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Anonymous No. 1008819

What's a good low poly texture workflow for Blender?

It feels inefficient to make them in Photoshop then save them then check them in Blender then have to eyeball what to fix and go back to Photoshop and hope I'm addressing the issues, is there something that would streamline this a bit? Blender's own texture painter is complete ass for low res/pixel art textures

Anonymous No. 1008826

iirc older versions of blender could be used for pixelart (thank you Pablo, you dumbass)

Anonymous No. 1008828

You should invent something that can paint directly. Oh wait IT EXISTS ALREADY:

Anonymous No. 1008844
Is exactly what you're looking for, but you'll have to use aseprite. Its really good if you just wanna paint pixel art textures.
Substance painter is a much better option if you're going for a less precise lowres look or just wanna have all the perks of a proper texturing software. You can also get pixel8r for it.
Also i think blender's going to change brush size setting to use diameter in 5.0, so you'll be able to paint single pixels.

Anonymous No. 1008857

>Pribambase's creator abandoned the project due to its scope and time requirements.
This is why blender sucks, plugins don’t last and Blender breaks it.

Anonymous No. 1008861

>uv unwrap you mesh to hyper optimised pevels like in op pic.
>take screen shots of your mesh from different angles. cardinal as well as from diagonal views.
>save those camera positions with key frames.
>paint over the screen shots in a 2d art program. be methodical about continuity between the angles.
>project your paintings onto the mesh at the corresponding angles, and bake each one seperetely.
>take the resulting textures back into 2d and place them in seperate layers. go through each one masking away parts of the texture that look warped. keep the best parts of each projection.
>flattent the whole thing and then clean up details.