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Anonymous No. 1006939

Is learning to draw in 2D worth it before getting into 3D?

Anonymous No. 1006944

Before? No.
If you want to design your own shit? Drawing is gonna be faster than modeling, so it's great for quickly testing out ideas and iterating fast (ex: paintovers on a model).

Anonymous No. 1006949

Depends. If your idea of "learning 2D" is watching a few anime tutorials then scribbling on some lined paper... then no. But if you are going to buckle down and take it seriously, then the knowledge of anatomy, light & value, composition, etc will help you immensely. Or you could just study those independently and apply them 3D. But the ability to use both mediums helps for many.

Anonymous No. 1006951

I probably have less than 50 hours practice in drawing but I found that it's helped out my observational skills and I have an easier time modeling things from reference

Anonymous No. 1006969

Learn to draw at the same time, there's no need to postpone learning 3D

Anonymous No. 1006970

What do you mean, "learning to draw?" Like, learning to draw in black and white with a pencil? How is that going to help you when 3d is in color and on a 3 dimensional model?

Anonymous No. 1006971

No, I meant more like the stuff theyd teach you at a concept art or industrial design
You know? perspective, volume and rendering

Anonymous No. 1006972

concept art isnt about rendering, its about making a concept. Same with design - not about rendering. There is a difference between people who want to get a pretty final picture and people who want to design or concept a new product to sell

Anonymous No. 1006973


Anonymous No. 1006977

it will actually help, though.

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Krenz - Perspecti....png

Anonymous No. 1006978

Yeah, I know, I know
but knowing some rendering basics always helps sell a concept to people, that'd be my guess anyway

But yeah, the focus is on design. My goal is:
*You are able to design the characters, world assets, and art direction
*You are able to create the lore, narrative, and storytelling beats
*You can then create the 3D models, and animate them

Product: Short Form 3D animations

So, am I wrong that I should focus on developing 2D and 3D skills? I already have some very basic sketching skills (pic related)

Anonymous No. 1006979

What do you mean by "product"? No one is going to buy an animation from you. In my experience, its also going to be extremely difficult to get anyone to even watch what you made, even if its free and you promote it on multiple socials. From my experience, its also next to impossible to get good feedback unless you pay to go to a art school and enroll (which I have done)

Anonymous No. 1006981

>to get good feedback unless you pay to go to a art school and enroll (which I have done)
lol, lmao even, he fell for the scam

Anonymous No. 1006982

>No one is going to buy an animation from you.
I don't need them to, the idea is creating my content because video/animation visuals do well to promote businesses online, specially on social media. So I could use my own animations to promote a service/business
I'd just be paying myself doing something I think is cool

Anonymous No. 1006983

what do you mean, scam? I was taught by someone who literally won an Oscar for vfx.

Anonymous No. 1006986

then tell me, why is he teaching?

Anonymous No. 1006987

because teaching is fun and seeing students grow is rewarding and living in a major city is expensive

Anonymous No. 1006988

also, there really isnt that many movies coming out anymore, if you havent realized

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Anonymous No. 1007094

lmao just trace you retard so can learn tricks. Now I aply these same trick to 3D stuff

Anonymous No. 1007095

A little bit of basic drawing skill can be helpful. At least enough to hang out a basic front and side view of what you want to make.
I mean, maybe some people don't mind totally freehanding 3d stuff, but I like to have a basic reference.

Anonymous No. 1007099

How do you story board the scenes for an animation if you can't draw?

Anonymous No. 1007100

I dunno but I'm imagining stick figure storyboards.

Anonymous No. 1007108

Theater of the mind, one would presume.
(Which is why it mostly turns out like shit.)

Anonymous No. 1007109

It depends what you want to do in 3D, but it's very useful to know how to draw when learning 3D sculpting
At the very least it will teach you to observe, many times someone asks me for feedback and I have to hold myself back from saying "are you blind nigga? I'm very impressed you managed to sculpt this without looking at your references once"

Anonymous No. 1007133

It can depend. They're great places for traditional art and history, which is something that's still useful, even if you intend to be all digital.
Courses for digital art or 'game design' are fucking awful, though. The people making them either don't know the subject in any practical sense, or it takes so long to get the software and course briefs approved, that it's obsolete in a year or two.

Anonymous No. 1007135

What do you think of CGMA/Schoolism/Brainstorm?

Anonymous No. 1007151
