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Anonymous No. 1008508

Blender now has an Academy Award

Anonymous No. 1008509

long live the Blender

do you think this will translate to more code contributions?

Anonymous No. 1008510

Blender Eevee at that. How will standardlets ever recover

Anonymous No. 1008512


Anonymous No. 1008841

>blender doesn't have scult layers

Anonymous No. 1008862

They just moved it to the In Queue / Upcoming so we could have it for the 5.0 or so, you can use ucupaint in the meantime, it is sad that the guy doesn't want to add an export option for the paint layers so if you want that you have to download the other layer paint extension > HAS paint layers.

Anonymous No. 1008863

No it doesn’t, that’s the studio who made the movie. Blender did nothing to help.

Anonymous No. 1008867

Hey, this is the year
Who knows, maybe they'll fix multiresolution too

Anonymous No. 1008868

they should hire at least 2 more developers for the edit and sculpt mode for the 5.0 and that is not happening.

Anonymous No. 1008874

It's just a tool