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๐Ÿงต modeling hair

Anonymous No. 1006909

do i have to take cosmetology classes or something? because no matter what technique or workflow i try, nothing seems to "click" for me. curves, particle/hair curves, even vertex modeling. nothing.

Anonymous No. 1006912

use. fucking. references

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Anonymous No. 1006913

Try this maybe.

Anonymous No. 1006916

This is actually very difficult and there is no magic formula for it. I recommend that you continue using polygon modeling and also extract models from games with characters whose hair you like to learn by imitating. I do this and have improved my technique a lot. I recommend extracting models from the game THE iDOLM@STER Starlit Season, the girls have various hairstyles and meshes and are very simple to analyze.

Anonymous No. 1006919

I like to sculpt hair and retopo it

Anonymous No. 1006927

this IS with refences
thanks anon. i could tell it needed more hair but no matter where i added or moved around it only seemed to be worse than the current hair
>also extract models from games with characters whose hair you like to learn by imitating
this is how ive recently started to learn but by looking at other open source models made by artists online. ive tried splitting up a UV sphere to block out the hair sections or at least the general flow
sadly im terrible at sculpting

Anonymous No. 1006941

how can I extract the models? all I could find was someone asking 20 dollars for rips

Anonymous No. 1006942

nta but you try looking on VGresource for a specific game. also open3Dlab

Anonymous No. 1006959

a) with this black base shader even zzz models look like retard work
b) you havnt any talent so spend 2 hours more on it

Autodesk 3DS MAX/Maya piracy No. 1006974


To extract models from the unreal engine, use the UE Viewer:

Download the game, install it, and then use this program by selecting where the game was installed. Then just look for where the models are and export as gltf2.

You will need the AES key to extract the models, and you can find the game key in this topic:

Set the unreal engine version the game was made in if any error occurs when loading.

I used this method to extract the models from Starlight Season.

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Anonymous No. 1007019

thanks anon. its not perfect and still needs tweaks but its better than my first attempt.
b) was also helpful

Anonymous No. 1007023

Could you show me her boobs?