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🧵 Why hasn’t anyone cracked this shit yet?

Anonymous No. 1008280

Alright, you absolute bunch of fucking idiots, it’s time to talk about AnimBot. This goddamn plugin STILL hasn’t been cracked, Maya itself is already a total ripoff, but now they want us to fork out even more cash for essential tools that should’ve been in the software years ago, And the fact that nobody has cracked it yet? What the hell is going on? Why are we all just sitting here letting them take our money for something we should already have?

Anonymous No. 1008284

A blender cube thread died for this. This could have gone in the dumb questions thread

Anonymous No. 1008294

I've been wondering this same thing for years. That being said maybe I'm just retarded but I don't know if I'd call anything I saw in this plugin "essential" other than the inbetweener and you can just get tweenmachine for free which is less bloated anyway

Anonymous No. 1008355

The funny thing is that blender has some of the features that animbot has for free, imagine paying more subscription for extra feature

Anonymous No. 1008358

be the change you want to see
crack it for /us/

Anonymous No. 1008360

Lol this is not a dumb question, the fact that niche plugins like ziva and zirail cracked before animbot is baffling to me

Anonymous No. 1008388

>why are WE still paying for <thing>
>WE should already have <thing>
>we we we
>us us us
if you're going to beg for cracked software could you at least be up front about it

Anonymous No. 1009201

it's been 2 weeks and still no cracks

Anonymous No. 1009246

I can crack Cascadeur if you want.