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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 1007460

how much does it cost to have 4 characters like this made?

Anonymous No. 1007463

this level of quality probably $1200 to $2000 usd

i would probably charge $450 per character (without any rigging, just tpose model and texture)

Anonymous No. 1007464

the fuck! realy? i assumed around 100$ for an unriged character. im doing it myself then.

Anonymous No. 1007465

About the same, but I would've include rigging them.

Anonymous No. 1007467

tree fiddy

Anonymous No. 1007469

for characters of this quality and texture, I'd probably charge about $8-10k USD each, including rigging for your engine of choice. $2k more if you want priority on my waitlist and another $1k if you want commercial rights.

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Anonymous No. 1007485

im assuming this is a joke?

Anonymous No. 1007486

As far as low poly models go the sample here is real quality ones. It's not ugly cubes like Steve Minecraft

Anonymous No. 1007488

ill do it for 200 each

Anonymous No. 1007489

That should be current day cost for high quality 3D models. It takes a lot of skill to UV edit, rig, animation and draw. This is literally doing the work of 5 people.

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Anonymous No. 1007492

260$ Ill do all 4 of them reply if interested

Anonymous No. 1007494

I had a go at a shit one and it took me about three hours to get it modeled, rigged and painted. If someone halfway competent set out to do it properly it would probably take them six or seven hours, mostly down to how well painted and UV unwrapped it is

Anonymous No. 1007499

you could give the specs to the daily lowpoly or the AIEEEE thread and they would eventually make it

Anonymous No. 1007502

if that's ur shit, ask him for treefiddy, unironically, yes you deserve that and much more

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Anonymous No. 1007520

Yes It is mine and no I will not ask for more because I am poor and need side jobs

Anonymous No. 1007521

yes im interested, can you do modern clothes? contact?

Anonymous No. 1007525

I Can, You can get me on discord my username is stvarnov
I can send some more of my work

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Anonymous No. 1008006

I would charge you 200 per character. Rigged.
Should take 15-20 hours so I can see why others would charge twice or more.

Perhaps I'm not at that level yet when it comes to texturing but it would look good I think. I would apply for the job if I had time right now (I don't)

Anonymous No. 1008009

Op here, this guy ripped me off

Anonymous No. 1008011

Prove it?

Anonymous No. 1008013

Discord is the new scam website, the report button doesnโ€™t do anything and mods in community are Reddit copycats. You should have used a website like fiverr to get an agreement and let the website handle the money process.

Stop using discord, if you used paypal ask for refund otherwise stop using discord.

Anonymous No. 1008014

>ask for memepoly handpainted stylized assets
>commision someone who posted a pbr baked asset as their portfolio
Idk how you couldn't see it coming anon

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 1008143

real OP here, i just got my memepoly asset

Anonymous No. 1008145

real OP here, i just got my memepoly asset

Anonymous No. 1008148

Prove it

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 1008149


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Anonymous No. 1008150


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Anonymous No. 1008991

pleasure doing business with you good sir

Anonymous No. 1009870

do you sculpt it in zbrush and texture it in substance painter?

Anonymous No. 1010061

>how much does it cost to have 4 characters like this made?
Like 200 dollars per character