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🧵 Is the 3D job market just fucked now?

Anonymous No. 1008590

Everything I read on reddit is complete doom and gloom about the 3D industry right now. In fact the entire job market just seems completely up the shitter. I was really banking on being able to find work doing this but that seems like it's not an option. Now even being a prodigy doesn't cut it anymore. How do you land a job?

Anonymous No. 1008593

if you're just gonna keep making these threads instead of working on your demo reel you're probably ngmi

Anonymous No. 1008594

just sell your 3D printed knick knack on Etsy. it's not that hard.

Anonymous No. 1008695

>>Freelance Motherfucker—MC RIDE
listen to Death Grips
become a Content Creator
build Products

Anonymous No. 1008697

yeah doesnt look good.
daz studio of all fucking thing has fucking AI generated shit now. Thats DAZ. The internet explorer of 3d softwares. The big names in the industry must have some good shit in the work

Anonymous No. 1008706

Nigger music

Anonymous No. 1008882

All job markets are fucked, bud

Anonymous No. 1008885

3D jobs won't exist in a few years and will be replaced by prompt engineers.

Anonymous No. 1008886

>AI generated shit now
Really? What did they add exactly??

Anonymous No. 1008890

Ai pose, you describe it and the ai pose the character for you. Ai head shape, you prompt, for example, emma Watson face and it will do it for you. Its just so so but the fact that it works at all is alarming. This is daz we are talking about, the shit show of the 3d world

Anonymous No. 1008897

Wouldn't 3d job perfect job for AI, even moreso than 2d pictures? 3d model in essence is just a collection of vertices on 3D space(x, y, z). In fact if you open an .obj file in text you will see it's just a list of points and their x y z positions.
This is likes the AI natural play field, no?

Anonymous No. 1008924

I think one of the main problems is that there are a lot of morally bankrupt poser artists who try to pass off their AI art as being made in Blender/Photoshop etc. It's getting to a point where normies cant tell the difference. I saw a post on Instagram of a salon that commissioned artwork and the guy they commissioned for the piece lied about it being made in a 3D modeling package when it's obvious it was AI (you could see the hands morphing into the tree branches for instance). Everyone in the comments section was glazing him and when I pointed out it was AI he deleted my comments kek. Normies are too dumb or dont care enough about artistic integrity and soulful art. I have a feeling it will become embraced by the masses over the next 10-15 years. Unfortunately the people who don't have taste out number the people who do.

Anonymous No. 1008925

>Unfortunately the people who don't have taste out number the people who do.
And the market is at the whim of the majority. There might still be a small niche for human-made things but I think the market will shift to cater to the larger majority over time

Anonymous No. 1008926

I'm just hoping that after years of consecutive AI art people will eventually get tired of it and human made things will be embraced again in society, I do think the pendulum will swing back around eventually.

Anonymous No. 1008927

Yeah you are naive then

Anonymous No. 1008928

I guess it depends on whether or not we will escape the uncanny valley-ness, plasticy look of AI. It may be a case where it's always there, even if there are advancements made - that there will always be this underlying look of something being made with AI.

Anonymous No. 1008930

it's already happening with 2D art, not to speak of Ai incest making quality shit the bed

Anonymous No. 1008972

For any industry, when there is a lack of jobs. The typical problem is a lack of entrepreneurs. Open your own studio, and makes your own products. Generate your own value, instead of waiting for others to do it for you.

Anonymous No. 1008987

This board is 99%
>pwease giv job
and 1% actually doing anything with 3D

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artisan guild res....jpg

Anonymous No. 1008988

if you can get halfway decent and fast at sculpting you can make bank as an independent designer for the patreon-->myminifactory miniatures game, just produce monthly sets that have themes that alight with warhammer 40000 or fantasy in some way, or dungeons and dragons, and your shit will sell and you'll get a steady stream of monthly subscribers as well.

virtually zero overhead, no boss, and you take home a pretty complete cut of the profits, i think with patreon you get like 80% and with MMF you get like 90%

pic related is what one guy puts out every month and he has like 20k subscribers on patreon at $10 a month, then also sells previous months sets on MMF for like $50, with individual models going for $5-10

Anonymous No. 1008990

AI incest is just naïve cope, and easily worked around. Not a real actual problem. And normies don't care, they can't even tell actual art from AI art, the ones who think they do, attack real artists claiming they use AI, when they don't. They don't care about the artists, they care that they're right, and get to feel better than others, while secretly they masturbate to some ai-genned images of their favourite waifus.

Face it, this shit is inevitable, in every single field out there.

Anonymous No. 1009018

>>1/3 is a Black
dummy dumb dumb