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๐Ÿงต Threat Interactive

Anonymous No. 1007846

Is he right?
Is he wrong?
...or is he a schizo?

Anonymous No. 1007851

A mixture of all of those things.

Not addressing any of his claims but speaking generally there are these sort of deep engine flaws and problems
that is the root cause of stutters and glitches that goes ignored by developers with access to the source code for years.

Reasons for not fixing it includes stuff like how it'd be too hard to address, that the detection threshold is bellow the level of yank that non-enthusiast playerbase accepts, or that the developer themselves don't see the extent of the problem because they're not as enthusiast about their own work as their audience.

You can go back and read forum threads where someone brings attention to something and the developers actually come out to articulate a response but
dismisses/downplay the problem and it keeps going ignored even as more and more devs come in and point to the same root issue and provide proof
that this or that glitch is the root cause.

At that point you are up against human psychology and a mixture of skepticism/pride/resentment for having been wrong means they often dig in and refuse to address it.

This guy then 'threat interactive' is a similar big ego but on the outside who's gotten it into his head he's very special for being able to see things
that's already evident to lot of people working with these software. Where he deviates is that he is so convinced that if he was just handed the keys to the kingdom
he'd fix this in a jiffy and ask for money and access, which is pretty schizo.

But how much a schizo he is hinges on the unknown of how much he would actually be able to do that, perhaps he really is a genius?

My money would be firmly on schizo tho. Given he has not have eyes on the source code of the things he's talking about this is a big claim to make.
Either way I think he's useful in being so vocal about it and just putting more eyeball on these things, help build awareness and pressure.

Anonymous No. 1007856

He's based

Anonymous No. 1007859

He's a schizo but he's right

Anonymous No. 1007864

>copyright strikes videos shitting on him
Pussy ass bitch

Anonymous No. 1007865

If true then he's a fucking loser. Sauce on that?

Anonymous No. 1007881

incredibly high ranking autistic schizoid. not the cool kind either. more of a chris chan than a terry davis. any money donated to his cause probably goes to anime figures and porn commissions. I look forward to seeing the meltdown once he has his lolcow moment. I put good odds on him having shared nudes with one or more children.

Anonymous No. 1007884

>faggots just shit on how he looks like he's made of AI
deserved desu, only pussy ass bitches who deserve to get copyright strucked will bitch about someone looking like an AI made him

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Anonymous No. 1007895

He could not have more of a grifter phenotype if he tried. Not that he's wrong about stuff all the time either, but he is a bad actor.

Anonymous No. 1007896


Anonymous No. 1007950

The true saviour of Vidya

Anonymous No. 1007956

Shut up Nvidia shill you are controlled opposition

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 1007980

>i need a million dollars to FIX unreal engine
>no im not a programmer
>no im not going to tell you how im going to fix the issues
>no i wont explain how i am going to release my fixed version

Anonymous No. 1007981

>i need a million dollars to FIX unreal engine
>no im not a programmer
>no im not going to tell you how im going to fix the issues
>no i wont explain how i am going to release my fixed version

he wants a million dollars but won't pay out for a decent greenscreen or a paid domain for his wordpress blog

Anonymous No. 1007987

You can give me the money
I don't know how to fix the issue either but I'm really good working with green screens

Anonymous No. 1008218

Given that he always shows in detail what he's talking about, he has my trust.

Anonymous No. 1008565

Based optimization chad, on a real note, UE is open source, why would he want money to fix it when he can fork it for free or even make his engine from the ground up? I don't see why someone that educated on the topic would genuinely care about fixing other peoples work when he can easily create a tech demo to showcase how far it could go.
He is completely right in everything he is calling out, games are less performant and beautiful than they used to be, I'm interested in what techniques he would reccommend for beautiful and performant games since I've been out of the loop for a while now. Also Quake 3 Arena is peak graphics you bitchass niggas

Anonymous No. 1008566

Another thing I forgot to mention is that this whole ordeal is a low-hanging fruit in the industry since for a while now, most studios have been following the footsteps of monolithic game engines and the whole industry as a whole, is pushing towards fully automated ai genned bs which puts the least amount of strain on multiquintillion dollar corpos. It's a lot easier to make some jeeted code and tell people to upgrade than to optimise for a plethora of different hardware. Wordpress domain tells me that this has to be a scam, has he even mentioned WHAT or HOW he is going to 'fix' the industry? Even if he gets full UE acess, what then?

Anonymous No. 1008575

Where are his showcases, proofs or anything he is just talking shit. Not interested. Grifter at least had it nicely documented and properly shown this pro wannabe have nothing just words.

Anonymous No. 1008656

UE is not open source.

Anonymous No. 1008736

>You can go back and read forum threads where someone brings attention to something and the developers actually come out to articulate a response but
>dismisses/downplay the problem and it keeps going ignored even as more and more devs come in and point to the same root issue and provide proof that this or that glitch is the root cause.
this shit is the worst, open source is already really bad with the whole "wontfix because lazy" and "whats the usecase?" comments but game dev is on a whole new level
some retarded jeet will unironically go "whats the usecase" for something when claiming the fix is to "just" copypaste the same shit 500 times
yanderedev coding feels like the mean for game devs and they dont understand how things can ever be better so they always just suggest you to do dumb fucking shit
i think its partly because some gamedevs get popular off their game design skills then dunning kruger their way into thinking that means they can program so the whole community just ends up with this aura of full of themselves retards suggesting retarded solutions because "it le worked for me!!"

Anonymous No. 1008994

he is wrong: nanite has no quad overdraw issues
all his other vids are low hanging fruit shit to impress 0iq gamers
he lied in his response to hate video
DMCAs criticism
he is just using gamer outrage to prop up his fame he is realted to/is a reddit mod he know all about manipulator tactics but whatever
biggest problem about him is how he misdirects attention of the public away from real problems (layoffs, budget cuts, unrealistic deadlines, poor work conditions etc) over to some pointless BS to be mad at (muh lazy devs, muh UE)
UE is not open source
you cant "just make a new engine"
his "goal" is to "improve" UE coz everyone uses UE
graphics have become more performant and beautiful (TAA needs to die though)
consumers and developers have gotten too poor/frugal to properly fiance their hobbies & projects
its takes no effort to say games are optimized today especially when you consider that games werent optimized ever since crysis

Anonymous No. 1009100

Threat interactive is actually a sperglord retard that doesn't actually know what he's talking about. His content sure is appealing to the ignorant though.

He's also threatened youtubers with takedowns for calling him out and explaining why he's wrong.

He also does this weird larping as a C-Suite executive, it's incredibly cringe when he's just a solo hobbiest unreal dev with no team.

Anonymous No. 1009103


Anonymous No. 1009276

>layoffs, budget cuts, unrealistic deadlines, poor work conditions etc
why should I care about any of that when there are no respectful white people working on the industry? there's probably 10% respectable white people left in the industry, rest are mystery meat or otherwise spineless human scum that do anything they're told liek a jeet

Anonymous No. 1009278

Then you should probably appreciate that.

Anonymous No. 1009283

Of course I do, I haven't played video games serious in almost 20 years. They're fucking joke and so are the consumers who enable these lowest denominator nigger x360 console shit-tier games with 0 fucking depth. I played Split Fiction recently with an NPC who kept repeating that it's "GOAT" game or whatever, "GOTY", it had 2 characters that have no looks of a woman, no shape no curves no ass no waist no hips no boobs, nothing, and one of them had a cryptokike nose. The worst part wasn't that, it's that it was linear as shit, no exploration, nothing to do, just "a-b a-b" constantly. If this is what people think is "good" gaming, then let it get more pajeets and AI, it's not like the game I like are coming back in my lifetime, might as well give people more slop right?

Anonymous No. 1009284

It is open source, but not free software.
You get the source code by linking you epic games account to github, no other strings attached.
UE is the most popular private repo on github.
He's a schizo and full of shit. All of his suggestions about performance involve doubling the development workload on any indie game which can better and more productively be used to develop new features.

Anonymous No. 1009285

>All of his suggestions about performance involve doubling the development workload on any indie game which can better and more productively be used to develop new features.
As much as I like Palworld, boy do I wish those trees didn't have such hideous popin, or that the game didn't run so shitty even on good PC. If developers don't care about their games to make it work on my 4k PC, maybe I should start caring less for their games as well?

Anonymous No. 1010243

slave labor is still labor and poor work conditions causes your muh aryan master racers into quitting the industry altogether into more profitable/fulfilling sectors like AI no skill or experience ever develops
budget and deadlines nuff said
its not open source its source available it means you can look at the code and nothing else basically a PR move to look like the good guys its completely pointless