna (or any rank) to a servant in hanamichi.

Anonymous No. 222309

It must be cool to be there in person and have a yokozuna show you to your seat.

Anonymous No. 222313

>have the man you cucked out of a basho just one week ago be your dew sweeper

Anonymous No. 222314

Why does Musashimaru look so slow?

Anonymous No. 222315

Why are people forgetting asa was a fucking asshole? Ig when you’re le matrix man you get a free pass to be a piece of shit.

Anonymous No. 222316

He was always like that. Even looked bored during some of his bouts, despite obviously being very focused. His dohyo-iri was chill as fuck too.

Anonymous No. 222317

Don't think they are. He's just too good meme material to pass up the lulz.

Anonymous No. 222333

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Anonymous No. 222334

Hoshoryu really looks like his father

Anonymous No. 222336

why the fuck does he have the John Cena phenotype?

Anonymous No. 222338

he looks more badass than asa in his prime

Anonymous No. 222341


Holy fucking wrong, my man.

Anonymous No. 222342

His shit talk on Hoshoryu on twitter is fun

Anonymous No. 222344

So let it be written
So let it be done

Anonymous No. 222349

how the FUCK do more people post about sumo than judo or bjj

Anonymous No. 222350

Sumo is the king of combat sports

Anonymous No. 222351

Pro sumo has a 15 day tournament every other month. Top level martial arts is either the Olympics or UFC.

Anonymous No. 222353

he actually got promoted?
I thought everyone was joking about that

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Anonymous No. 222355

I blame Baki

Anonymous No. 222356

Spiffy did a nice video on it >>222333

Although the pandering with the retard kid makes me like Hosh less, not more.

Anonymous No. 222358

>Hoshoryu v Kotoeiho, 2025

Anonymous No. 222359

Hosh getting promoted is a bit controversial

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Anonymous No. 222360

He got robbed not once, but twice.

Anonymous No. 222361

12-3JY isn't considered a yusho equivalent. Simple as.

Anonymous No. 222373

Juice traps

Anonymous No. 222374

I just watched Kotoeiho for the first time. Can you imagine being his opponent and getting mogged so hard before the match even starts? That shiko is a thing of beauty.

Anonymous No. 222377


Anonymous No. 222381

When he gets to makuuchi and faces Abi we will finally get the ultimate shiko showdown

Anonymous No. 222386


Anonymous No. 222387

JSA is deathly afraid of being accused to racism so they hold mongs to lower standards than they do with Japanese. Thats why mongs get away with having zero hinkaku and ruining sumo's public image by having late night drunken bar brawls and skipping bashos to play soccer in ulanbaatar

Anonymous No. 222388

What are you talking about? We rip on him all the time ITT.

Anonymous No. 222389

Well I mean... in the defense of those hypothetical Mongol hoteps, Genghis Khan WAS Mongolian. The actual hoteps are just stolen-valoring the copts.

Anonymous No. 222390

>frequent regular tournaments
>free to watch
>thing, japan

How is it pandering? He’s been friends with the kid since 2019.

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Anonymous No. 222391

If scanlating Baki brought more foreign interest to sumo, then I can only be glad we did it, even if the end of the sumo arc was atrocious.

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Screenshot 2025-0....png

Anonymous No. 222394


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Anonymous No. 222395

Anonymous No. 222398

There's no reason to have a retard around other than pandering

Anonymous No. 222401

that kid is his japanese mom's son..

Anonymous No. 222402

So? You can suck his dick over it on every other site. Here, I'm going to tell you I don't give a damn about retards or people that parade them around.

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Anonymous No. 222404

Anonymous No. 222407

That poor back wheel.

Anonymous No. 222408

i dont care about it or your opinion dimwit. I just wrote a fact that it's not a charade or something he's doing. he knows the kid so he took him in the parade car.

Anonymous No. 222411

Yep, them spokes be poppin'.

Anonymous No. 222414

kinbozan's forehead cleft

oho's superfluous third nipple

kotozaukura's nape of skin tags

hokutofuji's bald balding spot

mitakeumi's cavernous acne scars

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Anonymous No. 222415

His body is disgusting

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Anonymous No. 222416

God tier: the people’s eyebrow

Anonymous No. 222418

Then why didn't he take every other kid he knows?

>because this one is a retard
>therefore it's pandering

Anonymous No. 222421

>I don't care about X
>proceeds to endlessly seethe about X
every time

Anonymous No. 222422

>Hoshoryu already made his first mistake as yokozuna
That didn't take long

Anonymous No. 222423

hostess pussy is just too strong

Anonymous No. 222424

You mean like you're doing now?

Anonymous No. 222425

what happened?

Anonymous No. 222426

>has no hinkaku

Gee nobody could have seen this coming

Anonymous No. 222427

Made a mistake in dohyo-iri

Anonymous No. 222429

Why is his body like this? Are those stretch marks or something?

Anonymous No. 222430

happens when you gain weight too quickly and your skin can't adapt, a lot of rikishi have them but Kinbo seems to be the worst offender.

Anonymous No. 222432

No mistakes, he's just debuting Hoshoryu particular style.

Anonymous No. 222433

Sumo historians will mislabel this as the Hitachiyama style, while labelling the Hitachiyama style as the Hoshoryu style.

Anonymous No. 222439

What did Hosh actually do that was supposedly wrong? There's wiggle room here and there, like left hand position in the squatting part. Uncle's hand rubbing was vigorous as fuck and his fingers were fully spread for his claps.

Anonymous No. 222440

For the two stomps after the shuffle forward, he's supposed to raise his left arm then stomp, then raise his right arm then stomp again. Before the last stomp he rose his left arm then his right.
Kisenosato made the exact same mistake on his first and it's really not a big deal, people just have nothing else to talk about right now.

Anonymous No. 222441

>dohyo iri (forma de kisenosato)
dios mio...

Anonymous No. 222448

why would you take a random kid instead the one of your japanese mom's which took care of him when he came to japan? that would be an absolute insult to her.

Anonymous No. 222449

japanese shitty media picking on mongolian yokozuna. if it was onosato, nobody would dare to say a word.

Anonymous No. 222450

Imagine being scared of Onosato when you can just reach for his throat.

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Anonymous No. 222451

>unironically seething over steppe chads
maybe the nihonese shouldn't be so shit at sumo. It's been 30 years since they started getting dicked down by big foreign cock, enough time to breed a new generation yet every time a nippon is close to the rope, they shart the bed in a spectacular way.

Anonymous No. 222452

Takakeisho was just as close to the rope as Hoshoryu, they just didn't give him a pity rope. Hoshoryu's nowhere near as strong as the old mongolian guard yet.

Anonymous No. 222454

Best match of the basho was the senshuraku Nabatame-Aonishiki contest with Nabatame throwing out a punishing barrage of slaps and trusts while Aonishiki absorbed them determined to get inside. Aonishiki withstood a massive walloping before he was able to win, he would've been in bad shape if there had been a playoff.
If Nabatame can fight like that consistently then he will rise way up in the rankings.

Anonymous No. 222455

Keisho came up short twice in weak bashos, one of which he had a fusen freebie yet couldn't secure the title, and the other was won by a mid-maegashira. Hoshoryu came up short in a strong basho won by a fellow ozeki. This is why Hoshoryu's was considered an equivalent and Takakeisho's was not.

Anonymous No. 222456

Meatball in no way ever had a showing as strong as the Hosh playoff victory. Instead he henkaed Atamifuji for a yusho. He would have had henkaku instead of hinkaku.

Anonymous No. 222457

Takakeisho never got the rope because while 12-3 can be a yusho, a 12-3J isn't considered a yusho equivalent. And that's before considering Hosh's incredible effort in the playoff. The JSA were impressed at how despite his fatigue his style of sumo never changed; he was always forward-leaning and aggressive as ever even in his 3rd bout inside 20 minutes.

Moment of silence for Zak on this one desu. He was clearly hurt, but refused to drop out once kadoban because if Hosh was going to rope, he wanted to be one of the rikishi to be gatekeeping it since this was supposed to be his moment. I imagine Zak's left leg was in incredible pain that fight, and yet it was possibly his best fight of the basho.

Anonymous No. 222459

My favourite was Nabatame vs Shishi. Nabatame was able to push Shishi to ropes but Shishi was able to keep his defence up and wear Nabatame down, and when he started his own offence Nabatame parried and ostiaoshi'd Shishi

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Anonymous No. 222460

Wasn't that the bout where Nabatame unleashed his coomer right arm?

Anonymous No. 222461

>And that's before considering Hosh's incredible effort in the playoff.
Beating Oho and Kinbozan isn't an "incredible effort". It's impossible to have a "strong yusho" right now. He was promoted too soon and it's ridiculous to pretend otherwise.

Anonymous No. 222462

Yes, you can even hear loud grunt when he releases it

Anonymous No. 222463

>seething immeasurably
I know we joke about it here all the time, but are you literally a Zakfag? Is that what this is?

Anonymous No. 222464

Winning 3 fights inside 20 minutes against top competition is the effort you gaylord. When's the last time a 3 way playoff didn't contain a henka?

Anonymous No. 222466

No, Zak also shouldn't be Yokozuna.

Anonymous No. 222467


Lmao you actually can.

Anonymous No. 222469

Nabatame missed with his big slaps, 2 times... probably would've won otherwise.

Anonymous No. 222470

I think literally the only other tomoesen in the last 25-30 years was the one in 2022 between Takakeisho, Abi and somebody. (I actually can't remember if anybody pulled a jank.)

Anonymous No. 222473

Please understand he just learned how to use it two days before that match

Anonymous No. 222474

That guy running ELO for sumo still has Asanoyama in the top 5 and has Takeru at 6. Damn.

Anonymous No. 222476

Obviously doesn't include injuries as losses.

Anonymous No. 222477

True lmao, Hokuseiho is still up there.

Anonymous No. 222478

Also, this means if we remove inactive rikishi then Takeru is the 4th best right now.

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Anonymous No. 222486

Tokushoryu has had his danpatsushiki.

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Anonymous No. 222487

henkaku is based

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Anonymous No. 222488

hinkaku... henkaku..... henkakyuu...

Anonymous No. 222495

It seems we have entered the between basho lull

Anonymous No. 222496

Guy is still fat as fuck

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Anonymous No. 222497

Anonymous No. 222501

Context? Asashoryu visiting his former stable since he's already in Japan?

Anonymous No. 222506

It was Takakeisho, Abi and Takayasu, Abi won

Anonymous No. 222507

You must be kidding, because that’s probably the most famous henka in many years. It’s why everyone hates Abi now. He fucked Takayasu out of a yusho

Anonymous No. 222508

Asanoyama declares he is raring to go for March. Takasago-beya moved to its new premises and many visitors came, including ex-Asasohuryuu. "This is my last chance so I will do my best. The oyakata has built an excellent new heya for us so I feel I need to start from scratch and do my best. It's really frustrating that the new Yokozuna is born and I couldn't face him.

Anonymous No. 222511

>the most famous henka in many years

Anonymous No. 222512

Is there going to be a way to watch the FujiTV tournament?
I'm not seeing a highlights compilation from most of the previous years on Youtube

Anonymous No. 222513

Nope, they cancelled the live broadcast due to sponsors pulling out because of FujiTV's recent scandal. The tournament itself is still being held but the only way to watch it is to go to Tokyo and buy a ticket.

Anonymous No. 222518

>Teru getting Isegahama confirmed
>Hakuho restarting Miyagino confirmed
>Asanoyama returning confirmed

Anonymous No. 222520

Will Hakuoho be returning to Miyagino, or staying at Isegahama?

Anonymous No. 222521

He'll be returning to a competitor!

Anonymous No. 222522

He's restarting Miyagino
The stable is going to be reestablished

Same time as Teru sounded like

Anonymous No. 222524

Teru acquiring his own plot of land to build a new Isegahama building, leaving the old one to Hakuho, was not a plot twist I saw coming, but it makes sense as a way to resolve logistical issues.
Hopefully Hakuho actually lives in his fucking stable building this time.

Anonymous No. 222525

>He's restarting Miyagino
HakuOho, not Hakuho.

Anonymous No. 222527

Oh my bad I misread. Nothing was said but I assume Hakuoho is going to stick with Miyagino even if he likes Isegahama. He only joined sumo because of Hakuho after all.

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Anonymous No. 222528

I miss him bros...

Anonymous No. 222529

There are still 12 ex-Miyagino still wrestling, so I imagine they'll stay with Hakuho while the rest move to the new building with Teru. The only real question will be the three guys who have joined Isegahama since the merge (plus whoever joins before the split), especially Kusano since he'll probably be a sekitori by then.

Anonymous No. 222530

I'm still iffy on Hakuho's potential to be an oyakata. If he just doesn't make a similiar fuckup, his stable might produce some good sekitori simply by the virtue of attracting good talent.

Anonymous No. 222531

I mean, he got Hokuseiho and Ochiai signed up pretty quick, so there's no doubt Hakuho will be churning out top guys. Not to mention that with Hokuseiho gone there's a free foreigner slot for him.

Anonymous No. 222532

The truth is oyakata regularly fuck up, Hakuho's main problem was not living at his own stable. Other stablemasters, including foreigners, get leeway because it's assumed they have a better read on what's acceptable or not within their own walls, so any punishments are for saving face to the public. Hakuho got the hammer dropped on him because he was not living there to enforce discipline.
I'm dead serious, if all the Hokuseiho bullshit had still happened but Hakuho was living at his stable, none of this would've happened. He would've gotten a slap on the wrist and that's it.

Anonymous No. 222536

Hokuseiho was considered naturalized, so that foreigner slot wouldn't change because of his departure.

Anonymous No. 222538

Yeah, but also because he's Hakuho. He always walked that line of acceptable behaviour as a yokozuna, but no one could do shit because he was consistently the best and never actually fucked up. I would imagine a lot of elders were just waiting for him to hang up the mawashi so all those little things that added up over the years could be repaid.

That said, yeah, oyakatas fuck up all the damn time. It's kind of baffling when you start looking into it. I would imagine your average stable is a pretty toxic environment.

Anonymous No. 222539

Toxic is a gay modern buzzword.

Stables are places where strong, tough men live and train for combat. They shouldn't be an adult daycare.

Anonymous No. 222540

Gone but not forgotten.

Anonymous No. 222542

>he got Hokuseiho and Ochiai signed up pretty quick, so there's no doubt Hakuho will be churning out top guys
Ochiai was a mk tsukedashi prodigy who would've been sekitori at almost any other stable. It's more indicative of him snatching up top talent on name value than his skills as a coach. So far Hakuho hasn't managed to produce a home-grown talent that makes it past maegashira.

Anonymous No. 222543

You really fell for all the bullshit, eh?

I couldn't care less about buzzwords; when something is toxic, it's inefficient. Some people learn better with tough love, some even with Whiplash level tough love, but that's not what we see from all the stable scandals. It's just immature men lashing out at others with zero oversight.

Anonymous No. 222544

what an epic henka, this was the match Kotoshogiku need to get back to Ozeki rank but nope, he got fucking denied. Then Teru sharts against Kisenosato TWICE and gives him the Yusho. Beautiful Sumo days.

Anonymous No. 222545

It didn't start until Kakuryu and especially later Kisenosato got promoted, which also coincided with him starting to run into injury trouble. Hakuho was thinking about retiring at the time (he admitted in an interview in Mongolia, unfortunately the translated version got taken down), and only kept going so he could be a sumo leader as an elder. But having to stay on for so long made him prioritize winning to set records, and putting the spotlight on himself, which resulted in his behaviour becoming less acceptable both on and off the dohyo. But before that he was considered a model yokozuna to contrast with Asashoryu (and Harumafuji but that wasn't until later). His worst criticism was that he was too good and made everything boring, but he was praised for his behaviour and ironman health helping to lead sumo out of the matchfixing scandals.

Hakuho is a perfect example of "live long enough to become a villain."

Anonymous No. 222546

Stables are places where professional athletes live and work. They should be well managed, with adequate care taken to ensure that the athletes' physical and mental health is as good as possible. Employees of the JSA deserve to have a decent quality of life in the workplace, and sumo fans deserve to see sumo wrestlers that are in good condition and capable of putting on a good show. Yes, rikishi are strong, tough men - but strong, tough men are still people, and people shouldn't have to put up with all the bullshit that happens all too often in stables.

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Anonymous No. 222547

>strong, tough men are still people

no we aren't
we're more than that

Anonymous No. 222548

Anyone who actually seriously trains for anything competitively physical knows the difference between soreness and real pain. The former is your body exerting itself to such a degree that it will rebuild itself stronger. The latter is something in your body breaking to the point where you body is weaker and will always be weaker going forward with a higher chance of reinjury. Crossing that line between soreness and pain is where something stops being hard training and starts being bullshit.

Anonymous No. 222549

>But having to stay on for so long made him prioritize winning to set records, and putting the spotlight on himself, which resulted in his behaviour becoming less acceptable both on and off the dohyo.
Did he actually have to stay on for so long just to get elder stock? And if he truly wanted to stay on long, wouldn't chasing records be counterproductive? He was plenty famous already.

Anonymous No. 222550

So you'd be fine with Hokuseiho just straight up stabbing someone?


Fuck off. There's a line between tough dudes being tough dudes, and dudes being pieces of shit.

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Anonymous No. 222551

Konishiki says injuries show who the real warriors are

>we don't have a off season
>- look at my fingers all
>broken and my shoulders all screwed up both
>knees are bad and your body takes a toll but
>that's where it separates the men from the boys because the guys >who can handle it
>and fight through the pain and just go through it,
>it's the real warriors of sumo because
>not everybody can make it eighty percent,
>ninety percent ain't gonna make it
>only the top ten will fight and make it and fight in the top division at
>high level

Anonymous No. 222553

>They shouldn't be an adult daycare.
He doesn't even realise he just burned himself.

Anonymous No. 222554

Kasugano-oyakata, don't you have a prestigious stable to run down?

Anonymous No. 222555

Injuries during bouts are unavoidable, injuries during training are stupid and only make for worse bouts. Even the most callous idiot in the world should want to avoid injuries during training because it reduces the quality of the spectacle. It's BEYOND stupid to think it's okay to allow that kind of shit in the stables.

Anonymous No. 222556

>Did he actually have to stay on for so long just to get elder stock?
Yes because you need to be a Japanese citizen, which requires giving up your previous citizenship because Japan doesn't allow dual citizenship, and that didn't happen until 2019. He could have (and probably should have) applied for it earlier, but didn't out of respect for his father, who didn't pass away until 2018.
Keep in mind all these records weren't just to put his name in the historical books, but also staying on as yokozuna meant continuing to rub elbows with elite sponsors for stuff like buying elder stock (which still happens even though it's not supposed to), raising funds for his new stable building (which got cancelled when his stable was merged), and running the Hakuho Cup. Prestige buys influence, and despite JSA's internal politics, the prestige of an active yokozuna is greater than a bottom-rung elder.

Anonymous No. 222557

>injuries during training are stupid and only make for worse bouts

Anonymous No. 222558

the source is what? some tabloid?

Anonymous No. 222559

Completely forgot about his father. Really retarded, that bit. What if the old man lived to 100? As for the rest, I think he could've half assed it and stayed on longer, fucking his health up less, but it wasn't his way. Too proud for it.

Anonymous No. 222561

Lord Chris Sumo savior of the western sumo journalism.

Anonymous No. 222562

That's not how you use "the", ESL-kun.

Anonymous No. 222571

Muscle building and flexibility exercises as well as warming up before bouts would prevent 90% of minor injuries and make some serious ones minor instead. Some are simply unavoidable, but mitigation and prevention should be emphasized regardless. There's no having that conversation without talking about kyujo rules, though... I'd rather not repeat that one.

Anonymous No. 222577

Shitposting online is probably part of his shirking schedule. I'd imagine he prefers 2ch, though.

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Anonymous No. 222583

I wonder what Konishiki would think of the shit that guys like Oushouma do. Would he have 'handled' it if someone choked him unconscious, or broke his ribs?

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Anonymous No. 222584


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Anonymous No. 222586

>Completely forgot about his father. Really retarded, that bit. What if the old man lived to 100?
It wasn't just some arbitrary idea he came up with to honor his dad. As I understand it, Hak's father had apparently regularly insisted that he remain Mongolian whenever the suggestion of becoming Japanese arose, and had yelled at his son about it, but he relented on his deathbed and told him to go his own way (according to Hak).
It's entirely possible he may have told his son something like
>You can be Japanese when I'm dead and buried!
But Hak wouldn't publicize that.

And I can't remember where I got this from, but I have a vague memory of a story that Hakuhou was first permitted by his father to go to Japan only under the condition that he return to Mongolia some day. That may or may not be real.

Anonymous No. 222594

Always thought Kakuryu's was incredibly graceful so it's nice to see Hosh performing Unryu

Anonymous No. 222597

Asashoryu for me. Crazy how even in something as rigidly performed as a dohyo-iri the man still exuded violent aura.
>Those spread finger claps
>That audible thud on each stomp
It's those shoulders man. Dude looked like he was carrying a pair of cannonballs around.

Anonymous No. 222610

I like his too. I wish more rikishi had that kind of intense presence. I like the warriors a lot more than the sportsmen.

Anonymous No. 222611

It's more fitting with sumo ritual, since they're supposed to be showing the strength of humanity to the gods to prove they're worthy of a good harvest.
If they're a bunch of pussified henka merchants who give up easily then it will anger the gods instead, hence Japan's presently weak economy.

Anonymous No. 222620

new iseghamaslop has arrived

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Anonymous No. 222622


Anonymous No. 222623

We can only hope nephew ups his dohyo-iri game once he's done it a bunch.

Anonymous No. 222624

Wait, shit, Takkers is now the stable's highest ranked rikishi right? Teru is dead and Atamin flopped too hard. Damn that was fast.

Anonymous No. 222626

>le jonokuchi veteran face

Anonymous No. 222627

Will Hoshoryu have to act more serious now that he is Yokozuna?
I remember some video a year or two ago where Hoshoryu, Abi and the others were playing around while Takakeisho and Terunofuji were stoically silent in the background as the two top senior guys.

Anonymous No. 222628

I don't think that goofball could be serious inside the heya to save his life

Anonymous No. 222632

He should but he won't

Anonymous No. 222633

>Isegahama oyakata wearing an jinbaori with a western suit

looks weird with the clashing style man, he should've gone with a kimono

Anonymous No. 222636

The wierd part is, he ain't the only one. Saw a few others with the same combo. Guessing a lot of officials just don't care all that much.

Anonymous No. 222637

I'd wear a kimono if I wouldn't look like a huge weeb
I bet they're comfortable, I've never tried one on

Anonymous No. 222638

I wear some vintage haori around the house because its giga comfy, full length kimono or bathrobes are uncomfortable in chairs desu.
I really want to get a nice hanten for next winter though.

Anonymous No. 222639

I only have a katana, I have been thus far been able to restrain myself from buying japanese clothing

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Anonymous No. 222645

>He always walked that line of acceptable behaviour as a yokozuna,
hakuho was the golden boy early in his career. the jsa turned him into this. People forget he was a yokozuna since 2007 and only remember the last 3rd of his tenure
>Ochiai was a mk tsukedashi prodigy
Sure, but hokuseiho has a double digit iq and hakuho got him to the top division at ~22
>this was the match Kotoshogiku need to get back to Ozeki
it wasn't. he lost to shitters that an ozeki shouldn't have lost to. everyone always blames the last match.

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Anonymous No. 222646

Anonymous No. 222647

>he lost to shitters that an ozeki shouldn't have lost to
This. Flubbing that Ikioi match was grim, and entirely on him.

Anonymous No. 222648

>it wasn't. he lost to shitters that an ozeki shouldn't have lost to. everyone always blames the last match.
This is correct and he probably would've lost to Teru in a fair fight, the reason people hate Teru is he didn't give Shogi a fair fight, especially since Teru was an ozeki going for a title.

Anonymous No. 222657

>the reason people hate Teru is he didn't giveuu Shogi a fair fight,
I agree with this to an extent, but i feel like ozeki shouldn't be able to be btfo that badly by a henka. honestly using a henka on an ozeki and up should put the guy doing it at a disadvantage at least half the time by being out of position against a good opponent

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Anonymous No. 222660

Geek, he's called The Geek.

Anonymous No. 222666

Even strong yokozuna can be caught off guard by a henka they're not expecting.

Anonymous No. 222667

I still think the JSA could not have handled that shit in a worse way if they had tried.

Anonymous No. 222668

Money talks and defunct sports don't have voices.

Anonymous No. 222669

Ignoring it would have been handling it worse. Or firing him then saying "he is no longer a rikishi so this is no longer our problem", which is a classic Association move.

Anonymous No. 222670

What they did encourages a wrestler to never again speak up about such actions. The end result was that the people who had suffered got their careers up ended and were effectively punished for having been victims. It is utterly stupid and only encourages people to stay silent, because you are punishing the victims for speaking out. I have to assume it was their goal. Fuck everyone over so other wrestlers learn to just shut their mouths about this shit.

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Anonymous No. 222677

>What they did encourages a wrestler to never again speak up about such actions.
I believe you're right that that was the effect, but I don't believe that was the NSK's intention. I think putting everyone under Isegahama was meant to say to the public "those kids are safe now with this superior oyakata".

Honestly, so much of this is a knock-on effect of the rikishi not having the freedom to change heya.
Example: If Raihou wants to leave Miyaginobeya, Hakuhou is going to want to know why. If it's because Hokuseihou is beating the shit out of him then, one way or another, that's going to be addressed. If Hakuhou doesn't fix the problem, now the media is going to be asking both him and Raihou why he left.

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Anonymous No. 222678

>Teach wrestlers to shut the fuck up
>Fuck Hakuho in all ways possible
>Get rid of Hokuseiho and his lame ass sumo brand
it was perfect for the JSA, almost looks scripted. They couldn't have gotten a better opportunity to fuck Hakuho, they got him to clean toilets @ kokugikan and then lock him in chastity for years to come. Now he makes a mistake or something in the future and he's out for good.

Anonymous No. 222681

Babe, new bullying scandal just dropped.

Apparently, some tabloid is saying it's Tobizaru now:

Anonymous No. 222682

Not the heccin' wholesome monkey chungus! Say it ain't so, /sumo/!

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Anonymous No. 222684

I wouldn't mind if they made an example out of him

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Anonymous No. 222685

Here's the hair thing they're talking about.

Anonymous No. 222687


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Anonymous No. 222689

>Shozaru would often invite women over to his home, probably because he wanted to avoid spending money on eating out. When he did so, he would make even the younger attendants who were not attendants cook dishes like hotpot, and as soon as they were done, he would immediately send them home. I've heard that he would often force them to do odd jobs unrelated to sumo, like suddenly telling them to 'go buy some sanitary napkins and women's underwear

Anonymous No. 222690

After all the bullshit they put hakuho through for some mongoloid glueing wallets and slapping nuts those sneaky japs at the jsa better come down hard on tobizaru and that stable.

Anonymous No. 222692

Let a proper investigation happen before you start burning people at the stake.

Anonymous No. 222694

The story is being posted because there are people who have investigated and because the NSK is currently mid-investigation. Also, this paper is the same one which publicized the Hokuseihou information weeks before the NSK announced anything.

Anonymous No. 222695

>there are people who have investigated
Gee let me guess, random fucks on social media?

Anonymous No. 222696

No, a newspaper which learned that something had happened, collated accounts from sources, and published an article detailing the apparent course of events such that you are presently aware of and able to discuss what is alleged.

Anonymous No. 222697

god I hope Toby gets sent down to Jonidan 99

Anonymous No. 222698

Would be funny if all this with Tobi happened because he thought he was hot shit over technically ending a yokozuna's career.

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Anonymous No. 222700

moe moe kyuun~

Anonymous No. 222702


Anonymous No. 222703

It's almost always the Monday after the last Sunday of the preceding month, although for this one it'll be Tuesday instead because the Sunday in question is a public holiday.
So the 25th.

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Anonymous No. 222704

Please let Big T strangle him as a retirement present.

Anonymous No. 222706

I wish I could do sumo but amateur clubs in the west seem ridiculously rare.

Anonymous No. 222707

Isn't judo pretty similar?

Anonymous No. 222708

Yes! Judo will be my substitute, that's what I'm aiming for anyhow
Hoshoryu was a judoka you know! It works!

Anonymous No. 222709

You could be like Yamato and get into WWE wrestling.

Anonymous No. 222714

I looked into it and what really turned me off was how much they all seemed to be leaning into the Dewanojo style of sumo. Like just fat fucks, plain and simple.

Anonymous No. 222717

Just henka/ashitori them constantly?

Anonymous No. 222718

clapping looks so weird played backwards

Anonymous No. 222719

If they had any actual skill then they'd either be heavyweight wrestlers/judoka or football linemen. Sumo is just too niche otherwise.

Anonymous No. 222720

You can just say you know you would be btfo

Anonymous No. 222724

Fat fuck sumo is cringe.

Anonymous No. 222725

Ura was also an amateur judo champion IIRC.

Anonymous No. 222727

i hope so as well, fuck that retard-faced moron.l

Anonymous No. 222728

Reminder of just how seriously Aonishiki is taking what he's doing. As a kid fleeing the conflict in Ukraine whose life was basically saved by being allowed to join a beya, he's fully commit himself to it. He practiced and mastered the language as a show of basic respect, and his level of sumo goes without saying. If you haven't already noticed, watch as he enters or leaves the arena for his matches. His bow to the dohyo is always deep as fuck. Can't wait to see what he's capable of in makuuchi.

Anonymous No. 222729

I bet Aonishiki would've won that knife fight in that one video

Anonymous No. 222730

Imagine watching sumo just to cheer for a random white guy

Anonymous No. 222738

NTA, but good sumo is good sumo. And his sumo is good.

Anonymous No. 222742

I don't really care much for that aspect of it, but seeing someone do top level sumo while being truly thankful for the opportunity it's given him in life is a nice change. Maybe if the nips cared half as much they'd have a zuna by now.

Anonymous No. 222743

I see what you mean about Hokuseiho's sumo being boring now. He's just a big tree.
>Tachiai is just him standing up
>His gameplan is leaning his weight on his opponent to tire them out
That 10th match against Ura was a joke. Zero tachiai, his sheer size resists Ura's throw attempts, then when Ura is tired he just walks him out. The 15th match against Ichi was just bad.

Anonymous No. 222757

>As a kid fleeing the conflict in Ukraine
*as a potential conscript

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Anonymous No. 222758

how the dastard Ichi killed the sheriff of Sundown

Anonymous No. 222759

Judo is a good martial art and probably the one easiest to find. You should also look into various flavors of wrestling and sambo, which are less common but way more available than sumo. Unfortunately the grappling martial arts with the most similarity to sumo are almost as rare (shuai jiao), if not more-so (Mongolian bokh).

Ura was a junior level Greco-Roman wrestling champ.

While not exceptional, the skill level in amasumo has improved. People are kind of taking it seriously nowadays whereas before it was exclusively fat fucks doing it for fun.

Anonymous No. 222761

Hokuseiho, like so many other massive dudes in sports, have to really try to get out of the "just use my size" way of doing things. It's like guys coming out of high school and college and all they can do is 70% push, 20% shove, 10% grabs. He's an extreme case because he's not anywhere near normal sized. Getting carried so hard by a genetic dice roll is not something that many people experience. Pride, hard headedness, difficulty in changing methods, etc. He COULD have been another Akebono, theoretically, but we never got to find out if he really would have been, and we never will.

Anonymous No. 222764

>Sure, but hokuseiho has a double digit iq and hakuho got him to the top division at ~22
Hokuseiho was a high school champion who was 200 cm 158 kg when he was 18 years old. Retard though he may be, he was still somewhat of a ringer.

Anonymous No. 222770

There was one time, one match when Hokuseihou showed his true potential, and then he never did it again.
Hokuseihou - Asanoyama, Nagoya 2023.

Anonymous No. 222771

I wonder what he's going to do with the rest of his life

Anonymous No. 222772

Seethe and not learn a single thing from this.

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Anonymous No. 222774


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🗑️ Anonymous No. 222776

I will use take this opportunity to grudgepost. Get rekt anonymous burger from 2023.

Anonymous No. 222777

I guess maybe this sort of this isn't really the norm anymore but this sounds a lot like how Konishiki describes his experience of being a lower ranker.

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Anonymous No. 222778

I will use this opportunity to grudgepost. Get rekt anonymous burger from 2023.

Anonymous No. 222779

I'm both posts in the image and the one you're replying to. Life's funny, isn't it?

Anonymous No. 222782

Make like a tree and leave.

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Anonymous No. 222784

Tobizaru must not have got the memo. "Pls no bulli" is the JSA's official new motto.

Anonymous No. 222785



Anonymous No. 222786

conscription age in ukraine is 25
aonishiki is only 20

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Anonymous No. 222788

Image limit was reached on the other thread. I wanted to thank >>221182 for weighing in on my questions relating to sumo.

Anonymous No. 222793

>only 20
>one of the fastest rises to makuuchi
Damn, we might actually have a euro yokozuna contender.

Anonymous No. 222794

Holy shit I did not know he was younger than me. Kid looks like he could be 30, but he can't even drink yet. Damn.

Anonymous No. 222795

In Japan it's 20. In Ukraine it's 18. He can drink.

Anonymous No. 222799

25? I thought they were taking this war seriously

Anonymous No. 222803

Tokushoryu looks great.

Anonymous No. 222804

So shiny

Anonymous No. 222806

>what Konishiki would think of the shit that guys like Oushouma do.
He gave an interview talking about how he would absolutely beat the shit out of anyone that tried to bully him during practice and, amazingly enough, the bullying stopped.

Anonymous No. 222807

That's how a man handles his shit

Anonymous No. 222811

That only works if you are one on one with your assailant and are actually stronger. That tends to not be how actual bullying works. Even kindergardeners will gang up on whoever they're bullying.

Anonymous No. 222812

The weak are meat and the strong do eat

Also it never sounds like this is group bullying but usually just one guy being a dick

Anonymous No. 222813

The idea is that if you show a bully you'll resist, they'll look for an easier target. Depends on the type of people doing the bullying and a lot of other factors of course, but it's probably a little more successful of a tactic than just taking it.

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Anonymous No. 222819

It's not about the size of the dog in the fight, it's about the size of the fight in the dog.

Anonymous No. 222820

Spoken like a true pussy. Bullies bully people because they don't fight back. The moment most bullies experience resistance, they tend to choose an easier target, and that's why it's important to teach kids to fight back instead of being cowards.

Anonymous No. 222821

>more successful of a tactic than just taking it.
Bullies exist exactly because cowards "just take it".

Anonymous No. 222822

Based Hiradoumi enjoyer

Anonymous No. 222823

I'm not.

Anonymous No. 222825

The bullies I've encountered seemed entertained by resistance so I could never shake them off.

Anonymous No. 222827

Cringe tasteless Hiradoumi hater

Anonymous No. 222828

Should've caught you too. But yeah, I would always resist as a kid and all it got me was that the teachers started blaming me, as if resisting is the same or even worse than starting it.

Anonymous No. 222829

>it never sounds like this is group bullying but usually just one guy being a dick
In sumo, yes. But then there's usually a power differential; the high-rankers tend to bully the low-rankers. And if you're a high ranker, I imagine you can 1v1 whatever low-ranker you chose to abuse. And guess who the oyakata cares more about?

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Anonymous No. 222833

Anonymous No. 222842

It's ridiculous in the first place that an oyakata can take on a job where he manages so many men in an environment that has no work/life balance or boundaries, all without any qualifications beyond being close to the previous job holder. None of these men are qualified to be looking after teenage boys, and the fact that it's not at all uncommon to hear about bullying and harassment in stables is proof of that.

Anonymous No. 222845

You're basically describing monarchism, except monarchs are trained from birth to rule. I'm not going to suggest some huge changes to the system like a lot of western fans tend to, but maybe an obligatory course in pedagogy before taking over a heya?

Anonymous No. 222846

Sekitori are expected to take leadership and mentorship within their own stables, so it's not jumping into the elder role with complete inexperience. It's why there's a requirement for a specific number of tournaments at sekitori (30 total, or 20 maegashira, or any sanyaku) to ensure they've spent enough time mentoring the rest of the stable. It's supposed to go veteran sekitori -> junior coach -> stable master.

Anonymous No. 222847

Dude these guys are just naturally rough with each other. It's in the nature of the sport. A soft heya could never churn out a top contender.

Anonymous No. 222849

As we are seeing right now with Futagoyama

Anonymous No. 222850

Yea, but all the while they are being taught by guys who never cared or were taught to care about these issues. Can't turn course fast enough.

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Anonymous No. 222851

That's pretty disingenuous, anon. It's not like they're just guys off the street. The guy that inherits a beya is subject to requirements like >>222846 said, but more importantly those requirements implicitly mean the guy came up within the beya environment. That is, he went through the typical progression of being a low ranker, doing chores, rising through the hierarchy, experiencing the different roles from different sides, and lastly getting leadership experience as a top ranker (because that's always who gets the beya)

Anonymous No. 222854

God, I would totally watch a ramen western with Ichinojo as the villain.

Anonymous No. 222855

The mawashi chafes, Anon.

Anonymous No. 222856

Why is it a good thing that an oyakata rose through the ranks in the stable environment, when the stable environment itself is so deeply flawed? You're just training people to carry on the cycles of mismanagement and abuse. Your predecessor was unqualified, thus so are you. No other business accepts this sort of thing. No other sports federation in Japan accepts this. Managers, teachers, coaches, and the like must all prove their maturity, competence, and trustworthiness by getting formal, standardised qualifications handed out by impartial bodies. You're not allowed to teach arithmetic to children without obtaining all manner of certificates - why should you be allowed to teach young lads sumo from a position of unquestionable authority as the head of a household with no formal training at all? This is not a professional way to raise athletes that represent Japan's national sport and a venerated cultural tradition. It's no wonder recruitment numbers are plummeting.

Anonymous No. 222857


Anonymous No. 222858

The apprenticeship model was the backbone of economic development in labour-based fields for millennia until rich Americans pushed university degrees for the purposes of creating fake credentials for their nepo hires and destroying the power of trade unions. Sumo doesn't need to become Americanized.

Anonymous No. 222859

Ridiculous take. Sumo is much more than a sport and every part of a rikishi's life, including the experiences in a beya, is part of that tradition. It is more important to maintain that tradition, authentically, than it is to pursue the most efficient, "professional" form.

If the sumo beya looked like an NFL training camp, it would lose what makes it true sumo.

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Anonymous No. 222861

Anonymous No. 222863

There is almost nothing in sumo today that remains unchanged from its inception. Aspects of sumo have been changed for petty reasons like making it easier for TV cameras to film matches. The current system for stable management, inheritance, and funding is not an ancient tradition, the concept of a yokozuna is surprisingly modern, the idea that wrestlers should fight six tournaments a year is younger than most people's grandparents, and the kosho injury system no longer exists. It is perfectly acceptable to the JSA and to the public in general for parts of sumo life to change, often quite radically, for minor reasons or for no reason at all save the whims of those who hold the reins. When a tradition is an active hindrance to the welfare and development of sumo wrestlers, that tradition can and should be changed.
Americans didn't invent formal qualifications. England has university posts older than the USA.

Anonymous No. 222864

Completely and utterly missing the point. This silly list of cherry picked gotchas is meaningless.

Anonymous No. 222865

>England has university posts older than the USA.
And those were intended to be specifically for academic pursuits, not labour qualifications. It was America that pushed the "get a four year degree at a prestigious university for $100k+tip to press buttons on a keyboard for the rest of your life" mentality.

Anonymous No. 222866

There's no need to cherry pick to support my position. You'd have to get a damn good cherry picker to find aspects of sumo that are suitably authentic in relation to its roots, though. You're right that it's meaningless though - the appeal to tradition is not a valid excuse for piss-poor workplace practices and the abdication of the duty of care. Even if it had been done this way for millennia (it hasn't) it wouldn't be justified, and it should be stamped out like other dangerous and unpleasant traditions, like Chinese foot binding or serfdom.
I'm just not going to bother with this one.

Anonymous No. 222867

Simply untrue. The very first university - University of Bologna - was founded by a bunch of students who collectively hired teachers so that they could later become petty bureaucrats.

Anonymous No. 222868

Getting a fake degree from Literally Who University will not make anyone a better sumo elder.
Pro sports has never required formal education for its coaches and managers either. Some tout their formal education as "proof" of being a more versatile thinker, but ultimately the only prerequisite for being a coach or manager is "the owner is willing to pay money to hire you." They have fewer prerequisites than a sumo elder, which at least requires you to a) be strongly familiar with sumo by way of sumo experience, and b) be already ingratiated enough with the existing JSA elders to acquire elder stock.

Anonymous No. 222869

do teacher qualifications stop young kinds from bullying other kids at school?

Anonymous No. 222870

Organisations that pay people to take positions of responsibility require some form of proof that that person is suitable for the role. It is incredibly unprofessional and a huge risk (financial and otherwise) if that "proof" is that you're friends with the people paying you. This is especially relevant when someone assumes a quasi-parental role as a live-in guardian for children, as many oyakatas do. It's not a matter of getting a degree just to say you're educated, it's a question of being properly trained in the skills and responsibilities you need in order to do your job. There can be no arguments in favour of the current system for training oyakatas when a new scandal comes out once or twice every single year, rooted solidly and entirely in the oyakata in question's inability to manage his charges.

Anonymous No. 222872

>Organisations that pay people to take positions of responsibility require some form of proof that that person is suitable for the role.
And in sumo, that proof is being a veteran sekitori for a specified amount of time, which is proof that you have aided the elders in your stable in providing a mentor and leadership role, which then allows you to progress to being a junior assistant elder aiding the stablemaster. There is no other standard of qualification that could be created that would better prove that an elder has the necessary training, because in order to create such a qualification they would need to be trained by people capable of teaching those skills. At that point, you're either being taught by an existing elder, which is the system that currently exists, or you're being taught by somebody with no connection to sumo whatsoever, which means they have no clue what sumo life is actually like and cannot impart proper teaching with regard to the sumo environment.

tl;dr you're arguing for the wholesale destruction of sumo, and can rightfully fuck the hell off

Anonymous No. 222873

>Walmart does it this way!

Just stop. This is an absurd line of thinking and realistically you are never, ever going to change anything. Further, it's absurd to characterize rikishi as children. Your 2025 liberal sensibilities are irrelevant.

And since scandal is such a cardinal sin in your eyes, I challenge you to find a single scandal free year in any American or European sport. You are being ridiculous.

Anonymous No. 222874

Most of the world's top talents didn't learn what they do best formally.

Anonymous No. 222875

>And since scandal is such a cardinal sin in your eyes, I challenge you to find a single scandal free year in any American or European sport. You are being ridiculous.
To drive home this point, at least sumo wrestlers aren't straight up gangraping women like they are in the average scandal in my other favourite sport. The worst I've heard on that front was Ryuden, and for him the fucking was consensual, it was the cheating and forced abortion that were the problem.

Anonymous No. 222877

NTA, but they already make rikishi take courses on financial responsibility. I don't see what the big deal would be to make oyakatas take some courses too.

>it's absurd to characterize rikishi as children
>Age at entry: 15-23 years.

Anonymous No. 222878

>without any qualifications

What a dumb ass fucking take. People have children without any "qualifications" and do fine.
Meanwhile Oyakata grow up in a stable and learn all the Sumo shit first hand before being able to run their own stable.

You sound like a typical leftist piece of shit that thinks they know what's best for society, while everyone else is just ignorant and needs YOUR leadership.

Fuck off to /redddit/ with your pathetic ass.

Anonymous No. 222879

>NTA, but they already make rikishi take courses on financial responsibility. I don't see what the big deal would be to make oyakatas take some courses too.
Well since all oyakatas are ex-rikishi, it means they've taken those couses already.
JSA already has business consultants to help run the broader overarching finances of the organization, everything else is just telling stables "okay you have a budget of this much yen per month" and letting them handle their own business.

Anonymous No. 222881

Some oyakata do take masters courses for sports science/business to supplement their existing experience when establishing their own stables; I do know that Nishonoseki and Ajigawa did this at the very least, not sure who else though.

Anonymous No. 222882

>they've taken those couses already
Did you actually think I wanted them to take courses on financial responsibility? That's clearly not the issue here. Have them take courses on psychology, pedagogy, management or whatever else deals in handling a bunch of kids and young adults.

Anonymous No. 222883

Missed you. Mostly the same answer, though. It's nice that they do, but the floor needs to be raised, I'd say. Some obligatory courses in the right subjects might help.

Anonymous No. 222884

Can we just beat the shit out of this retard already
Let's paddle him with a broom handle like Hokoseiho would've

Anonymous No. 222885

>Had it not been for the laws of this land, I would've slaughtered you.

Anonymous No. 222886

Thanks, Chris.

Anonymous No. 222889

They already take those "courses," in the form of acting in a leadership and mentorship role within the stable as a veteran sekitori. Fake paper from literally whoville won't help them when those fake courses have fuckall to do with sumo.

Anonymous No. 222897

teru was going to retire regardless of who beat him a second time

Anonymous No. 222899

tobizaru intai

Anonymous No. 222902

big if true

Anonymous No. 222906

>if you show a bully you'll resist, they'll look for an easier target
absolute retardation

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Anonymous No. 222907

I don't think he's the villain, but it is definitely a ramen western.

Anonymous No. 222908

Just want you to know that I agree.

Anonymous No. 222909

Why do you seem convinced that any attempt to educate anyone about anything is "fake paper from nobody"?
Why the fuck would it be detrimental to have every oyakata go through a short course explaining to them the benefits of not beating the shit out of their teenage dependents? It can even be in-house, just for you, led by an oyakata who rarely beats his charges and can explain to others newly entering the oyakata role why it has brought better results to his heya.

Anonymous No. 222911

That looks kinda bad, but I want to see it

🗑️ Anonymous No. 222912

>the teachers started blaming me, as if resisting is the same or even worse than starting it.
Yeah this is a direct consequence of foid teachers, one of many reasons they shouldn't be allowed past like the third grade. Foids just want to minimize violence, which they fear and don't understand, and they blame anyone involved in a fight for increasing the amount of violence and think that "just ignoring it" is somehow going to solve anything. "Yes but you didn't have to hit back" blah de blah.

Anonymous No. 222913

>Why the fuck would it be detrimental to have every oyakata go through a short course explaining to them the benefits of not beating the shit out of their teenage dependents?
Yes, because a mandatory powerpoint lecture will stop oyakata from beating the shit out of their teens with golf clubs.

Anonymous No. 222918

It provides grounds for summary dismissal, instead of this 'I didn't know I wasn't supposed to beat them' apology + docked salary shit we usually get. The legitimized threat of dismissal invites a decrease in physical abuse.
Literally almost anything would be better at combating the problem than the current approach.

Anonymous No. 222919

The stablemaster himself beating the wrestlers isn't something that's a common scandal anymore. Now it's a case of senior wrestlers bullying junior wrestlers, so you admit you have no idea what the actual "problem" is. Further, you admit that you're still fine with senior elders training junior elders, something that happens already in the existing setting, as long as it's in the form of a time-wasting powerpoint in a stuffy classroom and not actually in a format relevant to sumo. Absolute clown mentality.

Anonymous No. 222921

>you have no idea what the actual "problem" is
I gave you an example of doing the bare fucking minimum and you interpreted it as a comprehensive plan.

>you admit that you're still fine with senior elders training junior elders
I am not the person you were speaking with earlier, who also never said he wasn't okay with that.
There is no logical reason to oppose one generation imparting information to the next. The discussion concerns whether or not it is realistic to assume that any oyakata is capable of giving to whoever follows him a complete and correct understanding of what ought to be done in one's capacity as an oyakata. I would argue that no, it is not realistic.
No one here is interested in continued macho posturing about 'the way things have to be'.

>a format relevant to sumo
What, you want senior oyakata to beat up the junior oyakata? Are you sure you're okay?

Anonymous No. 222922

Honestly after watching the Spiffy video on Tobi I'm even less convinced of the claims.

>He invited a woman to his house to try and save money!!!
Fucking what? Tobi has been a top division and sometimes sanyaku rikishi for years and has farmed Teru for kinboshi. This is the same guy who spends $800 a pop on bottles of face lotion. Sparing expenses when it comes to a woman? Fuck off, that's obviously ridiculous.
>He had attendants come to his house to cook and run errands including women's sanitary products and underwear!!!
To me it sounds like Tobi is trying to impress some girl and just wanted a big properly cooked meal to do it with. Maybe she's been on her period and didn't bring spare things with her and Tobi has sent an attendant to the store to get some. Awkward situation maybe, but I'm still not seeing anything awful here.
>He told an attendant to get into a bath that was too hot!!!
Dude, if someone ran a bath for you that was way too hot, saying to them "How about YOU get in it?" not only isn't bullying, but it is in fact probably the single most common thing that any human being on the fucking planet would say.
>He forced someone to spar with him for 30 minutes when they got back from injury and kicked them in the face!!!
Now we're just back to how rikishi are rough with each other. The guy was injured, he's out of shape, so Tobi put him through a harsh session to get him back into the swing of things.
This is just insane nonsense at this point.

That the piece starts off accusing Tobi of wanted to save money when a woman is involved should be all you need to know about the rest of it.

Anonymous No. 222925

Why does everything in sumo need to be self-contained? They don't live in a mountain monastery, they're professional athletes under the auspices of a government department. Elders shouldn't be allowed to run the sport as if it's a medieval guild of craftsmen.

Anonymous No. 222927

Sumo is a rustic sport, for lack of a better term. It's not supposed to be clean cut and clinical, it's supposed to be what it's been for centuries.

Anonymous No. 222929

>Elders shouldn't be allowed to run the sport as if it's a medieval guild of craftsmen.
That's where you're wrong, kiddo! On the contrary, elders of more activities should be allowed to run those as though they're a medieval guild of craftsmen. Not just in Japan, either.

Anonymous No. 222931

>if it's not a powerpoint then it's beatings, there are no other options
Are you high?

Anonymous No. 222932

Good day, fellas. I see the discussuion is going well and much progress has been made.

Anonymous No. 222934

What would be a "format relevant to sumo" in which to educate someone which does not involve physical violence? Would you like them to receive the same lecture about abuse, but from a gyouji, so it's thematically appropriate?

Anonymous No. 222938

Can we cet Chartanon in here with an updated ranking accounting for Sobrino (Forma de Cuerda)?

Anonymous No. 222940

Why do you assume everything has to be a sit-down classroom lecture?

Anonymous No. 222941

Yeah in the sense that this dipshit has ignored everything that demonstrates he's wrong and a dipshit and just carried on with his asshat dipshittery as if nobody was disagreeing with him.

Again, I say we should just paddle him with a broom handle like Hokuseiho would've wanted us to.

Anonymous No. 222942

Hope he sees this bro

Anonymous No. 222946

Why do you think that talking to someone about something equates to a sit-down classroom lecture? You seem to have a really bizarre complex about education, and it's sticking out more than you think it is.

Anonymous No. 222949

Because the argument was about qualifications and courses in the context of doing something differently from the current system. At no point in this conversation has anyone actually given an idea of what that would mean other than sit-down formal education courses.

Anonymous No. 222952

Nor has he proven that such courses actually produce better outcomes, from his very telling ignoring of my challenge to find a single scandal free year from ANY American or European sport.

Hell, show me a school or college that's never had a scandal. That's where they hand out these holy, ultimate certifications isn't it? So all colleges are going to be beacons of virtue and efficency isn't that so?

Anonymous No. 222954

I even specifically brought up that another sport, specifically hockey, keeps having one gangrape scandal after another. Not just "sexual harassment," but actual organized gangrapes by junior hockey players, because even at that age they think they're powerful enough to get away with it. A single matchfixing scandal resulted in almost 20% of sekitori being forced to retire and the cancellation of an entire tournament. If anything on the level of North American sports happened in sumo, even one (1) such scandal would legitimately kill the JSA dead, they would not recover and would be replaced with local festival sumo. Sumo "scandals" are absolutely nothing compared to what regularly goes on in other sports on a consistent basis.

Anonymous No. 222955

>A linebacker could generate WAY more uproar than a rikishi
FUCK...we lose again...

Anonymous No. 222962


Anonymous No. 222964

Do keep in mind that there are only around 600 active sumo wrestlers, and the entire JSA's revenue last year was equivalent to only 83 million USD. The Kokugikan, if it was in Europe, would be deemed too small for most official women's football matches.

Anonymous No. 222966

>too small for most official women's football matches.

Sure but people would actually show up to a sumo match lol

Anonymous No. 222968

>absolute retardation
Nope. You're just a coward.

Anonymous No. 222969

It's JAPAN, faggot, not your shithole nation or culture. Don't like it, don't watch it.

Anonymous No. 222971

>Sumo is a rustic sport
Baseball is a sport. Soccer is a sport. Sumo is a way of life, not a sport.

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Anonymous No. 222973


Anonymous No. 222974

Japan cares about the preservation of its history and culture.

Anonymous No. 222975

Sumo was better back before rikishi were allowed to touch the ring with the bottoms of their feet. That one rule ruined the whole thing.

Anonymous No. 222976

I love Sumo

Anonymous No. 222978

>Japan cares about the preservation of its history and culture.
The yusho car is an older tradition than the current dimensions of the dohyo.

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Anonymous No. 222979

>watching the Spiffy video

Anonymous No. 222980

>the exact size of the dohyo is what makes Japan's history and culture

Anonymous No. 222982

Sumo is a sport, but the pro sumo heya system is a way of life, and any regulation of pro sumo's lifestyle needs to be adapted to serve it, not the other way around.

Anonymous No. 222983

You do realize that sumo is seen as weird and archaic by most of the Japanese, don't you? They have skyscrapers and McDonalds now, this isn't the Edo period anymore.

Anonymous No. 222984

The current heya system is less than 300 years old and has changed in many ways over its lifespan. It is not an ancient and immutable tradition. Sumo as a "way of life" that extends back into the distant past is a fiction - today's ozumo is a sports league with certain privileges given to it by the government, like being able to use the Meiji shrine for rituals.

Anonymous No. 222985

>tradition lasting over a century
You are a fucking retard. Quit shitting up the thread and fuck off back to /reddddit/ with your stupid bullshit.

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Anonymous No. 222986

300 years still makes it older than most countries on the planet and the formal rulesets for almost every major sport on the planet. You're the only tard who thinks people want sumo to be completely unchanged forever. But pro sumo has still developed under a specific system, and overhauling that system means gutting pro sumo at its core and replacing it with something different.

Anonymous No. 222987

That's how you see it. That's not how it is.

Anonymous No. 222988

Please commit sepukku by sundown. Thank you.

Anonymous No. 222989

Burgers detected

Anonymous No. 222990

I do think "pro sumo" should be gutted. It should be replaced with professional sumo, where all the athletes are paid properly, not overworked by endless touring in-between tournaments, given top-tier physio and rehab after injuries instead of being allowed to cripple themselves fighting through them, and not treated like personal servants by men higher up the ranking chart. The current system is cancerous and backward, which is why Japanese boys don't want to do it and choose other sports instead. The refusal to change and modernise is killing the sport.

Anonymous No. 222991

I think you're a dumb faggot with dumb opinions.

Anonymous No. 222992

Eunuch detected.

Anonymous No. 222994

Okay cool.
With what money? Higher pay means they need more money. Better physio and rehab means they need more money. Hiring staff to look after the training facilities means they need more money. And dropping the regional tours means they lose a substantial amount of money. Where is all this money going to come from, without killing professional sumo completely?

Anonymous No. 222995

What's a long distance to drive to visit relatives?
>A: 10 miles
>B: 100 miles
>C: 1000 miles

Anonymous No. 222996

The heya system predates the current existence of your country.

Anonymous No. 222997

Given that sumo is Japan's national sport and that Japanophiles make up a significant percentage of tourists, I think the Japanese goverment should put far more funding and investment into sumo than they currently do. Japan is a competitive country on the world stage where sports are concerned, and has proven that it can produce world-class athletes. It's ridiculous that the national sport is run on a shoestring budget by a gang of old men with CTE in a country that's sufficiently prosperous and capable of hosting the Olympic Games.

Anonymous No. 222998

Okay, so your logic is to put the existence of professional sumo, a sport that does not have Olympic presence or any prestigious international presence at all, entirely in the hands of a group of politicians whose whims can change in an instant, instead of letting the JSA be consistently self-sufficient as a tourist attraction.
And do not for your own sake argue that Japan can try to make sumo more prestigious internationally, because the yen is weak and they will never have the resources for that. You'd have a better chance convincing Vince McMahon to make an American pro sumo league with all the Americanisms involved.

Anonymous No. 223001

My position is that Japan is more than capable of funding and promoting its own national sport to a much higher caliber than it currently does. Furthermore, I believe that the main obstacle standing in the way of such progress is the apathy and laziness necessary to allow the JSA to run the national sport as a tourist attraction, in a country that consistently punches well above its weight in terms of athletic quality and sports promotion. I think it's insane that Japan doesn't seem to care about sumo enough to give it the funding and investment it needs and deserves.

Anonymous No. 223004

Capability and willingness are two completely different things, and even then Japan's economy is less capable than you think they are to put that level of funding into sumo without sacrificing in other areas.
And as to willingness, my point is you cannot guarantee that the government or business interests will fund sumo the way you think they should. "Hey give us more money." "No." Then what? JSA's current system allows them to act self-sufficiently while relying on a minimal amount of government handouts and a modest amount of corporate funding in the form of sponsorships.

Anonymous No. 223006

Of course it's a question of willingness, that's the point. Those "government or business interests" are willing to make Japan into a sporting powerhouse, but content to let sumo fall by the wayside and live off charity. That is madness. It is mad to entrust a cultural icon and a national sport to a body run like the JSA.

Anonymous No. 223007

Sumo is not a major international sport. They want to make Japan into an international sporting powerhouse, emphasized the Japan is tied with Italy for third most modern Olympics hosted, and that tie is only including Italy hosting next year. They want international prestige and a boatload of international tourism related to hosting major international competitions. Sumo simply put is not one of them, and will not be one of them until every country other than Japan starts funding sumo enough to make it a major international sport.

Anonymous No. 223009

Sumo is their national sport, though. I think it's hypocritical to emphasise your sporting credentials while treating your own sport as an afterthought. In that respect I agree with the arch-conservatives and defenders of tradition - sumo is important, even if it isn't as prestigious as the Olympics or baseball, and even if it isn't as profitable as other sports, care should be taken to not only preserve it, but ensure that it prospers. You're right that sumo has precious little international presence, and that means that if it's allowed to collapse in Japan, it will just be gone for good.

Anonymous No. 223010

All the more important for it to continue in the system that has allowed it to continue nationally and self-sufficiently, instead of replacing it with a system that runs on political will and vibes.

Anonymous No. 223011

As opposed to the political will and vibes of the JSA itself? I just don't think they're doing a very good job of things as things stand, and I don't think they have any idea how to reverse the decline. The world beyond sumo keeps changing as a blistering pace, and things that worked at the turn of the century are working less and less well now. If sumo doesn't change and modernise it will simply die out, and nobody wants that.

Anonymous No. 223012

>If sumo doesn't change and modernise it will simply die out
source: trust me bro

Anonymous No. 223013

By all accounts the JSA is comfortable financially. They've come out of the covid slump and are continuing to grow in ticket sales and revenue. Unless you have proof otherwise, yelling "they have to change because...they just have to okay!" isn't convincing.

Anonymous No. 223014

>As opposed to the political will and vibes of the JSA itself?
Yes? The JSA has a vested interest in keeping itself going, because if it dies out all of them will lose everything they have. If you put the decisions in the hands of business executives or politicians, they have no such incentive because sumo will just be one asset of many and will be discharged if they feel it's not worth caring about.

Anonymous No. 223015

I would absolutely prefer the death of sumo over this monstrous rape of it

Anonymous No. 223019

The head of Toyota paid over $100k to be part of Hakuho's hair cutting ceremony. You are literally a homosexual.

Anonymous No. 223020

More young Japanese kids would want to get into sumo if it had a strong Japanese yokozuna TO BE FUCKING DESU. Hoshoryu is one thing, but Onosato is another.

Anonymous No. 223021

What the fuck is this train of AI posts?

Anonymous No. 223022

All me

Anonymous No. 223023


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Anonymous No. 223026

>If sumo doesn't change and modernize it will simply die out
This is the truth nobody wants to acknowledge. Being a rikishi fucking sucks, every single aspect of it. There are too many wrong things with the way of life of a rikishi to type them out, anyone smart enough knows what's the problem and in the era of information people are well aware of it.
One of the things that people don't talk about is the retirement, if you didn't make it to the top 15% of Sumo then it's fucking over in your life after Sumo. You retire with no money and no skills other than chanko making, how to tear open glued wallets and female underwear buying.
this is also truth, it's been almost 25 years since a strong JAPANESE Yokozuna presence in the dohyo. 25 FUCKING years. Before the Hana brothers it was the early 90's and that was 35 years ago. Japanese people know this, they are totally aware that Sumo has been dominated by outsiders for decades now. No proud Japanese family will let their kid join a sport in which they have no chance of making it big when a mongol just comes and rips apart nihonese assholes. Just look at the champ list, it's nothing but gaijin for 20 years straight
>inb4 Hakuho and Asashoryu are not the rule but the exception
Let's see if in the next 5 years anything changes, but Hoshoryu becoming a 'zuna before KotoACK! is not a good sign and a huge black pill.

Anonymous No. 223027

>One of the things that people don't talk about is the retirement, if you didn't make it to the top 15% of Sumo then it's fucking over in your life after Sumo. You retire with no money and no skills other than chanko making, how to tear open glued wallets and female underwear buying.

And how is this different from any other profession? Success is not owed to anyone.

Anonymous No. 223028

Ack has always been the fool's hope, Onosato will be yokozuna by the end of the year and will finish with more yokozuna yusho than Hosh.

Anonymous No. 223030

>One of the things that people don't talk about is the retirement, if you didn't make it to the top 15% of Sumo then it's fucking over in your life after Sumo. You retire with no money and no skills other than chanko making, how to tear open glued wallets and female underwear buying.
As much as I dislike university sumo for making guys too one-dimensional and giving them too much wear and tear before they get into pro sumo, this will actually be a blessing for sumo down the road because it means anyone who goes into pro sumo with a university degree will have a fallback option. This means they'll be more likely to try pro sumo, even if they don't have tsukedashi status, knowing if they fail they can just get a normal job. While this might lead to more university grads quitting sumo early if they can't break into sekitori, without the degree it's likely they wouldn't have tried to begin with.

Anonymous No. 223031

The cycle of 4chan sumo posting

Basho ends
Seethe resides
New westerner thinks they know better
Arguments of how to make sumo great again (you are here)
Weeks of nothing
Basho starts
Someone calls it a clown basho

Anonymous No. 223033

I remember seeing a documentary about former sumo wrestlers who didn’t make it to the sekitori ranks. It was pretty bleak. Dude was an old truck driver with bad knees, a bad back, no family, no prospects.

Anonymous No. 223034

Do you remember what it was called?

Anonymous No. 223035

I remember seeing that documentary. But I think the trucker guy reached Juryo for like 5 basho total. In any case, most of the non sekitori end up working in restaurants.

Anonymous No. 223038

>What are your qualifications for driving a truck?
>I was part of a profession that bans everyone from driving anything with a motor
>You're hired

Anonymous No. 223040

>Sumo was better back before rikishi were allowed to touch the ring with the bottoms of their feet
Holy shit taste.

Anonymous No. 223043

>The yusho car and the size of the dohyo are both important customs of Japan's sumo tradition
Your point being...?

Anonymous No. 223044

>The current heya system is less than 300 years old
So is the USA, you IDIOT

Anonymous No. 223045

>You retire with no money and no skills other than chanko making, how to tear open glued wallets and female underwear buying.
That's fine though, you can tear open those old wallets and find money inside! Old money, that will be worth more due to inflation.

Anonymous No. 223048

my city is older than that and I live in America

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man orders chines....jpg

Anonymous No. 223067

>I do think "pro sumo" should be gutted. It should be replaced with professional sumo, where all the athletes are paid properly, not overworked by endless touring in-between tournaments, given top-tier physio and rehab after injuries instead of being allowed to cripple themselves fighting through them, and not treated like personal servants by men higher up the ranking chart. The current system is cancerous and backward, which is why Japanese boys don't want to do it and choose other sports instead. The refusal to change and modernise is killing the sport.

Anonymous No. 223069

Onosato Daiki would never.

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Anonymous No. 223070

>New westerner thinks they know better, Arguments of how to make sumo great again
Do you think that the Japanese don't say that sumo should be made better for the rikishi? Look for any scandal mention on JP twitter and look at the responses. Half of them will be calling for reform, the other half will be gloating about how our glorious Japanese culture makes retards seethe.
Or has the first group been tainted by Western influence and they don't count as Japanese anymore?

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Anonymous No. 223072

Calm down man, I was simply making a joke about consistent patterns.
I'm not participating in the argument.
I come here for funny sumo images.
I know these same opinions and much more are posted in japan as well.

Anonymous No. 223074

For me, it's talking about [jonokuchi to sandanme sweeper #20] and getting overly excited for their future as a sekitori then watching them get stonewalled in mid-makushita.

Anonymous No. 223076

Osaka basho already sold out lol

Anonymous No. 223078

I feel attacked

Anonymous No. 223079

Praying that Anosho gets another KK to reach the makushita joi.

Anonymous No. 223080

>Basho starts
>Someone calls it a clown basho
The frontrunner and yokozuna lost on day one, I think it was warranted.

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Anonymous No. 223083

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Anonymous No. 223085

Anonymous No. 223087

Both Hosh and Zak won day1

Anonymous No. 223093

that was the best practice I've seen in the Futagoyama videos in months

Anonymous No. 223095

There's finally enough Youtube money to put the boys on steroids. Look at Nabatame's bouts in the November basho and compare them to January's. At this rate, Koga will reach Sandanme by 2030.

Anonymous No. 223096

>they've all started going to the gym
>now they're taking weird supplements

Juicing is legal in Japan, isn't it? It wouldn't surprise me too much if they actually did a bit

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Anonymous No. 223097

people always claim wrestlers are juiced, mostly because of the traps area but that's bulltshit imo, seems to be part of the sumo training to have big fucking traps. I remember when people always said Tochi was roided just because of this.

Anonymous No. 223098

People also claimed Toch was juicing because of the scarred injection marks on his ass.

Anonymous No. 223099

Frankly it wouldn't bother me if they did use a bit. With the kind of pace that sumo wrestlers have, it would be worth it for the recovery alone.

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Anonymous No. 223100


Anonymous No. 223101


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Anonymous No. 223102

This is what monke deserves

Anonymous No. 223103

>he needs underwear, stat!

Anonymous No. 223104

Isn't the woman looking at Atamin's balls the one who was front row every day in November and didn't smile once?

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Anonymous No. 223105

Anonymous No. 223107

new thread


Anonymous No. 223109

This. They don't need low fat high muscle ratios. The main reason they would juice is recovery.

Anonymous No. 223139

>Juicing is legal in Japan, isn't it?
Pretty much. I don't think you can use the injectable shit, but oral steroids, and their derivatives, are legal there.
>It wouldn't surprise me too much if they actually did a bit
IMO they would be dumb not to take advantage of them for not only performance benefits, but for the healing benefits as well.

Anonymous No. 223144

I want to be a girl.

Anonymous No. 223151

Her smile and optimism were defeated that day.

Anonymous No. 223213

No. Very different lady.

Anonymous No. 223374

What performance? A 12-3 JY?

Anonymous No. 224649

I'm a weeaboo.

Anonymous No. 224902

>If scanlating Baki brought more foreign interest to sumo, then I can only be glad we did it, even if the end of the sumo arc was atrocious.
I will NEVER forgive Itagaki for that colossal fuck up. Kehaya was so funny and cool and then he gets fucked over.