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Anonymous No. 1006883

Hi, I'm making my first 3D model. Any advice? Also, how long do I need to make 3D models to be considered a senior?

Anonymous No. 1006884

This is already creative director level

Anonymous No. 1006908

awesome shitpost

Anonymous No. 1006955


Anonymous No. 1006956


Anonymous No. 1006957


Anonymous No. 1007030

you will have a great career at bethesda

Anonymous No. 1007239

I'd say you were already a senior, just not the way you think.
>Hey anon, your vert count was a little low, so I fixed it up, like we used to fix people who got stuck in the steel mill!
>Head's still a bit fuzzy from the lead catalyst fumes, but I think it turned out pretty good!
>Nyuck nyuck nyuck, god bless Israel