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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 1008701

how the fuck do i model something like this? im doing tests but they arent coming out right

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Anonymous No. 1008702

heres another ref, can anyone give me any pointers?

Anonymous No. 1008704

You're on the right track, you just need more resolution if you want the geometry to look realistic, add a turbo smooth modifier and step up the resolution and adjust/add edge loops in any areas they're needed to have the geometry look right.

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Anonymous No. 1008707

the previous images are just references from turbosquid. im using maya to make it, and ive started with a cylinder and extruded it out, and used a twist modifer to get the shape of it but yeah its not there. im just looking to see if there is a different way to start it out that anyone recommends

pic related is what i have so far.

Anonymous No. 1008709

If you don’t know how to warped planes around stuff then you’re not ready for advanced tricks.

Anonymous No. 1008710


That's how you would do it, you need to pay closer attention to what the cross section is shaped like and have a lot more segments to support the twist-rate of the umbrella in your reference more closely. Your umbrella twists like 90 degrees top to bottom, reference looks closer to a full 360 twist, if not past it.

Anonymous No. 1008711

Also notice how the upper part appears to have an anti-twist that runs counter to the twist of the shaft. You prob should model that part separately and apply the counter twist. I haven't held an umbrella since forever so I don't know how they unfold but that is what my eyes are telling ,me.

Anonymous No. 1008713

Looks good imho, you just need to twist it some more

Anonymous No. 1008719

I only know what i would try for blender, but i'd start with a like 32 vert circle, randomize it around so its ridged and stuff, extrude it, rotate the extruded segment about 45 degrees, and repeat about 8 times, then re-randomize the segments

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Anonymous No. 1009131

thanks for the suggestions, I took all the advice and this is what i have so far.

i made a 32 sided version, but when i did the flaps (7), it didnt line up right, so i remade it with 14 sides and it looks much better.

i twisted it and then added a texture deformer with a noise because it was too uniform and im happy with the result. im going to tweak a few things and then move on to the other objects in my scene.

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90 percent there.jpg

Anonymous No. 1009154

This is spot on, now you just need to fix the silhouette and schizo proportions

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Anonymous No. 1009182

thanks, i just need to uv it now.