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Anonymous No. 1009572

is there any real source for insight on how to implement vertex weight proximity modifiers in blender like this?

Anonymous No. 1009575

>blender is litrally houddini
maya paypigs on suicide watch

Anonymous No. 1009576

source of the webm?

Anonymous No. 1009577


Anonymous No. 1009611

Examples of sources you consider not to be real?

Anonymous No. 1009612

anything that's just heresay on a forum, which i guess this falls under.

Anonymous No. 1009619

Are any of those imaginary bad sources in the room with us?

Anonymous No. 1009620

>asking if a bad source exists
are you slow or something

Anonymous No. 1009767

>so i dont 3d model and i dont make effects. i really just wanted to post a webm and kind of loke pretend that i made it so i could act superior to anyone responding to my thread. can /3/ help me out?

Anonymous No. 1009782

holy projection, how do you even reach there from what he posted