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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 1009602

Is there anyone that can make better 3D anime girls than seismic?

not being trolling, serious curious if there's anyone at this level.

Anonymous No. 1009609

Provide a link motherfucker

Anonymous No. 1009633

seismic is just the first one who got it right imo
nowadays theres quite a few
custom udon (loli only) most notably is really good at translating the henreader style into high quality cg

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mina ass.png

Anonymous No. 1009639


Anonymous No. 1009651

Why the fuck are you polluting with new threads when there's already a fucking anime thread?

Anonymous No. 1009918

Why the fuck are you getting mad about it? I'm fucking surprised gookmoot hasn't axed this slow ass board to save a few more pennies.