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๐Ÿงต Video games with best wrestling mechanics?

Anonymous No. 226202

A lot of horror game monsters just try to grab you when they attack. And it's made me wonder whether there's a better way for players to struggle against that sort of thing, aside from button mashing.
So I wanted to get some opinions here. Which games out there have the best wrestling mechanics?
I'm not talking about fake WWE stuff. I'm thinking more of those semi-realistic MMA titles, where players 1 & 2 usually wind up rolling around on the floor.
I don't think many horror games would be improved by a full-on multiplayer-level wrestling system. But it could still be an interesting place to start from. Any research suggestions would be welcome.

Anonymous No. 226216

The Last Of Us

Anonymous No. 226222

Probably Virtua Fighter with its chain grabs and shit

Anonymous No. 226440


Anonymous No. 226472

>hey people that go outside and can talk to women
>what's a good game that can make me more of a soiboy

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Anonymous No. 226545

Sorry fellas. /v/ is just an awful place to talk about video games.
Best conversations I've ever had about vidya on this site were on /k/ and /lit/. Any thread you start on /v/ wil immediately get accused of being a shill thread, regardless of the subject. I once started a thread to ask about which game engines have the best destruction physics, and they immediately accused me of shilling for "Teardown" of all things, because I'd put a picture from that in my thumbnail.
I've already tried asking this on /v/, but it devolved into meaningless bullshit as usual. Idk where else to find people who might have interesting opinions on grappling.
If there's another non-/v/ board where people might be able to answer this question, I'll go there. But not /v/, anything but /v/. It's just not worth it anymore.

Anonymous No. 226556

This isn't a normie board. There's no such thing. It's the containment board for autistic combat sports and niche athletic hobbies. This is the most appropriate board to come to for this question.