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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 1009405

*teaches you nothing*

Anonymous No. 1009415

Let's see your donut

Anonymous No. 1009519

There isn't a single good tutorial on Blender, they're all awful

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Anonymous No. 1009522


Just skip straight to playlists and links in the description if you dont want to listen to this guy but he also points some great non-youtube resources to check. Fucker's compiled a gold mine.

Anonymous No. 1009537

The chair fag didn't learn anything because he can't even make a doughnut

Anonymous No. 1009541

I tried to follow his tutorial series. Twice. Months apart. But I can't seem to get it

Anonymous No. 1009546

familiarizes you with many parts of the interface and teaches you a little bit of many parts of blender
has you actually make something instead of making you listen to words for 40 minutes straight while you learn nothing

Anonymous No. 1009641

There are a lot of beginner's tutorials that also do that while being themed around character modeling or other things you actually want to do. Why would you learn to make a doughnut when you could go look at what you actually want to make and learn 90% of what you'd learn with the doughnut plus a lot of domain specific stuff the doughnut tutorial doesn't teach. There's a reason why so many people fail to complete it despite it literally being a case of you following exact instructions with no deviation. It's because 3d modeling programs are confusing to newcomers and you need the motivation to overcome these hurdles if you are to succeed. The doughnut does not provide this, because no one of sound mind gets into 3D modeling to create a doughnut.
I'm a relative newcomer to 3d, so I remember well what the doughnut tutorial did for me (jack and shit). Blender Guru and the other popular blender channels did not help at all, if anything they held me back by instilling methods that are not generally applicable and severely limit what you are capable of. I learned far more from an australian chick with 10k subs and a bad microphone box modeling an anime chick than I did from every "model a TANK in LOW POLY in FIVE MINUTES!?!?!?" combined. The doughnut is, at best, a mediocre tutorial teaching you how to move the viewport around and maybe move a few verticies. At worst it is a gateway drug into opening blender once a month, trying to follow a tutorial, and then closing blender again.

Anonymous No. 1009642

it's a donut so it teaches you edit mode controls like face snapping, sculpting, texture painting, the modifier stack, lighting and rendering
if you tried to do all that for a character in a tutorial it'd be like 8 hours long

Anonymous No. 1009643


I couldn't even follow the viewport navigation and that's all I wanted going in. Just how to navigate the 3d space and how to manipulate objects to make cool shit. I was only doing 2d professionally so I wanted to get into doing texture work on models that I built or sculpted out, not fumble around with confusing spider-web nodes without knowing what I was even doing. But of course the last thing I remember him doing was shilling NFT bullshit.

People like him are reddit geishas. They always have the most insufferable ball-washing basedfaces following them

Anonymous No. 1009697

8 Hours? That'll be a cheap looking character