🧵 Untitled Thread
Anonymous at Sun, 16 Feb 2025 00:04:18 UTC No. 1007551
For those of you who made it to employment,
how the piss do you get used to switching between different programs and software suites that use different camera/viewport controls?
I'm having to switch between blender, maya, and marvelous designer.
Unfortunately, I started and spent most of my time on blender. The Maya control set, is that more of an industry standard majority? I _think_ substance painter uses it for simple things like camera controls.
For those of you who do have to switch between environments, have you found a certain program's viewing controls are able to be adopted in all the competitors? I tried once to get Substance Painter to use Blenders, but it was something like everything but one set of key commands were unable to be switched which caused an insanity spiral of moving other actions around. This was 2018 or something though, maybe do-able nowadays.
Ahhghhhhhh I hate the shit outta everything.
Anonymous at Sun, 16 Feb 2025 01:12:10 UTC No. 1007556
Oh a zoomer is complaining about different things made by different companies in their products because copyrighted laws suck. Back in my day we always had to get used to things, it’s just unavoidable. UI and controls for common usage never existed during those times. That’s how you encounter these changes in different programs. Just gitgud that’s the only answer.
Anonymous at Sun, 16 Feb 2025 03:51:51 UTC No. 1007563
write the controls down on a sticky note and stick it on your monitor
Anonymous at Mon, 3 Mar 2025 21:18:42 UTC No. 1008569
Anonymous at Thu, 6 Mar 2025 14:44:52 UTC No. 1008720
blender and zbrush are the odd ones out, but it took like a week for me to adapt to blender. zbrush is weirdly intuitive, that takes like an hour to get used to. maybe because it's the only one i use a pen with.
get used to industry nav. don't bother changing the blender one, it breaks too much stuff.
marvelous has a maya preset iirc.
Anonymous at Sat, 8 Mar 2025 13:42:16 UTC No. 1008856
>For those of you who made it to employment
no one here is employed int the industry and hardly anyone here is employed at all,
wake up, why do you think all the decent artists go into the teaching grift? there are NO JOBS.
there is just the teaching ponzi (you learn to teach others later)