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๐Ÿงต make a building

Anonymous No. 1005678

It seems like a lot of people are trying to make buildings lately. I thought it would be fun to have a go, see what i can learn and get some criticism on how im doing things, as well as see what everyone else can come up with. plus, isnt it fun to see how badly you can fuck something up some times?

Lets see some houses!

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Anonymous No. 1005679

my plan was to start with a footprint then build upwards which is probably sensible, but you can also see my first mistake which would repeatedly come back to haunt me later

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Anonymous No. 1005680

getting the roof on was much more... interesting than it should have been, mostly because it should have been its own piece the whole time. The loops weren't cooperating, but eventually for better or worse i got the edges stitched together

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Anonymous No. 1005681

extruding the doors and windows wasnt too difficult. UV unwrapping though? the "one single piece" issue was not going quietly. I learned seams and manual UV unwrapping for this so it took forever. oh and i had some duplicate edges from the boolian modifiers too, teaches me to be lazy.

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Anonymous No. 1005682

i looked up how to export a UV map as a texture and made this abomination in GIMP. turns out you cant scale the texture fills in gimp, i couldnt fix it in blender because it was all one object, and i couldnt be fucked to do it layer by layer, so...

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disgusting render 1.png

Anonymous No. 1005683

at this point i was getting tired, so i slapped a height map on it and called it a day.

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disgusting render 2.png

Anonymous No. 1005685

all things considered im pretty happy with it despite its ugliness. i ended on 205 verts and 384 tris, i had an internal space, i got the windows and doors in and i got away with some arches. next time i'll try the seperate parts thing and see if i can put a reasonable texture on it

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the chair nerd No. 1005693

I have no comments I love it.

the chair nerd No. 1005700

>Lets see some houses!
Can I make a nigloo? I've always wanted to make a Nigloo.

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render 1.png

Anonymous No. 1005753

hmm. UV unwrapping continues to be an absolute pain in the ass, but using more parts seems to be the reasonable path forward. i need to figure out how to get a skybox into these, the grey is too bleak


i dont know, can you?

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render 2.png

Anonymous No. 1005754

beautiful view from the fourth floor, the void is lovely this time of year