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🧵 Is this facescanned in your opinion?

Anonymous No. 1008746

Anonymous No. 1008765


Anonymous No. 1008770


If it is it has been degraded to the point it is no longer very recognizable as such.

There is a pretty extreme mismatch in artistry between the face and the body tho, legs and feet looks nothing like real anatomy
but the lips and eyelids are very skillfully executed and look like potentially real anatomy.

It could be a mashup where some semi proficient artist has been using elements from a scanned or traced model and inserted
them onto a headshape of their own making.

Doesn't make sense someone who could model the lips and the philtrum that naturalistic would create such a 'connected cylinders' looking lower body.

Anonymous No. 1008833


Anonymous No. 1009035

Thanks for the detailed post.

Anonymous No. 1009067

That's a lot of crap anon, wtf is a traced model? How the fuck do you trace a 3d model? This is not an OC do not steal deviant 2d recoloured sonic.

The model looks good, Chinese people like that leg type, long and exaggerated, they even have filters for that. Stylisation is different in every culture, west likes big hips and ass, Koreans like small heads, but in china is pale with exaggerated long legs. Head doesn't look like a scan, but the textures do, probably texturing xyz.

Anonymous No. 1009089

>How the fuck do you trace a 3d model

You download, scan or otherwise source a model and then you take your favorite retopo tools and trace it.

Anonymous No. 1009097

That's not called tracing.
If you buy a scanned head and re-project or retopologise is called scan cleanup. Most games do this.
If we take your definition of tracing every low poly model is a trace of the high poly sculpture.
The model that op posted was made by retopologise or re-project a sculpture and maybe for the face is a multichannel texture from photogrammetry data. Commercial licences for those are around 300 USD.

Anonymous No. 1009104

If you're tracing something you're tracing it whatever euphemistic label you wanna substitute.

And sure retopologized low res models you projection bake to is indeed a tracing of the sculpt.
But if the artist themselves made that sculpt that would more honestly be described as them just retoplogizing their art.

Where as if they downloaded, scanned or bought the geometry the retopo is better described/understood as 'tracing' it
as there was no artistry on their part involved in crafting the shape of that geometry.

Anonymous No. 1009105

First, if you are wrapping something you are not tracing anything, you are shrink-wrapping your mesh targeting something, this needs to be done for reprojecting or transfer textures from photogrammetry data. Also nobody calls wrapping or retopology as "tracing" neither using 3d scans or textures is stealing.
You can use foreign terminologies as much as you want but you will find yourself saying things like
>And sure retopologized low res models you projection bake to is indeed a tracing of the sculpt
> if the artist themselves made that sculpt that would more honestly be described as them just retoplogizing their art.
Which one of those is?, do you know that there are people who only do that? Retopology and baking from a sculpture, are those tracers? For rigging you need to trace bones, are riggers tracers?

In a production like that you don't do everything yourself, you can't be the concept artists, sculptor, 3d modeler and texture artist, rigger and animator, at the same time so everyone is using work of another to make the production ready model

Anonymous No. 1009125

>In a production like that you don't do everything yourself.
Correct, but the art you produce is not your art; it is the teams art.

>you can't be the concept artists, sculptor, 3d modeler and texture artist, rigger and animator, at the same time
Yes you can. You're a character artist outside of big studious you'll be the actual creator of your work.

>you are shrink-wrapping your mesh targeting something
Whatever euphemism you are using to trace out the shape of existing geometry that was handed to you you're not doing something
that requires artistry.You are performing a useful production procedure but in this role you're a technician, not an artist.

Way I'd view my own work: If I do concept art, Sculpting, modelling, texturing, animation; That is me doing art drawing on my artistic ability

If I'm UV-mapping, retoplologizing, transfering weights, skinwrapping, shrinkwrapping etc, that is me doing something very algorithmic in nature
I'm a technician operating a tool that'll perform most of the work for me. I could substitute myself with any well trained monkey for same outcome.

>For rigging you need to trace bones, are riggers tracers?

It very much depends on how you approach it. If you are creating custom rigs that are bespoke to the characters you create, such that they
mesh with your geometry like a intentionally designed unified system that fits like a hand in a glove; that's a higher order of craftsmanship alltogheter.

You can do that I'll view you as something of a higher order than any mere artist, in addition to your artistry you are now an architect/engineer of sorts.
The number of skills you need to obtain to become a real one, not some wannabe fake rigger (a bonafide 'thug rigger' if you will) that's top streetcred.

On the flip side if you are using a ill-fitting skeleton you randomly stuck into the volume of your geo as an afterthought
or using crappy autoriggers etc that you then attempt to go clean-up; You're just a hack.

Anonymous No. 1009140

>Yes you can. You're a character artist outside of big studious you'll be the actual creator of your work.
Ops character is obviously a game ready character in a big production, if you have to go outside of a production character to have an argument you are proving my point
>you're not doing something
that requires artistry
Completely irrelevant to the point, not everything is art on a 3d model, if that was the case we'll end up with a 10million sculpture and that's it
>Whatever euphemism you are using to trace out the shape of existing geometry that was handed to you
It's called specialized terminology, you should try it once, instead of using foreign words that nobody uses in the industry.
>Way I'd view my own work: If I do concept art, Sculpting, modelling, texturing, animation; That is me doing art drawing on my artistic ability
I hope you don't use textures and hand paint everything, if not you will be a bit of an hypocrite. So you hand paint concrete, bricks, sand etc, even when the result needs to be realism? That sounds like nobody will work with you ever if I need to wait until you paint a normal map of a concrete texture...
>On the flip side if you are using a ill-fitting skeleton you randomly stuck into the volume of your geo as an afterthought
Every production the size of OPs example has riggers. But if you want to go outside of a production and talk about someone who uses a rig just for posing a character for a render you are completely insane.
I hope you also code the raytracer for your renders if not you are just a hack

You should learn how these type of productions work before talking nonsense, at least if you want to talk this nonsensical superiority of painting your own sand normal maps from scratch you at least should use technical terminology, because apart from your nobody uses the term tracing a 3d model
I should start using the term embroidery when I stitch UV maps. Because terminology is subjective after all

Anonymous No. 1009142

Anon do you trace a lot of 3d models for a job? You kinda give off the vibe of someone who might be tracing a lot of models.

If some asshole on the internet (me) is looking down their nose on what you are doing as something less worthy, what is that to you?
Just let go of it, not everybody needs to respect you for tracing/shrinkwrapping/scanning/clean-up your models by tracing that geometry you didn't create yourself.

Anonymous No. 1009143

>Ops character is obviously a game ready character in a big production

I have no idea where that is from, plenty of people makes art like that for themselves as personal projects.
Once you know how to do AAA type graphics it's not like you forget how to do that when you make a pieces privately for yourself.

Character artists best 'game ready' art there is typically isn't their production models either.
Quality people make for their pet projects to post on their ArtStation and whatnot often eclipse what they make for a production where they'll
A) be less enthusiastic about the subject matter handed to them and B) under time constraints to deliver results in a timely manner.

My own greatest work certainly isn't my commercial pieces. When you make something commercially you are typically not pushing the envelope.
You're performing at a level you're already mastered going thru familiar motions implementing stuff you aleady know how to do.
The work you build to push the envelope is a lot slower as it's experimental and dependent on you breaking down walls you've yet to scale.
Doing work like that for productions is not economically viable as you're on the clock and expected to perform.

Anonymous No. 1009149

I personally use a lot of embroidery on my 3d models, but first I fillet my mesh before I marinate my textures.

You are not an asshole, you are clearly a newbie who doesn't know what is talking about, I got that you feel like you know everything because you made your first doughnut but the world don't charge just because you want to make definitions broader.
Your kind make definitions useless, you started with sex and gender, now is 3d?
How are we going to communicate if definitions mean whatever you want them to?

The difference between you and me is that I work on the industry and you clearly do not. I can't use made up terms without sounding like a retard in front of my peers.
I don't know what you are trying to discuss about, OP image is clearly from a game, I work as an art director and never in my life I've seen a piece presented like that. Is obvious to everyone (I hope) that those are screenshots and not a piece for artstation.
>Character artists best 'game ready' art there is typically isn't their production models either.
Disagree, my best work was when I worked on a Korean mmo and I was passionate about it. Work is not like that anon, you can't be apathetic to every job you have, and if you are, well.. you are the problem with the industry.

Anonymous No. 1009152

>you are clearly a newbie who doesn't know what is talking about
I'm a 20 year veteran in this field.

>Is obvious to everyone (I hope) that those are screenshots and not a piece for artstation.
So? Many people are making videogames. Unity and unreal has been around for like a decade for any of us to use at this point.

>you are the problem with the industry.
I left 'the industry' several years ago, I'm independent now and 10x happier for it.

>I worked on a Korean mmo
R you the artist behind Op's image then? That why you so salty? If so you may pardon my lewdness but I just called it as I saw it.
It doesn't make sense to me someone would have such eye for anatomy when it comes to select facial feature and model the rest so comparatively naively.
Granted I don't know that chinese people aren't into elongated coca-cola cans for thighs and calf but I've watched many episodes
of 'the china show' on YT and it seems to me them chink ladies have about as shapely legs as anywhere else.

Anonymous No. 1009162

>I'm a 20 year veteran in this field.
I'm more than 28 years, and it seems weird to me that in 20 years you didn't learn specialized terminology for your field of work.

>So? Many people are making videogames
You keep moving the goal post, yes everyone can do a videogames, you were talking about a pet project on artstation

>I left 'the industry' several years ago
As far as I know even several years ago nobody called retopology tracing or texture projection tracing.

>R you the artist behind Op's image then?
I told you that I've worked on a Korean mmo, this is clearly Chinese. Two different countries you know...
>Granted I don't know that chinese people aren't into
Yes, that's obvious to me, since you can't differentiate china from Korea, but it's my work as an art director to know that shit and I can assure you that going to any Chinese social media you will get bombarded with Chinese women using filters to lengthen their legs

Anonymous No. 1009174

Stop wasting your time with this idiot.

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Anonymous No. 1009184

> elongated coca-cola cans for thighs
> using filters to lengthen their legs
As a gooner I noticed this. Basically Miku type elongated body with extra long thin straight legs is a very popular thing in chinese media.
Korea I think stands in between China and Japan here, probably closer to China. If anyone knows better please share your findings.

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Anonymous No. 1009186

Oh and regarding this part, I'll just say I see a lot of japanese girls with this exact type of knees. I kinda feel the effort here been put into making it look this way.

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Anonymous No. 1009188

Bros I'm 1 year and 1 month long in this field. I'm gonna drink since I forgot to celebrate my anniversary.

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Anonymous No. 1009189

This is my shit from year ago kek.

Anonymous No. 1009193

Yeah seems that was no lie, just googled it. Weird AF. Why on earth would they want to have disproportionate legs?
Like the 'tall super model' look with long slender legs can look good but those women have the stature to support such a build.
You can't steal one body part from someone with a way different overall figure and stick it onto yourself and have it work.

Bet these crazy ass people are gonna start doing those macabre leg-extension surgeries that some vertically challenged nutcases where into.

Where the hell did this originate?

Anonymous No. 1009197

> Where the hell did this originate?
Idk maybe it's something about comparing and contextualizing themselves with western beauty standards, maybe it's about wanting to overcome naturally small height. Anyway, it's not that much dissimilar to pumped lips which is a worldwide phenomenon. And in ancient China there also already was a precedent for something related ( ), which itself is not that dissimilar to western practice of corsets (except the fact that foot binding was way more traumatic). Hopefully modern women won't try to ruin their legs in new ways.

Anonymous No. 1009198

>pumped lips

It's like stupid people always latch on to the most surface level understanding of why something is attractive and misunderstands it.

Like how natural full lips are attractive but you can't just inject shit into your lips and have them appear as a set of natural full lips.
The anatomical structure of people with large lips make them articulate and move correctly with the face because the tissue is connected the same
way as in yours but overall has more volume and or shapely structure

if someone walked in and wanted bigger lips a ethical plastic surgeon would say:
"No, it'll just make you look like you where stung by a hornet, it'll require advanced cybernetics from the next century to give you bigger lips you crazy bitch."

I hope these retards stick to their phone filters, but I mean wtf they show up to hook up someone and they'll look like the low-rider variant of the girl in the picture. They absolutely won't be able to hide this so why the fuck go there in the first place, it makes zero sense.

Anonymous No. 1009209

Yeah, I know it's a waste of time, I just do it so newbies don't pick up terminology from someone who clearly doesn't know what he's talking about.
Yes, those 3 cultures have certain things in common, like weight and skin colour, but for beauty traits they deviate a bit, Chinese tend to elongate their legs with filters to appear taller, they even sell belly button stickers to make your torso look smaller compared to your legs,
Koreans prefer smaller heads, it's so common in Korea and that is a compliment to tell someone that has a smaller head.
Yes I could not see anything wrong with it, the stylisation of the features Chinese people like it's on point.
Because different cultures have different standards of beauty and exaggerating those proportions is the primary way to get an appealing character. I assume you are western, so if the character had bigger hips and thighs you wouldn't even think about it, but women in your culture inject fat on their ass and use implants and it's a normal procedure.

Anonymous No. 1009215

Did you retopo a existing models you didn't make yourself to add them lips like anon said tho?

Anonymous No. 1009217

Stop being a sore loser, everyone can see through your bullshit. At least learn some 3d terminology before larping having 20 years of experience. Oh and learn some geography too, so you don't mix China with Korea

Anonymous No. 1009222

>sore loser
What did I lose?

>Oh and learn some geography too, so you don't mix China with Korea

Why do I have to satisfy some Japanese art director for Taiwanese mobile games who don't know how to trace models?

Anonymous No. 1009303

>What did I lose?
The game
>Why do I have to satisfy some Japanese art director for Taiwanese mobile games who don't know how to trace models?
Learn geography, not for me the Japanese art director, do it for you, to better yourself so you don't look like a retard in real Life looking for the great wall of china on japan

Anonymous No. 1009325

> on japan
That would be _in_ Japan. Japan is a collection of multiple islands and you can't be 'on' all of them at the same time.
Perhaps you need to brush up on your linguistics so you understand how to employ words like 'trace' and the spatial relationship between great walls and their foundations?

Anonymous No. 1009346

But can you find them in a map?
And can you find another human being in this earth who calls cleaning photogrammetry data tracing?, I don't think so. The point is clear, you are trying to hide behind a typo the fact that you lack knowledge of 3d, proper terminology, industry standards, industry workflow, eastern cultures and geography.

>you understand how to employ words like 'trace'
No matter how much I practice my English I'll never use the word trace when projecting a mesh into photogrammetry data because I don't want to sound as retarded as you, but I will use the word embroidery as I hand paint my normal maps because using textures is not for artists and it's definitely tracing. Making up terminology makes me feel like a real artist with 20 years of experience.

Anonymous No. 1009347

Meanwhile in reality if I told even a highlevel sperglord to trace out a selection around X in photoshop not a single one of them would
fly to their feet twerking their nipples while screaming how it's called lasso tool! and making a seleciton outlines!½ in triumphant declaration.

Some words predates these tools all together and we've inherited a trove of terms that is just every day vernacular for doing X in anything.
perhaps it's your limited exposure to the language as an ESL that makes this so difficult for you to grasp.

If you're fluent in a language you'll throttle your terminology to fit the audience, when I address someone who asks a question on a anonymous
messageboard I don't know their background.

Articulating a response in accessible language that anyone can understand whether they've used these tools for five years or five minutes has utility.
The word 'trace' is not some obscure term to your average English speaker.

Anonymous No. 1009368

>if I told even a highlevel sperglord to trace out a selection around X in photoshop
Exactly, because you are talking about 2d, and that term is commonly used for describing a 2d path, but if you use it on a 3d environment it completely changes the definition, because tracing refers to find out the intersect of a 3d object with a plane, something that you may call as ray tracing, path tracing, surface tracing...
If you're fluent in a language you'll throttle your terminology to fit the audience
Except that we are on /3/ and it's specifically for 3DCG, also using terminology that is incorrect just because you think that some anon would not understand it is only making it worse, what about if that anon wants to learn more about the subject? Try to find more information about cleaning photogrammetry data or projecting using the term tracing a 3d model and show me how much you find on the internet.
>perhaps it's your limited exposure to the language as an ESL
Or perhaps you lack knowledge on terminology and try to find a common word to describe it, but without knowing end up mixing up terminology used in 2d .
I know 5 languages and in all of them trace it can't be used as a synonym for either trajectory path or a 3d curve and I quote from your first post
> has been using elements from a scanned or traced model
A scanned model needs to be retopologised for use in animation and maps are baked from the photogrammetry data, being normal maps diffuse or albedo maps etc.
So even using it on the context of your first post doesn't make sense.
Cleaning photogrammetry is not called tracing a model, retopology is not called tracing a model and baking textures is not called tracing a model.
You are using the word tracing as a deviant art user would use the word, as copying the trace of a 2d illustration.

Anonymous No. 1009377

stfu mouthbreathers

Anonymous No. 1009378

or pyw

Anonymous No. 1009388

Go watch tiktok kid, adults are talking