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๐Ÿงต /asg/ Airsoft General

Anonymous No. 215905

trve strvggles edition

Old Thread: >>203495

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Anonymous No. 215907

>Threadly Topic
Why is airsoft """""""culture"""""" so bad online, while it is so harder to see it in actual person?

Anonymous No. 215915

What do you mean by bad culture? Idk if it's any more toxic than other hobbies.

Anonymous No. 215916

>every airsoft teching discourse having mostly redditors who never did any of it but will repeat what someone with lots of upvoots estabilished
>youtube and whole perception of the hobby is muddied up by ghilliefags that try to be second kickingmustang and call everyone and everything a cheater
I admit I overdramatized that question as a massive aspie I am, moreso should have asked if you guys see similar dispoportion between discourse online and how it looks like in practice.

Anonymous No. 215917

ah that stuff. Yea i agree but i don't think it's exclusive to Airsoft, but yes people giving advice or just straight up parroting shit because someone popular told them what to think is annoying af. I generally just don't care about what people have to say until i know for a fact they own the shit they talk about. On the ghilliefags i think i can count on one hand the amount of times i've heard or talked about Airsoft youtubers lol. Generally don't see too many ghillies and if i do it's always the shitty aliexpress one or novritsch that also sucks. Ghillies in general i feel are kinda overrated. I use a viper hood and i feel like that's plenty to stay concealed. People in general have kinda t-rex vision so if you sit still most won't see you.

Anonymous No. 215921

it's like any online vs irl discourse. It's harder to be a dick in person. Online you disassociate from people and treat them like adversaries

Anonymous No. 215933

You're wrong!

And I'm going to spend the entire thread telling you that you're wrong!

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Anonymous No. 215967

Decided to run my rookie zone kit last weekend. Situational awareness under this mask is hilariously bad, breathing on top of that also is a bitch. But was fun nonetheless.
I think that is mainly limited to the US and UK. The airsoft community over here is very small, so if you are a retard word quickly spreads and everyone will know you for being a retard. This also translates to the online sphere, so people are barely able to hide behind pseudonyms and anonymity.

Anonymous No. 215968

What did you do for eyepro and how was fogging?

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Anonymous No. 215970

Had to swap out the gasmasks glass with polycarbonate, marshalls even testfired it to make sure it withstands 1,5j with the barrel pressed against it.
It wasn't that hot so it was not as bad as one would expect. During sprints and heavy breathing it would fog when breathing out, the moment I breathed in it would clear up again.

Anonymous No. 215971


Anonymous No. 215976

could you show how you replaced the lenses?

Anonymous No. 216000

I thought about doing this with my PBF. We have a laser engraver at work so cutting the circles lenses out of some poly would be easy. Ended up selling the mask since nobody does theme games anymore.

I've also thought about taking an old Soviet filter, ripping all of the internals out and installing a fan instead to get some airflow into the mask to maybe keep it from fogging.

Anonymous No. 216002

Speaking of which, is the lack of themed/scenario-driven airsoft games limited to my area or has that been the way the whole of airsoft has trended? We used to have tons of cool games. Vietnam-themed games with half the guys doing their best impressions of Viet Cong, Cold War themed US/Nato vs. Warsaw Pact. Op. Irene had people playing as Somali civvies/militia. I remember hearing about cop/robber type games and post-apocalyptic themed stuff too, although I didn't get the chance to go to one.

Everything nowadays is just green vs tan. Sometimes they throw in 'Civil War 2.0' with no other context, sometimes they don't even bother to do that. And 'big' events are pretty hard to find, most of the fields are pay-to-play where half the people show up wearing paintball clothes. That's WAY less fun than 'Fortunate Sun' and coolie hats.

Anonymous No. 216004

I just bought them from ebay ( and followed that tutorial.
Nothing like that really going on here, I personally just run my autistic loadouts during normal games, which usually puts me at quite a disadvantage against the average mutlicam running airsoft player.

Anonymous No. 216043

For me it's the opposite. I used to just play casual games but now I do mainly historical stuff like WW2 and Vietnam games. One field I frequent has started doing Easter front, western front, Finnish winter war, Vietnam etc.

Anonymous No. 216051

>against the average mutlicam running airsoft player.
why is multiscam so prevalent?
milsurp like m81, fleck, and even jigsaw depending on where you live can be had for next to nothing, with way better build quality than whatever chinkshit the average 0p3r8t0r runs
it cant just be muh tacicool and muh matching pouches right?

Anonymous No. 216068

Multicam was used from 2004 until the late 2010s by the US military and a host of other countries (some of which still use it), as well as numerous imitations of it by even more countries - a large amount of known gear and tactical clothing manufacturers make stuff using it, a decent chunk of used gear and uniforms can be found in it, and it's an easy way to have something that at the very least conveys the simple aura of imitating a modern NATO combatant
It's not the most original, and it doesn't blend into *every* environment, but I get why it's a common sight among those wanting to make a generic soldier kit - even if I too wish people would pick something more interesting every now and then

Anonymous No. 216169

xps3/eotechs and T2 clones are too generic and gay.
what cool looking replica optic do I get that's also decent, looking for something in line with a comp m4 or something.

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Anonymous No. 216279

either join the military or quit larping, wear regular clothes and risk some mild discomfort

Anonymous No. 216292

go and play your gay "tough guy" NERF, retard

Anonymous No. 216303

nerf is less gay than milsim

admit you're wearing a costume and playing with toys

Anonymous No. 216304

That's the point of the hobby, retard

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Anonymous No. 216315

thoughts on my setup?

Anonymous No. 216319

Wait, you fags call airsoft extreme? Wow...

Anonymous No. 216326

Not Russian, not NATO, kinda weird. I actually do like the purse and/or gas mask bag, where to cop?

Anonymous No. 216328

I can't identify what country this is meant to be from, but it looks somewhat solid

Anonymous No. 216331

>here's your "militia" faction, bro

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aesthetic piece o....jpg

Anonymous No. 216346

playing with lmgs is a blast but i hate how they break every other week.

Anonymous No. 216349

>Airsoft event I was planning to go to cancelled due to asbestos in the building
Damn nanny state

Anonymous No. 216350

>not wanting asbestos in your lungs is like 1984, guise

Anonymous No. 216357

>Guys, guys! Amazing milsim event planned at Chernobyl. We just have to sneak in!

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Anonymous No. 216381

>Not taking the opportunity to host a stalker themed event

Anonymous No. 216415

>what do you mean you don't want to come to the event in eastern ukraine?!?!?!

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Anonymous No. 216473

Does anyobody have any experience/range time with the we scar h ? I'm eyeballing one atm but im worried about the lower being plastic

Anonymous No. 216478

all scar lowers are polymer?
Besides that wouldn't buy one until it gets updated to the V3 system like the other WE AR's

Anonymous No. 216486

get the VFC

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Anonymous No. 216493

retard here
how easy is it to put the internals of the spitfire tracer into a dummy suppressor?

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Anonymous No. 216530

Maybe I'll join the AK-gang

Anonymous No. 216601

fuck my retarded life and google adventures I'll just ask here instead.
what do I buy if I want a socom rc 5.56 suppressor that has both muzzle flash and a tracer unit in it?

Anonymous No. 216604

Airsoft attracts major tryhards because of its military and competitive aspects, a few % of the entire playerbase are milsimfags and speedfags with 0 self awareness, and the result is drama and cringe. Also teenage boys.

Anonymous No. 216669

how much of the airsoft community are cosplayers, tho? Airsoft is a fashion show after all

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Anonymous No. 216672

>Broke down my rifle so it fit inside a briefcase
Virtually no difference between me and a real world assassin right now fr fr

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 216675

Artificial hyperintelligence...Stellar Blade, Eve. Maciej...omnibond...

His surname is Nowicki. Divine, perfect love

Anonymous No. 216851

I reckon most airsoft players are semi-cosplayers, they just don't realise it, nor would they admit to it.

Anonymous No. 216948

Most airsoft suppressors have screw-on ends. Sometimes they're filled with foam. If you want to throw a tracer in there, you'll need a way to align the inner pathways so it doesn't ricochet against any walls, as well as take up the slack so that the tracer unit stays put. Nothing tragically difficult other than having to take everything apart to access the controls. The main difficulty you'll have is how to engineer the tracer unit a clear opening out the front for the LED effects.

Airsoft is military cosplay. Otherwise, there no reason an airsoft gun needs to look like a real gun.

Anonymous No. 216990

strange how no one makes cool replicas of famous Sci-fi guns like the Morita. And even if a sci-fi replica gets released it's low quality garbage and no one buys it

Anonymous No. 217097

>Sci-fi guns
Not enough of a market I guess, only die hard fans would be interested, most airsofters want real looking guns and to play rambo, they don't want to know more or die for the emperor etc.

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Anonymous No. 217109

>normalfags ruining everything
Every time. Every single fucking time some new hype beast SF AR15 gets announced and normalniggers onions out over le based SF rifle. And when some replica that has never been released in airsoft gets made no one talks about it. I hate normalfag consoomers so God damn much. Look at this shit. This is exciting to those subhumans