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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 1007510

i have a scan of my teeth, upper and lower.
the initial purpose was to print a copy of them and vacuum form a mold over them as a retainer, because i grind my teeth and tear up my retainers really fast, and they're 200$ to get replaced.

a secondary goal is to slightly pivot my teeth to undo the shifting they've experienced since i got my braces off. DIY invisalign.
the same idea as what this guy did:

my question is, what program should i work in to manipulate these scans? i've got .obj files. i know fusion360 but it's not really built for stuff like this. i've done the blender donut but that's about all of my blender experience. can i do this sort of parametric work in blender? like, sectioning off a tooth and rotating it, or setting a distance to keep between certain features?

Anonymous No. 1007516

this seems like a bad idea but if you insist on doing it you can probably make incremental changes scaling by axis

is the 3d printed plastic you're using even body safe?

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Anonymous No. 1007517

yeah. i work in a lab and we've got form3 printers set up with resin we use for medical implants.
the idea is to print the teeth in resin, then vacuum-form them with polyproplene. then clean up the edges with a dremel or whatever.

>scaling by axis
the tooth shape has to stay the same, otherwise it wouldn't fit in my mouth.
like, in fusion or solidworks, i could split a part along a plane, and then move it a couple mm in any direction, or rotate it about an axis, etc. i don't really know what sort of mesh tools are available that can do that. or maybe blender is up to it and i just need to learn more about how to do it.

Anonymous No. 1007553

What needs changing about your scan?

Anonymous No. 1007557

>blender 2.x
wtf is wrong with you

Anonymous No. 1007561

you cn select faces, seperate them into seperate objects then adjust them any way you want
get newer blender, fusion fucking sucks ass for shit like this, all cad software is for mechanical shit, not organic

get blender 4.3, or at lest 3.6

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Anonymous No. 1007577

well, if you look at pic related, i need to sort of take the edge of the gums and drag them down to a flat plane.
so i can print with the gums against the print bed, and the teeth facing up.
like in >>1007517
that's not my work, that's from this guy:

i didn't realize that was old blender, like >>1007557
said. the guy was able to do it, so that means i should be able to do it too.

that's all i'd need to get it printable. if that worked fine, i'd later on want to shift the teeth around. if you look in the OP picture, the front left tooth (which is my actual front right tooth) is sort of in front of the front tooth right next to it, i'd want to drag the "behind" tooth more forward to fix that.

>you cn select faces, seperate them into seperate objects then adjust them any way you want

that does make sense. i know it has to be capable of it, i just don't know how to use the tools correctly.

Anonymous No. 1007580

I thought this was a repost. An anon did this exact thing a long time ago. Using a 3d printer and teeth scans to make some kind of invisalign retainer. If i remember it went a little viral and there was some mainstream coverage. Maybe you can find that information. Pretty sure he detailed what he did in the thread

Anonymous No. 1007751

how about finding why you grind your teeth instead?

Anonymous No. 1007815

how did you get a 3d scan of your teeth?
I have a flash drive with my MRI scans on them and I've had some success using 3d slicer to segment out body parts for game assets and I've wondered about teeth for a long time. good luck on your project anon.

Anonymous No. 1007817

No idea, but for the incremental changes, I'd just use a shapekey.
Take your original scan, and add a shapekey, set it to the final shape, and then just move the slider for your incremental changes and print those. You could go as slow as you want. Fuck, you could increment by roughly 0.003 percent (it's a 0-1 scale), print 365 of them and have one for every day.

Anonymous No. 1007825

For incremental changes is there any sculpting tool that would preserve volume? Otherwise I feel like that part could really fuck your teeth up if you aren't careful OP

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 1007829

Jesus Christ died for our sins and rose from the dead to give us the free gift of eternal life in heaven and promised to heal your body. Just Look up and ask Him.

Anonymous No. 1007922

>how did you get a 3d scan of your teeth?
i paid my dentist 50$ to scan my teeth
that is useful. i've read some orthodontics literature and there are rates for how much you can move a tooth in an amount of time. shapekey is pretty much the thing i'd want to use to do that. thanks.

this pic >>1007517
is from the guy i'm stealing the idea from, so he made it work with blender i guess. i'm going to sit down and learn it myself. i guess i'll report back if i figure it out. it seems reasonable that i could sort of cut out the teeth as individual units and translate them in 3D space.

Anonymous No. 1007946

>i paid my dentist 50$ to scan my teeth
what kind of scan do I ask for?