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🧵 shifting weight from heels to balls of feet

Anonymous No. 1005335

so, in blender, i’m making a rig for a very athletic character. i’m making an animation where he bobs up and down, planting himself with the balls of his feet rather than his heels. my rigs’ legs normally have very standard inverse IK with “inherit rotation” disabled on the foot bone. this works in most cases but, obviously in this case, does not. how should i go about this task of shifting weight from heels to balls?

Anonymous No. 1005342

You can’t, that’s not something human bodys do anon. You have to remodel the characters feet to make it work.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 1005346

....IK has no physics built in therefore it has no concept of weight or "shifting weight"

Anonymous No. 1005349

idk. not a great method but maybe you move the entire body upwards, and then rotate the feet so they're touching the ground again

Anonymous No. 1005351

nah nah i have the solution. im not home right now. wont be for 12 hours. ill show you this.

Anonymous No. 1005352

The classic 'reverse foot' rig can do this and is the typical goto solution. Check it up on youtube and google and you'll find numerous examples of how to set one up.

Anonymous No. 1005353

in a nut shell:
i have 2 ik controllers. one from the hip to the ankle, and one fromt the ankle to the toes. both iks are the children of a transform node i use in my rig. i have a custom channel on the controller that animates the 2 iks from a flat foot position to a balls of the feet position. its meant for the foot roll during a walk cycle but is useful for everything else tippy toe related too. combine it with the natural way that iks tend to extend and point when theyre too far away from the controller and youll get a nice looking foot bob.
ill try to remmeber to come back with a webm of it

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Anonymous No. 1006148

OK yeah this is what i meant. I have this "foot roll" channel. And I have keyed the IK controllers to move to these positions based on its value. While I'm animating a walk cycle, I dont need to rotate my foot controller to roll heel-toe.

Anonymous No. 1006150

I'm playing with my balls right now

Anonymous No. 1006152

You mean to say toes not balls, you cannot move the important bone muscle in your foot. OMG why did you call it ball when you should know the Ankle in elementary school.

Anonymous No. 1006190

The ball of the foot is not the ankle, it's the padded area that support your foot when you lift your heel of the ground.
Which is commonly refereed to as "stand on the balls of your feet"

Most riggers use the term 'ball' when referring to the joint that bends all the toes, as it does when someone wears shoes
or when the toe joints are simplified to a single joint as they typically are even for barefoot depictions.

So if you name your major bones per joint it'll usually be 'hip - knee - ankle - ball'
and if you named them by the distance the bone spans it'd be 'thigh - calf - foot - toe'

Anonymous No. 1006203

No one call it “balls”, you’re the first person to refer the heel as “balls”. No one calls it that because they always get reminded of the story of Achilles who got shot in the heel and died.

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Anonymous No. 1006876


Anonymous No. 1006922

When are you going to finally fuck off?