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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 1004225

Why are you cheap cunts refusing to donate to Blender Foundation? This is why Blender will never become industry standard.

Anonymous No. 1004226

B-but they are not interested in money

Anonymous No. 1004227

I'm literally a 3rd worlder living with my parents

Anonymous No. 1004228

Should hobbyists pay for their "industry" ambitions and their pet jannies? I don't think so.
And it's the same with WIkipedia, Mozilla and Gnome. Don't donate so they can downsize and get rid of bloat and corruption.

Anonymous No. 1004230

I have never donated to anything or anyone in my life and I pirate all software and addons I use

Anonymous No. 1004232

They have millions in corporate donations and one of them is Adobe. No they don’t need money.

Anonymous No. 1004239

Just like nature intended.

Anonymous No. 1004240

blender isn't industry standard because you can't throw money at the devs to fix your problems, release updates for your 4 years old version, or make them create a custom version for you
when you buy maya and max and other tools, you don't pay for the software, you pay for the service and support that comes with it
you have nothing like that for blender, you'll need to hire your own devs
telling your shareholders that you threw money at the problem is easier and more benefical than doing this

Anonymous No. 1004241

Who ever decided that Blender needs to become an "industry standard" instead of serving the hobbyists and semi-pro market like it's supposed to? When did I vote for that? I don't want to feed their pet jannies delusions of grandeur.

Anonymous No. 1004242

I will as soon as they stop catering to grease pencil fags and start working on porting every other modifier to geonodes

Anonymous No. 1004244

I would donate if I made money from it.

Anonymous No. 1004245

Because money is tight.
I'll donate when I make it rich.
I'll make it rich when I learn how to use Blender.
I could make it rich sooner, if Blender wasn't so difficult to use.
If they developed a better product, more people like me would become rich, which in turn will funnel money back up to them.

Anonymous No. 1004275

Blender has some good ideas. But, I would rather give my money to sidefx

Anonymous No. 1004284

I actually did donate after seeing a video about it, they make fuck all compared to proprietary shit and while Blender isn't perfect they've allowed a lot of people to use 3D modelling and animation software without any bullshit.
I hope they see an uptick in donations and it becomes way better in due time.

Anonymous No. 1004286

>they've allowed a lot of people to use 3D modelling and animation software without any bullshit.
dude, the only decent thing is the modelling, and even then, it is only decent. The animation is not good. When you say "without the bs" that is simply not true. If you want to animate properly you need appropriate software.

Anonymous No. 1004309

the modeling would've been great if the underlying code was good, maya and modo handle ngons way better, try beveling a model with an ngon in maya vs blender, doesn't work well
here's an example:

Inseting is also bad because it sometimes moves the vetices instead of just adding two cuts like maya does, you have to use extrude or add cuts manually, which just isn't good enough

booleans are vastly easier to work with in blender...when they work.
you have to switch between carver and bmesh frequently because they don't work all the time
Having consistent booleans, or something like mesh fusion in blender would be a dream

Anonymous No. 1004318

It’s been 10 years since any major news and they only upgraded the rendering. They will not fix anything or create anything.

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Anonymous No. 1004325

Anonymous No. 1004326

dude stay quiet. the more people that get sucked into using blender hobby shit, the less competition there will be for jobs.

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Anonymous No. 1004329

Even if i would have wanted to donate before, after the travesty that was EEVEE-NEXT i would certainly reconsider.
Kill whoever the fuck decided it was a good idea to replace normal EEVEE with it.

Anonymous No. 1004330

Blender does not cease to exist without the blender foundation. therefore, why should I donate? plus 4.2 and 4.3 have been straight up objective downgrades, and 4.4 is looking to be more of the same. why the FUCK would I pay for a worse product? they should just ask their retarded yuro government for more shekels I'm sure they'd fall for it.

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Anonymous No. 1004332

It's more or less the fault of FOSS fanatics.
They PROUDLY keep posting everywhere on the net about how FREE and OPEN SOURCE and most importantly FREE EVERYTHING is.
This gets ingrained so hard into the cattle mentality that most of them just think
>huh, but you said it's free so why would I pay a cent? that would be really stupid, right?

They have to completely change the way they communicate. Completely change the way FOSS gets "advertised".
Crowdfunded software development CAN work and for the most part it already does just fine especially for Blender but again, communication needs to be addressed and the Blender foundation seems to do just that now which was about time.

Anonymous No. 1004334

>dramatic title and thumbnail really do help...
Yeah no shit. As a semi-big channel they did exactly what Youtube wanted them to do and got rewarded for it.

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Anonymous No. 1004335

the funniest thing about this is that film stop is a quintessential blender youtuber grifter. produces absolutely nothing of substance whatsoever.

Anonymous No. 1004365

Yeah, Eevee next is incredibly clunky. Last I checked anyway. I'm going to download the latest version now and check.(4.3.2)
Same problems still exist. Nothing was fixed for me. Change a shadow step, and it takes a full 60 seconds to update. Change rays, and it takes a full 60 seconds to update. Clunky mess.

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Anonymous No. 1004368

i dont even care about performance even though that is also bullshit - it's the fact that it's now castrated Cycles that angers me.
I have to fiddle for lighting 10 times longer to achieve the same scene i could on EEVEE, every alpha is now hashed instead of blended, i can't just change the shadow settings of material, and the removal of Bloom checkbox was completely retarded, but not as retarded as also removing its settings as well and saying "just use compositor lmao", the real time preview of which overblows it all the time.
Even worse is that barely anyone even makes an argument about it online, so i have a feeling this isn't going to change soon because of this.

Anonymous No. 1004389

I don't donate to Wikipedia because they spend a bit part of their money on DEI, and that's a waste of money

Anonymous No. 1004391

This, I prefer it to be this way
I'm a professional and I use blender outside of work and for personal projects. But I would never use it on my job.

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Anonymous No. 1004420

Not giving a cent to Blender when I am using student versions of Autodesk products for free for the past 5 years even if I am not in school anymore. It's been already proven your gacha waifus aren't professionally made in Blender anyway.

Anonymous No. 1004508

They had a feedback thread up for a good while. Got flooded with a bunch of complaints. Eventually they closed the thread. But I think they got the idea. They know it's a mess.

Anonymous No. 1004835

Can I move in with you?

Anonymous No. 1006177

>>Blender is free
if you give it away for free, then why do you need donations?

Anonymous No. 1006178

>gachatrannyniggergoycattleslop is made with autodesk
perfect reason to never touch their products, behead gachaniggers

Anonymous No. 1006231

They keep doing things I don't like.
I'm still running 2.76.

Anonymous No. 1007072

because i'm fucking poor, even people from uganda get paid more than me

Anonymous No. 1007111

Just start making porn, bro

Anonymous No. 1007118

Bitch, I don't even pay for software that costs 5k per year, why would I pay for something that's free? Are you dumb?

Anonymous No. 1007120

what are you even making with blender 2.76? it might be a you-problem

Anonymous No. 1007123

paying for a free product just to support the devs is reddit behavior. and I'm not giving money to any organization like this unless I get to choose exactly what it's spent on. who knows if you're paying for some troon to get hormones or something.

Anonymous No. 1007124

Where does it state you should pay for free software? It's a DONATION. You're donating to support the devs because you believe in their mission.

Anonymous No. 1007125

>You're donating to support the devs because you believe in their mission.
If their mission is dependent on money, they have already failed by chosing to make it free.

Anonymous No. 1007126

Once I start making enough money with Blender I will contribute by funding the development of features that benefit me and releasing them for the community as Free Software.
While that doesn't happen, I have no money and my time would be better spent on my own projects than trying to contribute to Blender.

Anonymous No. 1007176

because many people who use blender are poor people with no money

Anonymous No. 1007194

>Blender addons fall under gpl license

>I am such a h4rdcor3 pirate, I even pirate free software


Anonymous No. 1007195

>Thinks it's necessary to explain to other people that the 12 year old girl from the war zone in Sudan who can't afford a mid-range pc - has no money to donate once to blender.

Zoomers have gotten so used to free2play that they believe that life simply costs nothing as long as whales pay for it. If it's dead after a year, there's just a new f2p

Anonymous No. 1007217

Thirdies are so arrogant and uppity. Most of them aren't even poor. It's simply not in their low trust society DNA to donate.

Anonymous No. 1007220

I'm a third worlder with no job or bank account

Anonymous No. 1007371

>bank account
Bruh just go the bank and make one lmao