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Anonymous No. 1008698

how make static object blurry? in my case I'm using that object (a fly) as physics to give the swarm impression

Anonymous No. 1008699

Apply a blur filter

Anonymous No. 1008700

>blur filter
tried but it seems that ut just blurs the textures leaving the body intact...

Anonymous No. 1008703

If your software has a 'depth of field' DOF setting for the camera as render setting or as a post filter etc that is one one to render it, otherwise you'd do it in post, render out your images and go in and apply blurs as needed in your favorite image editor.

Anonymous No. 1008705

using Blender, using dof will blur other elemnts of the scene which I do not want

Anonymous No. 1008712

Then you have to either animate it and use a motion blur on a intermediate frame where they're moving or render it out in layers and do it as a composite in post.

Anonymous No. 1008835

>animate it and use a motion blur on a intermediate frame where they're moving
this would be me suggestion too

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Anonymous No. 1009148

It doesn't look amazing but you could try making their wings out of fog

Anonymous No. 1009158

there's a thing called motion blur

Anonymous No. 1009163

Make a zdepth pass