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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 1008463 Report

What do we think of the new shrek?

Anonymous No. 1008468 Report

You already got a thread and it was killed because it was shit. Now go donuts and sin no more

KRCH No. 1008483 Report

The graphics are just terrible. The joke about the tik tok isn't funny at all.

The first impression is this: crap

Anonymous No. 1008484 Report

That was on-topic for /3/, tard

Anonymous No. 1008485 Report

then why was it killed?

Anonymous No. 1008488 Report

>Appeal to authority (janitor)
You're low IQ

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Anonymous No. 1008497 Report


This is minecraft movie part two. It generally looks good but everyone shits on it in part because the original fans have aged out of it and it's no longer meant for them, and in part because of simple groupthink. Right is objectively better than left- I can't tell what the facial expression on the left is supposed to convey at all, it looks like someone just rotated the jaw controller straight down on x and called it a day. His tongue has no wetness to it and the 2d bump mapping on his skin/the way the light hits his lips looks totally off and kind of uncanny the longer you look at it. It was good art direction for what was available in 2001 but it's unironically the current year. 4chan in particular doubles down on it's negativity towards it because they added a character who in spite of being green has some sort of nonwhite aura about her that's a bit hard to quantify.

They overdid the aging on Fiona, the teeth are very excessive.

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Anonymous No. 1008500 Report

>Right is objectively better than left

Anonymous No. 1008533 Report

This video sums up how I feel:

Anonymous No. 1008540 Report

subsurface depth is a bit too high t bh
i mostly don't care tho

Anonymous No. 1008764 Report

personally, i do not like how soft and smooth it looks. Hes an ogre, but i guess if you spend all day in mud baths youd have nice skin.

Anonymous No. 1009016 Report

I'm not the guy you responded to, but I like 30 fps.

Anonymous No. 1009017 Report

This video better be a voluptuous black woman bouncing on a fat white dick

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Anonymous No. 1009085 Report

Anonymous No. 1009106 Report

They look like Disney characters now. I thought the point of the original style was to look like some autistic computer graphics medieval realism only DnD nerds would be into and it actually is amazing how the animation wasn't really that uncanny for the time. With this new Disney style, it's clear they want this to be more of a children's movie. Whatever.

Anonymous No. 1009109 Report

It looks soulless I thought it was so generated

Anonymous No. 1009737 Report

>I can't tell what the facial expression on the left is supposed to convey
because you are severely autistic and that's a symptom

Anonymous No. 1009740 Report

> I can't tell what the facial expression on the left is supposed to convey at all
First picture =
Second picture =

Anonymous No. 1009741 Report

It’s been 15 years, yes people change. His daughters are 15 now as you saw in the video. What did you expect?

Anonymous No. 1009743 Report

The perfect example of how retards can't tell AI and non-AI content apart, and just assume that everything that doesn't look like it's from the early 2000s is AI. The future is bleak, no matter how good you get, 90% of these idiots will assume it's AI.

Anonymous No. 1009745 Report

Shrek visually has a more threatening aura in the original, which worked much better. There's room for emotional ambiguity, rather than the whole "every emotion needs to expressed with maximum exaggeration" style.

With the new model, they're making him *more* overtly goofy in a way that doesn't make sense for the character, since a good portion of his characterization comes from the incongruity of his appearance and actions.

A lot of people will bring this up, but no, it's not even "book Shrek"; it's some softened version of him? This isn't "aged Shrek" either. I wouldn't imagine him looking like this

Anonymous No. 1009781 Report

>Its a softer sherk
Did you people really forget about his character arc in battling his own inner selves. Yes he became nicer in the original trilogy.

Anonymous No. 1010104 Report

His eyebrows look luscious.