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Anonymous No. 1008443

Why is there not a 3d modeling program with the exact same controls as forge mode in halo?
Forge mode is unironically the one of the most intuitive control schemes for manipulating objects in a 3d space. It would make 3d modeling much more accessible, at least to casual users.
Tell me why this wouldn’t work.

Anonymous No. 1008448

I don't want the internet to be clogged up with even more garbage due to even more accesibility, thanks.

Anonymous No. 1008449

Because that's how they already work? There's really no extrapolation to be done between pressing a button to rotate an object and grabbing a gizmo.
Only difference is you're not given a toybox of premade assets.
If you're too much of a brainlet to manage it, we're better off.

Anonymous No. 1008487

>my shit doesn't stink so I'm a mouse and keyboard elitist tranny

Anonymous No. 1008507

Good for you, faggot.
Nothing stopping you from mapping it to a controller. It's not like it'll make you any worse, considering you can't figure shit out in the first place.

Anonymous No. 1008586

based halo enjoyer. there's two great things in halo that other games should copy: the sandbox forge editor, and the free camera theatre mode.